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Bunch Flowering Tulips
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Gregii Tulip
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Hardy Perennials
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Something Green.... in honor of Carson Dyke
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Spring Planting Specialty Bulbs
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Trumpet Lily
Vegetable Seed Collections
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Verbenas or Vervains (all)
Vervain (Native)
Vining Annuals
Angels' Choir Shirley Poppy
This award-winning combination of silken-petaled, double poppies features shimmering watercolor shades including cream, apricot, peach, coral, lavender, pink and bicolors and picotees. It took breeders years to develop these lustrous soft colors. Angel’s Choir poppies are exquisite in the garden as the blossoms sway gracefully on nodding 3 foot tall stems above frothy gray-green foliage. These easy-to-grow and irresistible flowers are the perfect way to welcome the joys of spring. Papaver rhoeas
Gardens of Watercolor Blossoms is what you find here
Frost hardy
Re-seeding annual
Loves rich garden soil
2'-3 tall
.2 gram (~2000 seeds)
Instructions - Sow seeds directly into a finely textured garden bed in full sun as early in spring as ground can be worked. To help space the fine seeds, mix with dry sand before sowing. Cover very lightly with fine soil and keep seed bed moist as seedlings emerge over 7 to 14 days Poppies can be started indoors as transplants but direct seeding is best and HIGHLY Recommended
Direct Seed 1/4" deep
Germination 10-15 days
Thin 8-10" apart
Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute seed vendors from time to time because of the availability
Black Beauty Poppy, Organic, Breadseed Poppy
The poppy looks like a gorgeous peony!
High Mowing Organic Seeds - With a combination of double flowers and single petal blooms with dark velvety burgundy color. Black Beauty is a stunning eye-catcher, unlike any poppy you've ever seen. And like all poppies it's easy to grow, needs minimal care, and will re-seed itself. Papaver somnifer is its Botanical Name
Organic, non-GMO, and open-pollinated
Re-seeding annual
Tolerates poor soil
3-4' tall
78 days
1/64 oz
Instructions - This poppy is a hardy annual preferring full sun, well-drained sandy soil. It will do well in poor soils so do not fertilize. Direct seed in fall for early summer blooms in zones 7-10, plant in spring for late summer blooms in all zones. The plant will be reseeded, but it is also helpful to gather some seeds to replant next year. Poppies can be started indoors as transplants but direct seeding is best
Direct Seed 1/4" deep
Germination 10-15 days
Thin 8-10" apart
Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute seed vendors from time to time because of the availability
Black Swan Heirloom Poppy, Dark Maroon Flowers, Breadseed Poppy
The Black Swan Breadseed Poppy is a favorite poppy for its stunning color in the landscape. Its frilly double blooms add some whimsy and mystique. Botanical name: Papaver somniferum
All plant parts except the seeds are toxic.
Stunning semi double to double dark maroon to almost black blooms. It sometimes will throw single blooms.
Grows 2 to 2.5 feet tall
Blooms late June - July
1/6 gram or ~ 250 Seeds
Instructions - Direct seeding is preferable, as poppies do not like to have their roots disturbed. Sow seeds outdoors in the early spring when the soil is still cool and light frost is possible. Can also be sown in the fall just before the ground freezes. Plants will tolerate average to poor soil as well as doing well in garden loam. They need cold stratification to germinate well.
Direct Seed 1/4" deep
Germination 10-15 days
Thin 8-10" apart
Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute seed vendors from time to time because of availability
Buttercream California Poppy
Buttercream California Poppy Seeds - This lovely and unusual California poppy has silky soft, buttercream colored blossoms. Easy to grow, the abundant paper-thin blossoms nod the in the wind and shine for weeks above mounded plants with feathery gray-green foliage. Like all California poppies, Buttercream is carefree and very forgiving of poor soil. Perfect for a neglected area or hard to cultivate slope or simply grow them for a joyful garden display with a natural ambience. Eschscholzia californica
Buttercream Yellow Blossoms
Re-seeding annual
Tolerates poor soil
3-4' tall
78 days
2 grams (~1200 seeds)
Instructions - This poppy is a hardy annual preferring full sun, well-drained sandy soil. It will do well in poor soils so do not fertilize. Direct seed in fall for early summer blooms in zones 7-10, plant in spring for late summer blooms in all zones. The plant will be reseeded, but it is also helpful to gather some seeds to replant next year. Poppies can be started indoors as transplants but direct seeding is best and HIGHLY Recommended
Direct Seed 1/4" deep
Germination 10-15 days
Thin 8-10" apart
Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute seed vendors from time to time because of the availability
California Orange Poppy, Organic
Simple, silky orange flowers accented by wispy blue-green foliage.
