All products
All Lilies (Lillium family)
Alliums (Ornamental)
Amaranth (Flowering)
Amazing Lesser Known Fall Bulbs
Annuals and Tender Perennials
AOA Hybrid Lily
Asian Greens
Asiatic Lilies
Autumn Flowering Crocus
Bachelor Buttons
Bare Root Perennials
Bearded Iris - Fall
Bearded Iris - Spring
Black is always Trendy
Bonnie’s Favorites
Botanical Tulips
Brussels Sprouts
Bulbs for Containers
Bunch Flowering Daffodils
Bunch Flowering Tulips
Bush Beans
Butterfly Daffodils
Calla Lillies
Cold Hardy Plants Zone 1, 2, 3, or 4
Collards and Mustards
Daffodils & Narcissus
Dahlia Seeds
Darwin Hybrid Tulips
Daylily - Hemerocallis
Deer, Rabbit and Rodent Resistant
Double Daffodils
Double Early Tulips
Double Late Tulips
Driftless Artisans
Dutch & Specie Iris
Dwarf Iris Collection
Edibles - Bare Roots, Garlic, and more
Eggplant or Aubergine
Emperor Tulips
Fall Flowering Crocus
Fall Peonies (Bare root)
Fall Planted Specialty
Fall Planting Garden Bulbs
Fava Beans
Film Supplies & Vintage Film
Firefly Farm & Mercantile Packed Seeds
Flower Mixes
Fringed Tulips
Garden Bulbs for Containers!
Garden Peony (lacftiflora)
Garden Special Order
Garden Tools, Accessories and Gifts
Giant Allium
Gift Boxes
Gifts - Holidays, Birthdays and everything else
Green Tulips
Gregii Tulip
Ground Cherries
Hardy Perennial Plant Starts and Plugs
Hardy Perennials
Hot Peppers
Imperial Fritillaria
Indigenous American Seeds
Inside Winter Bulbs
Itoh Peonies
Jonquilla Daffodils
LA Hybrid Lily
Large Cupped Daffodils
Large Flowering Crocus
Latest Arrivals - Flowers
Latest Arrivals - Vegetables
Lilies for Fall
Lily - OT Hybrids
Lily Flowering Tulips
Lima Beans
Medicinals - Popular Herbs with Medicinal Properties
Miniature Allium
Miniature Daffodils
Miniature Tulips
Mixed Collection
Mixed Collection
Mixed Daffodils
Mixed Tulips
Moon Gardens
Morning Glory
Mystery Seed Options
Native Bulbs & Plants
Native Flowers
Native Grass Mixes
Native Grasses
Native Pollinator Flower Mixes
Nature’s Nitrogen Fixers!
Nicotiana (Flowering Tobacco)
Often Overlooked Fall Favorites
Oriental Lilies
Other Flower Seeds
Other Unique Lilies
Other Vegetable Seeds
Overlooked Hardy Perennials
Pansy & Viola
Parrot Tulips
Pastured-Raised Poultry & Meat
Patio Peonies
Peony (All)
Pole Beans
Pollinator Flower Mixes
Popular Culinary Herbs
Popular Spring Bulbs for Warm Climates (Zones 7-11)
Pumpkins and Squash
Reblooming Bearded Iris
Rose Lilies
Roses (Local Pick up Only)
Runner Beans
Seed Collections Gift Packs
Seeds - Flowers
Seeds - Herbs
Seeds - Native Flowers and Grasses
Seeds - Vegetables
Sensory Garden Collection
Single Early Tulips
Single Late Tulips
Small Cupped Daffodils
Something Green.... in honor of Carson Dyke
Southern Favorites (Fall Planting)
Species Crocus
Spring Planting Bulbs
Spring Planting Specialty Bulbs
Squash and Pumpkins
Standard Bearded Iris
Strawberries, Alpine
Surprise Lilies
Sweet Pea Flowers
Sweet Peppers
Tall Allium
Tea Herbs
Tiger Lily
Tree Peony
Triumph Tulips
Trumpet Daffodils
Trumpet Lily
Vegetable Seed Collections
Vegetable Starts (Pick Up Only or Pre Orders for Special Event
Verbenas or Vervains (all)
Vervain (Native)
Vining Annuals
'Omega' Dahlia (Dinnerplate)
from $8.95
'Omega' Dahlia (Fimbriata)
The 'Omega' dinnerplate dahlia is tropical sunset of color that will provide countless blooms. They are about 36" inches tall. Technically it is more closely of a cactus style dahlia.
