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Bunch Flowering Tulips
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Butterfly Daffodils
Calla Lillies
Cold Hardy Plants Zone 1, 2, 3, or 4
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Daffodils & Narcissus
Dahlia Seeds
Darwin Hybrid Tulips
Daylily - Hemerocallis
Deer, Rabbit and Rodent Resistant
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Driftless Artisans
Dutch & Specie Iris
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Fall Peonies (Bare root)
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Fall Planting Garden Bulbs
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Firefly Farm & Mercantile Packed Seeds
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Gregii Tulip
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Hardy Perennials
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LA Hybrid Lily
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Runner Beans
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Small Cupped Daffodils
Something Green.... in honor of Carson Dyke
Southern Favorites (Fall Planting)
Species Crocus
Spring Planting Bulbs
Spring Planting Specialty Bulbs
Squash and Pumpkins
Standard Bearded Iris
Strawberries, Alpine
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Sweet Peppers
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Tea Herbs
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Trumpet Daffodils
Trumpet Lily
Vegetable Seed Collections
Vegetable Starts (Pick Up Only or Pre Orders for Special Event
Verbenas or Vervains (all)
Vervain (Native)
Vining Annuals
Antigua Bush Bean, Organic
High Mowing Organic Seeds - Seeds were originally obtained from the Arikara tribe of North Dakota and introduced in Oscar Will’s Pioneer Indian Collection of seeds (1914). Yellow-tan seeds with red-brown eye-rings. Excellent for use as a baking bean. Prolific plants, good drought tolerance. Bush habit, dry, 80-90 days
Bush beans
Yellow-tan seeds with red-brown eye ring
Good drought tolerance
Excellent used as a baking bean
Dry bean
80-90 days
50 seeds
Instructions - Sow seeds outdoors after the danger of frost has passed and soil and air temperatures have warmed. Harvest dry beans when the pods are completely mature and dry.
Direct Seed 2" apart
Planting Depth 1"
Plant Rows Apart 36"-48"
Disease Resistance DetailsHigh Resistance: Anthracnose, Bean Common Mosaic VirusIntermediate Resistance: Halo Blight
Firefly Farm may substitute seed vendors based on availablity.
Arikara Yellow Bush Bean, pre-1800’s Heirloom
Seed Exchange - Seeds were originally obtained from the Arikara tribe of North Dakota and introduced in Oscar Will’s Pioneer Indian Collection of seeds (1914). Yellow-tan seeds with red-brown eye rings. Excellent for use as a baking bean. Prolific plants, good drought tolerance. Bush habit, dry, 80-90 days
Bush beans
Yellow-tan seeds with red-brown eye ring
Good drought tolerance
Excellent used as a baking bean
Dry bean
80-90 days
50 seeds
Instructions - Sow seeds outdoors after danger of frost has passed and soil and air temperatures have warmed. Harvest dry beans when the pods are completely mature and dry.
Direct Seed 2" apart
Planting Depth 1"
Plant Rows Apart 36"-48"
Bert Dean's Baking Bean, 1897 Heirloom
The Seed Exchange - This bean’s longtime steward—Stephen Deane of Wayne, Maine—described it as “the finest variety of large, white baking bean that anyone here has ever had.” Ideal for baking and making soup, the kidney-shaped bean (developed by Stephen’s Uncle Bert) has a mild flavor as well as a light, “fluffy” texture and cooks quickly. Plants reach 1-1.5' tall and mature mid-season; each pod has 4-5 seeds and measures 5-6" long when fully expanded. Bush habit, dry. 80 days to dry beans. Organic.
From the Collection for 2022
Bush bean
White kidney-shaped bean
Light "fluffy" texture cooks quickly
Dry bean
Bush habit
80 days
Instructions - Sow seeds outdoors after the danger of frost has passed and soil and air temperatures have warmed. Harvest dry beans when the pods are completely mature and dry.
Direct Seed: 2" Apart
Seed Depth: 1"
Rows Apart: 36-48"
Light: Full Sun
Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute suppliers based on availability
We are always adding new varieties so please check back often at Seeds - Vegetables (
Black Turtle Black Bean, Organic
Southern Exposure Seed Exchange - Black Turtle Black Beans are a wonderful addition to any garden. They have been around for centuries and can weather almost any climate. They are popular in Cajun, Latin, and Creole cuisine as dried beans.
Certified Organic
Especially well-suited to the South-East
From Small Farms
Instructions - Sow seeds outdoors after the danger of frost has passed and soil and air temperatures have warmed. Harvest dry beans when the pods are completely mature and dry.
