All products All All Lilies (Lillium family) Alliums (Ornamental) Amaranth (Flowering) Amaryllis Amazing Lesser Known Fall Bulbs Anemone Annuals and Tender Perennials AOA Hybrid Lily Arugula Asian Greens Asiatic Lilies Asparagus Asters Autumn Flowering Crocus Bachelor Buttons Bare Root Perennials Basil Beans Bearded Iris - Fall Bearded Iris - Spring Beets Begonias Black is always Trendy Bonnie’s Favorites Botanical Tulips Broccoli Brussels Sprouts Bulbs for Containers Bunch Flowering Daffodils Bunch Flowering Tulips Bush Beans Butterfly Daffodils Cabbage Calendula Calla Lillies Canna Carrot Cauliflower Celery Celosia Chamomile Chard Chionodoxa Chives Cilantro Cleomes Cold Hardy Plants Zone 1, 2, 3, or 4 Collards and Mustards Columbine Corn Cosmos Cotton Cowpea Cress Crocosmia Crocus Cucumber Cumin Daffodils & Narcissus Dahlia Seeds Dahlias Daisy Darwin Hybrid Tulips Daylily - Hemerocallis Deer, Rabbit and Rodent Resistant Dianthus Dill Double Daffodils Double Early Tulips Double Late Tulips Driftless Artisans Dutch & Specie Iris Dwarf Iris Collection Echinacea Edibles - Bare Roots, Garlic, and more Eggplant or Aubergine Emperor Tulips Endive Fall Flowering Crocus Fall Peonies (Bare root) Fall Planted Specialty Fall Planting Garden Bulbs Fava Beans Fennel Film Supplies & Vintage Film Firefly Farm & Mercantile Packed Seeds Flower Mixes Four-O-Clocks Foxglove Freesias Fringed Tulips Garden Bulbs for Containers! Garden Peony (lacftiflora) Garden Special Order Garden Tools, Accessories and Gifts Giant Allium Gift Boxes Gifts - Holidays, Birthdays and everything else Gladiolus Gourds Grains Green Tulips Gregii Tulip Ground Cherries Hardy Perennial Plant Starts and Plugs Hardy Perennials Hibiscus Hollyhocks Hot Peppers Hyacinth Hyssop Imperial Fritillaria Indigenous American Seeds Inside Winter Bulbs Itoh Peonies Jonquilla Daffodils Kale Kohlrabi LA Hybrid Lily Large Cupped Daffodils Large Flowering Crocus Larkspur Latest Arrivals - Flowers Latest Arrivals - Vegetables Lavender Leek Lettuce Lilies for Fall Lily - OT Hybrids Lily Flowering Tulips Lima Beans Lupine Marigolds Martagons Medicinals - Popular Herbs with Medicinal Properties Melon Microgreens Miniature Allium Miniature Daffodils Miniature Tulips Mint Mixed Collection Mixed Collection Mixed Daffodils Mixed Tulips Moon Gardens Morning Glory Muscari Mustard Mystery Seed Options Nasturtium Native Bulbs & Plants Native Flowers Native Grass Mixes Native Grasses Native Pollinator Flower Mixes Nature’s Nitrogen Fixers! Nicotiana (Flowering Tobacco) Nigella Often Overlooked Fall Favorites Okra Onions Orach Oriental Lilies Other Flower Seeds Other Unique Lilies Other Vegetable Seeds Overlooked Hardy Perennials Pansy & Viola Paperwhites Parrot Tulips Parsley Parsnips Pastured-Raised Poultry & Meat Patio Peonies Peas Peonies Peony (All) Peppers Pole Beans Pollinator Flower Mixes Poppy Popular Culinary Herbs Popular Spring Bulbs for Warm Climates (Zones 7-11) Pumpkins and Squash Radish Ranunculus Reblooming Bearded Iris Rose Lilies Roses (Local Pick up Only) Runner Beans Rutabagas Sage Salvia Scabiosa Seed Collections Gift Packs Seeds - Flowers Seeds - Herbs Seeds - Native Flowers and Grasses Seeds - Vegetables Sensory Garden Collection Shallots Single Early Tulips Single Late Tulips Small Cupped Daffodils Snapdragon Snowdrops Something Green.... in honor of Carson Dyke Sorghum Sorrel Southern Favorites (Fall Planting) Soybean Species Crocus Spinach Spring Planting Bulbs Spring Planting Specialty Bulbs Sprouts Squash and Pumpkins Standard Bearded Iris Stock Strawberries, Alpine Sunflowers Surprise Lilies Sweet Pea Flowers Sweet Peppers Tall Allium Tea Herbs Thyme Tiger Lily Tomatillo Tomato Tree Peony Triumph Tulips Trumpet Daffodils Trumpet Lily Tulips Tulsi Turnip Vegetable Seed Collections Vegetable Starts (Pick Up Only or Pre Orders for Special Event Verbenas or Vervains (all) Vervain (Native) Vining Annuals Watermelon Zinnias Zucchini
