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April in Paris Sweet Pea, Sweet Pea Flowers
Renee's Garden - Developed by world-renowned breeder Dr. Keith Hammett, April in Paris is a perfect match of intoxicating fragrance, lovely form and captivating color with the most intense perfume of any sweet pea I have ever grown. The large ruffled blossoms are a soft primrose cream, tinted at the edges in dark lilac that deepens and increases with age. These strong growing vines produce heavy sets of long-stemmed flowers that beg to be cut for heavenly scented bouquets.
Pollinators & Beneficials
Annual climbing vine
Spring/summer bloom
Frost tolerant
Instructions - Sweet peas must have well-drained soil, so dig deeply and enrich with aged manure or compost before sowing seeds. Erect a well-anchored trellis, vertical netting, or other support for vines before planting. Sow seeds in full sun in cool early spring weather as early as the ground can be worked. In mild winter areas, where the ground does not freeze, plant in the fall after Labor Day; seeds will germinate and form strong root systems, then overwinter to bloom strongly in spring. Plant sweet pea seeds 1 inch deep and 2 to 3 inches apart. When seedlings are 2 inches tall, thin them 4 to 5 inches apart, to allow plants room to mature.
Sweet peas bloom best before the weather gets too hot, so if spring planting, sow as soon as the ground can be worked. Where summer heat comes on fast, they’ll appreciate a spot with afternoon shade. Anchor supports well as vines will grow heavy with bloom. Protect seedlings from birds, slugs, and snails. Mulch and keep well watered. For the longest bloom, pick flowers often and keep faded blossoms cut.
Plant in: March-April for cold winters; September-March for mild winters
Full sun or part-day shade
Sow seeds 2-3" apart; 1" deep
Days to germinate: 12-28 days
Mature Height: 6-8 feet
Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute suppliers due to availability.
Blue Celeste Sweet Pea, Exhibition Sweet Pea
Renee's Garden - The delicate soft shade of Celeste’s silky ruffled blooms reminds me most of the wonderful pale blue of my favorite spring iris. Blue Celeste’s alluring pastel blossoms are very perfumed and bloom abundantly, 4 to 5 to a stem. They make entrancing vase flowers with lovely luminous color, fragrance and form. You’ll have lots to cut as this British-bred specialty sweet pea offers a strong performance in the garden. These sweet blue flowers hold the eye and heart.
Early Blooming Sweet Peas
Large ruffled blooms
Annual Climbing Vine
Soft watercolor shades
Lasting cut flowers
Approx 45-50 seeds
Instructions - Sweet peas must have well-drained soil, so dig deeply and enrich with aged manure or compost before sowing seeds. Erect a well-anchored trellis, vertical netting or other support for vines before planting. Sow seeds in full sun in cool early spring weather as early as the ground can be worked. In mild winter areas, where the ground does not freeze, plant in fall; seeds will germinate and form strong root systems, then overwinter to bloom strongly in spring. Plant sweet pea seeds 1 inch deep and 2 to 3 inches apart. When seedlings are 2 inches tall, thin them 4 to 5 inches apart, to allow plants room to mature.
Plant in: February - April
Full sun
Plant 1 inch deep
Plant 2-3 inches apart
12-20 days to germinate
Mature Height: 6-8 feet
Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute suppliers due to availability.
Chiffon Elegance Sweet Pea, Early Blooming
Renee's Garden - Day-length neutral Elegance sweet peas are specially bred to reliably bloom several weeks earlier than any other sweet pea. Our Chiffon Elegance is a silky watercolor quartet of softly colored blossoms in pure white, deepest magenta-rose, soft shell pink, and gorgeous lavender. These large and beautifully formed ruffled flowers bloom on vigorous long stems for many weeks. The tall climbing vines produce a very long season of lightly fragrant enchanting blooms to enjoy in the garden and for endless lavish bouquets.
