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Vining Annuals
'Rehmanni' Calla Lily
from $5.99
'Rehmanni' Calla Lilies are lovely in a border garden, by your mailbox, in your cutting garden, or just in a pot to enjoy. The pink calla lilly blossoms are wonderful additions to your garden. We always enjoy thinking of them as nature's teacups and enjoy these summer flowers.
Calla Lilies produce numerous blossoms atop wonderful lush foliage. Calla Lilies are hardy to USDA Zones 9-11 only and will be need to be lifted or protected in other climates.
18” tall
USDA Zones 9-11 (Hardy in these zones, lift and store in winter in other zones)
Summer to Fall
Bloom Duration: Continuous Blooms through frost starting in early summer
Full Sun to Partial Shade
Additional Information
Great for Borders, Cutting Gardens, and Containers
Ships starting in mid to late March
Key Planting Tips
Callas should be planted 4" deep and 6" apart. Wait for the soil to reach 65 degrees Fahrenheit. You can start inside in pots and transplant to the gardens to give them a head start.
'Schwarzwalder' Calla Lily
from $5.99
'Schwarzwalder' Calla Lilies are lovely in a border garden, by your mailbox, in your cutting garden, or just in a pot to enjoy. The deep purple, almost black, calla lily blossoms are wonderful additions to your garden. We always enjoy thinking of them as nature's teacups and enjoy these summer flowers.
Calla Lilies produce numerous blossoms atop wonderful lush foliage. Calla Lilies are hardy to USDA Zones 9-11 only and will be need to be lifted or protected in other climates.
18” tall
USDA Zones 9-11 (Hardy in these zones, lift and store in winter in other zones)
Summer to Fall
Bloom Duration: Continuous Blooms through frost starting in early summer
Full Sun to Partial Shade
Additional Information
Great for Borders, Cutting Gardens, and Containers
Ships starting in mid to late March
Key Planting Tips
Callas should be planted 4" deep and 6" apart. Wait for the soil to reach 65 degrees Fahrenheit. You can start inside in pots and transplant to the gardens to give them a head start.
'Tinilco Lily' Lilium Asiatic (Asiatic Lily, Lily Div 1))
from $14.79
'Tinilco Lily' Asiatic Lilies beautiful pinks and creams and blossoms will come in such abundance. The flowers stand 3' tall and are used on cut flower production, garden borders, and containers.
Our bulbs are 5” in circumference ( 12-14 cm) which makes them some of the biggest available.
USDA Zones 4-9 (Zone 3 with heavy mulch)
Mid-Summer flowering
Bloom Duration: 3 weeks
Cold Hardy
Full Sun
Bloom Color: Pinks and Creams
Additional Information
Great for Naturalizing, Mass Planting, Borders, & Cut Gardens.
30-36” tall
Shipping: We start shipping this one in Mid March.
Key Planting Tips Plant in full sun to partial shade, 6” inches deep with the tip pointing up. Space each bulb 4-6" apart. Well drained soil is essential.
Lilies have everything they need to get started, but you can place a teaspoon of bone meal in the soil before planting and use a low nitrogen fertilizer when the first leaves appear in Spring. We simply use compost and they do wonderful
'Tiny Poems' Lilium Asiatic, (Asiatic Lily, Lily Div 1)
from $13.99
Brand new on the market to small garden shops, Tiny Poems is sure to impress. We will be growing 100 of these out on our farm as I think the pink tips with nearly black interiors will be a hit. I am sorry we have not found a picture as it is new for us and very new to the U.S.A.
Asiatic Lilies are super easy to care for and are dependable bloomers year after year. Blooms are upright and look as if they are looking up towards the sun.
The Tiny Series provides countless blooms and are perfect containers.
USDA Zones 3-9 (Zone 2, 3 you should mulch to help with winter lows)
Mid-Summer flowering
Bloom Duration: 2 weeks
Cold Hardy
Full Sun
Bloom Color: Pink Tips with Black Centers
Additional Information
Perfect for Containers! Mass Planting, Borders, & Cut Gardens.
12-14” tall
Shipping: We start shipping in February and finish shipping in May or when we run out of our bulbs.
Key Planting Tips
Plant in full sun to partial shade, 4-5” inches deep with the tip pointing up. Space each bulb 4-6" apart. Well drained soil is essential.
