Not avilable for 2025 - Asiatic Lilies are super easy to care for and are dependable bloomers year after year. Blooms are upright and look as if they are looking up towards the sun. Great for containers or front of the borders.
The Tiny Series provides countless blooms and are perfect containers. Our Tiny Crystal Asiatic Lily will provide an abundance of white blooms.
- USDA Zones 3-9 (Zone 3 you should mulch to help with winter lows)
- Mid-Summer flowering
- Bloom Duration: 2 weeks
- Cold Hardy
- Full Sun
- Bloom Color: White
Additional Information
Perfect for Containers! Does well in Naturalizing, Mass Planting, Borders, & Cut Gardens.
12-14” tall (It can take 2 seasons for Asiatic lilies to reach their full height.
Key Planting Tips
Plant in full sun to partial shade, 4-5” inches deep with the tip pointing up. Space each bulb 4-6" apart. Well drained soil is essential.
Lilies have everything they need to get started, but you can place a teaspoon of bone meal in the soil before planting and use a low nitrogen fertilizer when the first leaves appear in Spring.
Shipping: We start shipping in February and finish shipping in May or when we run out of our bulbs.