Early Blooming Sweet Peas
Large ruffled blooms
Annual Climbing Vine
Soft watercolor shades
Lasting cut flowers
Approx 45-50 seeds
Instructions - Sweet peas must have well-drained soil, so dig deeply and enrich with aged manure or compost before sowing seeds. Erect a well-anchored trellis, vertical netting or other support for vines before planting. Sow seeds in full sun in cool early spring weather as early as the ground can be worked. In mild winter areas, where the ground does not freeze, plant in fall; seeds will germinate and form strong root systems, then overwinter to bloom strongly in spring. Plant sweet pea seeds 1 inch deep and 2 to 3 inches apart. When seedlings are 2 inches tall, thin them 4 to 5 inches apart, to allow plants room to mature.
Plant in: February - April
Full sun
Plant 1 inch deep
Plant 2-3 inches apart
12-20 days to germinate
Mature Height: 6-8 feet
Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute suppliers due to availability.
Color Palette Cupid, Windowbox Sweet Pea
Renee's Garden - Color Palette Cupid is a lovely color mix of fragrant bush sweet peas perfect to grow in outdoor containers to decorate your patio, deck or any small space garden area. These diminutive vines grow just eight to 10 inches tall, then the sweetly scented big flowers bloom happily on softly cascading branches. Fill up your containers with this special blend of all the Cupid colors. You’ll have plants with blossoms in rose-pink and white, soft lavender, shell pink, and deep purple.
Window Length
Large ruffled blooms
Soft watercolor shades
Lasting cut flowers
Approx 45-50 seeds
Instructions - Sweet peas must have well-drained soil, so dig deeply and enrich with aged manure or compost before sowing seeds. Erect a well-anchored trellis, vertical netting or other support for vines before planting. Sow seeds in full sun in cool early spring weather as early as the ground can be worked. In mild winter areas, where the ground does not freeze, plant in fall; seeds will germinate and form strong root systems, then overwinter to bloom strongly in spring. Plant sweet pea seeds 1 inch deep and 2 to 3 inches apart. When seedlings are 2 inches tall, thin them 4 to 5 inches apart, to allow plants room to mature.
Plant in: February - April
Full sun
Plant 1 inch deep
Plant 2-3 inches apart
12-20 days to germinate
Mature Height:1-2 feet
Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute suppliers due to availability.
Cupani's Original Sweet Pea, 1600's Heirloom's
Renee's Garden - Ours is an especially strong blooming strain of this heat tolerant treasured heirloom. Its ancestry can be traced to the first wild sweet peas from Sicily named for Father Francis Cupani, the Italian monk who discovered and sent them back to England in the 17th century. These intensely perfumed, beautifully bicolored flowers have petals of deep maroon purple and orchid-violet. The fragrance of these classic simple blossoms truly wafts in the air, delighting every passerby.
Heat tolerant
Large ruffled blooms
Our oldest Sweet Pea
Lasting cut flowers
Approx 35-40 seeds
Instructions - Sweet peas must have well-drained soil, so dig deeply and enrich with aged manure or compost before sowing seeds. Erect a well-anchored trellis, vertical netting or other support for vines before planting. Sow seeds in full sun in cool early spring weather as early as the ground can be worked. In mild winter areas, where the ground does not freeze, plant in fall; seeds will germinate and form strong root systems, then overwinter to bloom strongly in spring. Plant sweet pea seeds 1 inch deep and 2 to 3 inches apart. When seedlings are 2 inches tall, thin them 4 to 5 inches apart, to allow plants room to mature.
Plant in: February - April
Full sun
Plant 1 inch deep
Plant 2-3 inches apart
12-20 days to germinate
Mature Height:1-2 feet
Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute suppliers due to availability.
Electric Blue Sweet Pea
Renee's Garden - We are proud to make this rare and unusual species of sweet pea available for home gardeners. The dainty little flowers are an exquisite glowing blue color, some with rose-touched throats. The abundant singly born blossoms shine out like jewels against lushly tangled grassy foliage and gently curling tendrils. This long-blooming vining beauty reaches 3-4 feet tall and makes a wonderful garden accent in big pots with a short trellis, tumbling over a low wall or scrambling enticingly up a fence.
