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All Lilies (Lillium family)
Alliums (Ornamental)
Amaranth (Flowering)
Amazing Lesser Known Fall Bulbs
Annuals and Tender Perennials
AOA Hybrid Lily
Asian Greens
Asiatic Lilies
Autumn Flowering Crocus
Bachelor Buttons
Bare Root Perennials
Bearded Iris - Fall
Bearded Iris - Spring
Black is always Trendy
Bonnie’s Favorites
Botanical Tulips
Brussels Sprouts
Bulbs for Containers
Bunch Flowering Daffodils
Bunch Flowering Tulips
Bush Beans
Butterfly Daffodils
Calla Lillies
Cold Hardy Plants Zone 1, 2, 3, or 4
Collards and Mustards
Daffodils & Narcissus
Dahlia Seeds
Darwin Hybrid Tulips
Daylily - Hemerocallis
Deer, Rabbit and Rodent Resistant
Double Daffodils
Double Early Tulips
Double Late Tulips
Driftless Artisans
Dutch & Specie Iris
Edibles - Bare Roots, Garlic, and more
Eggplant or Aubergine
Emperor Tulips
Fall Flowering Crocus
Fall Peonies (Bare root)
Fall Planted Specialty
Fall Planting Garden Bulbs
Fava Beans
Film Supplies & Vintage Film
Firefly Farm & Mercantile Packed Seeds
Flower Mixes
Fringed Tulips
Garden Bulbs for Containers!
Garden Peony (lacftiflora)
Garden Special Order
Garden Tools, Accessories and Gifts
Giant Allium
Gift Boxes
Gifts - Holidays, Birthdays and everything else
Green Tulips
Gregii Tulip
Ground Cherries
Hardy Perennial Plant Starts and Plugs
Hardy Perennials
Hot Peppers
Imperial Fritillaria
Indigenous American Seeds
Inside Winter Bulbs
Itoh Peonies
Jonquilla Daffodils
LA Hybrid Lily
Large Cupped Daffodils
Large Flowering Crocus
Latest Arrivals - Flowers
Latest Arrivals - Vegetables
Lilies for Fall
Lily - OT Hybrids
Lily Flowering Tulips
Lima Beans
Medicinals - Popular Herbs with Medicinal Properties
Miniature Allium
Miniature Daffodils
Miniature Tulips
Mixed Collection
Mixed Collection
Mixed Daffodils
Mixed Tulips
Moon Gardens
Morning Glory
Mystery Seed Options
Native Bulbs & Plants
Native Flowers
Native Grass Mixes
Native Grasses
Native Pollinator Flower Mixes
Nature’s Nitrogen Fixers!
Nicotiana (Flowering Tobacco)
Often Overlooked Fall Favorites
Oriental Lilies
Other Flower Seeds
Other Unique Lilies
Other Vegetable Seeds
Overlooked Hardy Perennials
Pansy & Viola
Parrot Tulips
Pastured-Raised Poultry & Meat
Patio Peonies
Pole Beans
Pollinator Flower Mixes
Popular Culinary Herbs
Popular Spring Bulbs for Warm Climates (Zones 7-11)
Pumpkins and Squash
Reblooming Bearded Iris
Rose Lilies
Roses (Local Pick up Only)
Runner Beans
Seed Collections Gift Packs
Seeds - Flowers
Seeds - Herbs
Seeds - Native Flowers and Grasses
Seeds - Vegetables
Sensory Garden Collection
Single Early Tulips
Single Late Tulips
Small Cupped Daffodils
Something Green.... in honor of Carson Dyke
Southern Favorites (Fall Planting)
Species Crocus
Spring Planting Bulbs
Spring Planting Specialty Bulbs
Squash and Pumpkins
Standard Bearded Iris
Strawberries, Alpine
Surprise Lilies
Sweet Pea Flowers
Sweet Peppers
Tall Allium
Tea Herbs
Tiger Lily
Tree Peony
Triumph Tulips
Trumpet Daffodils
Trumpet Lily
Vegetable Seed Collections
Vegetable Starts (Pick Up Only or Pre Orders for Special Event
Verbenas or Vervains (all)
Vervain (Native)
Vining Annuals
Ashwagandha, Organic
The Living Seed Company - (Withania somnifera) Ashwagandha is nicknamed the king of herbs, while Tulsi is known as the Queen of herbs. These herbs are often used together. Aswagandha works with Tulsi to support healthy responses to stress responses, immunity, sooth insomnia. The root is the most often used part of this plant and it can be used in your garden alongside other plants as it small shrub in mild climates, and has green berries that mature to red.