Lilies have everything they need to get started, but you can place a teaspoon of bone meal in the soil before planting and use a low nitrogen fertilizer when the first leaves appear in Spring.
'Tiny Sklyline' Lilium Asiatic, (Asiatic Lily, Lily Div 1)
from $13.99
Tiny Skyline is a two tone orange lily from the popular Lily Looks series. Orange is a popular color in the garden for lilies and this one is going to be another favorite.
Asiatic Lilies are super easy to care for and are dependable bloomers year after year. Blooms are upright and look as if they are looking up towards the sun.
The Tiny Series provides countless blooms and are perfect containers.
USDA Zones 3-9 (Zone 3 you should mulch to help with winter lows)
Mid-Summer flowering
Bloom Duration: 2 weeks
Cold Hardy
Full Sun
Bloom Color: Two toned orange
Additional Information
Perfect for Containers! Mass Planting, Borders, & Cut Gardens.
12-14” tall
Shipping: We start shipping in February and finish shipping in May or when we run out of our bulbs.
Key Planting Tips
Plant in full sun to partial shade, 4-5” inches deep with the tip pointing up. Space each bulb 4-6" apart. Well drained soil is essential.
Lilies have everything they need to get started, but you can place a teaspoon of bone meal in the soil before planting and use a low nitrogen fertilizer when the first leaves appear in Spring.
Agapanthus Blue (African Lily) (2 per order)
Agapanthus Blue or African Lily blooms during some of the hottest months. They are great for containers or in the garden border and formal landscapes. An absolute must in southern gardens and is a knock out in containers for northern landscapes.
Agapanthus produce numerous blossoms atop wonderful lush foliage. They are hardy to USDA Zones 7-11 only and will be need to be lifted or protected in other climates.
32-36" tall
USDA Zones 7-11 (Hardy in these zones, lift and store in winter in other zones)
Blooms Mid to Late Summer
Full Sun to Partial Shade
Additional Information
Great for Borders, Cutting Gardens, and Containers
Ships starting in mid to late March
Not bothered by deer, rabbits or other wildlife
Key Planting Tips
Agapanthus should be planted 2" deep and 6" apart. Wait for the soil to reach 65 degrees Fahrenheit. You can start inside in pots and transplant to the gardens to give them a head start. Water immediately.
Alocasia Upright Plumbea Nigra, Giant Black Elephant Ear
Contrast in gardens can be everything and Alocaisa Upright Plumbea Nigra will do that for you. The massive dark leaves will capture your attention and help provide focal points and interest in your gardens.
They are hardy to USDA Zones 8-11 only and will be need to be lifted or protected in other climates.
32-48" tall
USDA Zones 8-11 (Hardy in these zones, lift and store in winter in other zones)
Full Sun to Partial Shade
Additional Information
Great for Borders, Cutting Gardens, and Containers
Ships starting in mid to late March
Not bothered by deer, rabbits or other wildlife
The picture shown is a similar Alocasia, Nigra Plumbea will be darker in color.
Amaryllis Belladonna (Belladonna Lily), Naked Lady, Surprise Lily, southern climates
from $4.99
Amaryllis Belladonna thrive in the heat and don't mind humidity. They are great for containers or in your garden beds. They are carefree and take very little care. They bloom in the heat of summer and then will shoot up leaves. For this reason we bring in the largest bulbs we can find and they should be planted right away.
They are hardy to USDA Zones 7-11 only and will be need to be lifted or protected in other climates.
We offer these for sale in Spring, Fall, and Winter. The latest harvest arrives 9/15 or so.
24-36" tall
USDA Zones 7-11 (Hardy in these zones, lift and store in winter in other zones)
Blooms all summer
Full Sun to Partial Shade
Additional Information
Great for Borders, Cutting Gardens, and Containers
Not bothered by deer, rabbits or other wildlife
Key Planting Tips
Belladonna should be planted just under the soil line and space 6-10" wide. Water after planting.
Shipping Information
We will ship these starting in October and it goes until March or so, sometimes longer if we have them. We get our new stock at the end of September
Ashley Cucumber, Organic
Southern Exposure Seed Exchange -Recommended for hot, humid areas where disease resistance is important. Good Downy Mildew resistance. Productive vines produce 7-8 in. dark-green fruits, tapered on the stem end. A popular variety in the Southeast. Pkt.