Organic Garlic Bulbs for Seed Garlic - Hardneck & Softneck $9.49
Local Organically Grown Garlic Quick Picks (2 bulbs) - Last year so many folks enjoyed our garlic and gave us great feedback. This year we expanded our local organically grown garlic and now offer 13 varieties for the 2024 season for what grows in the Driftless. All garlic listed here as a winter hardiness to Zone 4.  BULK GARLIC CLICK HERE - Looking for Bulk Garlic, we have 8 Jumbo Bulbs packs as well Garlic is a wonderful addition to our gardens. It is found in just about every household in America. It is very easy to grow in most of the United States. Our seedstock would be considered Large to Jumbo around 2” unless we have it noted. We only sell garlic that is excellent quality seed-stock. We then open our culinary stock up once we have sorted all of our harvests.  All of our organic garlic is grown locally in the Driftless Region where we live, while the conventional garlic comes from various sources around the US. While our garlic is certified garlic we are working toward acquiring our USDA organic handling license and will have it for the 2025 season.  We ship in mid to late September, depending on the variety. Please contact us to see what we have in stock  There are 3 types of garlic to choose from: Hardneck, Softneck, and Elephant.  Here is the lowdown on what this means so you can choose the best one for you and your family.  Types of Garlic Hardneck - Cold Hardy to Zones 3-7 (and colder), Produces Garlic Scapes, Produces less cloves than softnecks but is generally larger, it stores for 3-5 months after harvest Softneck - Great for warm areas (zones (8-9) as they don't need the cold to make cloves, store for up to 9 months, smaller than hardnecks. Our varieties are hardy to zone 4. Elephant - Not really a garlic but an allium that possesses garlic like flavors. A clove can take 1-2 years to split into cloves. Plant in the fall or cooler season for areas with no frosts.  Very large cloves with mild garlic flavors.  Growing Instructions: For those in zones 3-7, plant garlic about 2-4 weeks before your first hard frost (not your first frost, but your first hard killing frost).  Garlic needs about 4-8 weeks to root in and grow before the ground freezes.  Plant 4" Deep Space 6-8" apart Mulch with 2-4" of straw, wood chips or other organic mulch, but refrain from pine straw or cedar chips.  Weed often as garlic hates competition Hardnecks produce a garlic scape (flower) that should be harvested before the flower fully develops. This increases the bulb size.    
Tulips - Pre-Chilled and ready to plant! from $6.99
Tulips are Ready!  Choose below from the varieties now shipping!  Still Shipping - I think our last shipping day will be 3/10.  When ordering, please write in the note section (or email or call us) and let us know the date you’d like them by.  Simply plant in their new homes, keep cool (under 40 degrees to root in well for at least 3 weeks) water and they will be popping up in no time!  Pots are not included. Choose from this fun varieties. We did all the work chilling them for you.   