Hardy Perennial
Plants grow to 36-48 inches tall
100 days
20 Seeds
Instructions -Start indoors 8 weeks before your last frost. Heat mats are helpful as the soil likes to be at 75 degrees for germination, along with a seed tray cover to trap humidity.
Germination 14-21 days
Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute seed vendors from time to time because of availability.
Borage, Organic
This beautiful herb, common in European cuisine, has cucumber flavored leaves and stunning delicate flowers. Use young leaves salads, sauteed or made into a refreshing drink. We plant this at the end of rows in our vegetable garden to attract pollinators.
With edible flowers it is also used as a garnish borage and boasts many medicinal properties. This beautiful annual grows to 2 - 3 ' tall and easily self seeds. We plant it at the end of our rows in the vegetable garden to attract pollinators and provide cover for beneficial insects.
Annual plants grow to 2' feet tall
30 Seeds
Instructions - Sow seeds outdoors after last frost.
Direct Seed 1/2" Deep and 1" apart
Germination 7-14 days
Thin 12" apart
Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute seed vendors from time to time because of availability
Calendula Mixture Flower
The Seed Savers Exchange - (Calendula officinalis) The spectacular colors and the array of petal formations in this flower mix make it a great choice for borders and mass plantings. This annual’s edible flowers—the petals are tangy and sweet—are also good for cutting and arranging. This European native has been used for thousands of years in creams to soothe irritated skin and resolve other inflammatory problems. Self-sowing hardy annual, 20-24" tall.
Spectacular mix of colors and petal formations
Self-sowing, hardy annual
Plants grow to 20-24 inches tall
Blossoms are edible
Great for container gardens
250 Seeds
Instructions: Sow seeds indoors 1/4" deep. Transplant outdoors after the last frost. Can also be directly sown outdoors after the last frost. Prefers light well-drained soil and will tolerate dry conditions. Good cut flower. Calendula petals are edible and have a tangy slightly sweet flavor.
Start Indoors: 6-8 weeks before the last frost
Germination: 5-15 Days
Plant Outdoors: 6-18” Apart
Light: Sun/Partial Shade
Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute suppliers based on availability
Fanni Common Sage, Heirloom, Organic
Wonderfully aromatic gray-green leaves used in soups, meat dishes, gravies, and stuffing.
High Mowing Organic Seeds - Sturdy, woody stems can be used as ornamental branches in floral wreaths. Beautiful lavender flowers in summer. Start transplants 4-6 weeks before the last frost. Approx. 3,400 seeds/oz.
Organic, non-GMO, and open-pollinated
Excellent fresh or dried
Perennial to Zone 4
Instructions - Sow seeds indoors 1/4" deep. Transplant after last frost. Can also be directly sown outdoors after the last frost. Plant light well-drained soil
Plant 1/8" deep as the seeds need light to germinate
Sow indoors 6-8 weeks before the last frost
Germination in 14-21 days
Plant 16" apart
Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute seed vendors from time to time because of availability
Feverfew Herb, Ancient Heirloom, Organic
A small herb with tiny daisy like blossoms. Annual, but if clipped back before seeding it will come back every year as a perennial, Feverfew is naturalized across many states, and can become aggressive so use caution (Chrysanthemum parthenium).
Annual plants grow to 20 inches tall
Daisy like flowers
~800 Seeds per packet, .1 grams
Instructions - Plant seeds outdoors after the last frost. Will self seed profusely. Prefers average soil.
Direct Seed: Sow on the ground as it needs light to germinate
Germination: 14 Days
Thin: 15" Apart
Light: Full Sun
Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute seed vendors from time to time because of the availability
German Chamomile, Organic
The Living Seed Company - Native to Europe, Africa, and Asia, chamomile has foliage and flowers with such a pleasant fragrance that for centuries these plants have been allowed to self-sow along the edges of paths and walkways where their fragrance can be enjoyed. This herb’s graceful plants are 12-20" tall with endless masses of 1" attractive, daisy-like flowers that can be used to make tea. Annual.