We provide them in clumps the majority of the time. Sometimes they will be stand alone with necks and eyes depending on the season’s harvest.
Dinnerplate Dahlias are awesome additions to any garden. They provide structure and color to any garden with minimal effort. They do rather well in the back of your beds because of their size or even in stand-alone rows. They reward gardeners with an abundance of blooms starting in mid to late summer through frost. Typically they are not bothered by diseases and have attractive foliage until frost.
36" tall
Blooms are 8-12” wide
USDA Zones 8-10 (Hardy in these zones, lift and store in winter in other zones)
Summer to Fall
Bloom Duration: Continuous Blooms through frost starting in mid to late summer
Full Sun
Additional Information
Great for Specimen, Mass Plantings, Borders, and Cutting Gardens.
Great for butterflies and other pollinators
Ships starting in mid to late March (weather dependent)
Key Planting Tips
Plant in full sun with tuber 6-7” deep with the crown 1-2” below the soil. Space Decorative dahlias about 3’ apart from any neighbor. Plant when the soil is 60 degrees, well past any frost danger.
Dahlias love soil that is close to neutral and do ok in slightly acidic or slightly alkaline. You can amend soil with 10-10-10 or something similar. Just make sure the first number (nitrogen) is 5 or 10. You can fertilize every 4 weeks to help achieve large blossoms.
Don’t water until the Dahlia sprouts. If your soil is very dry, water the soil first and then let it stand for 30 minutes before planting. Mulch around your plant leaving bare dirt directly above the tuber. You will see sprouts in 7-10 days.
We are currently transitioing to grow all of our Dahlia stock. We exepct to offer some varitities starting in 2024 but will continue providing imported stock until we complete our domestic plan to raise them.. Dahlias are imported from 3 growers in Holland for us. These growers have supported us for years nad have limited issues. Once we recevie our dahlias we wake them up to hand inspect each and every tuber. Every tuber is inspected by me (Andre Paquette) and then hand packed for shipment. In case of any issues, we reach our proactively to go over options. If you have any questions hit the Chat with Us Now button simply reach out by email or a phone call.
Amish Cockscomb, Celosia, 1570's Heirloom, Organic
Seed Exchange - Given to SSE by longtime members Orral and Joan Craig who discovered it growing in an Amish garden near Arthur, Illinois. Native to the tropics and introduced to Europe in the 1570s. Fuzzy red flower heads resemble the comb of a rooster. Annual, 12" tall.
Great cut flower or bedding plant
Plants grow to 12 inches
Fuzzy red flower heads
250 Seeds
Instructions - Sow seeds indoors just beneath the surface of the soil. Plant out into average well-drained soil after the danger of frost has passed. Good cutting flower, fresh or dried.
Sow seed indoors 6-8 weeks before the last frost
Germination 7-10 days
Plant 12-18 apart
Full Sun to Partial Shade
Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute seed vendors from time to time because of availability
Big Bluestem - Prairie Native
from $3.00
Big Bluestem is a giant of the prairies! It’s what was the backbone of much of the prairies. It’s vital for native wildlife. It is native from the Rocky Mountains to the Atlantic Ocean. Its nickname is Turkey Foot as the seeds can look like a turkey’s foot.
Lush green 3-8' plants change color at first frost to red and copper tones that provides winter interests. Grows well in all soil types, just not standing water. Hardy to zone 3.
Perennial, hardy to zone 3
Heigh is to 3-8 feet
Winter Interest Changes color after frost to red-copper
Thrives in almost any soil types and drought tolerant
Warm-season grass
250 Seeds per packet
Instructions - Sow seeds indoors in a warm area (70-85°F). Transplant outdoors after danger of frost has passed. Seeds can also be directly sown into a weed-free seedbed in late April-June. Tolerates most moisture levels and withstands drought.
Alternatively Start Indoors - 8-10 weeks before the last frost.