High Mowing Organic Seeds - Prolific sun-loving blooms are very attractive in flower beds or naturalized in fields. Start transplants 2-3 weeks before last frost or direct sow after last frost 1/4" deep; transplant carefully and thin to a final spacing of 6" apart. Approx. 18,800 seeds/oz.
Organic, non-GMO, and open-pollinated
Naturalizes in poor, dry soil
8-12" tall
Re-seedling annual
60 days
1/64 oz
Instructions - This poppy is a hardy annual preferring full sun, well-drained sandy soil. It will do well in poor soils so do not fertilize. Direct seed in fall for early summer blooms in zones 7-10, plant in spring for late summer blooms in all zones. The plant will be reseeded, but it is also helpful to gather some seeds to replant next year. Poppies can be started indoors as transplants but direct seeding is best
Direct Seed 1/4" deep
Germination 10-15 days
Thin 8-10" apart
Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute seed vendors from time to time because of the availability
California Poppy Mixture, 1815 Heirloom
The Seed Savers Exchange - Producing a spectacular, long-lasting display of lively and colorful flowers, this self-sowing native poppy was documented on the Pacific coast by Dr. Johann Friedrich Eschscholtz, leader of a Russian expedition to the region in 1815. It was officially designated the state flower of California on December 12, 1890. Annual, 12-16" tall.
Self-seeding annuals
Plants grow to 12-16 inches tall
Mixture of bright colors
Great for mass plantings
Instructions: Direct seeding is preferable, as poppies do not like to have their roots disturbed. Sow seeds outdoors in the early spring when the soil is still cool and light frost is possible. Can also be sown in the fall just before the ground freezes. Plants will tolerate poor soil.
Direct Seed: 1/4" Deep
Germination: 10-15 Days
Thin: 8-10" Apart
Light: Full Sun
Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute suppliers based on availability
Chima Family Heirloom Poppy, Organic
Seed Exchange - The stunning double flowers of this breadseed poppy are coral-pink and reach 2-2 ½' tall. Valeria Dukelow donated this gorgeous poppy to Seed Savers Exchange in 2012 and has grown it in her Pittsburgh garden since the 1960s, when she obtained the seeds from her Romanian-born mother. All plant parts except the seeds are toxic. Botanical Name is Papaver somnifer
Stunning double dark pink to red blooms
Grows 2 to 2.5 feet tall
Blooms late June - July
200 Seeds
Instructions - Direct seeding is preferable, as poppies do not like to have their roots disturbed. Sow seeds outdoors in the early spring when the soil is still cool and light frost is possible. Can also be sown in the fall just before the ground freezes. Plants will tolerate poor soil.
Direct Seed 1/4" deep
Germination 10-15 days
Thin 8-10" apart
Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute seed vendors from time to time because of availability
Copper Pot California Poppy
Stunning Orange Blossoms - The blossoms of this luminous California poppy glow in radiant coppery-red shades, especially dazzling when lit by the sun. Copper Pot’s satiny flowers shine like bright beacons above mounds of feathery, gray-green foliage. Their vibrant colors are real showstoppers throughout spring and early summer. Ideal for drifts of cheerful color, these easy to grow flowers will often naturalize and happily resow themselves for another season of bloom. Copper Pot is perfect to cover bare or neglected garden areas. Eschscholzia californica
Deep Orange Blossoms
Re-seeding annual
Tolerates poor soil
3-4' tall
78 days
2 grams (~1200 seeds)
Instructions - This poppy is a hardy annual preferring full sun, well-drained sandy soil. It will do well in poor soils so do not fertilize. Direct seed in fall for early summer blooms in zones 7-10, plant in spring for late summer blooms in all zones. The plant will be reseeded, but it is also helpful to gather some seeds to replant next year. Poppies can be started indoors as transplants but direct seeding is best and HIGHLY Recommended
Direct Seed 1/4" deep
Germination 10-15 days
Thin 8-10" apart
Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute seed vendors from time to time because of the availability
Dancing Ballerinas California Poppy
Dancing Ballerinas California Poppy Seeds - Enchanting Dancing Ballerina is a graceful mix of special California poppies that have unusual fully double and semidouble blossoms with delicate fluted petals. These paper-thin, glowing flowers bloom in a shimmering range of rich sherbet colors including deep rose, lilac, scarlet, orange, yellow and white. Like all California poppies, you’ll find carefree Dancing Ballerina is easy to grow and forgiving of poor soil. The abundant flowers shine on slender stems above feathery, gray-green foliage. Eschscholzia californica
Beautiful double blossoms!
