All products All All Lilies (Lillium family) Alliums (Ornamental) Amaranth (Flowering) Amaryllis Amazing Lesser Known Fall Bulbs Anemone Annuals and Tender Perennials AOA Hybrid Lily Arugula Asian Greens Asiatic Lilies Asparagus Asters Autumn Flowering Crocus Bachelor Buttons Bare Root Perennials Basil Beans Bearded Iris - Fall Bearded Iris - Spring Beets Begonias Black is always Trendy Bonnie’s Favorites Botanical Tulips Broccoli Brussels Sprouts Bulbs for Containers Bunch Flowering Daffodils Bunch Flowering Tulips Bush Beans Butterfly Daffodils Cabbage Calendula Calla Lillies Canna Carrot Cauliflower Celery Celosia Chamomile Chard Chionodoxa Chives Cilantro Cleomes Cold Hardy Plants Zone 1, 2, 3, or 4 Collards and Mustards Columbine Corn Cosmos Cotton Cowpea Cress Crocosmia Crocus Cucumber Cumin Daffodils & Narcissus Dahlia Seeds Dahlias Daisy Darwin Hybrid Tulips Daylily - Hemerocallis Deer, Rabbit and Rodent Resistant Dianthus Dill Double Daffodils Double Early Tulips Double Late Tulips Driftless Artisans Dutch & Specie Iris Echinacea Edibles - Bare Roots, Garlic, and more Eggplant or Aubergine Emperor Tulips Endive Fall Flowering Crocus Fall Peonies (Bare root) Fall Planted Specialty Fall Planting Garden Bulbs Fava Beans Fennel Film Supplies & Vintage Film Firefly Farm & Mercantile Packed Seeds Flower Mixes Four-O-Clocks Foxglove Freesias Fringed Tulips Garden Bulbs for Containers! Garden Peony (lacftiflora) Garden Special Order Garden Tools, Accessories and Gifts Giant Allium Gift Boxes Gifts - Holidays, Birthdays and everything else Gladiolus Gourds Grains Green Tulips Gregii Tulip Ground Cherries Hardy Perennial Plant Starts and Plugs Hardy Perennials Hibiscus Hollyhocks Hot Peppers Hyacinth Hyssop Imperial Fritillaria Indigenous American Seeds Inside Winter Bulbs Itoh Peonies Jonquilla Daffodils Kale Kohlrabi LA Hybrid Lily Large Cupped Daffodils Large Flowering Crocus Larkspur Latest Arrivals - Flowers Latest Arrivals - Vegetables Lavender Leek Lettuce Lilies for Fall Lily - OT Hybrids Lily Flowering Tulips Lima Beans Lupine Marigolds Martagons Medicinals - Popular Herbs with Medicinal Properties Melon Microgreens Miniature Allium Miniature Daffodils Miniature Tulips Mint Mixed Collection Mixed Collection Mixed Daffodils Mixed Tulips Moon Gardens Morning Glory Muscari Mustard Mystery Seed Options Nasturtium Native Bulbs & Plants Native Flowers Native Grass Mixes Native Grasses Native Pollinator Flower Mixes Nature’s Nitrogen Fixers! Nicotiana (Flowering Tobacco) Nigella Often Overlooked Fall Favorites Okra Onions Orach Oriental Lilies Other Flower Seeds Other Unique Lilies Other Vegetable Seeds Overlooked Hardy Perennials Pansy & Viola Paperwhites Parrot Tulips Parsley Parsnips Pastured-Raised Poultry & Meat Patio Peonies Peas Peonies Peppers Pole Beans Pollinator Flower Mixes Poppy Popular Culinary Herbs Popular Spring Bulbs for Warm Climates (Zones 7-11) Pumpkins and Squash Radish Ranunculus Reblooming Bearded Iris Rose Lilies Roses (Local Pick up Only) Runner Beans Rutabagas Sage Salvia Scabiosa Seed Collections Gift Packs Seeds - Flowers Seeds - Herbs Seeds - Native Flowers and Grasses Seeds - Vegetables Sensory Garden Collection Shallots Single Early Tulips Single Late Tulips Small Cupped Daffodils Snapdragon Snowdrops Something Green.... in honor of Carson Dyke Sorghum Sorrel Southern Favorites (Fall Planting) Soybean Species Crocus Spinach Spring Planting Bulbs Spring Planting Specialty Bulbs Sprouts Squash and Pumpkins Standard Bearded Iris Stock Strawberries, Alpine Sunflowers Surprise Lilies Sweet Pea Flowers Sweet Peppers Tall Allium Tea Herbs Thyme Tiger Lily Tomatillo Tomato Tree Peony Triumph Tulips Trumpet Daffodils Trumpet Lily Tulips Tulsi Turnip Vegetable Seed Collections Vegetable Starts (Pick Up Only or Pre Orders for Special Event Verbenas or Vervains (all) Vervain (Native) Vining Annuals Watermelon Zinnias Zucchini
Bearded Iris 'All Night Long', 2004 introduction from $9.95