Organic and Open-Pollinated
Ideal for the South East and other areas where it is hot and humid
Good production
58 days
2 grams or ~60 Seeds per packet
Instructions - Sow seeds outdoors in 12" diameter hills after the last frost when soil is warm. Space hills 6' apart in all directions. Can also be started indoors 2-4 weeks before the last frost for an earlier harvest. Cucumbers benefit from consistent moisture. Provide support for vines to save space.
Direct Seed: 1" Deep
Seeds to Hill: 6-8 Seeds
Thin: To 3-4 Plants
Light: Full Sun
Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute suppliers based on availability
We are always adding new varieties so please check back often at Seeds - Vegetables (
Babiana Stricta Mix
Babiana Stricata is a wonderful warm loving plant. It will bloom every spring once established for about 4 weeks. It can also be raised in containers in northern areas - ideal for those that love to have something different and unique.
They are hardy to USDA Zones 8-11 only and will be need to be lifted or protected in other climates.
12" tall
USDA Zones 8-11 (Hardy in these zones, lift and store in winter in other zones)
Blooms Spring
Full Sun to Partial Shade
Additional Information
Great for Borders, Rock Gardens and Containers
Ships starting in mid to late March
Key Planting Tips
Babiana should be planted 2" deep and 6-10" apart and in a space that is well-draining. Water during the growing season only.
Brindisi Lily' Lilium LA (Longflorium - Asiatic Lily, Div VIII Lily)
from $9.99
Brindisi Lilies are an upright LA or hybrid longflorium asiatic lily with light pink flowers. They are predictable and the color seems to go with everything else. This makes them incredibly versatile.
Our bulbs are 5” in circumference ( 12-14 cm) which makes them some of the biggest available.
USDA Zones 3-9 (Zone 3 with heavy mulch)
Mid-Summer flowering
Bloom Duration: 3 weeks
Cold Hardy
Full Sun
Bloom Color:
Additional Information
Great for Naturalizing, Mass Planting, Borders, & Cut Gardens.
30-36” tall
Shipping: We start shipping this one in Mid March.
Key Planting Tips Plant in full sun to partial shade, 6” inches deep with the tip pointing up. Space each bulb 4-6" apart. Well drained soil is essential.
Lilies have everything they need to get started, but you can place a teaspoon of bone meal in the soil before planting and use a low nitrogen fertilizer when the first leaves appear in Spring. We simply use compost and they do wonderful
Candy Club Lily, (Orientpet or OT Hybrid Lily)
from $12.95
Candy Club Lily is availble every few years. The dark pink to red centers are surrounded by yellow hues whcih turn white as they mature. We loved having it before for our garden shop and we have enough to offer for shipping in the United States. Orientpets are super hardy and super productive lilies.
Our bulbs are 5” in circumference ( 16-18 cm) which makes them some of the biggest available which means more blooms!
Oreintpet or OT Hyprids are crosses between Oriental and Trumpet lilies.
USDA Zones 4-9 (Zone 3 with heavy mulch)
Mid-Summer flowering
Bloom Duration: 3 weeks
Cold Hardy
Full Sun
Bloom Color: Dark Pink/Red and Yellow/Cream
Additional Information
Great for Mass Planting, Borders, & Cut Gardens.
3-4" tall
Ships starting in Mid-March
Key Planting Tips
Plant in full sun to partial shade, 6” inches deep with the tip pointing up. Space each bulb 4-6" apart. Well drained soil is essential.
Lilies have everything they need to get started, but you can place a teaspoon of bone meal in the soil before planting and use a low nitrogen fertilizer when the first leaves appear in Spring.
Canna Cannasol 'Happy Carmen'
from $11.95
Canna 'Happy Carmen' - The Cannasol family is made specifically for pots. They provide blooms until frost and grow only to 22" in height. They are care free and are not bothered by deer, rabbits or other rodents.
Cannas reward you with lush tropical foliage and standout blooms within a very short time period. Cannas are tropical bulbs and will need to be lifted in zones colder than Zone 7. They are easy to store and will bring your years of enjoyment. Cut the flowers for show stopping arrangements as this will help encourage blooms until frost. Canna bulbs are #1 size bulbs, some of the biggest on the market.
