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Vegetable Seed Collections
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Verbenas or Vervains (all)
Vervain (Native)
Vining Annuals
Amish Snap Pea, Heirloom
The Seed Exchange - Superb snap pea was reportedly grown in the Amish community long before the present snap pea types. Vines grow 5-6' tall and are covered in 2" translucent green pods. Yields over a 6-week period if kept picked. Delicate and sweet even when the seeds develop. Snap, 60-70 days.
Best Seller
The sweet and crisp flavor
Vines grow to 5-6 feet, pods grow to 2 inches
Snap pea
50 Seeds
Instructions - Peas thrive in cool weather. Sow seeds outdoors as soon as soil can be worked in spring. Seeds will germinate in 7-14 days. Double rows of peas can be planted on each side of a trellis.
Direct Seed 2-3" apart
Plant 1/2" deep
Plant Rows 24" apart
Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute suppliers based on availability
Bill Jump's Soup Pea, Organic
The Seed Savers Exchange - This vigorous, highly productive, and versatile variety tastes delicious whether eaten dried in soup or fresh right off the vine. Vines grow 5-6' in height and bear ornate, purple-blue flowers, while the straight, green pods average 2.5-3" long and contain 4-5 wrinkled seeds. This late-maturing heirloom pea was donated to Seed Savers Exchange by Dennis Miller, whose great-grandfather, Bill Jump, grew the peas in eastern Washington since at least the 1930s. 80-90 days to dry pods. Organic.
From the Collection for 2022
Can be used as a dry soup pea or eaten fresh off the vine
Vines grow 5-6'
80-90 days to dry pods
Instructions - Peas thrive in cool weather. Sow seeds outdoors as soon as soil can be worked in spring. Seeds will germinate in 7-14 days. Double rows of peas can be planted on each side of a trellis.
Direct Seed 2-3" apart
Plant 1/2" deep
Plant Rows 24" apart
Support: Cage, stake, or trellis
Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute suppliers based on availability
Blizzard Snow Pea, Organic,
Concentrated, prolific yields of slender, pale green pods with crisp texture.
High Mowing Organic Seeds - A standout in our trials program, vines top out at 30-36" and hold multitudes of sweet, easy to pick pods. Plants are open, making the pods easy to locate. Best grown with a trellis. Pods set in pairs which aids in efficient harvesting.
Fruit set in pairs
3" pods
5-6' Tall Vines
1 ounce of seeds
Instructions - Peas thrive in cool weather. Sow seeds outdoors as soon as soil can be worked in spring. Seeds will germinate in 7-14 days. Double rows of peas can be planted on each side of a trellis.
Direct Seed 2-3" apart
Plant 1/2" deep
Plant Rows 24" apart
Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute suppliers based on availability
British Wonder Pea, 1890 Heirloom, Organic
The Seed Savers Exchange - A large-podded dwarf pea of good quality and yield. Introduced in England by Taber and Cullen circa 1890; W. Atlee Burpee introduced it in America in 1904. Probably a selection from American Wonder. Short vines grow 3' tall and require trellising. Shell, 50-55 days
Good yield and flavor
Vines grow to 3 feet
Shelling pea
50-55 days
75 Seeds
Instructions - Peas thrive in cool weather. Sow seeds outdoors as soon as soil can be worked in spring. Seeds will germinate in 7-14 days. Double rows of peas can be planted on each side of a trellis.
Direct Seed 2-3" apart
Plant 1/2" deep
Plant Rows 24" apart
Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute suppliers based on availability
Cascadia Snap Pea, Organic (1992 origin)
A must-have main season variety with heavy yields of juicy, thick-walled pods.
Bucketloads of plump pods with tiny, distinctively delicious peas on 3' tall vines. Multiple disease resistances allow for spring and late season plantings.
Spring or fall crop
3" pods
Open-Pollinated, Organic, and Non-GMO
1 oz of seeds
Disease Resistance Details: High Resistance: Pea Enation Mosaic Virus, Intermediate Resistance: Fusarium Wilt, Powdery Mildew
Instructions - Peas thrive in cool weather. Sow seeds outdoors as soon as soil can be worked in spring. Seeds will germinate in 7-14 days. Double rows of peas can be planted on each side of a trellis.
Direct Seed 2-3" apart
Plant 1/2" deep
Plant Rows 24" apart
Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute suppliers based on availability
Champion of England Pea, 1840's Heirloom
The Seed Savers Exchange - An historic variety originally introduced in the 1840s, this heirloom strain is from the family of Robert Woodbridge brought to SSE by Ben Gabel and Kate McEvoy. Robert’s grandmother got the seed “from the head gardener at a big country house during the war” and grew it in her garden in the village of Pickworth, Lincolnshire, England. A traditional tall pea that reaches heights of 10 feet—a great return for a small space. Eight to ten peas per pod. Shell, 60-75 days. ±2,000 seeds/lb.