Organic or conventional
Annual plant
Plants grow to 12-20 inches tall
Fragrant, daisy-like flowers grow to 1 inch
100 Seeds
Instructions - Instructions - Sow seeds indoors on the surface of the soil. Transplant outdoors in early spring just before the last frost. Chamomile prefers well-drained sandy soil and self-sows freely.
Sow 8-10 weeks before the last frost
Germination 7-14 days
Plant 8" apart
Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute seed vendors from time to time because of the availability
Ivory Princess Calendula Flower
Seedsaver Exchange - Ivory Princess Calendula Flower Seeds - This calendula’s elegant look and refined color complement any selection of flowers, herbs, and vegetables. Easy-to-grow plants typically reach 18-24" tall and produce abundant, edible blooms of cream-colored petals that surround a dark-red center base. Flowers bloom from late spring to autumn; their tangy-tasting petals can be used fresh or dried in soups, baked goods, and salads. Like other calendula varieties, ‘Ivory Princess’ attracts beneficial insects and pollinators and repels unwanted pests. Annual. 60 days.
Self-seeding, hardy annual
Plants grow to 18-24 inches tall
Blossoms are edible
Great for container growing
250 Seeds
Instructions: Sow seeds indoors 1/4" deep. Transplant outdoors after the last frost. Can also be directly sown outdoors after the last frost. Prefers light well-drained soil and will tolerate dry conditions. Good cut flower. Calendula petals are edible and have a tangy slightly sweet flavor.
Start Indoors: 6-8 weeks before the last frost
Germination: 5-15 Days
Plant Outdoors: 6-18” Apart
Light: Sun/Partial Shade
Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute suppliers based on availability
Lemon Balm, Organic
The Living Seed Company - (Melissa officinales) A lovely soothing and potent herb known for imparting a lemon/citrus-scent and flavor. Orignally from the Mediterranean and Asia, this versatile perennial has been used since ancient times for its culinary and medicinal properties.
Melissa (part of its Latin name) comes from the greek word for honeybee and has been associated with power and even immortaltity. Can be used fresh or dry in teas, baths, tonics, and even as insect repellent. Naturally, lemon balm attracts bees.
Grown as an annual or tender perennial in warm climates
Plants grow to 18-24 inches tall
70 days
50 Seeds
Instructions - Sow seeds inside 6-8 weeks before the last frost. Transplant 18" apart.
Plant Seed 1/8" deep
Germination 7-21 days
Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute seed vendors from time to time because of availability.
Marshmallow, Organic
The Living Seed Company - (Althaea officinales) Famously known for its roots creating the popular confection, marshmallow, this beautiful perennial has been used since ancient time for its medicinal and culinary properties. its roots create a creamy mucilaginous liquid that can be made into a myriad of different preparations. Every part is edible - root, stem, and flower. The botanical name stems from the Greek word Altho which means to cure. The flower does attract pollinators.
Hardy Perennial
Plants grow to 36-60 inches tall
50 days
50 Seeds
Instructions -Must be cold stratified or sow outside in fall for mild climates and in early spring elsewhere. Sow 1/4" deep.
Thin plants to 24"
Germination 14-21 days
Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute seed vendors from time to time because of availability.
Narrow-leaf Coneflower - Prairie Native, Echinacea angustifolia
from $3.00
Narrow-leaf Coneflower - This coneflower is a powerhouse herb and flower used by Native Americans. Of all the echinaceas, this one was used the most extensively and had the most northern of ranges extending into the Dakotas and throughout most of the Midwest and Central Plains. They all love well drained soil but Narrow-leaf Coneflower is probably the variety that thrives in drier conditions. It is beloved by beneficials and this variety is used most medicinally. Will tolerate clay soils. Plants reach 3-4' tall. Perennial. Hardy to zone 4. It is also known as Blacksamson echinacea as well. It is a host plant for the Ottoe's Skipper which is a threatened speccies.
Botanical Name: Echinacea angustifolia
Perennial and hardy to zone 4
One of the very best for attracting butterflies and birds
Plants grow to 3-4 feet tall
Light purple flowers with very narrow petals.
Tolerates clay soils
1/4 gram or ~50 Seeds per packet
Instructions - Narrowleaf Coneflower requires cold and moist stratification for a really good germination rate. Simply sow the seeds 2-3 months before the last frost or you can mimic the stratification process but sowing the seeds in soil or sand, water and cover to prevent the media from drying out. It requires 3 months in the cold. Once sprouts start to grow you can then transplant outside if the harsh frosts are gone or in larger pots.