Re-seeding annual
Tolerates poor soil
3-4' tall
78 days
2 grams (~1200 seeds)
Instructions - This poppy is a hardy annual preferring full sun, well-drained sandy soil. It will do well in poor soils so do not fertilize. Direct seed in fall for early summer blooms in zones 7-10, plant in spring for late summer blooms in all zones. The plant will be reseeded, but it is also helpful to gather some seeds to replant next year. Poppies can be started indoors as transplants but direct seeding is best and HIGHLY Recommended
Direct Seed 1/4" deep
Germination 10-15 days
Thin 8-10" apart
Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute seed vendors from time to time because of the availability
Danish Flag Heirloom Poppy, pre 1887 origins, Red Breadseed Poppy with White Cross
Danish Flag Poppy is a very unique heirloom breadseed poppy that resembles the Danish Flag, hence the name. Beautiful red blooms with a white cross. The edges are fridges giving the flower a unique form.
Botanical name: Papaver somniferum
All plant parts except the seeds are toxic.
Beautiful red blooms with a white cross.
Grows 2 to 2.5 feet tall
Blooms late June - July
1/6 gram or 250 Seeds
Instructions - Direct seeding is preferable, as poppies do not like to have their roots disturbed. Sow seeds outdoors in the early spring when the soil is still cool and light frost is possible. Can also be sown in the fall just before the ground freezes. Plants will tolerate poor and average soil as well as loam. They require cold stratification for blooms.
Direct Seed 1/4" deep
Germination 10-15 days
Thin 8-10" apart
Dusky Rose California Poppy
Dusky Rose California Poppy Seeds - This pretty and unusual California poppy has silky, deep rose-tinted blossoms that glow with iridescent color. For weeks in spring, the abundant, paper-thin flowers float on slender stems above mounded plants with feathery grey-green foliage. Like all California poppies, Dusky Rose is carefree, easy to grow and forgiving of poor soil. Perfect for a neglected area, a hard to cultivate slope or simply grow and enjoy Dusky Rose for a lovely natural ambience in any garden area. Eschscholzia californica
Deep Rose Silky Blossoms
Re-seeding annual
Tolerates poor soil
3-4' tall
78 days
2 grams (~1275 seeds)
Instructions - This poppy is a hardy annual preferring full sun, well-drained sandy soil. It will do well in poor soils so do not fertilize. Direct seed in fall for early summer blooms in zones 7-10, plant in spring for late summer blooms in all zones. The plant will be reseeded, but it is also helpful to gather some seeds to replant next year. Poppies can be started indoors as transplants but direct seeding is best and HIGHLY Recommended
Direct Seed 1/4" deep
Germination 10-15 days
Thin 8-10" apart
Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute seed vendors from time to time because of the availability
Elka White Poppy Flower
The Seed Savers Exchange - The delicate flowers of this breadseed poppy have white or light-pink petals with purple patches at their base. Originating from Chrenovec, Slovakia, this variety bears large capsules containing white seeds that make an excellent paste/meal when ground like a nut butter. Plants grow up to 4' tall and don’t self-seed. 90 days to flowering. All plant parts except the seeds are toxic. Organic - Botanical Name is Papaver somniferum
Delicate white or light-pink petals with purple patches at the base
Grows up to 4 feet tall
Seeds can be ground and used like a nut butter
90 days to flowering
200 Seeds per packet
Direct seeding is preferable, as poppies do not like to have their roots disturbed. Sow seeds outdoors in the early spring when the soil is still cool and light frost is possible. Can also be sown in the fall just before the ground freezes. Plants will tolerate poor soil.
