Broad Windsor Fava Bean, 1863 Heirloom, Both Organic & Conventional Available

$3.25 $4.00 -19% OFF


Conventional 2 oz (~40 seeds) Organic 1 oz (~20 seeds) Conventional 1 lb (~320 seeds)

Broad Windsor Fava Bean, 1863 Heirloom, Both Organic & Conventional Available

$3.25 $4.00 -19% OFF
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Conventional 2 oz (~40 seeds) Organic 1 oz (~20 seeds) Conventional 1 lb (~320 seeds)
Product description

Broad Windsor Fava Beans - A cool season favorite! Fava beans are used all over the world and are incredibly versatile. They are a favorite for us as it is great to start sowing as soon as the ground unfreezes. Typically the soil is 40 degrees for the best time to sow. The plants can withstand freezing temps but to help germinate it is ok to cover to trap some additional heat. 

Yes, Grilled Fava Beans are a thing!  This heirloom fava bean is a favorite and has stood the test of time. each pod contains 6-8 beans on average. Beans can be prepared in so many ways - fresh beans are often grilled (my personal favorite), steamed or sauted, while dried beans are your in soups, dips, and roasted

  • Organic or Conventional Available
  • Bush type Bean (2-4' tall plants so some trellising can be helpful
  • 85 day

Instructions - Fruits must set before temps reach 70 degrees. This variety is often planted whent he ground is workable.  It does not need much protection, but any protection will help it grow and set pods faster. In mild climates, plant in the fall or in cold climates, plant whent he soil is workable. 

  • Direct Seed 4-6" apart
  • Planting Depth 1"
  • Thin 6" apart

This an easy seed to save too! 

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