Start Indoors - 8-10 weeks before the last frost.
Sow 1/2" deep
Germination 10-20days
Thin 18-24" apart
Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute seed vendors from time to time because of availability
Neon Calendula Flower
Seedsaver Exchange - Neon Calendula Flower Seeds - This flower’s brilliant, red-orange blossoms command attention no matter where they’re grown. Easy-to-grow plants typically reach 18-24" tall and produce abundant (and edible!) blooms from late spring to autumn. Like other calendula varieties, this hardworking flower works well in companion plantings as it attracts beneficial insects and pollinators even as it repels unwanted pests, including tomato worms and nematodes. Annual. 60 days.
Self-seeding, hardy annual
Plants grow to 18-24 inches tall
Blossoms are edible
Great for container growing
250 Seeds
Instructions: Sow seeds indoors 1/4" deep. Transplant outdoors after the last frost. Can also be directly sown outdoors after the last frost. Prefers light well-drained soil and will tolerate dry conditions. Good cut flower. Calendula petals are edible and have a tangy slightly sweet flavor.
Start Indoors: 6-8 weeks before the last frost
Germination: 5-15 Days
Plant Outdoors: 6-18” Apart
Light: Sun/Partial Shade
Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute suppliers based on availability
Orange Resina Calendula - Calendula officinalis, Organic
The Living Seed Company -The orange resina calendula is the most medicinal and sought after. A Native to Southern Europe. Calendula quickly naturalizes. Calendula will bring sunshine to your winter garden. The edibles petals are sweet and tangy.
Easy to grow and propagate. Commonly used in skin care, reducing inflammation, controlling bleeding, and healing damaged or irritated tissue.
Cut flower
Annual plants grow to 18" inches tall
50 Seeds
Instructions - Sow seeds indoors 1/4" deep. Transplant after last frost. Can also be directly sown outdoors after the last frost. Plant light well-drained soil
Germination 7-14 days
Plant 6-12" apart
Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute seed vendors from time to time because of availability
Organic Herbal Roots Collection, Organic
Our Organic Herbal Roots Collection the three most popular herbal roots from our collections: Ashwagandha, Echinacea, and Marshmallow. The collection comes in a glassine envelope with namesake card for easy gift giving and all instructions are on each seed packet.
It includes one seed packet of each of the following: The botanical names are included below
Organic Ashwagandha - Withania Somnifere
Organic Echinacea - Echinacea purpurea
Organic Marshmallow - Althaea officinalis
Organic Herbal and Medicinal Tea Collection, Organic
Our Herbal and Medicinal Tea Collection includes some of our most popular herbs and flowers, specifically for making tea. Making tea from your own garden, worked by your hands is a treat. Many types of herbs and flowers can be used. This collection includes the most popular. The collection comes in a glassine envelope with picture below for easy gift giving.
It includes one seed packet of each of the following: The botanical names are included below
Organic German Chamomile - Matricaria recutita
Organic Tulsi (Holy Basil) - Ocimum gratissimum
Organic Orange Resina Calendula - Calendula officinalis
Pacific Beauty Calendula, Organic
A bright medley of single and double orange, gold, yellow and cream-colored flowers.
Well-branched plants with tall, straight stems great for cutting, with continuous blooms all summer. Fresh petals are beautiful in salads and as cake decorations. Also known as pot marigold.
Organic, non-GMO, and open-pollinated
Short Season
12-24" tall
60 days
1/32 oz approx.
Instructions - Sow seeds indoors 1/4" deep. Transplant after last frost. Can also be directly sown outdoors after the last frost. Plant light well-drained soil
Germination 7-14 days
Plant 6-12" apart
Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute seed vendors from time to time because of the availability
Pale Purple Coneflower - Prairie Native, Echinacea pallida
from $3.00
Pale Purple Coneflower - This is the most widespread of all the purple coneflowers with a range as far south as Georgia and Alabama, extending to the east, across the Midwest and to the Central Plains. It readily adapts to almost any soil as long as it is well drained. You can find it in clay, limerock, sand or loam. It is beloved by butterflies, birds and other pollinators. Plants reach 3-4' tall. Perennial. Hardy to zones 3-9 It is also known as Blacksamson echinacea as well.