Direct Seed: 2" Apart
Seed Depth: 1"
Rows Apart: 36-48"
Light: Full Sun
Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute seed vendors from time to time because of the availability
Black Valentine Bush Bean, 1897 Heirloom
The Seed Exchange - Introduced in 1897 by Peter Henderson & Company. Shiny black seeds in 6" pods. A great dual-purpose variety, use for fresh snap beans or dry soup beans. Prolific and dependable. Tolerant of cool temperatures. Bush habit, snap or dry, 50-55 days. ±1,300 seeds/lb.
Bush bean
Black seeds
Prolific and dependable
Cool-weather tolerant
Snap or dry bean
50-55 days
50 Seeds per packet
Instructions - Sow seeds outdoors after the danger of frost has passed and soil and air temperatures have warmed. Harvest dry beans when the pods are completely mature and dry.
Direct Seed: 2" Apart
Seed Depth: 1"
Rows Apart: 36-48"
Light: Full Sun
Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute suppliers based on availability
We are always adding new varieties so please check back often at Seeds - Vegetables (
Blue Lake Bush Snap Bean, Organic
Southern Exposure Seed Exchange - A vigorous bush-producing round straight pods with fine flavor. Prolific. Resistant to bean mosaic virus. 15-18 in. plant with mostly stringless 6-8 in. pods. Excellent for freezing or canning.
Certified Organic
Especially well-suited to the South-East, popular from coast to coast.
Snap Bean
1 oz, ~50 seeds
Instructions - Peppering seeds with inoculants before sowing helps ensure good growth. Beans may benefit from a source of soluble nitrogen (if your soil is low in nitrogen) during the first 3 weeks until nitrogen-fixing nodules develop, but do not apply nitrogen after this period. Dark-seeded beans are more resistant to rotting in cool soil than light-seeded beans. Beans need a minimum soil temperature of 65 degrees F to germinate well, otherwise, seeds may rot. Plant every 3 weeks for a steady supply. For snap beans, pick before seeds fill the pods. Keep well picked so that plants continue to bear.
Well-drained garden soil; do best in soils with pH above 6.0.
After the last frost, plant seeds 1 in. deep
Plant 2 in. apart
Rows: 12-18 in. apart
Thinning: 4 in. apart
Avoid watering the plants in the evening.
Mulch plants to prevent rain from splashing dirt on beans.
Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute seed vendors from time to time because of the availability
Bountiful Bean, 1898 Heirloom
Seed Exchange - In 1898 Abel Steele of Ferguson, Ontario won a $25.00 prize for naming this new variety from Peter Henderson & Company, previously known as “New Green Bush Bean No. 1.” Heavy crops of excellent quality, brittle, stringless 6-7" pods. Productive plants grow up to 18" tall. Sprawling bush habit, snap, 45-50 days
Bush bean
Sprawling bush habit
Stringless pods
Extremely productive
Snap bean
45-50 days
50 seeds
Instructions - Sow seeds outdoors after danger of frost has passed and soil and air temperatures have warmed. Harvest frequently for increased yields.
Direct Seed 2" apart
Planting Depth 1"
Trellis, Fence, or Tee-Pee
Rows 36-48" apart
Broad Windsor Fava Bean, 1863 Heirloom, Both Organic & Conventional Available
from $3.25
Broad Windsor Fava Beans - A cool season favorite! Fava beans are used all over the world and are incredibly versatile. They are a favorite for us as it is great to start sowing as soon as the ground unfreezes. Typically the soil is 40 degrees for the best time to sow. The plants can withstand freezing temps but to help germinate it is ok to cover to trap some additional heat.
Yes, Grilled Fava Beans are a thing! This heirloom fava bean is a favorite and has stood the test of time. each pod contains 6-8 beans on average. Beans can be prepared in so many ways - fresh beans are often grilled (my personal favorite), steamed or sauted, while dried beans are your in soups, dips, and roasted
Organic or Conventional Available
Bush type Bean (2-4' tall plants so some trellising can be helpful
85 day
Instructions - Fruits must set before temps reach 70 degrees. This variety is often planted whent he ground is workable. It does not need much protection, but any protection will help it grow and set pods faster. In mild climates, plant in the fall or in cold climates, plant whent he soil is workable.
Direct Seed 4-6" apart
Planting Depth 1"
Thin 6" apart
This an easy seed to save too!
Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute suppliers based on availability
Burpee's Stringless Green Pod Bush Bean, 1894 Heirloom
The Seed Exchange - Introduced in 1894 by W. Atlee Burpee who obtained its stock seed from N. B. Keeney & Son of Genesee County, NY. Burpee proclaimed it the only totally stringless green podded bean. Produces pods that are 5" long. Bush habit, snap, 46-50 days. ±1,100 seeds/lb.