Great in containers
Pollinators & Beneficials
Annual climbing vine
Spring/summer bloom
Frost tolerant
Instructions - Sweet peas need well-drained soil. Dig deeply and enrich with aged manure or compost. Sow seeds 1 inch deep and 3 inches apart in full sun as soon as the ground can be worked in early spring. Erect sturdy support for the short vines before planting. In mild winter areas, where the ground doesn’t freeze, plant in fall; seeds will germinate and form strong root systems, then overwinter to bloom strongly in spring.
For container planting, use containers at least 12 inches in diameter filled with well-moistened potting soil. Plant seeds 1 inch deep and 3 inches apart. In the summer heat, container sweet peas do best in a spot with afternoon shade. When plants have 3 or 4 sets of leaves pinch them back so just 2 sets remain. This encourages full, bushy growth.
Sweet peas bloom best before the weather gets too hot, so if spring planting, sow as soon as the ground can be worked. Be sure to protect seedlings from their most common predators: birds, slugs, and snails, especially if fall planting. Mulch, keep well watered, and feed plants regularly. Container-grown sweet peas should be fertilized every 2 weeks for the best bloom.
Plant in: March-April for cold winters; September-March for mild winters
Full sun or part-day shade
Sow seeds 3" apart; 1" deep
Days to germinate: 12-28 days
Mature Height: 3-4 feet
Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute suppliers due to availability.
Garden Orchids Sweet Pea, Perennial Sweet Pea
Renee's Garden - The delicate soft shade of Celeste’s silky ruffled blooms reminds me most of the wonderful pale blue of my favorite spring iris. Blue Celeste’s alluring pastel blossoms are very perfumed and bloom abundantly, 4 to 5 to a stem. They make entrancing vase flowers with lovely luminous color, fragrance and form. You’ll have lots to cut as this British-bred specialty sweet pea offers a strong performance in the garden. These sweet blue flowers hold the eye and heart.
Early Blooming Sweet Peas
Large ruffled blooms
Annual Climbing Vine
Soft watercolor shades
Lasting cut flowers
Approx 45-50 seeds
Instructions - Sweet peas must have well-drained soil, so dig deeply and enrich with aged manure or compost before sowing seeds. Erect a well-anchored trellis, vertical netting or other support for vines before planting. Sow seeds in full sun in cool early spring weather as early as the ground can be worked. In mild winter areas, where the ground does not freeze, plant in fall; seeds will germinate and form strong root systems, then overwinter to bloom strongly in spring. Plant sweet pea seeds 1 inch deep and 2 to 3 inches apart. When seedlings are 2 inches tall, thin them 4 to 5 inches apart, to allow plants room to mature.
Plant in: February - April
Full sun
Plant 1 inch deep
Plant 2-3 inches apart
12-20 days to germinate
Mature Height: 6-8 feet
Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute suppliers due to availability.
Grandiflora Mix Sweet Pea, Pre-1907 Heirloom
The Seed Savers Exchange -
Mixture of strongly scented old sweet pea varieties that were introduced before 1907, including some bi-colored and striped blossoms. If you have space for only one sweet pea, this would be the one! Heat tolerant. Sweet peas are poisonous! Annual, 5-6' tall.
Heat tolerant
Grows 5 to 6 feet tall
100 seeds per packet
Instructions for planting
Plant when the ground is workable in the cool months. Zones 7-9 plant in November and colder zones as soon as the ground unfreezes. Plant in Full Sun
1/2 Depth for planting, 4” apart
6-10” apart for thinning
Requires trellis
Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute seed vendors from time to time because of the availability
Heirloom Cupid Sweet Pea, Windowbox Sweet Pea, Heirloom
Renee's Garden - EXCLUSIVE -Perfect for displaying on patios, decks or in small space gardens. Cupid is a very fragrant heirloom bush sweet pea that looks particularly lovely planted in containers or hanging baskets. Cupid’s short vines grow 8 to 10 inches tall, then flower in gracefully cascading stems of rose-pink, picotee edged blossoms. These old fashioned beauties have an ambrosial sweet pea scent that perfumes the air around them. Join us in rediscovering this marvelous antique variety, beloved by many generations.
