All products All All Lilies (Lillium family) Alliums (Ornamental) Amaranth (Flowering) Amaryllis Amazing Lesser Known Fall Bulbs Anemone Annuals and Tender Perennials AOA Hybrid Lily Arugula Asian Greens Asiatic Lilies Asparagus Asters Autumn Flowering Crocus Bachelor Buttons Bare Root Perennials Basil Beans Bearded Iris - Fall Bearded Iris - Spring Beets Begonias Black is always Trendy Bonnie’s Favorites Botanical Tulips Broccoli Brussels Sprouts Bulbs for Containers Bunch Flowering Daffodils Bunch Flowering Tulips Bush Beans Butterfly Daffodils Cabbage Calendula Calla Lillies Canna Carrot Cauliflower Celery Celosia Chamomile Chard Chionodoxa Chives Cilantro Cleomes Cold Hardy Plants Zone 1, 2, 3, or 4 Collards and Mustards Columbine Corn Cosmos Cotton Cowpea Cress Crocosmia Crocus Cucumber Cumin Daffodils & Narcissus Dahlia Seeds Dahlias Daisy Darwin Hybrid Tulips Daylily - Hemerocallis Deer, Rabbit and Rodent Resistant Dianthus Dill Double Daffodils Double Early Tulips Double Late Tulips Driftless Artisans Dutch & Specie Iris Dwarf Iris Collection Echinacea Edibles - Bare Roots, Garlic, and more Eggplant or Aubergine Emperor Tulips Endive Fall Flowering Crocus Fall Peonies (Bare root) Fall Planted Specialty Fall Planting Garden Bulbs Fava Beans Fennel Film Supplies & Vintage Film Firefly Farm & Mercantile Packed Seeds Flower Mixes Four-O-Clocks Foxglove Freesias Fringed Tulips Garden Bulbs for Containers! Garden Peony (lacftiflora) Garden Special Order Garden Tools, Accessories and Gifts Giant Allium Gift Boxes Gifts - Holidays, Birthdays and everything else Gladiolus Gourds Grains Green Tulips Gregii Tulip Ground Cherries Hardy Perennial Plant Starts and Plugs Hardy Perennials Hibiscus Hollyhocks Hot Peppers Hyacinth Hyssop Imperial Fritillaria Indigenous American Seeds Inside Winter Bulbs Itoh Peonies Jonquilla Daffodils Kale Kohlrabi LA Hybrid Lily Large Cupped Daffodils Large Flowering Crocus Larkspur Latest Arrivals - Flowers Latest Arrivals - Vegetables Lavender Leek Lettuce Lilies for Fall Lily - OT Hybrids Lily Flowering Tulips Lima Beans Lupine Marigolds Martagons Medicinals - Popular Herbs with Medicinal Properties Melon Microgreens Miniature Allium Miniature Daffodils Miniature Tulips Mint Mixed Collection Mixed Collection Mixed Daffodils Mixed Tulips Moon Gardens Morning Glory Muscari Mustard Mystery Seed Options Nasturtium Native Bulbs & Plants Native Flowers Native Grass Mixes Native Grasses Native Pollinator Flower Mixes Nature’s Nitrogen Fixers! Nicotiana (Flowering Tobacco) Nigella Often Overlooked Fall Favorites Okra Onions Orach Oriental Lilies Other Flower Seeds Other Unique Lilies Other Vegetable Seeds Overlooked Hardy Perennials Pansy & Viola Paperwhites Parrot Tulips Parsley Parsnips Pastured-Raised Poultry & Meat Patio Peonies Peas Peonies Peony (All) Peppers Pole Beans Pollinator Flower Mixes Poppy Popular Culinary Herbs Popular Spring Bulbs for Warm Climates (Zones 7-11) Pumpkins and Squash Radish Ranunculus Reblooming Bearded Iris Rose Lilies Roses (Local Pick up Only) Runner Beans Rutabagas Sage Salvia Scabiosa Seed Collections Gift Packs Seeds - Flowers Seeds - Herbs Seeds - Native Flowers and Grasses Seeds - Vegetables Sensory Garden Collection Shallots Single Early Tulips Single Late Tulips Small Cupped Daffodils Snapdragon Snowdrops Something Green.... in honor of Carson Dyke Sorghum Sorrel Southern Favorites (Fall Planting) Soybean Species Crocus Spinach Spring Planting Bulbs Spring Planting Specialty Bulbs Sprouts Squash and Pumpkins Standard Bearded Iris Stock Strawberries, Alpine Sunflowers Surprise Lilies Sweet Pea Flowers Sweet Peppers Tall Allium Tea Herbs Thyme Tiger Lily Tomatillo Tomato Tree Peony Triumph Tulips Trumpet Daffodils Trumpet Lily Tulips Tulsi Turnip Vegetable Seed Collections Vegetable Starts (Pick Up Only or Pre Orders for Special Event Verbenas or Vervains (all) Vervain (Native) Vining Annuals Watermelon Zinnias Zucchini
