All products
All Lilies (Lillium family)
Alliums (Ornamental)
Amaranth (Flowering)
Amazing Lesser Known Fall Bulbs
Annuals and Tender Perennials
AOA Hybrid Lily
Asian Greens
Asiatic Lilies
Autumn Flowering Crocus
Bachelor Buttons
Bare Root Perennials
Bearded Iris - Fall
Bearded Iris - Spring
Black is always Trendy
Bonnie’s Favorites
Botanical Tulips
Brussels Sprouts
Bulbs for Containers
Bunch Flowering Daffodils
Bunch Flowering Tulips
Bush Beans
Butterfly Daffodils
Calla Lillies
Cold Hardy Plants Zone 1, 2, 3, or 4
Collards and Mustards
Daffodils & Narcissus
Dahlia Seeds
Darwin Hybrid Tulips
Daylily - Hemerocallis
Deer, Rabbit and Rodent Resistant
Double Daffodils
Double Early Tulips
Double Late Tulips
Driftless Artisans
Dutch & Specie Iris
Dwarf Iris Collection
Edibles - Bare Roots, Garlic, and more
Eggplant or Aubergine
Emperor Tulips
Fall Flowering Crocus
Fall Peonies (Bare root)
Fall Planted Specialty
Fall Planting Garden Bulbs
Fava Beans
Film Supplies & Vintage Film
Firefly Farm & Mercantile Packed Seeds
Flower Mixes
Fringed Tulips
Garden Bulbs for Containers!
Garden Peony (lacftiflora)
Garden Special Order
Garden Tools, Accessories and Gifts
Giant Allium
Gift Boxes
Gifts - Holidays, Birthdays and everything else
Green Tulips
Gregii Tulip
Ground Cherries
Hardy Perennial Plant Starts and Plugs
Hardy Perennials
Hot Peppers
Imperial Fritillaria
Indigenous American Seeds
Inside Winter Bulbs
Itoh Peonies
Jonquilla Daffodils
LA Hybrid Lily
Large Cupped Daffodils
Large Flowering Crocus
Latest Arrivals - Flowers
Latest Arrivals - Vegetables
Lilies for Fall
Lily - OT Hybrids
Lily Flowering Tulips
Lima Beans
Medicinals - Popular Herbs with Medicinal Properties
Miniature Allium
Miniature Daffodils
Miniature Tulips
Mixed Collection
Mixed Collection
Mixed Daffodils
Mixed Tulips
Moon Gardens
Morning Glory
Mystery Seed Options
Native Bulbs & Plants
Native Flowers
Native Grass Mixes
Native Grasses
Native Pollinator Flower Mixes
Nature’s Nitrogen Fixers!
Nicotiana (Flowering Tobacco)
Often Overlooked Fall Favorites
Oriental Lilies
Other Flower Seeds
Other Unique Lilies
Other Vegetable Seeds
Overlooked Hardy Perennials
Pansy & Viola
Parrot Tulips
Pastured-Raised Poultry & Meat
Patio Peonies
Peony (All)
Pole Beans
Pollinator Flower Mixes
Popular Culinary Herbs
Popular Spring Bulbs for Warm Climates (Zones 7-11)
Pumpkins and Squash
Reblooming Bearded Iris
Rose Lilies
Roses (Local Pick up Only)
Runner Beans
Seed Collections Gift Packs
Seeds - Flowers
Seeds - Herbs
Seeds - Native Flowers and Grasses
Seeds - Vegetables
Sensory Garden Collection
Single Early Tulips
Single Late Tulips
Small Cupped Daffodils
Something Green.... in honor of Carson Dyke
Southern Favorites (Fall Planting)
Species Crocus
Spring Planting Bulbs
Spring Planting Specialty Bulbs
Squash and Pumpkins
Standard Bearded Iris
Strawberries, Alpine
Surprise Lilies
Sweet Pea Flowers
Sweet Peppers
Tall Allium
Tea Herbs
Tiger Lily
Tree Peony
Triumph Tulips
Trumpet Daffodils
Trumpet Lily
Vegetable Seed Collections
Vegetable Starts (Pick Up Only or Pre Orders for Special Event
Verbenas or Vervains (all)
Vervain (Native)
Vining Annuals
Big Bluestem - Prairie Native
from $3.00
Big Bluestem is a giant of the prairies! It’s what was the backbone of much of the prairies. It’s vital for native wildlife. It is native from the Rocky Mountains to the Atlantic Ocean. Its nickname is Turkey Foot as the seeds can look like a turkey’s foot.