Sow 1/2" deep
Germination 14-20d days
Thin 24" apart
Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute seed vendors from time to time because of availability
Bouquet Herb Dill, Oragnic
The Seed Savers Exchange - (Anethum graveolens) This widely grown dill variety is a prolific producer of edible flowers, leaves, and seeds, all of which can be used for flavoring everything from pickles and salads to sauces and condiments. Early-maturing plants have dark-green leaves, 6" flowering umbels, and an intoxicating scent. 45-55 days to leaf harvest, 70-90 days to seed harvest.
Self-seeding annual plant
Plants grow to 24 inches tall with yellow flowers
Early maturing plants with a strong aroma
45-55 days leaf, 70-90 days seed
250 seeds
Instructions - Sow seeds outdoors early in the spring when the ground has warmed. Prefers rich, well-drained soil and a sheltered location out of the wind. Will readily volunteer each year from dropped seeds.
Direct Seed: 1/8" Deep
Germination: 6-21 Days
Plant Outdoors Thin: 8-12" Apart
Light: Full Sun
Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute seed vendors from time to time because of the availability
Bumblee Buffet Flower Seed Mixture
from $3.00
Bumblee Buffet Seed Mixture
Our Bumblebee Buffet Mixture was designed for home garden use and is composed of flowers that are attractive to many species of bumble bees. The assortment of flowers in the mix is based upon research done in trial gardens over the last decade. The mix contains both annuals and perennials and consists of adaptable, native species as well as an attractive assortment of garden flowers. Check out all of our pollinator mixes at Pollinator Mix
White Prairie Clover (Dalea candida),
Arroyo Lupine (Lupinus succulentus),
Balsam 'Camellia Flowered Mix' (Impatiens balsamina),
Bergamot (Monarda fistulosa),
Blue Sage (Salvia farinacea),
Dwarf Sulphur Cosmos (Cosmos sulphureus),
Gayfeather (Liatris spicata),
Lacy Phacelia (Phacelia tanacetifolia),
Purple Coneflower (Echinacea purpurea),
Purple Prairie Clover (Dalea purpurea),
Rocket Larkspur (Delphinium consolida),
Rocky Mountain Penstemon (Penstemon strictus),
Siberian Wallflower (Cheiranthus allionii),
Spurred Snapdragon (Linaria maroccana),
Yellow Lupine (Lupinus microcarpus densiflorus),
Zinnia 'Dahlia Flowered Mix' (Zinnia elegans)
Seeding Rates:
7 oz for 1,000sq ft
9-18lbs per acre (depends on density of existing plantings)
1 Acre with Grass - 9 lbs per acre
1 Acre with Flowers - 18 lbs per acre
1 oz packets when planted with flowers it will do 130 sq ft
Instructions - Sow seeds anytime: fall before winter sets in, spring or summer. The area should be worked to either be free of all plants or prepared to allow seed contact to soil when planting in existing beds. Some grasses will germinate in the cool weather, while others will remain dormant until the is warms.
Sow 1/4" deep
Germination 10-20 days
Bunny Tails Flower
The Seed Savers Exchange - (Lagurus ovatus) It is difficult, for gardeners of all ages, to resist touching this flower’s fluffy head, which is as soft as a bunny’s tail! Compact but showy, this annual ornamental grass is easily grown in a border, for use as a cut flower, or in a container. Drought-tolerant once established with a dwarf habit. Annual, 6-12" tall.
Annual plants grow to 6-12 inches tall
Soft, tufted flower heads
Tolerant of drought and dry conditions
Good for ornamental plantings and container growing
250 Seeds per packet
Instructions: Sow seed indoors 1/4" deep. Plant out after the danger of frost has passed in late spring. Can also be directly sown outdoors 3 weeks before the last frost. Prefers light well-drained soil and will tolerate dry conditions.
Start Indoors: 6-8 weeks before the last frost
Germination: 15-21 Days
Plant Outdoors: 4-6” Apart
Light: Full Sun
Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute suppliers based on availability
Butterfly Flower Mixture - Natives and Friendly Companions
from $3.00
Butterfly Seed Flower Mixture
If you love butterlfies, this mix is for you. The Butterfly Mixture contains annual and perennial flowers that will provide nectar to many species of butterflies, including brushfoots, monarchs, skippers, sulphurs and swallowtails. Nine species of plants in this mix are larval host plants which provide food for many species of butterfly and skipper larvae. Check out all of our pollinator mixes at Pollinator Mix
Add some native grasses to and you have a great all aorund mix! Little Bluestem is great as it is native to all 48 US states. Or just keep it strictly flowers. This mix is ideal for all parts of the United States as it has a wide range of native plants that aren't harmful for butterflies on their migration paths. If you want to improve this mix for you regions, please add packets or bulk seed of specific natives. For example, if on the west coast please add Narrowleaf Milkweed. If east of the Rocky Mountains, please add Common or Red Milkweed.