Window Length
Large ruffled blooms
Soft watercolor shades
Lasting cut flowers
Approx 30-35 seeds
Instructions - Sweet peas must have well-drained soil, so dig deeply and enrich with aged manure or compost before sowing seeds. Erect a well-anchored trellis, vertical netting or other support for vines before planting. Sow seeds in full sun in cool early spring weather as early as the ground can be worked. In mild winter areas, where the ground does not freeze, plant in fall; seeds will germinate and form strong root systems, then overwinter to bloom strongly in spring. Plant sweet pea seeds 1 inch deep and 2 to 3 inches apart. When seedlings are 2 inches tall, thin them 4 to 5 inches apart, to allow plants room to mature.
Plant in: February - April
Full sun
Plant 1 inch deep
Plant 2-3 inches apart
12-20 days to germinate
Mature Height:1-2 feet
Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute suppliers due to availability.
Heirloom Painted Lady Sweet Pea
Renee's Garden - Dating back to 1737, Painted Lady was the very first named sweet pea cultivar, the result of a natural color mutation from the original purple Italian species to a beautiful rose, pastel pink, and cream bicolor. Heat tolerant and deliciously scented, Painted Lady begins flowering early on vigorous vines that stretch and grow as the season continues. Bring the continuity of centuries to your garden by growing these heavenly-scented flowers, treasured in the cottage gardens of our great-grandmothers.
Pollinators & Beneficials
Annual climbing vine
Spring/summer bloom
Frost tolerant
Instructions - Sweet peas must have well-drained soil, so dig deeply and enrich with aged manure or compost before sowing seeds. Erect a well-anchored trellis, vertical netting, or other support for vines before planting. Sow seeds in full sun in cool early spring weather as early as the ground can be worked. In mild winter areas, where the ground does not freeze, seeds can also be planted in fall to form strong root systems, then overwinter to bloom strongly in spring. Plant sweet pea seeds 1 inch deep and 2 to 3 inches apart. When seedlings are 2 inches tall, thin them 4 to 5 inches apart, to allow plants room to mature.
Sweet peas bloom best before the weather gets too hot, so if spring planting, sow as soon as the ground can be worked. Where summer heat comes on fast, they’ll appreciate a spot with afternoon shade. Anchor supports well as vines will grow heavy with bloom. Protect seedlings from birds, slugs, and snails. Mulch and keep well watered. For the longest bloom, pick flowers often and keep faded blossoms cut.
Plant in: March-May for cold winters; September-March for mild winters
Full sun or part-day shade
Sow seeds 2-3" apart; 1" deep
Days to germinate: 12-28 days
Mature Height: 6-8 feet
Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute suppliers due to availability.
Jewels of Albio Sweet Pea, Antique Sweet Pea Blend
Renee's Garden - EXCLUSIVE - Our custom blended color palette of especially fragrant antique varieties offers both beautiful cool shades and plants with significantly more heat tolerance than other sweet pea varieties. You’ll have a succession in bloom with “Flora Norton” (pastel blue), “Lord Nelson” (deep blue), “Mrs. Collier” (creamy-white), “Lady Grisel Hamilton” (pastel lavender) and “Captain of the Blues” (mauve-blue). This lovely perfumed mix blooms on strong climbing vines that easily cover a trellis or fence..
6-10' Feet
Large ruffled blooms
Lasting cut flowers
Approx 40-45 seeds
Instructions - Sweet peas must have well-drained soil, so dig deeply and enrich with aged manure or compost before sowing seeds. Erect a well-anchored trellis, vertical netting or other support for vines before planting. Sow seeds in full sun in cool early spring weather as early as the ground can be worked. In mild winter areas, where the ground does not freeze, plant in fall; seeds will germinate and form strong root systems, then overwinter to bloom strongly in spring. Plant sweet pea seeds 1 inch deep and 2 to 3 inches apart. When seedlings are 2 inches tall, thin them 4 to 5 inches apart, to allow plants room to mature.