All Night Long’ Bearded Iris - 'All Night Long' can appear black and it can have a purple iridescent color as well.  As it matures it takes different hues.  This one deserves to be in every garden to share its brilliance and uniqueness.  Breeder info: Roger Duncan, 2004 Bearded Irises are wonderful. They are easy to grow and give you wonderful results.  Bearded Irises are hardy from Zone 3 all the way to Zone 10.  They do not need a chilling period so they can grow almost anywhere in the United States.  It’s not uncommon to hear stories how immigrants would bring these flower with them from their home countries throughout Europe.  If you walk through suburbs and cities, you will start to be able to see the diversity of these species.   USDA Zones 3 – 10 Flowers May to June depending on your zone Bloom Duration: 3-4 weeks Cold Hardy Full Sun Additional Information Deer, Rabbit, & Rodent Resistant Great for Naturalizing, Borders, Mass Plantings, and Rock Gardens 36” tall Drought tolerant Key Planting Tips Plant in full sun with 1/3 of the rhizome exposed above the soil.  We like to plant ours 18”-30” apart.  They fill in pretty fast.  Do NOT mulch over the rhizome as they like to remain dry and extra mulch increases chances of rot.  We recommended cutting the flower once it blooms to put energy back into the rhizome and the new blooms that will happen later in the summer. Ships mid September to mid October.  Photo Credit: Flickr Handle P C Chang
Bearded Iris 'Blackwater' 2014 Introduction from $9.95
‘Blackwater’ Bearded Iris - If you love dark colors, then this all black bearded iris will be for you. It is so unusal as it is a rare color in flower blossoms.  These will be gone before I start shipping in September! Breeder Info: Schriener, 2014 Bearded Irises are wonderful. They are easy to grow and give you wonderful results.  Bearded Irises are hardy from Zone 3 all the way to Zone 10.  They do not need a chilling period so they can grow almost anywhere in the United States.  It’s not uncommon to hear stories how immigrants would bring these flower with them from their home countries throughout Europe.  If you walk through suburbs and cities, you will start to be able to see the diversity of these species. USDA Zones 3 – 10 Flowers May to June depending on your zone Bloom Duration: 3-4 weeks Cold Hardy Full Sun Additional Information Deer, Rabbit, & Rodent Resistant Great for Naturalizing, Borders, Mass Plantings, and Rock Gardens 36” tall Drought tolerant Key Planting Tips Plant in full sun with 1/3 of the rhizome exposed above the soil.  We like to plant ours 18”-30” apart.  They fill in pretty fast.  Do NOT mulch over the rhizome as they like to remain dry and extra mulch increases chances of rot.  We recommended cutting the flower once it blooms to put energy back into the rhizome and the new blooms that will happen later in the summer. Ships mid September to mid October. . 
'Schwarzwalder' Calla Lily from $5.99
'Schwarzwalder' Calla Lilies are lovely in a border garden, by your mailbox, in your cutting garden, or just in a pot to enjoy. The deep purple, almost black, calla lily blossoms are wonderful additions to your garden. We always enjoy thinking of them as nature's teacups and enjoy these summer flowers.  Calla Lilies produce numerous blossoms atop wonderful lush foliage. Calla Lilies are hardy to USDA Zones 9-11 only and will be need to be lifted or protected in other climates.  Characteristics 18” tall  USDA Zones 9-11 (Hardy in these zones, lift and store in winter in other zones) Summer to Fall Bloom Duration: Continuous Blooms through frost starting in early summer Full Sun to Partial Shade Additional Information Great for Borders, Cutting Gardens, and Containers Ships starting in mid to late March Key Planting Tips Callas should be planted 4" deep and 6" apart. Wait for the soil to reach 65 degrees Fahrenheit. You can start inside in pots and transplant to the gardens to give them a head start. 