Black-Eyed Susan (Rudbeckia hirta),
Butterfly Milkweed (Asclepias tuberosa),
Candytuft (Iberis umbellata),
Cosmos (Cosmos bipinnatus),
Dwarf Godetia (Clarkia amoena),
Gayfeather (Liatris spicata),
Illinois Bundleflower (Desmanthus illinoensis),
Indian Blanket (Gaillardia pulchella),
Lance-Leaved Coreopsis (Coreopsis lanceolata),
New England Aster (Symphyotrichum novae-angliae),
Pincushion Flower (Scabiosa atropurpurea),
Purple Coneflower (Echinacea purpurea),
Purple Prairie Clover (Dalea purpurea),
Roundheaded Bush Clover (Lespedeza capitata),
Shasta Daisy (Chrysanthemum maximum),
Siberian Wallflower (Cheiranthus allionii),
Sweet Alyssum (Lobularia maritima),
Sweet William Pinks (Dianthus barbatus),
Zinnia (Zinnia elegans)
Seeding Rates:
7 oz for 1,000sq ft
10-20 lbs per acre (depends on density of existing plantings)
1 Acre with Grass - 10 lbs per acre
1 Acre for just Flowers - 20 lbs per acre
1 oz packets when planted with flowers it will do 175 sq ft
Instructions - Sow seeds anytime: fall before winter sets in, spring or summer. The area should be worked to either be free of all plants or prepared to allow seed contact to soil when planting in existing beds. Some grasses will germinate in the cool weather, while others will remain dormant until the is warms.
Sow 1/4" deep
Germination 10-20 days
Casa Blanca Oriental Lily (Oriental Lilium, Lily Div 7)
from $10.99
Casa Blanca Lilies - A gardener and florist favorite for their perfect white blooms that add beauty and grace to any floral arrangement. They are also welcomed additions to your landscape and gardens.
Oriental Lilies are probably the most popular type of lily. The fragrant blooms are a favorite in summer. They are dependable bloomers year after year as long as you provide fertilizer or rich compost when you plant them, right after they bloom and early spring. The blooms are favorite in cut vases so make sure you plant some extras. Our Mervia' Oriental Lily will make a great addition to any garden, especially night gardens!
Our bulbs are up to 5” in circumference ( 16-18cm) which makes them some of the biggest available.
USDA Zones 3-9
Mid-Summer flowering
Bloom Duration: 3 weeks
Cold Hardy
Full Sun to Partial Shade
Bloom Color: White
Additional Information
Great for Naturalizing, Mass Planting, Borders, Hummingbirds & Cut Gardens.
36-48" Tall
Key Planting Tips
Plant in full sun to partial shade, 6” inches deep with the tip pointing up. Space each bulb 4-6" apart. Well drained soil is essential. If not planting in early to mid spring, place them in your refrigerator until ready to plant.
Renee's Garden - This aromatic, flowering landscape herb grows in mounds of soft gray-green leaves covered with a haze of shimmering lavender-blue flowers. Easy to grow catmint makes a beautiful spreading ground cover that blooms for weeks on end. Plant it under roses, in an herb garden, at the front of perennials, or to cover bare corners of the garden with a soft wave of color. Many house cats adore its fragrance as much as its less attractive relative, catnip.
Landscaping Herb
Easy to grow
Soft grey-green foliage
Lavender-blue flowers
Attracts cats
Approx 450 seeds
Instructions - In spring, 6 weeks before the last expected frost, sow seeds 1 inch apart in a container of seed starting mix. Cover lightly, keep warm and moist and provide a strong light source. Feed every 2 weeks with half-strength fertilizer. Once seedlings are well-established, transplant them 2 to 3 inches apart into deeper containers so root systems have room to develop. When 3 to 4 inches tall, acclimate to outdoor conditions and plant in full sun 12 inches apart.