Plant in: February - April
Full sun
Plant 1 inch deep
Plant 2-3 inches apart
12-20 days to germinate
Mature Height:1-2 feet
Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute suppliers due to availability.
Mermaid's Dream Sweet Pea, Heirloom
Renee's Garden - We’ve made up a special color blend of very fragrant Mammoth heirloom sweet peas, selecting true blue, lavender, deep mauve & violet varieties, along with just the right proportion of cream flowers for contrast.
All the colors bloom together, with long stemmed, large blossoms richly scented with that special sweet pea fragrance that reminds us of orange blossoms and honey.
The rich shades of these lovely flowers make a beautiful garden display and stunning romantic bouquets for indoor enjoyment.
Pollinators & Beneficials
Annual climbing vine
Spring/summer bloom
Frost tolerant
40-45 Seeds
Instructions - Sweet peas must have well-drained soil, so dig deeply and enrich with aged manure or compost before sowing seeds. Erect a well-anchored trellis, vertical netting, or other support for vines before planting. Sow seeds in full sun in cool early spring weather as early as the ground can be worked. In mild winter areas, where the ground does not freeze, seeds can also be planted in fall to form strong root systems, then overwinter to bloom strongly in spring. Plant sweet pea seeds 1 inch deep and 2 to 3 inches apart. When seedlings are 2 inches tall, thin them 4 to 5 inches apart, to allow plants room to mature.
Sweet peas bloom best before the weather gets too hot, so if spring planting, sow as soon as the ground can be worked. Where summer heat comes on fast, they’ll appreciate a spot with afternoon shade. Anchor supports well as vines will grow heavy with bloom. Protect seedlings from birds, slugs, and snails. Mulch and keep well watered. For the longest bloom, pick flowers often and keep faded blossoms cut.
Plant in: March-May for cold winters; September-March for mild winters
Full sun or part-day shade
Sow seeds 2-3" apart; 1" deep
Days to germinate: 12-28 days
Mature Height: 6-8 feet
Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute suppliers due to availability.
North Shore Sweet Pea , Heirloom
Renee's Garden - North Shore has bicolor blossoms with ruffled petals in stained-glass colors of rich claret and violet-blue. These long-stemmed flowers are sweetly perfumed and elegantly formed. They will become the highlight of your late spring and early summer garden and yield exquisite scented bouquets. The luscious shades of this Royal perfectly combine the fragrance of old-fashioned varieties with the beautiful form of exhibition sweet peas.
Pollinators & Beneficials
Annual climbing vine
Spring/summer bloom
Frost tolerant
Instructions - Sweet peas must have well-drained soil, so dig deeply and enrich with aged manure or compost before sowing seeds. Erect a well-anchored trellis, vertical netting, or other support for vines before planting. Sow seeds in full sun in cool early spring weather as early as the ground can be worked. In mild winter areas, where the ground does not freeze, plant in the fall after Labor Day; seeds will germinate and form strong root systems, then overwinter to bloom strongly in spring. Plant sweet pea seeds 1 inch deep and 2 to 3 inches apart. When seedlings are 2 inches tall, thin them 4 to 5 inches apart, to allow plants room to mature.
Sweet peas bloom best before the weather gets too hot, so if spring planting, sow as soon as the ground can be worked. Where summer heat comes on fast, they’ll appreciate a spot with afternoon shade. Anchor supports well as vines will grow heavy with bloom. Protect seedlings from birds, slugs, and snails. Mulch and keep well watered. For the longest bloom, pick flowers often and keep faded blossoms cut.
Plant in: March-April for cold winters; September-March for mild winters
Full sun or part-day shade
Sow seeds 2-3" apart; 1" deep
Days to germinate: 12-28 days
Mature Height: 6-8 feet
Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute suppliers due to availability.
Perfume Delight Sweet Pea, Heirloom
Renee's Garden - EXCLUSIVE - The best sweet pea choice for hot summer areas, Perfume Delight is a lovely color mix of intensely fragrant and heat tolerant antique sweet pea varieties. The seductively scented winged flowers bloom abundantly on tall climbing vines in a rich blend of rose, pale pink, lavender, deep purple, crimson and white with many unique bicolors. Their color and fragrance will fill your garden each spring, and a bouquet of their nostalgic orange and honeyed sweetness softly perfumes any room.