Vines grow to 10 feet
Each pod has 8-10 seeds
Shelling pea
60-75 days
75 Seeds per packet
Instructions - Peas thrive in cool weather. Sow seeds outdoors as soon as soil can be worked in spring. Seeds will germinate in 7-14 days. Double rows of peas can be planted on each side of a trellis.
Direct Seed 2-3" apart
Plant 1/2" deep
Plant Rows 24" apart
Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute suppliers based on availability
Golden Sweet Pea, Organic
The Seed Savers Exchange - Collected at a market in India. Tall 6' plants with beautiful bi-colored purple flowers and bright lemon-yellow pods. Best eaten when small, excellent for stir-fry. Seeds are tan with purple flecks, can be dried and added to soups. One of the few yellow edible-podded peas in SSE’s collection of 1,200 peas. Edible podded, 60-70 days.
Lemon yellow pods
Vines grow to 6 feet
Bi-colored purple flowers
Pods are best eaten when small
Dried peas can be added to soups
Edible podded pea
60-70 days
75 Seeds
Instructions - Peas thrive in cool weather. Sow seeds outdoors as soon as soil can be worked in spring. Seeds will germinate in 7-14 days. Double rows of peas can be planted on each side of a trellis.
Direct Seed 2-3" apart
Plant 1/2" deep
Plant Rows 24" apart
Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute suppliers based on availability
Green Arrow Pea, Organic
The Savers Seed Exchange - (aka Green Shaft) An English main crop variety and standard home and market variety. Slim pointed pods are 4-5" long and contain 8-11 small deep green peas. Pods are almost always borne in doubles. Very heavy reliable production. Medium vines grow 24-28" tall. Shell, 62-70 days. ±2,200 seeds/lb.
Pods are often borne in doubles with 8-11 peas each
Vines grow to 28 inches
Shelling pea
62-70 days
75 Seeds
Instructions - Peas thrive in cool weather. Sow seeds outdoors as soon as soil can be worked in spring. Seeds will germinate in 7-14 days. Double rows of peas can be planted on each side of a trellis.
Direct Seed 2-3" apart
Plant 1/2" deep
Plant Rows 24" apart
Support: Trellis
Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute suppliers based on availability
Green Arrow Shell Pea, Organic
A classic main-crop pea with slim, densely packed pointed pods.
High Mowing Organic Seeds - High-yielding variety with plenty of pods for easy harvesting. Each pod is filled with up to eleven delicious peas. Plants are 24-30" tall. Peas are excellent for freezing.
Organic, non-GMO, and open-pollinated
4-5" pods
Excellent for freezing
Shelling pea
68 days
1 oz approx. 145 seeds
Instructions - Peas thrive in cool weather. Sow seeds outdoors as soon as soil can be worked in spring. Seeds will germinate in 7-14 days. Double rows of peas can be planted on each side of a trellis.
Direct Seed 2-3" apart
Plant 1-2" deep
Plant Rows: 18-24" apart
Support: Trellis
Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute suppliers based on availability
Green Beauty Pea
The Seed Savers Exchange - This magnificent, purple-flowered snow pea variety produces tender, delicious pods ideal for steaming. Vigorous vines grow 6-8' tall and yield plentiful amounts of pods measuring 7-8" at maturity. Bred by Alan Kapuler, Ph.D., of Peace Seeds from one plant found by Carl Jones among hundreds of all different crosses. Pods remain tender and tasty even when harvested at their full size. 60 days.
Snow pea produces tender, delicious pods
Vines grow to 6-8 feet
60 days
Instructions - Peas thrive in cool weather. Sow seeds outdoors as soon as soil can be worked in spring. Seeds will germinate in 7-14 days. Double rows of peas can be planted on each side of a trellis.
Direct Seed 2-3" apart
Plant 1/2" deep
Plant Rows 24" apart
Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute suppliers based on availability
Laxton;s Progress #9 Pea (1-2' Height), Organic
The Living Seed Company -A dwarf variety of garden pea that needs no staking, is named after the late 19th century plant breeder Thomas Laxton. Developed to be wilt resistant and sweeter than other peas available at the time. This old time stand by is still impressing us with its large sweet shelling peas (up to 9 in pod!).