Monthly Mystery Seed Collection from $9.49
Looking for that unique gift or just want to be surprised each month, then our Monthly Mystery Seed Collection is for you.  For every month of your selection, I will send you at least 2 different types of seeds. Choose from 1, 3, or 6 months. This will delight new and experienced gardeners alike. Gardeners will get all their packets at one time so they can follow my advice or they can go their own way.  For each Month’s Envelope You Will Receive 2 to 3 packets, ranging from Flowers, Veggie or Herbs. We stock a wide range of seeds and try to customize it for your location of where the package is going. If you have any special requests, kindly just let us know in the notes section when ordering the Mystery Seed Collection.  If this is a gift for someone, please use the gift functionality during checkout. We can wrap gifts for you or just send a note. We like to help make gifts feel special.  We do ship all seeds at one time but in a separate envelope. This is to save on shipping and in case you wanted to see all the seeds sooner to get them in the ground. When sending 2-3 types of seeds each month, gardeners also like the option of being able to plan their garden versus receiving so many each month. We do offer a Monthly Subscription Giftset where we will send 1 pack of seeds each month. Click here
8mm KODAK Style Film Press Tapes, Presstapes for Movie Film Splicing: New Stock 8mm Presstapeso $7.99
We are out of stock but more will be on the way. NEW fresh stock 8mm Press Tapes Splicing Tape.  Use for adding leader, film repair, or splicing small reels of film on to larger reels. This is the easiest way to splice your  films.  Easy to use and works great! The printing head that stamped 8mm, Super 8 or 16mm presstapes is broken and has been deemed not repairable at this time. As such presstapes will be distributed without the distinctive writing we have all come to love. It is still made in America on the same old wonderful machines engineered by Kodak.    The photo is of one package.  One package is 40 tapes, which will allow you to make 20 splices.  Check YouTube for how to apply, or see my pictures for application instructions (We are a bit nostalgic and wanted to use the original Kodak instructions). Any type of splicer can be used with Presstapes. Manufactured in the USA
Hungarian Paprika Pepper (Sweet), 1500's Heirloom, Organic $3.50 $3.75
A 1500's heirloom and perhaps the most popualr pepper used for paprika and drying. This seedstock originally came from Hungary, where the paprika pepper has been developed to its finest quality. This strain has excellent color and sweet, spicy flavor. 3 ft. plants produce an abundance of 1½ x 4½ in. peppers. Fruit shows some susceptibility to sunscald and blossom-end rot, but is otherwise an excellent variety. The fruits keep well. The sweet, very dry flesh is ideal for drying. Grind dried fruits for a superb paprika seasoning. 70 days. Characteristics  Fruits ripen from white to orange to red Fruits grow to 5 inches Excellent paprika pepper 70 days from transplant for white, up to 90 days for red .3 grams of seed - ~65 Seeds per packet Instructions - Sow seeds indoors ¼” deep. Peppers germinate best in warm soil, so gentle bottom heat may be helpful until seedlings emerge. Wait to transplant outdoors until the soil is warm. Sow indoors 8 weeks before the last frost Plant Rows 12-24” Apart Germinates in 14 days Full Sun    Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute based on supplier availability
Pepper Sweet Hungarian Magyar Paprika, Heirloom, Organic, $3.34 $3.59
Renee's Garden - We import this variety from Hungary where it is widely recognized for making top-quality sweet paprika. These early ripening plants produce heavy yields of slender, pointed, 4-inch crimson-red peppers. Once harvested, simply dry them and grind them into sweet paprika spice powder that offers wonderful, rich, full-bodied flavor and is an excellent source of vitamin C. You’ll be pleased with how easy and rewarding it is to grow your own.  Characteristics:  Heirloom  Rich, full-bodied paprika spice  65 seeds on avareage, .3 gram   Instructions - In early spring, start indoors about 6-8 weeks before nights stay reliably 50-55°F (10-13°C). Sow seeds 1/4 inch deep and 1 inch apart in the seed starting mix. Keep moist but not soggy, and very warm at 80°F (27°C). Provide a strong light source until seedlings are ready to plant outside. When seedlings are 2 inches tall, transplant them into 4-inch pots. Keep at 70-75°F (21-24°C). Feed with half-strength fertilizer every week until the weather is warm enough to acclimate seedlings to outdoor conditions. Transplant 2 feet apart into rich soil in full sun. Paprika peppers need warm conditions. Don’t transplant outdoors until nights stay above 55°F (13°C). Prepare the soil well with aged manure or compost. Plant only robust seedlings with well-developed roots. Mulch plants to maintain even soil moisture. Keep well weeded, watered, and fertilized.  Sow seeds indoors from February-March  10-28 days to germinate Transplant outdoors in full sun from May-June  Mature Height: 2.5 - 3 feet  Transplant to Harvest: 72 days  Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute suppliers due to availability. 