Bush Bean
Stringless pods
Snap bean
46-50 days
50 Seeds per pack
Instructions - Sow seeds outdoors after danger of frost has passed and soil and air temperatures have warmed. Harvest frequently for increased yields.
Direct Seed 2" apart
Plant 1" deep
Plant Rows 36-48" apart
Full Sun
Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute suppliers based on availability
We are always adding new varitities so please check back often at Seeds - Vegetables (
Calypso Bush Bean, Heirloom
Seed Exchange - Originally from the Caribbean. One of the best for baking and soups. Round black and white seeds with contrasting eye borne heavily on strong 15" plants. Averages 4-5 seeds per pod. Adapts well to all types of production areas. Bush habit, dry, 70-90 days
Bush bean
Black and white seeds
Adapts well to all types of production areas
Dry bean
70-90 days
50 seeds
Instructions - Sow seeds outdoors after danger of frost has passed and soil and air temperatures have warmed. Harvest dry beans when the pods are completely mature and dry.
Direct Seed 2" apart
Planting Depth 1"
Rows 36-48" apart
Celine Bush Bean, Organic
Vibrant, dark to light purple wax beans with contrasting yellow interior.
High Mowing Organic Seeds - Tasty and juicy beans with a strikingly bright, magenta color and wonderful tenderness. These are the first purple wax beans on the market. Plants are healthy producers of uniform beans on robust, bush habit plants. Incredible as a stand-alone bean variety or mixed with other colors for specialty appeal. Brighter and more of a brilliant purple than most other purple bean varieties and tender enough to be enjoyed raw. Developed by Dr. John Hart of EarthWorks Seeds. Light tan seeds. This variety is Plant Variety Protected
Bush beans
Magenta color
4.75-5.5" pods
Instructions - Sow seeds outdoors after the danger of frost has passed and soil and air temperatures have warmed. Harvest dry beans when the pods are completely mature and dry.
Direct Seed 2" apart
Planting Depth 1"
Plant Rows Apart 36"-48"
Disease Resistance DetailsHigh Resistance: Bean Common Mosaic Necrosis Virus (US1)
Firefly Farm may substitute seed vendors based on availablity.
Compass Filet Bush Bean, Organic
High Mowing Organic Seeds - Perfectly uniform, straight beans on upright, vigorous plants.
The vertical plant growth allows for easy harvest of multitudes of perfect, uniform beans. Beans are medium to dark green with excellent texture and flavor. A standout in our trials field for yields, uniformity and harvest ease. Best filet beans our trials team has encountered. From Holland-Select Seed Company. White seeds.
Upright plant habit
Easy harvest
5-6" pods
100 seeds
Disease Resistance DetailsHigh Resistance: Anthracnose, Bean Common Mosaic Virus, Halo Blight
Instructions -
Beans only require average fertility and prefer pH in the 6.0 - 6.8 range. Choose well-drained, warm soils and use inoculants to increase yields where natural Rhizobia populations are low. The optimal soil temperature for germination is 75-95°F. Beans are particularly sensitive to cool soils and are prone to rot if temperatures are below 55°F.
Harvest early and often to increase yields. Remove oversized beans to maintain pod production. Beans are ready for storage when the seed coat can not be dented by a fingernail. Store beans in a cool dry place.
Sow 1-2" Deep
Space 6" apart in rows; use single or double rows with 12" between, and 4' center beds with trellis in the middle
Days to maturity are from direct seeding after all danger of frost has passed
Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute seed vendors from time to time because of the availability
Dragon Langerie or Dragon's Tongue Bush Bean, Organic (2024 only)
Unique purple-streaked white pods, also known as Dragon’s Tongue.
High Mowing Organic Seeds - Popular for eating fresh as a snap bean with super flavor and crispness - a clear winner in our taste tests. Streaks fade when cooked. Versatile variety also makes a great shelling bean or dry bean. Purple seeds.
6-8" flat pods
55-60 days
1 oz of seeds (100 on average)
Instructions - Sow seeds outdoors after 2-3 weeks of last frost as beans do like the ground to be warmer. Plan to support with trellis or stakes, even though it is a bush bean, the plant likes the extra support.
Direct Seed 2" apart
Planting Depth 1"
Plant 36-48" apart
Firefly Farm may substitute based on availability
Dragon's Tongue Bush Bean
Seed Exchange - With exceptionally crisp and juicy pods, this Dutch wax bean bears large 6-8" cream-colored pods with vivid purple mottling that fades when beans are cooked. Pods are stringless and wide. Compact, high-yielding plants. Bush habit, wax, 55-60 days.
Bush bean
Large cream and purple pods
Stringless pods; exceptionally crisp and juicy
Wax bean
55-60 days
50 seeds
Instructions - Sow seeds outdoors after 2-3 weeks of last frost as beans do like the ground to be warmer. Plan to support with trellis or stakes, even though it is a bush bean, the plant likes the extra support.
