Current Supply is limited, more to arrive in January - Switchgrass 'Dacotah' Grass is a warm-season native bunchgrass that can be found in the throughout most of North America and is dominant species in Tallgrass Prairies. The Dacotah cultivar is from North Dakota. It is a little shorter and has some finer leaves. It prefers drier soils. It is used in projects to help control erosion, meadows, and prairies reclamation. It is used by many types of wildlife for food and cover.
This is a very hardy perennial and easily survives down to USDA Zone 3, can be found in zones 3-10 and prefers drier soils.
Botanical Name: Panicum Virgatum
Instructions - Seeds can also be directly sown into a weed-free seedbed in May or June as they germinate in warm weather. You can seed earlier or later, but do make sure it is with the compansions or oats to provide cover and prevent weeds from growing. Prefers sand and loam.
Alternatively Start Indoors late winter to early spring
We do not have a picture of Dacotah Switchgrass and simply used a Switchgrass.
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