Super 8 KODAK Style Film Press Tapes, Presstapes for Movie Film Splicing: New Stock Super 8 presstapes $7.99
NEW fresh stock Super 8 Press Tapes Splicing Tape.  Use for adding leader, film repair, or splicing small reels of film on to larger reels. This is the easiest way to splice your films.  Easy to use and works great! The printing head that stamped 8mm, Super 8 or 16mm presstapes is broken and has been deemed not repairable at this time. As such presstapes will be distributed without the distinctive writing we have all come to love. It is still made in America on the same old wonderful machines engineered by Kodak.  The photo is of one package.  One package is 40 tapes, which will allow you to make 20 splices.  Check YouTube for how to apply, or see my pictures for application instructions (We are a bit nostalgic and wanted to use the original Kodak instructions). Any type of splicer can be used with Presstapes. Manufactured in the USA
Seminole Pumpkin, 1500's Heirloom, Organic $3.25 $3.75
Our latest shipment arrives 6/3 and all oending orders will be sent then! We will have a follow up shipment about 6/10 as this has gained in popularity.  A very sweet squash or pumpkin and is a great choice for hot and humid areas. The fruits are 6-8" and bell-shaped pumpkins and will keep for 1 year at room temperature. 95 days. Characteristics:  Organic Very sweet Stores for 1 year 90-100 days ~20 Seeds per packet, 2 grams Instructions - Sow seeds outdoors in 12" diameter hills after danger of frost has passed. Hills should be spaced 6' apart in all directions. Can also be started indoors 3 weeks before transplanting out.  Direct Seed: 1" Deep Seeds to Hill: 6-8 Seeds Thin: To 3-4 Plants Light: Full Sun Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute based on supplier availability
Ranunculus Purple (Ranunculus Aviv) from $5.99 $7.99
Ranunculus are a favorite bride's flowers and yet gardeners shy away from these very easy flowers.  You simply treat them as begonia but for full sun conditions. They are exceptional in garden beds and stunning in containers. The blooms are full and the foliage is lush. The blossoms are adored by bees and butterflies.  They are hardy to USDA Zones 8-10 only and will be need to be lifted or protected in other climates.  Characteristics 3-5" Blossoms on 12-14" Tall Stems USDA Zones 8-10 (Hardy in these zones, lift and store in winter in other zones) Blooms in spring for Zones 8-10, and in mind to late summer for all other zones.  You can start in containers earlier in the season or simply enjoy them as they bloom.  Full Sun Pink blooms Additional Information Great for Borders, Cutting Gardens, and Containers Key Planting Tips Plant 2-3" Deep, 4-6" apart.  Water when planted and keep them watered throughout their growing season.  Shipping Information Ships starting in October, and we tend to stop shipping in March. 
Bulk Organic Garlic Bulbs for Seed Garlic - Hardneck, Softneck $29.00 $35.00
Local Organically Grown Garlic in bulk options or bulbs unless noted - Last year so many folks enjoyed our garlic and gave us great feedback. This year we expanded our local organically grown garlic and now offer 13 varieties for the 2024 season for what grows in the Driftless. All garlic listed here as a winter hardiness to Zone 4.  Garlic is a wonderful addition to our gardens. It is found in just about every household in America. It is very easy to grow in most of the United States. Our seedstock would be considered Large to Jumbo around 2” unless we have it noted. We only sell garlic that is excellent quality seed-stock. We then open our culinary stock up once we have sorted all of our harvests.  All of our organic garlic is grown locally in the Driftless Region where we live, while the conventional garlic comes from various sources around the US. While our garlic is certified garlic we are working toward acquiring our USDA organic handling license and will have it for the 2025 season.  We ship in mid to late September, depending on the variety. Please contact us to see what we have in stock  There are 3 types of garlic to choose from: Hardneck, Softneck, and Elephant.  Here is the lowdown on what this means so you can choose the best one for you and your family.  Types of Garlic Hardneck - Cold Hardy to Zones 3-7 (and colder), Produces Garlic Scapes, Produces less cloves than softnecks but is generally larger, it stores for 3-5 months after harvest Softneck - Great for warm areas (zones (8-9) as they don't need the cold to make cloves, store for up to 9 months, smaller than hardnecks. Our varieties are hardy to zone 4. Elephant - Not really a garlic but an allium that possesses garlic like flavors. A clove can take 1-2 years to split into cloves. Plant in the fall or cooler season for areas with no frosts.  Very large cloves with mild garlic flavors.  Growing Instructions: For those in zones 3-7, plant garlic about 2-4 weeks before your first hard frost (not your first frost, but your first hard killing frost).  Garlic needs about 4-8 weeks to root in and grow before the ground freezes.  Plant 4" Deep Space 6-8" apart Mulch with 2-4" of straw, wood chips or other organic mulch, but refrain from pine straw or cedar chips.  Weed often as garlic hates competition Hardnecks produce a garlic scape (flower) that should be harvested before the flower fully develops. This increases the bulb size.    