18" - 22" tall
USDA Zones 7-11 (Hardy in these zones, lift and store in winter in other zones)
Summer to Fall
Bloom Duration: Continuous Blooms through frost starting in mid to late summer
Full Sun (some partial shade is ok)
Additional Information
Deer, Rodent, Rabbit and Squirrel Resistant
Great for Specimen, Mass Plantings, Borders, and Cutting Gardens.
Great for butterflies and other pollinators
Ships starting late March (weather dependent)
Key Planting Tips
Plant in full sun with 6” deep. Space 2' apart. Plant when the soil is 60 degrees, well past any frost danger.
Canna Cannasol 'Happy Cleo'
from $11.95
Canna 'Happy Cleo' - The Cannasol family is made specifically for pots. Happy Cleo has orange blooms and green leaves.. It will be a new one for us this year as we love a couple oother of the Happy series.
They provide blooms until frost and grow only to 22" in height. They are care free and are not bothered by deer, rabbits or other rodents.
Cannas reward you with lush tropical foliage and standout blooms within a very short time period. Cannas are tropical bulbs and will need to be lifted in zones colder than Zone 7. They are easy to store and will bring your years of enjoyment. Cut the flowers for show stopping arrangements as this will help encourage blooms until frost. Canna bulbs are #1 size bulbs, some of the biggest on the market.
18" - 22" tall
USDA Zones 7-11 (Hardy in these zones, lift and store in winter in other zones)
Summer to Fall
Bloom Duration: Continuous Blooms through frost starting in mid to late summer
Full Sun (some partial shade is ok)
Additional Information
Deer, Rodent, Rabbit and Squirrel Resistant
Great for Specimen, Mass Plantings, Borders, and Cutting Gardens.
Great for butterflies and other pollinators
Ships starting late March (weather dependent)
Key Planting Tips
Plant in full sun with 6” deep. Space 2' apart. Plant when the soil is 60 degrees, well past any frost danger.
Canna Cannasol 'Happy Emily'
from $11.95
Canna 'Happy Emily'
The Cannasol family is made specifically for pots. They provide blooms until frost and grow only to 22" in height. They are care free and are not bothered by deer, rabbits or other rodents.
Cannas reward you with lush tropical foliage and standout blooms within a very short time period. Cannas are tropical bulbs and will need to be lifted in zones colder than Zone 7. They are easy to store and will bring your years of enjoyment. Cut the flowers for show stopping arrangements as this will help encourage blooms until frost. Canna bulbs are #1 size bulbs, some of the biggest on the market.
18" - 22" tall
USDA Zones 7-11 (Hardy in these zones, lift and store in winter in other zones)
Summer to Fall
Bloom Duration: Continuous Blooms through frost starting in mid to late summer
Full Sun (some partial shade is ok)
Additional Information
Deer, Rodent, Rabbit and Squirrel Resistant
Great for Specimen, Mass Plantings, Borders, and Cutting Gardens.
Great for butterflies and other pollinators
Ships starting late March (weather dependent)
Key Planting Tips
Plant in full sun with 6” deep. Space 2' apart. Plant when the soil is 60 degrees, well past any frost danger.
Canna Cannasol 'Happy Isabel'
from $11.95
Canna 'Happy Isabel' is a wonderful flower that is deep pink in color. A very rare color for cannas and stays full all summer long. It is from the popualr virus free stock and is sought after for its nonstop blooms.
The Cannasol family is made specifically for pots. They provide blooms until frost and grow only to 22" in height. They are care free and are not bothered by deer, rabbits or other rodents.
Cannas reward you with lush tropical foliage and standout blooms within a very short time period. Cannas are tropical bulbs and will need to be lifted in zones colder than Zone 7. They are easy to store and will bring your years of enjoyment. Cut the flowers for show stopping arrangements as this will help encourage blooms until frost. Canna bulbs are #1 size bulbs, some of the biggest on the market.
18" - 22" tall
USDA Zones 7-11 (Hardy in these zones, lift and store in winter in other zones)
Summer to Fall
Bloom Duration: Continuous Blooms through frost starting in mid to late summer
Full Sun (some partial shade is ok)
Color is Dark Pink
Additional Information
Deer, Rodent, Rabbit and Squirrel Resistant
Great for Specimen, Mass Plantings, Borders, and Cutting Gardens.