Plant in: May - June for cold winters or March-May for mild winters
Full sun
Sow seeds 1 inch apart
Plant 1 inch deep
10-15 days to germinate
Mature Height: 12-18 inches
Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute suppliers due to availability.
Creeping Thyme
Renee's Garden - Related to Mother of Thyme, this easy to grow, cultivated strain of wild French thyme forms a 3 to 5 inch tall carpet of shiny little dark green, rounded leaves. When crushed, the pretty leaves release a light aromatic thyme perfume with just a hint of citrus. These low growing, perennial herb plants fill in over time to make a scented herbal carpet. Use as a verdant ground cover, between stepping stones or rock crevices, and to edge garden beds. (Thymus serpyllum)
Plants grow to 8-12 inches
Tiny, green leaves grow on woody stems
Pkt 0.15 g, ~1000 seeds
Instructions - Sow seeds indoors on surface of soil. Transplant outdoors after danger of frost has passed. After first year cut plants back each spring to renew them and keep them tidy. Plants prefer well-drained dry soil.
Sow 6-8 weeks before the last frost
Germination 10-20 days
Plant 6-12 apart
Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute seed vendors from time to time because of availability
Culinary Sage, Heirloom, Organic
Renee's Garden - Handsome heirloom plants with pretty, soft, blue-green leaves and flowers that butterflies love to visit. Traditional herb for holiday cooking and great with winter squash and pork dishes. Perennial. (Salvia officinalis)
Heirloom Herb
Sun-loving kitchen herb
Purple flowers
Attracts hummingbirds
Approx 138 seeds, 1 gram
Instructions - In early spring, sow seed 1 inch apart in a container of seed starting mix and cover 1⁄4 inch deep. Keep evenly moist as seedlings emerge and provide a strong light source until ready to plant outdoors. Transplant 12 to 18 inches apart when seedlings are about 2 or 3 inches tall after gradually acclimating plants to outdoor conditions. Sage plants are resilient and drought tolerant once established. Cut leafy sprigs once plants are well leafed out.
Plant in: February - June
Full sun
Plant 1/4 inch
Plant 1 inch apart
14-21 days to germinate
Mature Height: 2 - 2.5 feet
Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute suppliers due to availability.
Eastern Pollinator Seed Mixture (Native Mix Eastern U.S.)
from $10.00
Eastern Pollinator Seed Mixture
The Eastern Pollinator Mixture is for pollinator conservation in the eastern United States and southeast Canada. Enjoy our blen of North American Natives. The western planting boundary would be a line straight south from the eastern borders of North and South Dakota. It contains a balanced blend of native annuals and perennials that provide nectar and pollen throughout the growing season. If you have specific mix requirements for pollinator conservation projects, please contact us regarding a custom mix for your area. Check out all of our pollinator mixes at Pollinator Mix
Black-Eyed Susan (Rudbeckia hirta),
Blue Wild Indigo (Baptisia australis),
Brown-Eyed Susan (Rudbeckia triloba),
Evening Primrose (Oenothera biennis),
Golden Alexander (Zizia aurea),
Gray Goldenrod (Solidago nemoralis),
Hairy Beardtongue (Penstemon hirsutus),
Indian Blanket (Gaillardia pulchella),
Lance-Leaved Coreopsis (Coreopsis lanceolata),
Lavender Hyssop (Agastache foeniculum),
Lemon Mint (Monarda citriodora),
New England Aster (Symphyotrichum novae-angliae),
Ohio Spiderwort (Tradescantia ohiensis),
Partridge Pea (Chamaecrista fasciculata),
Plains Coreopsis (Coreopsis tinctoria),
Purple Coneflower (Echinacea purpurea),
Showy Tick Trefoil (Desmodium canadense),
Spotted Beebalm (Monarda punctata)
Seeding Rates:
5 oz for 1,000sq ft
7-14lbs per acre (depends on density of existing plantings)
1 Acre with Grass - 7 lbs per acre
1 Acre - 14 lbs per acre
1 oz will seed 200 sq ft
Instructions - Sow seeds anytime: fall before winter sets in, spring or summer. The area should be worked to either be free of all plants or prepared to allow seed contact to soil when planting in existing beds. Some seeds will germinate in the cool weather, while others will remain dormant until weather warms.