Luffa - or Loofah, Gourds $3.25 $3.35
We have upgraded to an Organic Seed from Southern Exposure Seed Exchange for the same price. This is a top seller for us and we heard how important organic was and jumped at the chance when we saw it offered.  Loofahs are members of the gourd family, originally from China. These handsome trailing vines can be grown on a fence or trellis or allowed to ramble at garden edges. Growing loofahs look like wrinkly big cucumbers. At season's end, when dry and mature, the rinds are simply peeled, revealing their sponge-like fibrous interior. Loofahs make marvelous skin scrubbers for stimulating circulation and improving skin tone in the bath or shower. Home-grown Loofahs make wonderful holiday gifts! Characteristics:  Organic Good skin scrubbers  110 days  3 grams or ~20 seeds    Instructions - Several weeks before last spring frost, sow seeds 1 in. deep in individual pots of seed starting mix. Keep warm and moist and provide a strong light source. When seedlings are well established and nights stay above 55°F (13°C), acclimate to the outdoors. Transplant at sunny garden edges to ramble, or 12 inches apart along a sturdy fence or trellis to climb and form a lush canopy. Plant In: April - June  Full Sun Plant 12 inches apart Plant 1" Deep 7-10 days to germinate  Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute suppliers due to availability. 
Winter Bulbs, Pre-Chilled and ready to plant! $8.99
Choose from an assortment of Winter Bulbs. Our Hyacinth, Daffodils, Muscari (Grape Hyacinths) and tulips have been chilled and are ready to go! Give us a call at 608.632.5914 for questions. The daffodils and tulips we use for these options are the shorter options so you have greater flexibility. You can also place notes right next to the item for any preferences and we will do our best to accommodate.  I’ll have a separate listing up for tulips and daffodils as we had so much interest for these.  Simply plant, water and they will be popping up in no time!  Daffodils and Muscari will be reliable enough to come back year after year in your garden and. And be planted in the spring time. Pots not included. Colors will be assorted but we try to limit it to the same color per order for the straight run options.  Flower Bulb Counts 10 Mixed Flower Bulbs (Tulips, Daffodils, and Hyacinths)  4 Hyacinths 5 Daffodils 7 Tulips 11 Muscari  - SOLD OUT 7 Giant Snowdrops - SOLD OUT    
Turkey Craw Pole Bean $3.75
Our 2025 Seedstock is arriving soon! Get your pre-orders in. The Seed Exchange - Collected in regions of Virginia, North Carolina, and Tennessee, this variety’s original seed is reported to have been found in a wild turkey’s craw. As they mature, the stringless 6" pods enclose attractive brown seeds with tan flecks and brown eye rings. Used as a snap bean or a dry bean; excellent canned or frozen. From the Wanigan Associates Collection organized by the late John Withee. Pole habit, snap or dry, 80-100 days. ±1,100 seeds/lb. Pole bean Open-Pollinated Stringless pods Brown beans with tan flecks Snap or dry bean 80-100 days 50 Seeds per packet Instructions - Sow seeds outdoors after the danger of frost has passed and soil and air temperatures have warmed. Harvest snap beans frequently for increased yields. Leave some pods on the vine and harvest when completely mature for dry beans. Direct Seed 2" apart Plant 1" deep Support using Trellis, tepee, or fencing Full sun  We are always adding new varieties so please check back often at Seeds - Vegetables (
Christmas Pole Lima Bean, 1840 Heirloom from $3.00
Christmas Lima - Also knowns as Large Speckled Calico, this variety was first cultivated in the United States around 1840 and produces beautiful, quarter-sized, fat white seeds with maroon spots and swirls.  It has a rich flavor and can be used as shell lima bean or dry bean.  Heavy yields, bears even during extreme heat. Pole habit, 75-100 dys.  Pole bean Large Maroon and White Speckled Seeds Performs well in extreme heat Shelling and Dry bean 75-100 days 50 seeds per packet  Instructions : Lima beans thrive in hot temperatures. Sow seeds outdoors after the danger of frost has passed and soil and air temperatures have warmed. Seeds will germinate in 7-18 days. Limas prefer full sun.  Direct Seed 2" apart Planting Depth 1" Rows Apart: 36-48" Full Sun