Bee Feed Flower Mix from $3.00 $3.95
Here is our popular Bee Feed Mix in Bulk and Packet quantities.  The Bee Feed Seed Mixture is a result of many years of research on flower preferences of pollinators in our test gardens. It is a blend of widely adaptable, annual and perennial flowers that provide nectar and pollen to wild bees, honey bees and other pollinators.  It is well suited for maintained landscapes such as garden beds and borders. Contains early, mid-, and late blooming flowers in order to provide bee forage all season long.  Flowers are suitable for short-tongued and long-tongued bees and come in a wide range of colors for an attractive display.  Check out all of our pollinator mixes at Pollinator Mix Provides forage for bees and bouquets for you Annuals and perennials Early, mid, and late blooming flowers 1 oz sows 200 sq foot, 1lb sows around 3,000 sq ft Varieties included: Forget-Me-Not, Chinese - Cynoglossum amabile Wallflower, Siberian - Cheiranthus allionii Poppy, California, Orange - Eschscholzia californica Coneflower, Purple - Echinacea purpurea Aster, China, Single Mix - Callistephus chinensis Poppy,Corn, Mixed - Papaver rhoeas Coreopsis, Lance Leaved - Coreopsis lanceolata Flax, Blue - Linum lewisii Baby Blue-Eyes - Nemophila menziesii Tidy-Tips - Layia platyglossa Gilia, Globe - Gilia capitata Indian Blanket - Gaillardia pulchella Coreopsis, Plains - Coreopsis tinctoria Sweet Alyssum, Tall White - Lobularia maritima Hyssop, Lavender - Agastache foeniculum Daisy, Fleabane - Erigeron annuus Aster, New England - Symphyotrichum novae-angliae Bergamot - Monarda fistulosa Instructions - You may sow the bee feed mix 1 to 2 weeks before your average last frost date. Mix the seed with some sand or sawdust, broadcast the seed, and then go over the area with a rake to work the seed into the soil a little.  
Beneficial Insect Mix - All U.S.A from $3.00 $3.95
The flowers in the Beneficial Bug Seed Mixture attract beneficial insects to the garden. Beneficial insects include lacewings, lady beetles, hover flies, syrphid flies and parasitic wasps. These beneficial insects help to destroy harmful garden pests such as aphids, thrips and mites. Check out all of our pollinator mixes at Pollinator Mix Attracts a wide range of beneficial insects Annuals, Herbs, and perennials Early, mid, and late blooming flowers 1 oz sows 200 sq foot, 1lb sows around 3,000 sq ft Varieties included: Baby Blue Eyes (Nemophila menziesii), Bergamot (Monarda fistulosa), Bishop's Flower (Ammi majus), Black-Eyed Susan (Rudbeckia hirta), California Poppy (Eschscholzia californica), Candytuft (Iberis umbellata), Cilantro (Coriandrum sativum), Dill (Anethum graveolens), Dwarf Cosmos (Cosmos bipinnatus),  Fennel (Foeniculum vulgare), Gayfeather (Liatris spicata), Globe Gilia (Gilia capitata), Indian Blanket (Gaillardia pulchella), Lance-Leaved Coreopsis (Coreopsis lanceolata),  Purple Prairie Clover (Dalea purpurea), Rockcress (Arabis alpina), Shasta Daisy (Chrysanthemum maximum) Instructions - You may sow the bee feed mix 1 to 2 weeks before your average last frost date. Mix the seed with some sand or sawdust, broadcast the seed, and then go over the area with a rake to work the seed into the soil a little.  