Great for butterflies and other pollinators
Ships starting late March (weather dependent)
Key Planting Tips
Plant in full sun with 6” deep. Space 2' apart. Plant when the soil is 60 degrees, well past any frost danger.
Canna Cannasol 'Happy Julia'
from $11.95
Canna 'Happy Julia' - The Cannasol family is made specifically for pots. Happy Julia has red blooms and is a brown leaf canna. It will be a new one for us this season. They provide blooms until frost and grow only to 22" in height. They are care free and are not bothered by deer, rabbits or other rodents.
Cannas reward you with lush tropical foliage and standout blooms within a very short time period. Cannas are tropical bulbs and will need to be lifted in zones colder than Zone 7. They are easy to store and will bring your years of enjoyment. Cut the flowers for show stopping arrangements as this will help encourage blooms until frost. Canna bulbs are #1 size bulbs, some of the biggest on the market.
18" - 22" tall
USDA Zones 7-11 (Hardy in these zones, lift and store in winter in other zones)
Summer to Fall
Bloom Duration: Continuous Blooms through frost starting in mid to late summer
Full Sun (some partial shade is ok)
Additional Information
Deer, Rodent, Rabbit and Squirrel Resistant
Great for Specimen, Mass Plantings, Borders, and Cutting Gardens.
Great for butterflies and other pollinators
Ships starting late March (weather dependent)
Key Planting Tips
Plant in full sun with 6” deep. Space 2' apart. Plant when the soil is 60 degrees, well past any frost danger.
Canna Cannasol 'Happy Wilma'
from $11.95
Canna 'Happy Wilma' - The Cannasol family is made specifically for pots. Happy Wilma has pink blooms and mutli-colored leaves of brown and green. It will be a new one for us.
They provide blooms until frost and grow only to 22" in height. They are care free and are not bothered by deer, rabbits or other rodents.
Cannas reward you with lush tropical foliage and standout blooms within a very short time period. Cannas are tropical bulbs and will need to be lifted in zones colder than Zone 7. They are easy to store and will bring your years of enjoyment. Cut the flowers for show stopping arrangements as this will help encourage blooms until frost. Canna bulbs are #1 size bulbs, some of the biggest on the market.
18" - 22" tall
USDA Zones 7-11 (Hardy in these zones, lift and store in winter in other zones)
Summer to Fall
Bloom Duration: Continuous Blooms through frost starting in mid to late summer
Full Sun (some partial shade is ok)
Additional Information
Deer, Rodent, Rabbit and Squirrel Resistant
Great for Specimen, Mass Plantings, Borders, and Cutting Gardens.
Great for butterflies and other pollinators
Ships starting late March (weather dependent)
Key Planting Tips
Plant in full sun with 6” deep. Space 2' apart. Plant when the soil is 60 degrees, well past any frost danger.
Cape Lily Album (Crinum powellii Album), 1 Jumbo Bulb
Cape Lily Album blooms from mid to late summer. Their bright blooms brighten up shady areas. They are not bothered by wildlife.
They are hardy to USDA Zones 7-11 only and will be need to be lifted or protected in other climates.
24-36" tall
USDA Zones 7-11 (Hardy in these zones, lift and store in winter in other zones)
Blooms all summer
Full Sun to Partial Shade
Additional Information
Great for Borders, Cutting Gardens, and Containers
Deer and rodent resistant
Ships starting in mid to late March
Key Planting Tips
Crinum should be planted 6-8" and space 6-10" apart. Water after planting.
Cape Lily Rosea (Crinum powellii Rosea), 1 Jumbo Bulb
Cape Lily Album blooms from mid to late summer. The endless pink blooms brighten attract butterflies and hummingbirds.
They are hardy to USDA Zones 7-11 only and will be need to be lifted or protected in other climates.
24-36" tall
USDA Zones 7-11 (Hardy in these zones, lift and store in winter in other zones)
Blooms all summer
Full Sun to Partial Shade
Additional Information
Great for Borders, Cutting Gardens, and Containers
Deer and rodent resistant
Ships starting in mid to late March
Key Planting Tips
Crinum should be planted 6-8" and space 6-10" apart. Water after planting.