Snowdrops - Galanthus Single 'Woronowii' 1810 Heirloom from $8.99 $59.99
Snowdrops help herald the return of Spring. They are very persistent and even a late snowfall will not that stop them. Often paired with crocuses. They have a slight fragrance so plant them by your walkways.  They also can be used for arrangements. After a long winter, it is nice to pick a bouquet from your own backyard.  'Woronowii' was introduced around 1810 and are practically deer and rodent proof.  Plant them around crocuses, tulips or other bulbs and flowers that the deer, rabbits, chipmunks and other critters like to munch on.  Just like crocuses, they don’t even need a flowerbed as they will be long gone when it is time to mow your lawn.  A natural technique is to take a few bulbs and just toss them in front of you – then plant where they land! USDA Zones 3 – 8 Late Winter to Early Spring Bloom Duration: 2 weeks Cold Hardy Prefers Partial Shade  Bloom Color: White Additional Information Great for Naturalizing, Borders, Mass Plantings, and Rock Gardens 5” tall Key Planting Tips Simply plant 3” deep.  You can plant tulips or daffodils under crocuses for a layering effect. Unlike other bulbs that can wait a little to be planted, plant Snowdrops right away once you get them.  We ship mid September to mid October.  
Dahlia Clearance $5.00 $7.99
SOLD OUT - It’s time to clear out the dahlias! All dahlias have been sorted and checked for eyes or shoots. Order from this link and it’s just $5 per dahlia. Some are tubers and some are clumps - we trim and check everything. I will be packing mutliple times of day and will close them out when quanities get close. If you want to see pictures, please look for them on our site. Snowbound is very close to Snow Country as we got that one in for some special plantings.  5/31 is our goal to end dahlia season so get those orders in today. Our last dahlia orders go out this week.  All stock from Holland as our farm raised ones are sold out.  (Dahlia shown is one we raised locally and not for sale anymore). 
Alpine Pineapple Strawberry $3.45 $3.99
Renee's Garden - These special Alpine Strawberries produce a multitude of plump, 1-inch pointed pastel yellow berries with the delectable flavor and aroma of pineapples and roses. The mounding little strawberry plants with their bright green leaves are rugged, easy to grow, and do not set runners. Alpine strawberries begin bearing their first season, offering gemlike little fruits all summer, and plants will grow larger and return every season. Indulge yourself by pairing “Pineapple” with our red fruiting “Mignonette” for a perfect summer duet.  Characteristics:  Pastel yellow berries  Perennial  Delectable flavor  The aroma of pineapples and roses  Approx 250 seeds   Instructions - In spring, sow seeds 1 inch apart and 1⁄8 inch deep in a container of fine seed starting mix. Maintain at 60–70°F (16-21°C) and provide a strong light source. Keep evenly moist but not soggy. Be patient, seeds can take 14 to 28 days to germinate. Feed young seedlings every 2 weeks with half-strength fertilizer. When they have several sets of leaves, transplant them 3 inches apart into a deeper container or individual pots so root systems have room to develop. When 3 inches tall, gradually acclimate to outdoor conditions and plant 8-10 inches apart in fertile soil in full sun or partial shade in very hot climates.  Plant in: February - April  Full sun or partial shade Plant 1/8 inch Plant 1 inch apart 14-28 days to germinate Mature Height: 6-8 inches  Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute suppliers due to availability. 