We love eating them straight off the vine in the morning for breakfast, just like I did growing up in my grandparent's garden! The dark high quality peas are a delight fresh tossed into salads, lightly steamed as a side, or tossed in at the end of fried rice or a stir fry. Blanch and freeze to keep a bit of early summer in you ice box!
Vines grow 1-2' feet
Pods best eaten when small
Edible podded pea
55-60 days
50 Seeds
Instructions - Peas thrive in cool weather. Sow seeds outdoors as soon as soil can be worked in spring. Seeds will germinate in 7-14 days. Double rows of peas can be planted on each side of a trellis.
Our family tends to not trellis these and just space them a little closer together to support themselves.
Direct Seed 2" apart
Plant 1/2" deep
Plant Rows 18" apart
Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute suppliers based on availability
Little Crunch Snap Peas, Container or Hanging Baskets
Renee's Garden Seeds - Little Crunch is a delicious new snap pea developed especially for growing in containers. These versatile and ornamental 24-30 inch vines grow quickly and reward you with lots of chubby, crunchy-sweet pods that make scrumptious, fresh-from-the-vine snacks and fast stirfries. Train the little vines up short supports and they’re even easier to pick. Great for growing with kids who love to eat them snapped fresh off the vine.
Open-Pollinated and Non-GMO
24-30" vines
13g of seeds, ~45 seeds
Instructions - Peas thrive in cool weather. Sow seeds outdoors as soon as soil can be worked in spring. Seeds will germinate in 7-14 days. These are designed for a small spaces and containers. Place 5 peas per squrae foot.
Direct Seed 2-3" apart
Plant 1/2" deep
Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute suppliers based on availability
Magnoila Blossom Snap Pea, Tall Peas
Renee's Garden Seeds - This highly productive, 5-8 foot tall vining snap pea has eye-catching bicolored purple blossoms that really shine in the garden. These pretty flowers are soon followed by an abundance of well filled, crunchy-sweet, plump pods. Keep the succulent pods picked (they are delicious right off the vine) and the vines will keep producing pods over a long harvest season. Sow again mid to late summer for fall harvest. Magnolia Blossom vines easily twine up any vertical supports making it quick and easy to harvest them.
The sweet and crisp flavor
Vines grow to 7-8 feet
Snap pea
13g or ~45 Seeds
Instructions - Peas thrive in cool weather. Sow seeds outdoors as soon as soil can be worked in spring. Seeds will germinate in 7-14 days. Double rows of peas can be planted on each side of a trellis.
Direct Seed 2-3" apart
Plant 1/2" deep
Plant Rows 24" apart
Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute suppliers based on availability
Mammoth Melting Snow (Sugar) Pea, Tall, 1893 Heirloom Organic,
Extra large, delectably sweet and tender pods with mouthwatering crunch.
An 1893 Heirloom introduced by W. Atlee Burpee. These 5-6' tall vines do require trellising for support, but bear over a long period of time. Large white flowers are an extra bonus, adding a splash of brightness to your edible landscape.
Long harvest window
4-5" pods
Open-Pollinated & Non-GMO
5-6' Tall Vines
1 ounce of seeds
Instructions - Peas thrive in cool weather. Sow seeds outdoors as soon as soil can be worked in spring. Seeds will germinate in 7-14 days. Double rows of peas can be planted on each side of a trellis.
Direct Seed 2-3" apart
Plant 1/2" deep
Plant Rows 24" apart
Disease Resistance DetailsIntermediate Resistance: Fusarium Wilt
Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute suppliers based on availability
Oregon Giant Snow Pea (30" Height), Organic
The Living Seed Company -Developed by Oregon State James Baggett, the Oregon Giant is a large podded, high yielding snow pea. The large pods encapsulate sweet and delicious peas. Known to have a high resistance to fusarium wilt race 1, pea enation mosaic virus, and powdery mildew.
Peas are a delight fresh tossed into salads, lightly steamed as a side, or tossed in at the end of fried rice or a stir fry. Can tolerate some heat. Blanch and freeze to keep a bit of early summer in you ice box!
Vines grow to 2.5' feet
Pods best eaten when small
Edible podded pea
60 days
50 Seeds
Instructions - Peas thrive in cool weather. Sow seeds outdoors as soon as soil can be worked in spring. Seeds will germinate in 7-14 days. Double rows of peas can be planted on each side of a trellis.
Our family tends to not trellis these and just space them a little closer together to support themselves.
Direct Seed 2" apart
Plant 1/2" deep
Plant Rows 24" apart
Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute suppliers based on availability
Oregon Sugar Pod II Snow Pea, Organic,
Extra large, delectably sweet and tender pods with mouthwatering crunch.