Sow 1/4" deep
Germination: 10-15 Days
Thin 8-10” Apart
Light: Full Sun
Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute suppliers based on availability
Falling in Love Shirley Poppy
This joyful mixture of Shirley poppies is selected for its beautiful flowers in entrancing color combinations that light up the spring garden. It includes both single and double blossoms, many with contrasting picotee edges, in a glowing array of colors including crimson, rose-red, white and peach. The 2 to 3 foot tall nodding flowers will shine in your spring garden with satiny blossoms that sway gracefully above frothy foliage. Papaver rhoeas
Shades of Red, White and Peach Blossoms
Frost hardy
Re-seeding annual
Loves rich garden soil
2'-3 tall
1 gram (~2000 seeds)
Instructions - Sow seeds directly into a finely textured garden bed in full sun as early in spring as ground can be worked. To help space the fine seeds, mix with dry sand before sowing. Cover very lightly with fine soil and keep seed bed moist as seedlings emerge over 7 to 14 days Poppies can be started indoors as transplants but direct seeding is best and HIGHLY Recommended
Direct Seed 1/4" deep
Germination 10-15 days
Thin 8-10" apart
Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute seed vendors from time to time because of the availability
French Flounce Poppy, Heirloom Carnation Poppies
Breathtaking - Poppy lovers will rejoice in this gorgeous mix of tall, antique, double-flowering varieties we import from a fine old French firm. The Carnation or Feather Poppy has deeply cut, fringed 4 inch blossoms. The Peony Flowering Poppy, like its namesake, opens into huge glamorous poufs of softly ruffled petals. The graceful stems with nodding buds unfurl and glow in shades of scarlet, pink, salmon, violet, purple, deep red and white. Grow these statuesque flowers for unparalleled late spring beauty on. Papaver paeoniflorum & laciniatum
Fringed Pink Blossoms
Frost hardy
Re-seeding annual
Loves rich garden soil
3-5' tall
1 gram (~700 seeds)
Instructions - Sow seeds directly into a finely textured garden bed in full sun as early in spring as ground can be worked. To help space the fine seeds, mix with dry sand before sowing. Cover very lightly with fine soil and keep seed bed moist as seedlings emerge over 7 to 14 days Poppies can be started indoors as transplants but direct seeding is best and HIGHLY Recommended
Direct Seed 1/4" deep
Germination 10-15 days
Thin 8-10" apart
Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute seed vendors from time to time because of the availability
Gatterman Heirloom Poppy Flower, Organic, Breadseed Poppy
The Seed Savers Exchange
Self-seeding annuals
Plants grow to 12-16 inches tall
Mixture of bright colors
Great for mass plantings
200 Seeds
Direct seeding is preferable, as poppies do not like to have their roots disturbed. Sow seeds outdoors in the early spring when the soil is still cool and light frost is possible. Can also be sown in the fall just before the ground freezes. Plants will tolerate poor soil.
Direct Seed: 1/4" Deep
Germination: 10-15 Days
Thin: 8-10" Apart
Light: Full Sun
Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute suppliers based on availability
Heritage Farm Poppy Flower, Organic
The Seed Savers Exchange - (Thunbergia alata) Also known as Clockvine. Native to tropical Africa. The formula mix of colors includes pure white, golden-orange, golden-orange with black centers, pure yellow, and yellow with contrasting black eyes. Great for hanging baskets, containers, or garden trellises. Very easy to start from seed, fast-growing, and quick to bloom. Grown as an annual in the North.
Easy to start from seed
Fast-growing and quick to bloom
White, yellow, and golden-orange blossoms
A great container or trellised flower
Annual plants in northern climates
Instructions: Sow seeds indoors just beneath the surface of the soil. Plant out after the danger of frost has passed and when nighttime temperatures are above 50°F.
Start Indoors: 6-8 weeks before the last frost
Germination: 10-20 Days
Plant Outdoors: 12-18” Apart
Light: Sun/Partial Shade
Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute suppliers based on availability
Hungarian Blue Breadseed Poppy, Organic, Heirloom
The blue-purple flowered Hungarian Blue Breadseed is a very easy flower that will reseed each year. It is grow for its flowers, silvery foliage but more importantly its seeds for cooking. You won't regret planting this flower for ornamental purposes. We carry this from several seed sources throughout the year.