Lush green 3-8' plants change color at first frost to red and copper tones that provides winter interests. Grows well in all soil types, just not standing water. Hardy to zone 3.
Perennial, hardy to zone 3
Heigh is to 3-8 feet
Winter Interest Changes color after frost to red-copper
Thrives in almost any soil types and drought tolerant
Warm-season grass
250 Seeds per packet
Instructions - Sow seeds indoors in a warm area (70-85°F). Transplant outdoors after danger of frost has passed. Seeds can also be directly sown into a weed-free seedbed in late April-June. Tolerates most moisture levels and withstands drought.
Alternatively Start Indoors - 8-10 weeks before the last frost.
Sow 1/2" deep
Germination 14-20d days
Thin 24" apart
Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute seed vendors from time to time because of availability
Blue Grama Grass- Prairie Native
from $3.00
Blue Grama Grass is a warm-season native bunchgrass that can be found in the central, southwest. It has expanded its natural range to both coasts but is not found in the Pacific Northwest. You can find this in prairies, open forests, along roads, and plains. The seed head turns a beautiful honey gold brown. Its seeds look like soldiers in a row as they hand from the stem. It is a dominant species in our short grass prairies. it is used commonly in xeriscaping due to its ability to survive on low amounts of water. Plant in full sun and well-drained soils.
Recommended for prairie plantings, xeriscape gardens and lawns and as a component of wildlife forage mixes.
This is a very hardy perennial and easily survives down to USDA Zone 3.
Botanical Name: Bouteloua gracilis
Hardy to zone 3, perennial
2-3 in height
Winter interest
Native ornamental
800 Seeds per packet, 1/2 gram, will cover 10 sq ft with no plants or 100 sq ft with other grasses, 1 oz will cover 500 sq ft, or 5,000 sq ft with other grasses.
Instructions - Seeds can also be directly sown into a weed-free seedbed in May or June as they germinate in warm weather. You can seed earlier or later, but do make sure it is with the companions or oats to provide cover and prevent weeds from growing. Prefers sand and loam.
Alternatively Start Indoors late winter to early spring
Sow 1/2" deep
Germination 14-20 days
Thin 24" apart
Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute seed vendors from time to time because of the availability
Buffalo Grass - Native
from $3.00
Buffalo Grass - is a warm-season grass and is a dominant specieis of shortgrass prairies of the Great Plains and Midwest and is native throughout most of the United States. It is very drought tolerant and is ideal in garden landscapes, prairie restoration, xeriscaing and range mixes as its a forage for White-tailed Deer, Bison, and Prairie Dogs. Domesticated animals will also use it for forage. This is the larval host for the Green Skipper Butterfly. Edging should be used in areas in where it is not wanted as it is stoloniferous in nature.
In winter it does go dormant and will turn brown but by late spring into summer it will remain green even in the driest conditions. It is as home in the south as it is in the north. The seed is soaked in Potassium nitrate to help with germination. It is a naturally occurring substance and is in all buffalos grass sold in the U.S.
This is a very hardy perennial and easily survives down to USDA Zone 3. Buchloe dactyloide
Hardy to zone 3, perennial
2-3 foot tall clumps
Blue-Green foliage turns copper-red in the fall
Erosion control plantings
55 Seeds per packet, .5 grams will cover 5 sq ft densely, 1 oz will cover 250 sq ft densely.
Instructions -Seeds can also be directly sown into a weed-free seedbed in May or June as they germinate in warm weather. You can seed earlier or later, but do make sure it is with the compansions or oats to provide cover and prevent weeds from growing. Not recommended for heavy clay.
Alternatively Start Indoors late winter to early spring
Sow 1/2" deep
Germination 14-20 days
Thin 24" apart
Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute seed vendors from time to time because of the availability
Idaho Fescue- Rocky Mountain and California Native
from $3.00
Idaho Fescue Grass is a cool-season silvery blue native bunchgrass that grows to heights of 40" and has very fine blades of grass. There no rhizomes and reproduces from seed. It remains green all winter. It is found in the Rocky Mountain corridor and westwards and grows in elevations up 5,000 to 10,000 ft. It can also be found in the Black Hills of South Dakota. Animals depend on this grass for forage and cover throughout the year. Idaho Fescue has a very deep and wide root system and is great for erosion control, natural restoration, gardens and homes.