Botanical Name: Echinacea pallida
Perennial and hardy to zone 4, most southern range of the purple coneflowers
One of the very best for attracting butterflies and birds
Plants grow to 2-4 feet tall
Light purple flowers
1/2 gram or ~95 Seeds per packet
Instructions - Pale Purple Coneflower requires cold and moist stratification for a really good germination rate. Simply sow the seeds 2-3 months before the last frost or you can mimic the stratification process but sowing the seeds in soil or sand, water and cover to prevent the media from drying out. It requires 1-2 months in the cold. Once sprouts start to grow you can then transplant outside if the harsh frosts are gone or in larger pots.
Start Indoors - 8-10 weeks before the last frost.
Sow 1/2" deep
Germination 10-20days
Thin 18-24" apart
Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute seed vendors from time to time because of availability
Radio Calendula , 1930's Heirloom
The Seed Savers Exchange - (Calendula officinalis) Calendulas have been referred to as Pot Marigold for centuries. Radio was introduced to gardeners in the 1930s and is now quite hard to find. Beautiful orange flowers have quill-like edible petals. Blooms from early summer until frost. Well suited for pots. Self-seeding, hardy annual, 18-24" tall.
Self-seeding, hardy annual
Plants grow to 18-24 inches tall
Blossoms are edible
Great for container growing
250 Seeds per packet
Instructions: Sow seeds indoors 1/4" deep. Transplant outdoors after the last frost. Can also be directly sown outdoors after the last frost. Prefers light well-drained soil and will tolerate dry conditions. Good cut flower. Calendula petals are edible and have a tangy slightly sweet flavor.
Start Indoors: 6-8 weeks before the last frost
Germination: 5-15 Days
Plant Outdoors: 6-18” Apart
Light: Sun/Partial Shade
Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute suppliers based on availability
Resina Calendula, Organic
Bright yellow, daisy-like blooms with a few orange show-offs and extremely high resin content.
High Mowing Organic Seeds - A few orange types help keep the genetic variation of this powerful strain alive and well. Excellent medicinal properties compared to other calendulas; used as an herbal application for inflammation and localized skin problems. Also used as a dye for food or fabric and as an edible flower. Approx. 2,800 seeds/oz.
Organic, non-GMO, and open-pollinated
Best medicinal variety
Spring bee food
24-30" tall
80 days
1/32 oz approx.
Instructions - Sow seeds indoors 1/4" deep. Transplant after last frost. Can also be directly sown outdoors after the last frost. Plant light well-drained soil
Germination 7-14 days
Plant 6-12" apart
Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute seed vendors from time to time because of the availability
Stinging Nettle, An Ancient Medicine, Organic
The Living Seed Company - (Urtica Dioica) - The fierce stinging nettle is appeased by the density in her medicinal, nutrient-rich with vitamins, minerals and iron. the sting of this herbacious perennial is removed once steamed or steeped. One of the foudnations for Biodynamic preparations. Usally of the first perennials in spring.
Enjoy fresh or dray as a tea (hot or cold), sauteed and eaten as a green vegetable. Excellent as a substitue for any receipe calling for kale or spinach.
Hardy Perennial
Plants grow to 60 inches tall
Start harvesting in 2nd year or wait 100 days
50 Seeds
Instructions -Sow at a depth of 1/8" in early spring or late fall.
Space seeds every 3"
Thin plants to 12-24"
Germination 10-14 days
Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute seed vendors from time to time because of availability.
Sweet Annie Wormwood Herb, Ancient Heirloom, Organic
Southern Exposure Seed Exchange - The name Wormwood comes from the traditional use to treat parasites. This herb is still used today in eastern medicide. It is harder and harder to find but we awere pretty fortuante to have Souther Exposure Seed Exchange offer it regularly for us. Annual, (Artesmia annua).
Annual plants grow to 8-12 inches tall
Feathery foliage and bluish-white flowers
Seed pods resemble inflated balloons
~1500 Seeds per packet, .05 grams
Instructions - Plant seeds outdoors after the last frost. Will self seed profusely. Prefers average soil.
Direct Seed: 1/8" Deep (surface)
Germination: 7-10 Days
Thin: 8-12" Apart
Light: Full Sun
Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute seed vendors from time to time because of the availability