Botanical Name: Papaver somniferum
Self-seeding annual plants grow to 2-3 feet tall
Deep blue-purple blossoms
Edible seeds for baking
200 seeds
Instructions - Direct seeding is recommended, as poppies do not like to have their roots disturbed. Sow seeds outdoors in the early spring when the soil is still cool and light frost is possible. Can also be sown in the fall just before the ground freezes. Plants will tolerate average soil.
Direct Seed 1/4" deep
Germination 10-15 days
Thin 8-10" apart
Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute seed vendors from time to time because of the availability
Iceland Poppy Mix, Cool Season Blooms, Pollinator Flower
from $3.00
Firefly Farm & Mercantile's Iceland Poppy Mix is composed is yellows, oranges, and creamy papery blossoms. Iceland poppy's are super easy to grow. Cast the seeds on the ground and step them into the soil for good contact. In a few weeks you will be rewarded with little plants that will give you beautiful flowers until the heat of summer. They reseed reliably. Iceland Poppies are short lived perennials, lasting 2-3 years but once established their reseeding habit makes them reliable garden flowers you can look forward to each spring and fall. Botanical name is Papaver nudicaule
Pictured here is one of our yellow poppies in our rose garden that I couldn't resist taking its picture! You often find it in wildflower mixes to help provide additional forage for pollinators.
Mix of yellow, orange and cream
Frost hardy
Re-seeding short lived perennial
Prefers average to rich soil
Full sun to part shade
1-2' tall
.25 gram (~1500 seeds)
Instructions - Sow seeds directly into a finely textured garden bed in full sun as early in spring as ground can be worked. To help space the fine seeds, mix with dry sand before sowing. Cover very lightly with fine soil and keep seed bed moist as seedlings emerge over 7 to 14 days Poppies can be started indoors as transplants but direct seeding is best and HIGHLY Recommended
Direct Seed 1/4" deep
Germination 10-15 days
Thin 8-10" apart
Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute seed vendors from time to time because of the availability
Lauren's Dark Grape Poppy, Heirloom Poppies, Breadseed Poppy
Breathtaking - Absolutely stunning 4 to 5 inch chalice-shaped flowers with satiny petals that glow in the most delicious shade of deep ruby-purple. These outstanding, heirloom poppies grow 3 to 5 feet tall, depending on how rich your soil is. With their big, lettuce-like, blue-gray leaves and port wine colored flowers, Lauren’s Grape is a highlight of the spring garden. These beautiful flowers easily self sow to shine again every season. The botanical name is Papaver somniferum
Deep Purple Blossoms
Frost hardy
Re-seeding annual
Loves rich garden soil
3-5' tall
.5 gram (~1900 seeds)
Instructions - Sow seeds directly into a finely textured garden bed in full sun as early in spring as ground can be worked. To help space the fine seeds, mix with dry sand before sowing. Cover very lightly with fine soil and keep seed bed moist as seedlings emerge over 7 to 14 days Poppies can be started indoors as transplants but direct seeding is best and HIGHLY Recommended
Direct Seed 1/4" deep
Germination 10-15 days
Thin 8-10" apart
Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute seed vendors from time to time because of the availability
Lavender Double Poppy, Organic
The Seed Savers Exchange - Jan Suchomel of Van Horne, Iowa, discovered this poppy growing in the backyard garden when she moved to Van Horne from Cedar Rapids in 1967 and proceeded, over the next three decades, to give its seeds to all her family members. She was so taken with the flower that she even planted some of its seeds at the senior complex she moved to in 2003 so that she could continue to enjoy its colorful blooms. All plant parts except the seeds are toxic. 91 days.
From the Collection for 2023
Self-seedling annual
Beautiful double lavender blooms
Grows 2 to 3 feet tall
Blooms June - July
Instructions - Direct seeding is preferable, as poppies do not like to have their roots disturbed. Sow seeds outdoors in the early spring when the soil is still cool and light frost is possible. Can also be sown in the fall just before the ground freezes. Plants will tolerate poor soil.
Direct Seed: 1/4" Deep
Germination: 10-15 days
Thin: 8-10" Apart
Light: Fall Sun
Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute seed vendors from time to time because of the availability