Dahlia Watercolor Silks Dwarf

$3.29 $3.39 -3% OFF

Dahlia Watercolor Silks Dwarf

$3.29 $3.39 -3% OFF
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Product description

Renee's Garden - Bred in Holland, these lovely decorative dahlias offer 1 1/2 to 2-foot plants with fully double, silky flowers in luminous watercolor shades of rosy coral, rich apricot, soft salmon, buttercream, and glowing lilac. Their beautifully patterned petals and painterly colors make natural bouquets in the garden and indoor bouquets. Perfect for large areas, borders, or showy containers, these strong, long-lasting performers bloom from summer through fall. Plants produce tuberous roots just like those offered in nurseries.


  • Heirloom Selective 
  • Great in containers
  • Butterfly favorites 
  • Pollinators & Beneficials 
  • Summer/fall bloom 
  • Frost tender

Instructions - To start early indoors, sow seeds 2 inches apart in containers of seed starting mix, 4 to 6 weeks before last spring frost. Cover 1/2 inch deep, keep moist and warm, and provide a strong light source until ready to plant outdoors. When the weather is warm and settled, acclimate seedlings gradually to outdoor conditions. Plant 8 inches apart.

To start directly outdoors, wait until the weather is warm and settled and night temperatures are above 50°F (10°C). Sow groups of 2 to 3 seeds 1/2 inch deep and 8 inches apart in well-worked, fertile soil. Cover lightly and keep the soil moist but not soggy while awaiting germination. When well-established, thin carefully, leaving single seedlings 8 inches apart, so plants have room to grow and bloom. Keep well-weeded and evenly watered.

Amend soil with compost or aged manure before planting in full sun. Feed plants monthly. Remove faded flowers to prolong bloom. These dahlias will produce little underground tubers after their first season of bloom; select your favorite blossom colors when in bloom, then multiply those plants by digging up the tubers in late fall to replant the next spring. To grow in containers, space seedlings 4 to 6 inches apart in containers that are at least 16 inches across and 16 inches tall.

  • Plant in April-June 
  • Full Sun 
  • Plant 1/2" deep 
  • Space 8" apart 
  • 7-14 days to germinate 
  • Mature height: 1-1.5 feet 

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