Pollinators & Beneficials
Annual climbing vine
Spring/summer bloom
Frost tolerant
40-50 Seeds
Instructions - Sweet peas must have well-drained soil, so dig deeply and enrich with aged manure or compost before sowing seeds. Erect a well-anchored trellis, vertical netting, or other support for vines before planting. Sow seeds in full sun in cool early spring weather as early as the ground can be worked. In mild winter areas, where the ground does not freeze, seeds can also be planted in fall to form strong root systems, then overwinter to bloom strongly in spring. Plant sweet pea seeds 1 inch deep and 2 to 3 inches apart. When seedlings are 2 inches tall, thin them 4 to 5 inches apart, to allow plants room to mature.
Sweet peas bloom best before the weather gets too hot, so if spring planting, sow as soon as the ground can be worked. Where summer heat comes on fast, they’ll appreciate a spot with afternoon shade. Anchor supports well as vines will grow heavy with bloom. Protect seedlings from birds, slugs, and snails. Mulch and keep well watered. For the longest bloom, pick flowers often and keep faded blossoms cut.
Plant in: March-May for cold winters; September-March for mild winters
Full sun or part-day shade
Sow seeds 2-3" apart; 1" deep
Days to germinate: 12-28 days
Mature Height: 6-8 feet
Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute suppliers due to availability.
Queen of Hearts Sweet Pea, Heirloom
Renee's Garden - EXCLUSIVE - I have made up this striking combination of old-fashioned fragrant sweet peas to recall the famous scene at the end of Alice in Wonderland when the Queen commands her Knaves to paint her white roses red. Queen of Hearts is composed of heat-tolerant antique varieties that blossom in bouquets of crimson-red, deep burgundy, magenta-rose and cream. Together the irresistible colors make a regal blend of vivid flowers with delicate form and delicious honey-orange perfume.
Pollinators & Beneficials
Annual climbing vine
Spring/summer bloom
Frost tolerant
35-40 Seeds
Instructions - Sweet peas must have well-drained soil, so dig deeply and enrich with aged manure or compost before sowing seeds. Erect a well-anchored trellis, vertical netting, or other support for vines before planting. Sow seeds in full sun in cool early spring weather as early as the ground can be worked. In mild winter areas, where the ground does not freeze, seeds can also be planted in fall to form strong root systems, then overwinter to bloom strongly in spring. Plant sweet pea seeds 1 inch deep and 2 to 3 inches apart. When seedlings are 2 inches tall, thin them 4 to 5 inches apart, to allow plants room to mature.
Sweet peas bloom best before the weather gets too hot, so if spring planting, sow as soon as the ground can be worked. Where summer heat comes on fast, they’ll appreciate a spot with afternoon shade. Anchor supports well as vines will grow heavy with bloom. Protect seedlings from birds, slugs, and snails. Mulch and keep well watered. For the longest bloom, pick flowers often and keep faded blossoms cut.
Plant in: March-May for cold winters; September-March for mild winters
Full sun or part-day shade
Sow seeds 2-3" apart; 1" deep
Days to germinate: 12-28 days
Mature Height: 6-8 feet
Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute suppliers due to availability.
Royal Sweet Pea Flower, mid 1800's Heirloom
The Living Seed Company - A native to Europe, these sweet flowers reached their peak in popularity in the late 1880’s. In Edwardian England they were often considered the floral emblem. In the language of flowers, sweet peas represent blissful pleasure, good-bye and thank you for a lovely time. Commonly associated with the month of April. Blooming into colors such as rose, salmon, purple, white, lavender and pink. In mild climates the ideal season to plant sweet peas is in the fall, this allows for a strong root system to develop. If planting in the spring, seeds should be planted as early as possible in the season. In areas with harsh winters, wait to sow one month before last frost. Mulch if spring tends to be hot and humid.This mix offers large, 2” blossoms in bright colors of red, purple, mauve, pink, blue and white. Blooms over a long period with exceptional fragrance.Trellis plant for support. This heirloom mix is perfect for having flowers in the garden as well as long lasting cut flowers and bouquets. Flowers grow up to 72”. Direct sow into the ground 1/8” deep. Keep soil moist for during germination.