Sow 1/4" deep
Germination 10-20 days
English Thyme, Heirloom, Organic
Renee's Garden - Easy to grow heirloom garden staple with mounds of cascading tiny aromatic leaves. A basic herb for all Mediterranean cuisines with a wide range of uses in the kitchen. Perennial. (Thymus vulgaris)
Plants grow to 8-12 inches
Tiny, green leaves grow on woody stems
Pkt 0.275 g, ~1100 seeds
Instructions - Sow seeds indoors on surface of soil. Transplant outdoors after danger of frost has passed. After first year cut plants back each spring to renew them and keep them tidy. Plants prefer well-drained dry soil.
Sow 6-8 weeks before the last frost
Germination 10-20 days
Plant 6-12 apart
Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute seed vendors from time to time because of availability
English True Lavender, Heirloom
The Seed Savers Exchange - This essential herb bears fragrant grey-green, needlelike foliage and spikes of violet-blue flowers. Also known as True lavender, this Mediterranean native is highly valued for cutting and drying, as well as the aromatic fragrance and essential oils it produces. Plants grow 12-20" tall. Perennial in zones 5-9.
A perennial plant in zones 5-9
Plants grow to 12-20 inches
Short spikes of violet-blue flowers
Good for cutting, drying, and essential oils
Instructions - Sow seeds indoors just beneath the surface of the soil. Success is greatly improved if seeds are placed with soil into a plastic bag and refrigerated for 4-6 weeks. Once removed from refrigeration, place in an area that is between 55- 65°F. Plant out after the danger of frost has passed in late spring. Prefers well-drained, somewhat poor soil and is tolerant of drought.
Sow indoors 6-8 weeks before planting
Germination 15-45 days
Plant 18-24" apart
Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute seed vendors from time to time because of availability. Lettuce leaf basil is shown in the picture
French Rosemary, Renee's Garden Exclusive
EXCLUSIVE - The strong but subtle piney mint flavor of rosemary is a perfume no good cook should be without, and you can afford to be lavish when you grow your own plants from seed! Evergreen rosemary grows into a deliciously scented shrub whose needlelike, gray-green leaves are a classic aromatic seasoning. We have long sought and are delighted to offer you reliable seeds for this herb that is an essential part of every good kitchen garden.
Perennial in zones 8-10
Grown as an annual in cool climates
Tolerant of drought and low water
150mg, 75-90 seeds
Instructions - Sow seeds indoors 1/4" beneath surface of soil. Seeds need to be kept above 70°F for germination. Plant out after the danger of frost has passed in late spring. Prefers sandy, somewhat poor, well-drained soil.
Sow indoors 8-10 weeks before planting
Germination 14-21 days
Plant 12-24" apart
Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute seed vendors from time to time because of the availability
French Thyme
Renee's Garden - Softly mounding plants of cascading gray-green thyme leaves are a handsome accent in every cook’s garden. Intensely aromatic thyme is indispensable in all kinds of savory dishes throughout the classic Mediterranean cuisines of France, Italy and Greece and enhances both Cajun and Creole food. Use the spicy little leaves every day to combine and blend beautifully with the flavors of lemon, garlic, basil and parsley for seasoning vegetables, seafood and poultry. Thyme is easy to freeze or dry.(Thymus vulgaris)
Plants grow to 8-12 inches
Tiny, green leaves grow on woody stems
Pkt 0.25 g, ~1000 seeds
Instructions - Sow seeds indoors on surface of soil. Transplant outdoors after danger of frost has passed. After first year cut plants back each spring to renew them and keep them tidy. Plants prefer well-drained dry soil.
Sow 6-8 weeks before the last frost
Germination 10-20 days
Plant 6-12 apart
Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute seed vendors from time to time because of availability
Genovese Sweet Basil, Heirloom, Organic
Genovese Sweet Basil is probably the herb most of us look forward to. It pairs with so much and nothng really tastes like summer as much as basil and tomatoes. This variety is grown for fresh eating and for pestos. Plants grow 18-24" and produce densely branched plants when harvested regularly. Do not let it go to seed to keep producing fresh leaves. Can be chopped and frozen in olive oil for winter use. Annual.