Direct Seed 2" apart
Planting Depth 1"
Plant 36-48" apart
Empress Bush Bean, Organic
Seed Exchange - Our very best snap bean for fresh eating, freezing, or processing, the Empress bean offers incredible flavor. The vigorous plants produce heavy yields of large, straight, green, 5-6” stringless pods. Plant in succession for fresh beans throughout the season. Introduced by Gurney’s in 1979 as Experimental Bean 121 and later renamed Empress. Bush habit, snap, 55 days
Our best fresh-eating snap bean
Bush habit
5-6" stringless pods
Heavy yields
Snap bean
55 days
50 seeds
Instructions - Sow seeds outdoors after danger of frost has passed and soil and air temperatures have warmed. Harvest frequently for increased yields.
Direct Seed 2" apart
Planting Depth 1"
Rows 36-48" apart
Envy Soybean, Organic
The Seed Savers Exchange - Developed by Professor Elwyn Meader at the University of New Hampshire and released in 1977. Upright 24" plants produce an abundance of all-green beans, excellent quality. Great short-season variety. 75-85 days. ±2,700 seeds/lb.
Green seeds
Plants grow to 24 inches
Excellent flavor
Great short-season variety
75-85 days
50 seeds per packet
Instructions - Sow seeds outdoors after the danger of frost has passed and soil and air temperatures have warmed. Soybeans can be used as edamame, fresh shell beans, or dry beans.
Direct Seed: 2" Apart
Seed Depth: 1"
Rows Apart: 24-36"
Light: Full Sun
Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute suppliers based on availability
Fava Bean Sweet Lorane, Organic
The Living Seed Company - A small seeded fava bean with a big delicious taste. Selected by Steve Solomon for great flavor. Favas are wonderful cover crops and this one is also excellent for your culinary adventures. Has a superb flavor when eaten fresh. It is also a very good dry bean for soups, stews and the like. Very cold hardy, down to 10 degrees F.
Bush Bean
65-100 days
50 seeds
Instructions - Plant in fall in mild climates or plant as soon as the soil is workable as its hardy down to 10 degrees F.
Direct Seed 4-6" apart
Planting Depth 1"
Thin 6" apart
Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute suppliers based on availability
Fin de Bagnol Bush Bean, Heirloom
The Seed Exchange - This historic French string bean bears delicious, slender pods and does well in cool soil. This variety’s tiny gourmet green beans are best eaten when picked every 2 or 3 days, while still very young and before any strings develop. Bush habit, snap, 50-60 days. ± 1,1000 seeds/lb
Bush bean
Tolerates cool soil
Snap bean
50 Seeds per pacl
Instructions - Sow seeds outdoors after the danger of frost has passed and soil and air temperatures have warmed. Harvest frequently for increased yields.
Direct Seed 2" apart
Plant 1" deep
Plant Rows 36-48" apart
Full sun
Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute suppliers based on availability
We are always adding new varitities so please check back often at Seeds - Vegetables (
Fiskeby Soybean
from $3.45
The Seed Savers Exchange - Bred by the late Dr. Sven Holmberg in Fiskeby, Norrköpping, Sweden. Use fresh or dried. Highly nutritious—up to 40% protein, high in calcium, iron, and vitamins (particularly A, B1, B12, and C). Thrives in northern climates. 75-80 days.
Use fresh or dried
Thrives in northern climates
Highly nutritious
75-80 days
50 seeds per packet
Instructions - Sow seeds outdoors after the danger of frost has passed and soil and air temperatures have warmed. Soybeans can be used as edamame, fresh shell beans, or dry beans.
Direct Seed: 2" Apart
Seed Depth: 1"
Rows Apart: 24-36"
Light: Full Sun
Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute suppliers based on availability
Forrester Romano Bush Bean, Organic
Flat, medium green pods on 21" productive, bush habit plants.
Plants produce plentiful harvests of flat pods with rounded edges that are tender and smooth. Fruit set occurs high on the 21" tall bush, making for easy harvesting. This flat bean is known as a Kentucky Wonder type, which originally came out as a pole bean and was later developed into a bush bean. The pod is not as wide as the Roma II but it is thicker and juicier. White seeds. From Pure Line Seeds.
Vigorous bush
5.5-6" pods
1 ounce of seeds
Disease Resistance DetailsIntermediate Resistance: Halo Blight, Rust
Instructions - Sow seeds outdoors after 2-3 weeks of last frost as beans do like the ground to be warmer.
Direct Seed 1-5" apart
Planting Depth 1/2 -1"
Thin 3-5" apart
Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute suppliers based on availability