All parts of this plant are toxic including stems, flowers, and seeds.
Up to 6' Vines
Rose, Salmon, White, Purple, Pink and Lavender
Makes beautiful arrangements
DO NOT EAT, This plant is for ornamental purposes only
30 Seeds
Instructions - Sow seeds outdoors one week after last frost. Plants prefer average moist soil but keep moist during germination.
Sow 1/8" Deep
Germination 14-21 day
Plant 2" apart
Thin 4-6" apart
Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute seed vendors from time to time because of availability
Royal Wedding Sweet Pea
Renee's Garden - These long-stemmed, softly frilled sweet peas come down the garden aisle decked out in glorious pure white blossoms, four to six on each long stem, all with lovely ruffled petals. We import this premier award-winning variety from England because it has outstanding form and garden performance and carries an enchanting fragrance reminiscent of jasmine and orange blossoms. You will enjoy Royal Wedding’s beauty and enticing perfume indoors and out over a long season of bloom.
Pollinators & Beneficials
Annual climbing vine
Spring/summer bloom
Frost tolerant
Instructions - Sweet peas must have well-drained soil, so dig deeply and enrich with aged manure or compost before sowing seeds. Erect a well-anchored trellis, vertical netting, or other support for vines before planting. Sow seeds in full sun in cool early spring weather as early as the ground can be worked. In mild winters, where the ground does not freeze, sweet peas can be planted in fall. Seedlings will form strong root systems, then overwinter to bloom vigorously in spring. Plant sweet pea seeds 1 inch deep and 2 to 3 inches apart. When seedlings are 2 inches tall, thin to 4 inches apart to allow plants room to mature.
Sweet peas bloom best before the weather gets too hot, so if spring planting, sow as soon as the ground can be worked. Where summer heat comes on fast, they’ll appreciate a spot with afternoon shade. Anchor supports well as vines will grow heavy with bloom. Protect seedlings from birds, slugs, and snails. Mulch and keep well watered. For the longest bloom, pick flowers often and keep faded blossoms cut.
Plant in: March-April for cold winters; September-March for mild winters
Full sun
Sow seeds 2-3" apart; 1" deep
Days to germinate: 12-28 days
Mature Height: 6-8 feet
Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute suppliers due to availability.
Saltwater Taffy Swirls Sweet Pea, Heirloom
Renee's Garden - These charming and very fragrant flowers will delight old-fashioned sweet pea lovers with their unusual patterned blossoms. Saltwater Taffy’s lush flowers are uniquely “flaked” with rippled swirls of deeper color that glow against the pastel background of each petal. We’ve blended delectable color tints so you’ll have vines with soft pink, lilac, violet and rose-red swirled blossoms all from the same packet. These strong blooming, intricately marked flowers make their own bouquets! .
Pollinators & Beneficials
Annual climbing vine
Variegated Spring/summer bloom
Frost tolerant
30-35 Seeds
Instructions - Sweet peas must have well-drained soil, so dig deeply and enrich with aged manure or compost before sowing seeds. Erect a well-anchored trellis, vertical netting, or other support for vines before planting. Sow seeds in full sun in cool early spring weather as early as the ground can be worked. In mild winter areas, where the ground does not freeze, seeds can also be planted in fall to form strong root systems, then overwinter to bloom strongly in spring. Plant sweet pea seeds 1 inch deep and 2 to 3 inches apart. When seedlings are 2 inches tall, thin them 4 to 5 inches apart, to allow plants room to mature.