An 1893 Heirloom introduced by W. Atlee Burpee. These 5-6' tall vines do require trellising for support, but bear over a long period of time. Large white flowers are an extra bonus, adding a splash of brightness to your edible landscape.
Long harvest window
4-5" pods
Open-Pollinated & Non-GMO
5-6' Tall Vines
1 ounce of seeds
Instructions - Peas thrive in cool weather. Sow seeds outdoors as soon as soil can be worked in spring. Seeds will germinate in 7-14 days. Double rows of peas can be planted on each side of a trellis.
Direct Seed 2-3" apart
Plant 1/2" deep
Plant Rows 24" apart
Disease Resistance DetailsIntermediate Resistance: Fusarium Wilt
Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute suppliers based on availability
PLS 595 Shelling Pea, Organic
High yielding variety produces two large, full pods per stem.
Sturdy, compact plants have more tendrils than foliage, which helps them keep each other upright without a trellis. Each large pod contains an average of eleven peas. Two pods per stem enables an easy harvest. From our partners at PureLine Seeds.
No trellising
3.5-4.5” pods
1 ounce of seeds
Disease Resistance DetailsHigh Resistance: Fusarium Wilt (Races 1, 2), Powdery MildewIntermediate Resistance: Downy Mildew
Instructions - Peas thrive in cool weather. Sow seeds outdoors as soon as soil can be worked in spring. Seeds will germinate in 7-14 days. Double rows of peas can be planted on each side of a trellis.
Direct Seed 2-3" apart
Plant 1/2" deep
Plant Rows 24" apart
Disease Resistance DetailsIntermediate Resistance: Fusarium Wilt
Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute suppliers based on availability
SS 141 Snap Pea (30" Height), Organic
High Mowing Organic - Heirlooms have to start sometime and maybe this is one that the next generation will be calling this one an heirloom. An exciting release for sugar snap pea fans.
SS 141 is a compact plant of 3.5' vines that forms a heavy set of extra-long, extra tasty pods that ripen within a short window. From our friends at PureLine Seeds, this strongly improved snap pea offers very high yield potential. Suitable for multiple succession plantings.
Organic & Open-pollinated
Vines grow to 36" inches
Pods best eaten when small
Harvest often to encourage production
Trellis or provide support
Edible podded pea
65-70 days
~100-140 of Seeds (1 oz)
Instructions - Peas thrive in cool weather. Sow seeds outdoors as soon as soil can be worked in spring. Seeds will germinate in 7-14 days. Double rows of peas can be planted on each side of a trellis.
Direct Seed 2" apart
Plant 1/2" deep
Plant Rows 24" apart
Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute suppliers based on availability
Sabre Shelling Peas, Short Peas
Renee Garden Seed's Sabre’s heavy-bearing vines that fill up early with scrumptious, sweet and nutty-tasting garden peas. Expect big yields from these easy-to-work, 2 1/2 to 3 foot tall vines that bear double sets of well-filled pods each with 10 to 12 tender peas that shell out easily. You’ll have a hard time getting these peas into the kitchen because they’re so good eaten fresh off the vine! Sabre is resistant to fusarium wilt, races 1 to 6, powdery mildew and root rot.
Short climber
Each pod has10-12 seeds
Shelling pea
60-75 days
15g or ~75 Seeds per packet
Instructions - Peas thrive in cool weather. Sow seeds outdoors as soon as soil can be worked in spring. Seeds will germinate in 7-14 days. Double rows of peas can be planted on each side of a trellis.
Direct Seed 2-3" apart
Plant 1/2" deep
Plant Rows 24" apart
Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute suppliers based on availability
Snack Hero Snap Peas, Container or Hanging Baskets
Renee's Garden Seeds - Short, graceful Snack Hero snap peas are perfect for growing in hanging baskets, window boxes and pots. They grow effortlessly with 18 inch, draping short vines that quickly fill up with dangling, easy to harvest, crunchy-sweet full pods. You’ll enjoy harvesting them as you walk for fresh from the garden treats. Snack Hero peas are highly productive, with multiple juicy, plump pods. They are perfect to grow with kids who love their crunchy sweet flavor.
1-2' vines
15g of seeds, 65-75 seeds
Instructions - Peas thrive in cool weather. Sow seeds outdoors as soon as soil can be worked in spring. Seeds will germinate in 7-14 days. These are designed for a small spaces and containers. Place 5 peas per squrae foot.
Direct Seed 2-3" apart
Plant 1/2" deep
Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute suppliers based on availability