Top Selling Herb
Height is18-24 inches
Sweet, fragrant leaves
100+ Seeds
Instructions - Our preference is to start indoors 4-6 weeks before the last frost. You can also sow seeds outdoors when soil is warm and temperature does not drop below 65°F. We prune plants regularly to keep them from seeding.
Sow 1/8" deep
Germination 5-25 days
Thin to 6-8: a piece.
German Winter Thyme, Organic
Southern Exposure Seed Exchange -85 days. Flavoring for sauces, soups, meats, dressings, and bean dishes. Shrubby, evergreen perennial. Zones 5-8, 4 with protection. Medicinal: Used as an expectorant and bronchial anti-spasmodic and carminative. (Thymus vulgaris)
Plants grow to 8-12 inches
Tiny, green leaves grow on woody stems
Pkt 0.2 g, ~1015 seeds
Instructions - Sow seeds indoors on surface of soil. Transplant outdoors after danger of frost has passed. After first year cut plants back each spring to renew them and keep them tidy. Plants prefer well-drained dry soil.
Sow 6-8 weeks before the last frost
Germination 10-20 days
Plant 6-12 apart
Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute seed vendors from time to time because of availability
High Mountain Native Grass Seed Mixture (Rocky Mountains)
from $3.75
High Mountain Native Grass Seed Mixture (Rocky Mountains)
This grass mixture is for elevations between 8,200 and 12,000 feet in the mountainous regions of the Western U.S. Contains Blue Wildrye, Mountain Brome, Alpine Bluegrass, Idaho Fescue, Canby Bluegrass and Tufted Hairgrass. Can be combined with flower seeds to create a colorful meadow.
Seeding Rates:
1lb will seed 3,600sq ft for grasses only
1lb will seed 7,200 when planted with flowers too
1 Acre with Grass Only - 12lbs per care
1 Acre with Flowers - 6lbs per acre
1 oz packets will do 225 sq ft of grass,
1 oz packets when planted with flowers it will do 450 sq ft
Instructions - Sow seeds anytime: fall before winter sets in, spring or summer. The area should be worked to either be free of all plants or prepared to allow seed contact to soil when planting in existing beds.
Sow 1/4" deep
Germination 10-20 days
Honey Bee Flower Mixture
from $3.00
Honey Bee Flower Seed Mixture
The Honey Bee Seed mix is the result of many years of research on honey bee flower preferences in our test garden. It is a blend of adaptable, annual and perennial flowers that provide nectar and pollen to honey bees. These flowers provide nectar and pollen to honey bees all season long. It is ideal for honey beekeepers and others interested in honey bee health. This mix can be used in garden beds, borders, and other maintained areas. Check out all of our pollinator mixes at Pollinator Mix
Blanketflower (Gaillardia aristata),
California Poppy (Eschscholzia californica),
Cape Forget-Me-Not (Anchusa capensis),
China Aster (Callistephus chinensis),
Chinese Forget-Me-Not (Cynoglossum amabile),
Corn Poppy (Papaver rhoeas),
Lacy Phacelia (Phacelia tanacetifolia),
Lance-Leaved Coreopsis (Coreopsis lanceolata),
Mexican Hat (Ratibida columnifera),
New England Aster (Symphyotrichum novae-angliae),
Purple Coneflower (Echinacea purpurea),
Purple Giant Hyssop (Agastache rugosa),
Purple Prairie Clover (Dalea purpurea),
Scarlet Cinquefoil (Potentilla thurberi),
Siberian Wallflower (Cheiranthus allionii),
Slender Mountain Mint (Pycnanthemum tenuifolium),
Sulphur Cosmos (Cosmos sulphureus),
Sweet Basil (Ocimum basilicum),
Sweet Mignonette (Reseda odorata)
Seeding Rates:
4 oz for 1,000sq ft
6-12 lbs per acre (depends on density of existing plantings)
1 Acre with Grass - 6 lbs per acre
1 Acre with Flowers - 12 lbs per acre
1 oz packets when planted with flowers it will do 250 sq ft
Instructions - Sow seeds anytime: fall before winter sets in, spring or summer. The area should be worked to either be free of all plants or prepared to allow seed contact to soil when planting in existing beds. Some grasses will germinate in the cool weather, while others will remain dormant until the is warms.
Sow 1/4" deep
Germination 10-20 days