Black-Eyed Susan Vine Flower, Heirloom $2.99 $3.25
Renee's Garden - (Thunbergia alata) Every summer garden is enhanced by the bright orange flowers of classic Black-eyed Susan Vines. The enticing 1½ inch flowers with contrasting dark centers peep out from handsome heart-shaped leaves on gracefully twining vines. Grow them up a short trellis or enjoy their flowers in hanging baskets or window-boxes. These old-fashioned favorites are a real treat in midsummer when they bloom in profusion and brighten the entire garden. Easy to start from seed Fast-growing and quick to bloom White, yellow, and golden-orange blossoms A great container or trellised flower Annual plants in northern climates 30-40 Seeds per packet. 1g Instructions: Sow seeds indoors just beneath the surface of the soil. Plant out after the danger of frost has passed and when nighttime temperatures are above 50°F. Start Indoors: 6-8 weeks before the last frost Germination: 10-20 Days Plant Outdoors: 12-18” Apart Light: Sun/Partial Shade Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute suppliers based on availability
Black-Eyed Susan Vine Flower, Heirloom $3.75 $4.25
The Seed Savers Exchange - (Thunbergia alata) Also known as Clockvine. Native to tropical Africa. The formula mix of colors includes pure white, golden-orange, golden-orange with black centers, pure yellow, and yellow with contrasting black eyes. Great for hanging baskets, containers, or garden trellises. Very easy to start from seed, fast-growing, and quick to bloom. Grown as an annual in the North. Easy to start from seed Fast-growing and quick to bloom White, yellow, and golden-orange blossoms A great container or trellised flower Annual plants in northern climates 25 Seeds per packet Instructions: Sow seeds indoors just beneath the surface of the soil. Plant out after the danger of frost has passed and when nighttime temperatures are above 50°F. Start Indoors: 6-8 weeks before the last frost Germination: 10-20 Days Plant Outdoors: 12-18” Apart Light: Sun/Partial Shade Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute suppliers based on availability
Bunny Tails Flower $3.75 $3.95
The Seed Savers Exchange - (Lagurus ovatus) It is difficult, for gardeners of all ages, to resist touching this flower’s fluffy head, which is as soft as a bunny’s tail! Compact but showy, this annual ornamental grass is easily grown in a border, for use as a cut flower, or in a container. Drought-tolerant once established with a dwarf habit. Annual, 6-12" tall. Characteristics:  Annual plants grow to 6-12 inches tall Soft, tufted flower heads Tolerant of drought and dry conditions Good for ornamental plantings and container growing 250 Seeds per packet Instructions:  Sow seed indoors 1/4" deep. Plant out after the danger of frost has passed in late spring. Can also be directly sown outdoors 3 weeks before the last frost. Prefers light well-drained soil and will tolerate dry conditions. Start Indoors: 6-8 weeks before the last frost Germination: 15-21 Days Plant Outdoors: 4-6” Apart Light: Full Sun   Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute suppliers based on availability
Cathedral Bells Vine or Cup and Saucer Plant, Heirloom, Climbing $3.59 $3.99
Renee's Garden Seeds- This beautiful climber is also called “Cup and Saucer Vine” because the blossoms look for all the world like slender teacups sitting on dainty saucer-like green calyxes. The spectacular 2-inch bells with softly curving rims turn from creamy pale green to a striking rose-violet. Beginning midsummer, this vigorous flowering vine blooms for weeks when most other vines are on the wane. The beautiful blossoms are beacons for hummingbirds. This old-fashioned favorite was cherished by Victorian gardeners. .Botanical Name: Cobaea scandens racteristics:  Hardy Annual Purple Blossoms 10-20 Climbing Vine 1g, ~17Seeds per packet Instructions -Sow seed indoors in a warm place 6 to 8 weeks before night temperatures are reliably in the 50°F (10°C) range. Plant 2 seeds per individual 4 inch pot of seed starting mix. Maintain at 70-80°F (21-27°C). Keep moist but not soggy. Germination takes 10 to 21 days. Thin to strongest seedling per pot. Provide a strong light source until ready to go outside. When weather has warmed evenly, acclimate to outdoor conditions and carefully transplant 1 foot apart and 3 inches from supports. Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute seed vendors from time to time because of availability
Coreopsis 'Incredible', Butterfly Coreopsis $3.25 $3.39
Renee's Garden -  These carefree plants are literally covered with blossoms from early summer through frost! The cheerful blossoms dance above airy foliage in a mix of soft cream, maroon, yellow, and red shades: a true tapestry of color. Plants are deer resistant, vigorous, and can handle hot, dry conditions. The bright blossoms are magnets for hungry bees, butterflies and many other pollinators. Perfect to light up the garden and pick often for dazzling, long-lasting bouquets. Botanical Name: Coreopsis x hybrida  Characteristics:  Great in containers Butterfly favorites  Pollinators & Beneficials  Summer/fall bloom  Frost tender 200mg, ~500-700 Seeds Instructions - To plant outdoors, sow seeds with barely any soil on top, 1 to 2 inches apart in a sunny location in well-worked garden soil once the danger of frost is past. Keep the seedbed moist. Seedlings emerge in 7 to 10 days. Keep well weeded and watered while plants are young; mature cosmos can handle hot and dry conditions. Space 6 inches apart when seedlings are large enough to handle.  To start early indoors, Sow seeds 1 inch apart in a container of seed starting mix, 4 to 6 weeks before the last expected frost. Barely cover, keep moist, and provide a good light source. Plant outdoors once the weather warms up after gradually acclimating to outdoor conditions.  These free-flowering summer bloomers produce reliably in all soil types and can be sown several times through early July for a succession of flowers. Cutting generous bouquets actually prolongs the blooming season. Replant a spent spring flower bed with satiny Snow Sonata, deep indigo Royal Ensign bush morning glories, and sparkling Signet Marigolds for a summer showing to shine until frost.  Plant in April-July  Full Sun  Plant 1/2" deep  Space 1-2" apart  7-10 days to germinate  Mature height: 2 feet  Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute suppliers due to availability. 
