Australia Canna Lilies are grown for their lush and dark foliage. The leaves are thicker than most cannas and can stand up to winds and rains better than any other canna of their size. They do provide red-orange blossoms that hummingbirds and butterflies will flock to.
Cannas reward you with lush tropical foliage and standout blooms within a very short time period. Cannas are tropical bulbs and will need to be lifted in zones colder than Zone 8. They are easy to store and will bring your years of enjoyment. Cut the flowers for show stopping arrangements as this will help encourage blooms until frost. Canna bulbs are #1 size bulbs, some of the biggest on the market.
Additional Information
Shipping Time: We ship starting in March with some availability from our gardens in October and November.
Key Planting Tips
Plant in full sun with 6” deep. Space 2' apart. Plant when the soil is 60 degrees, well past any frost danger.
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