This is a very hardy perennial and easily survives down to USDA Zone 3.
Botanical Name: Festacua Idahoenis
Hardy to zone 3, perennial
36-40" in height
Native grass
500 Seeds per packet, 1/2 gram, will cover 40 sq ft with no plants or 300 sq ft with other grasses, 1 oz will cover 2,000 sq ft, or 5,000 sq ft with other grasses.
Instructions - Seeds can also be directly sown into a weed-free seedbed at all times of the year soil can be worked.
Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute seed vendors from time to time because of the availability
Indian Grass, Indiangrass - Prairie Native
from $3.00
Indiangrass is a wonderful additional to any garden border where you need height and some drama. It can create backdrops and wind breaks for other plantings. Its giant golden seedheads provide beauty and will help feed wildlife all winter long. This is a very easy grass to get established and is beloved by birds, bees, insects, and mammals.
It is native in most of the US and can be found in 44 states, it is not found in WA, OR, ID, HI, and AK. This is a very hardy perennial and easily survives down to USDA Zone 3. Sorghastrum nutans
Hardy to zone 3, perennial
Does well in all soil types
5-7' in height with ornamenta seed heads.
Erosion control plantings, forage, prairie restoration
Combine with Little Bluestem for a striking companion
1g or ~300 Seeds per packet, covers 10 sq ft, 1 oz of seed will cover 300 sq ft
Instructions -Seeds can also be directly sown into a weed-free seedbed in May or June as they germinate in warm weather. You can seed earlier or later, but do make sure it is with the compansions or oats to provide cover and prevent weeds from growing. Not recommended for heavy clay.
Alternatively Start Indoors late winter to early spring
Sow 1/2" deep
Germination 14-20 days
Thin 24" apart
Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute seed vendors from time to time because of the availability
Little Bluestem - Prairie Native
from $3.00
Little Bluestem is perhaps the most popular native grass in the USA. It's beautiful blue-green foliage turns coppery red in the fall and provides wonderful winter interest. This is a must native plant for anyone who wants to encourage wildlife and beneficial insects as it provides tons of cover and forage. It was the most dominant of all the grasses 100 years ago across the United States and of course Canada. The only states it is not native to is California, Nevada, Oregon, Alaska and Hawaii. This can be used for forage but if hayed, it does need to go to rest every few years or it will die off.
This is a very hardy perennial and easily survives down to USDA Zone 3. Schizachyrium scoparium
Hardy to zone 3, perennial
2-3 foot tall clumps
Blue-Green foliage turns copper-red in the fall
Erosion control plantings
250 Seeds per packet
1lb covers 3,150 sq ft
Instructions -Seeds can also be directly sown into a weed-free seedbed in May or June as they germinate in warm weather. You can seed earlier or later, but do make sure it is with the compansions or oats to provide cover and prevent weeds from growing. Not recommended for heavy clay.
Alternatively Start Indoors late winter to early spring
Sow 1/2" deep
Germination 14-20 days
Thin 24" apart
Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute seed vendors from time to time because of the availability
Sand Dropseed- Native
from $3.00
Sand Dropseed Grass- is a warm-season grass and is a dominant species for shortgrass prairies, forest edges, meadows, along creeks and streams and is native throughout most of the United States. It is very drought tolerant and is ideal in garden landscapes, prairie restoration, xeriscaping. It provides excellent cover for bees and small birds. In winter it does go dormant and will turn brown but by late spring into summer it will remain green even in the driest conditions. It is as home in the south as it is in the north.
This is a very hardy perennial and easily survives down to USDA Zone 3. Sporobolus cryptandrus
Hardy to zone 3, perennial
2-3 foot tall clumps
Prefers sandy soils, does well in loams
Erosion control plantings
5,000 Seeds per packet, .5 grams will cover 15 sq ft densely, 1 oz will cover 1,300 sq ft densely.