Queen of Night Tulip 1936 Heirloom Bulbs (Single Late Tulip) from $4.99
This cultivar was introduced in 1936. The standout blooms contrast with may spring blooms.  Scatter among late season white tulips for a dramatic effect. Our bulbs are close to 5” in circumference ( 12+ cm) which makes them some of the biggest you can purchase and are sourced from Holland. USDA Zones 3 – 6 (they can be planted in warm climates if given a chill period) Late-season flowering (May) Bloom Duration: 3 weeks Cold Hardy Full Sun Additional Information Great for Naturalizing or Mass Planting Historical Significance, introduced in 1936 24” tall Key Planting Tips Plant in full sun, 6” inches deep with the tip pointing up. Space each bulb 4-6” apart. They will tolerate some shade. Tulips have everything they need to get started, but you can place a teaspoon of bone meal in the soil before planting and use a low nitrogen fertilizer when the first leaves appear in Spring. Our bulbs will ship to you in mid September to mid October. They are from the 2020 crop.
'Black Ship Lily' Lilium Asiatic (Asiatic Lily Hybrid, Div VIII Lily) from $15.00
The deep dark blossoms of Black Ship Lily finally delivers on a black lily, well almost - you get deep maroons to black lilies.  Most lilies are hues of deep purple or maroon. Black Ship really looks black on the shady days and a deep maroon color on sunny days. These were very limited but we were able to bring in some crates to the garden shop and add some drama to our butterfly and exhibition gardens.  Our bulbs are 5” in circumference ( 14-16 cm) which makes them some of the biggest available.  USDA Zones 4-9 (Zone 3 with heavy mulch) Mid-Summer flowering  Bloom Duration: 3 weeks Cold Hardy Full Sun Bloom Color: Black Additional Information Great for Mass Planting, Borders, & Cut Gardens.  30-36” tall Shipping: We start shipping this one in Mid March.  Key Planting Tips Plant in full sun to partial shade, 6” inches deep with the tip pointing up. Space each bulb 4-6" apart. Well drained soil is essential.  Lilies have everything they need to get started, but you can place a teaspoon of bone meal in the soil before planting and use a low nitrogen fertilizer when the first leaves appear in Spring. We simply use compost and they do wonderful. We simply add compost and top dress with compost. 
Black Swan Heirloom Poppy, Dark Maroon Flowers, Breadseed Poppy $3.00 $3.95
The Black Swan Breadseed Poppy is a favorite poppy for its stunning color in the landscape. Its frilly double blooms add some whimsy and mystique. Botanical name: Papaver somniferum All plant parts except the seeds are toxic. Stunning semi double to double dark maroon to almost black blooms. It sometimes will throw single blooms.  Grows 2 to 2.5 feet tall Blooms late June - July 1/6 gram or ~ 250 Seeds Instructions - Direct seeding is preferable, as poppies do not like to have their roots disturbed. Sow seeds outdoors in the early spring when the soil is still cool and light frost is possible. Can also be sown in the fall just before the ground freezes. Plants will tolerate average to poor soil as well as doing well in garden loam. They need cold stratification to germinate well.  Direct Seed 1/4" deep Germination 10-15 days Thin 8-10" apart Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute seed vendors from time to time because of availability
Landini Lily, (Asiatic Lily, Lily Div I) from $12.95 $15.99
Landini's dark burgandy blooms are often called black but even on shady days the blooms area deep burgandy and the color when paired with white is surreal.  Our bulbs are 5”+ in circumference ( 14-16 cm) which makes them some of the biggest available.  USDA Zones 4-9  (Zone 3 with heavy mulch) Mid-Summer flowering  Bloom Duration: 3 weeks Cold Hardy Full Sun Bloom Color: Burgandy Additional Information Great for Mass Planting, Borders, & Cut Gardens.  3" tall Ships starting in Mid-March Key Planting Tips Plant in full sun to partial shade, 6” inches deep with the tip pointing up. Space each bulb 4-6" apart. Well drained soil is essential.  Lilies have everything they need to get started, but you can place a teaspoon of bone meal in the soil before planting and use a low nitrogen fertilizer when the first leaves appear in Spring.  
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