Sweet peas bloom best before the weather gets too hot, so if spring planting, sow as soon as the ground can be worked. Where summer heat comes on fast, they’ll appreciate a spot with afternoon shade. Anchor supports well as vines will grow heavy with bloom. Protect seedlings from birds, slugs, and snails. Mulch and keep well watered. For the longest bloom, pick flowers often and keep faded blossoms cut.
Plant in: March-May for cold winters; September-March for mild winters
Full sun or part-day shade
Sow seeds 2-3" apart; 1" deep
Days to germinate: 12-28 days
Mature Height: 6-8 feet
Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute suppliers due to availability.
Scented Sunset Pastel Sweet Pea, Heirloom
Renee's Garden - EXCLUSIVE - The soft pastel shades in this enticing sweet pea mixture were chosen to blend and complement each other by our favorite English growers, who have been experts at sweet pea seed cultivation for generations. When grown together, these soft hues create a beautifully textured color melody. Pastel Sunset includes classics like rose-pink “Sylvia More,” creamy “Jilly,” lavender-blue “Chatsworth” and other cultivated varieties in sweetly scented shades of pink, peach and almond.
Pollinators & Beneficials
Annual climbing vine
Spring/summer bloom
Frost tolerant
35-40 Seeds
Instructions - Sweet peas must have well-drained soil, so dig deeply and enrich with aged manure or compost before sowing seeds. Erect a well-anchored trellis, vertical netting, or other support for vines before planting. Sow seeds in full sun in cool early spring weather as early as the ground can be worked. In mild winter areas, where the ground does not freeze, seeds can also be planted in fall to form strong root systems, then overwinter to bloom strongly in spring. Plant sweet pea seeds 1 inch deep and 2 to 3 inches apart. When seedlings are 2 inches tall, thin them 4 to 5 inches apart, to allow plants room to mature.
Sweet peas bloom best before the weather gets too hot, so if spring planting, sow as soon as the ground can be worked. Where summer heat comes on fast, they’ll appreciate a spot with afternoon shade. Anchor supports well as vines will grow heavy with bloom. Protect seedlings from birds, slugs, and snails. Mulch and keep well watered. For the longest bloom, pick flowers often and keep faded blossoms cut.
Plant in: March-May for cold winters; September-March for mild winters
Full sun or part-day shade
Sow seeds 2-3" apart; 1" deep
Days to germinate: 12-28 days
Mature Height: 6-8 feet
Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute suppliers due to availability.
Spencer Ruffled Sweet Pea, Heirloom
Renee's Garden - EXCLUSIVE - Imported from the best traditional English sweet pea breeder, we are proud to offer this careful blend made up of clear, rich colors chosen for outstanding quality and garden performance. This lovely mix represents the royalty of classic English Spencer sweet peas, with perfectly formed, big ruffled flowers. The long stems of beautiful blossoms make glorious scented displays both in the garden and as perfumed bouquets.
Pollinators & Beneficials
Annual climbing vine
Spring/summer bloom
Frost tolerant
35-40 Seeds
Instructions - Sweet peas must have well-drained soil, so dig deeply and enrich with aged manure or compost before sowing seeds. Erect a well-anchored trellis, vertical netting, or other support for vines before planting. Sow seeds in full sun in cool early spring weather as early as the ground can be worked. In mild winter areas, where the ground does not freeze, seeds can also be planted in fall to form strong root systems, then overwinter to bloom strongly in spring. Plant sweet pea seeds 1 inch deep and 2 to 3 inches apart. When seedlings are 2 inches tall, thin them 4 to 5 inches apart, to allow plants room to mature.
Sweet peas bloom best before the weather gets too hot, so if spring planting, sow as soon as the ground can be worked. Where summer heat comes on fast, they’ll appreciate a spot with afternoon shade. Anchor supports well as vines will grow heavy with bloom. Protect seedlings from birds, slugs, and snails. Mulch and keep well watered. For the longest bloom, pick flowers often and keep faded blossoms cut.
Plant in: March-May for cold winters; September-March for mild winters
Full sun or part-day shade
Sow seeds 2-3" apart; 1" deep
Days to germinate: 12-28 days
Mature Height: 6-8 feet
Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute suppliers due to availability.