San Marzano Tomato, pre 1700's Heirloom, organic $3.50 $4.00
San Marzano Tomato - This is the most sought often sauce tomato around the world. Its intense flavor and bountiful production of fruit makes it popular for home gardeners and chefs alike. We source seeds from High Mowing Organics, Southern Exposure Seed Exchange, and The Living Seed Company - all based on availability.  Organic Bright red fruits grow to 8-12 ounces Fruits vary in shape from oxheart to plum Juicy and meaty flesh Excellent for sauce or fresh eating Indeterminate - Fruit ripens throughout the season 80-90 days from transplant ~At least 20 Seeds, sometimes 35 or more Instructions - Sow seeds indoors ¼" deep. Tomatoes are sensitive to freezing temperatures, so wait to transplant outdoors until the soil is warm. Plant in full sun. Sow indoors 6-8 weeks before last frost Germination 7-14 days Plant apart 24-36"  Plants need trellising or staking Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute suppliers based on availability
'Cafe Au Lait' Dahlia (Dinnerplate) from $8.99 $10.99
'Cafe Au Lait' Dahlia (Dinnerplate) The blossoms hues of whites and pinks will brighten your landscape and arrangements. We provide them in clumps the majority of the time. Sometimes they will be stand alone with necks and eyes depending on the season’s harvest.   The Cafe Au Lait Dahlia's height is around 40" Dinnerplate Dahlias are awesome additions to any garden. They provide structure and color to any garden with minimal effort. They do rather well in the back of your beds because of their size or even in stand-alone rows. They reward gardeners with an abundance of blooms starting in mid to late summer through frost.  Typically they are not bothered by diseases and have attractive foliage until frost.  Characteristics 40" tall Blooms are 8-12” wide USDA Zones 8-10 (Hardy in these zones, lift and store in winter in other zones) Summer to Fall Bloom Duration: Continuous Blooms through frost starting in mid to late summer Full Sun Additional Information Great for Specimen, Mass Plantings, Borders, and Cutting Gardens. Great for butterflies and other pollinators Ships starting in mid to late March (weather dependent) Key Planting Tips Plant in full sun with tuber 6-7” deep with the crown 1-2” below the soil.  Space Decorative dahlias about 3’ apart from any neighbor. Plant when the soil is 60 degrees, well past any frost danger. Dahlias love soil that is close to neutral and do ok in slightly acidic or slightly alkaline. You can amend soil with 10-10-10 or something similar. Just make sure the first number (nitrogen) is 5 or 10. You can fertilize every 4 weeks to help achieve large blossoms. Don’t water until the Dahlia sprouts. If your soil is very dry, water the soil first and then let it stand for 30 minutes before planting. Mulch around your plant leaving bare dirt directly above the tuber. You will see sprouts in 7-10 days.  We are currently transitioing to grow all of our Dahlia stock. We exepct to offer some varitities starting in 2024 but will continue providing imported stock until we complete our domestic plan to raise them.. Dahlias are imported from 3 growers in Holland for us. These growers have supported us for years and have limited issues.  Once we receive our dahlias we wake them up to hand inspect each and every tuber.  Every tuber is inspected by me (Andre Paquette) and then hand packed for shipment.  In case of any issues, we reach our proactively to go over options. If you have any questions hit the Chat with Us Now button simply reach out by email or a phone call. 
Amaryllis Belladonna (Belladonna Lily), Naked Lady, Surprise Lily, southern climates from $4.99
Amaryllis Belladonna thrive in the heat and don't mind humidity. They are great for containers or in your garden beds.  They are carefree and take very little care. They bloom in the heat of summer and then will shoot up leaves. For this reason we bring in the largest bulbs we can find and they should be planted right away.  They are hardy to USDA Zones 7-11 only and will be need to be lifted or protected in other climates.  We offer these for sale in Spring, Fall, and Winter. The latest harvest arrives 9/15 or so. Characteristics 24-36" tall  USDA Zones 7-11 (Hardy in these zones, lift and store in winter in other zones) Blooms all summer Full Sun to Partial Shade Additional Information Great for Borders, Cutting Gardens, and Containers Not bothered by deer, rabbits or other wildlife Key Planting Tips Belladonna should be planted just under the soil line and space 6-10" wide. Water after planting.   Shipping Information We will ship these starting in October and it goes until March or so, sometimes longer if we have them.  We get our new stock at the end of September 
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