Instructions -Seeds can also be directly sown into a weed-free seedbed in May or June as they germinate in warm weather. You can seed earlier or later, but do make sure it is with the compansions or oats to provide cover and prevent weeds from growing. Not recommended for heavy clay.
Alternatively Start Indoors late winter to early spring
Sow 1/2" deep
Germination 14-20 days
Thin 24" apart
Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute seed vendors from time to time because of the availability
Sandberg Bluegrass- Rocky Mountain Native
from $3.00
Sandberg Bluegrass is a cool-season native bunchgrass that grows without rhizomes. It is found in the Rocky Mountain corridor and grows inelevations up to 9,000 ft. It is 12-14" tall, withstands drought, but with enough rain it will stay green all summer. This is the most dominant bluegrass in Utah and the surrounding states. Animals depend on this grass for forage and cover throughout the year.
Recommended for prairie plantings, xeriscape gardens and lawns and as a component of wildlife forage mixes. It is ideal for areas with sagebrush and mountain shrub communities. It is good for forage when planted alongside other similiar habitat grasses.
This is a very hardy perennial and easily survives down to USDA Zone 3.
Botanical Name: Poa secunda, Poa Sandbergii
Hardy to zone 3, perennial
1-1.5' in height
Native grass
1000 Seeds per packet, 1/2 gram, will cover 15 sq ft with no plants or 150 sq ft with other grasses, 1 oz will cover 705 sq ft, or 7,500 sq ft with other grasses.
Instructions - Seeds can also be directly sown into a weed-free seedbed at all times of the year soil can be worked.
Alternatively Start Indoors late winter to early spring
Sow 1/2" deep
Germination 14-20 days
Thin 24" apart
Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute seed vendors from time to time because of the availability
Sideoats Grama Grass- Prairie Native
from $3.00
Our next seed arrives 12/3 - We will ship any orders with this on 12/4. This is from our fall harvest of 2024, so the freshest seed available.
Sideoats Grama Grass is a warm-season native bunchgrass that can be found in the throughout most of North America. It is easy to tell it from other grasses as all the seeds hang just from one side. Sideoats Grama grass prefers full sun. This grass can be used in meadows, prairies, beds, borders and be part of a forage mix. It is also popualr in xeriscaping applications.
This is a very hardy perennial and easily survives down to USDA Zone 4, can be found in zones 4-9 and prefers drier soils.
Botanical Name: Bouteloua curtipendula
Hardy to zone 4, perennial
2' in height
Winter interest
Native ornamental and forage
350 Seeds per packet, 1 gram, will cover 10 sq ft with no plants or 100 sq ft with other grasses, 1 oz will cover 500 sq ft, or 5,000 sq ft with other grasses.
Instructions - Seeds can also be directly sown into a weed-free seedbed in May or June as they germinate in warm weather. You can seed earlier or later, but do make sure it is with the compansions or oats to provide cover and prevent weeds from growing. Prefers sand and loam.
Alternatively Start Indoors late winter to early spring
Sow 1/2" deep
Germination 14-20 days
Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute seed vendors from time to time because of the availability
Switchgrass 'Blackwell' Grass- Prairie Native (South)
from $3.00
Switchgrass 'Blackwell' Grass is a warm-season native bunchgrass that can be found in the throughout most of North America and is dominant species in Tallgrass Prairies. The Blackwell cultivar is from the Blackwell, Oklahoma. It is a vigorous cultivar. It is used in projects to help control erosion, meadows, and prairies reclamation. It is used by many types of wildlife for food and cover. Ideally you like to choose cultivars closer to your region and this would be one for the southern climates but is hardy to zone 3 none the less.
This is a very hardy perennial and easily survives down to USDA Zone 3, can be found in zones 3-10 and prefers drier soils.
Botanical Name: Panicum Virgatum
Hardy to zone 3, perennial
5' in height
Native ornamental and forage
250 Seeds per packet, 1 gram, will cover 10 sq ft with no plants or 100 sq ft with other grasses, 1 oz will cover 500 sq ft, or 5,000 sq ft with other grasses.
Instructions - Seeds can also be directly sown into a weed-free seedbed in May or June as they germinate in warm weather. You can seed earlier or later, but do make sure it is with the compansions or oats to provide cover and prevent weeds from growing. Prefers sand and loam.
Alternatively Start Indoors late winter to early spring
Sow 1/2" deep
Germination 14-20 days
We do not have a picture of Dacotah Switchgrass and simply used a Switchgrass.
Switchgrass 'Dacotah' Grass- Prairie Native (North)
from $3.00
Current Supply is limited, more to arrive in January - Switchgrass 'Dacotah' Grass is a warm-season native bunchgrass that can be found in the throughout most of North America and is dominant species in Tallgrass Prairies. The Dacotah cultivar is from North Dakota. It is a little shorter and has some finer leaves. It prefers drier soils. It is used in projects to help control erosion, meadows, and prairies reclamation. It is used by many types of wildlife for food and cover.
This is a very hardy perennial and easily survives down to USDA Zone 3, can be found in zones 3-10 and prefers drier soils.
Botanical Name: Panicum Virgatum
Hardy to zone 3, perennial
5' in height
Native ornamental and forage
350 Seeds per packet, 1 gram, will cover 10 sq ft with no plants or 100 sq ft with other grasses, 1 oz will cover 500 sq ft, or 5,000 sq ft with other grasses.
Instructions - Seeds can also be directly sown into a weed-free seedbed in May or June as they germinate in warm weather. You can seed earlier or later, but do make sure it is with the compansions or oats to provide cover and prevent weeds from growing. Prefers sand and loam.
Alternatively Start Indoors late winter to early spring
Sow 1/2" deep
Germination 14-20 days
We do not have a picture of Dacotah Switchgrass and simply used a Switchgrass.
Wheatgrass, 'Bluebunch'- Native Western Grass
from $3.00
Bluebunch Wheatgrass is a cool-season native bunchgrass that has a very strong root system. It is a western native and often found in the mountain and high elevations but grows throughout the entire range. Bluebunch Wheatgrass has a very deep and wide root system and is great for erosion control, natural restoration, gardens and home gardens. It can be used for forage for livestock and wildlife.
This is a very hardy perennial and easily survives down to USDA Zone 3. It can be found zones 3-10.
Botanical Name: Pseuoroegneria spicata
Hardy to zone 3, perennial
48" in height
Native grass
300 Seeds per packet, 1 gram, will cover 150 sq ft with no plants or 300 sq ft with other grasses, 1 oz will cover 2,000 sq ft, or 5,000 sq ft with other grasses.
Instructions - Seeds can also be directly sown into a weed-free seedbed at all times of the year soil can be worked.
Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute seed vendors from time to time because of the availability
Wildrye, Canada or Nodding Wildrye
from $3.00
Canada Wildrye - is a cool-season native bunchgrass that is found throughout the United States and Canada. It grows quick and is perennial with a shorter life but its ability to stabilize soil is why it can be used in reclamation projects where it is important to stick with native planting. It can be used for forage for livestock and wildlife. It's seed heads are long and looking like they are nodding when in full bloom They are extremely ornamental and essential for wildlife.
This is a very hardy perennial and easily survives down to USDA Zone 3. It can be found zones 3-10.
Botanical Name: Elymus canadensis
Hardy to zone 3, perennial
48" in height
Native grass
500 Seeds per packet, 2 gram, will cover 15 sq ft with no plants or 150 sq ft with other grasses, 1 oz will cover 2,000 sq ft, or 5,000 sq ft with other grasses.
Instructions - Seeds can also be directly sown into a weed-free seedbed at all times of the year soil can be worked.
Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute seed vendors from time to time because of the availability
Wildrye, Virginia
from $3.00
Virgina Wildrye - is a cool-season native bunchgrass that is native to the Eastern state of the U.S. It grows quick and is perennial with a shorter life but its ability to stabilize soil is why it can be used in reclamation projects where it is important to stick with native planting. It can be used for forage for livestock and wildlife.
This is a very hardy perennial and easily survives down to USDA Zone 3. It can be found zones 3-10.
Botanical Name: Elymus virginicus
Hardy to zone 3, perennial
48" in height
Native grass
400 Seeds per packet, 2 gram, will cover 15 sq ft with no plants or 150 sq ft with other grasses, 1 oz will cover 2,000 sq ft, or 5,000 sq ft with other grasses.
Instructions - Seeds can also be directly sown into a weed-free seedbed at all times of the year soil can be worked.
Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute seed vendors from time to time because of the availability