Cypress Vine Maiden's Flower, Heirloom $2.99
Renee's Garden - This rare, heat-loving vine twines up effortlessly in an exquisite tracery of finely cut, feathery foliage. At midsummer, a profusion of dainty tubular flowers in shades of light pink, rose, white and scarlet open to five pointed stars. The charming rainbow of little blossoms attracts constant attention from hungry hummingbirds who find their nectar irresistible. Rediscover this gorgeous color range of true cypress vine, long a nostalgic favorite in the south. Botanical Name: Quamoclit pennata Characteristics:  Half-hardy annual plant Vines will grow up to 15-20 feet long with support Star-shaped red flowers and feathery foliage A favorite with hummingbirds Grows well along fences and trellises or in containers 2g of seeds, 110-150 Seeds per packet Instructions: Plant seeds outdoors after the last frost. Seeds can be slightly chipped and soaked in warm water for 24 hours before planting for better results. Prefers full sun and moist average soil.  Direct Seed: 1/2" Deep Germination: 15-21 Days Thin: 4-6" Apart Support: Trellis or Arbor   Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute suppliers based on availability
Drumstick Flower $3.75 $3.95
The Seed Savers Exchange - (Craspedia globosa), Billy Button, A perennial that is native to New Zealand, Australia, and Tasmania. Brilliant 1" yellow spheres are striking in the garden or in fresh or dried bouquets. Long sturdy stems. Grown as a half-hardy annual in the North, 3' tall plants. Half-hardy annual plants grow to 3 feet Bright yellow 1-inch spheres Long-lasting cut flower Can be used as a dried flower 25 Seeds Instructions - Sow seeds indoors 1/8" deep. Transplant outdoors after the last frost. Can also be sown outdoors 6 weeks before the last frost. Sow seed indoors 6-8 weeks before the last frost Germination 10-30 days Plant 12"-18" apart Full Sun/Partial Sun Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute seed vendors from time to time because of the availability
Exotic Love Vine Mina Lobata, Heirloom $3.04 $3.29
Renee's Garden - This lush New World native has intricate fleur-de-Lis-shaped leaves that cascade on strong vigorous vines. From midsummer on, the showy foliage is covered with sprays of graceful tubular flowers that start as orange-red buds and open to shade from crimson to soft coral, lemon yellow, and vanilla, all the shades appearing together on each arching blossom. Cover a fence, gate, or trellis with this fine heirloom whose tropical beauty has graced gardens for over 100 years. (Ipomoea lobata)  Characteristics:  Heirloom Selective  Hummingbird favorites  Summer/Fall bloom  Frost tender    Instructions - To start outdoors, in late spring, once the weather is warm and settled and nights stay above 50°F, plant seeds in a sunny spot in ordinary garden soil 6 inches apart and 1/2 inch deep. Firm soil over seeds. To start early indoors, sow indoors 5 to 6 weeks before the last expected frost in individual pots of seed starting mix. Cover 1/2 inch deep and keep warm and moist. Provide a strong light source until seedlings are ready for outdoor planting. Transplant very carefully once nights stay above 50°F. Thin or transplant seedlings 10 to 12 inches apart. Do not disturb delicate roots. To speed germination, soak seeds for no longer than 8 hours in tepid water. Plant immediately after soaking. Erect well-anchored supports at least 8 feet tall at planting time; strong netting, a wood or wire fence, or a sturdy trellis serve well to hold these vigorous climbers that bloom hard from midsummer.  Plant in April-June  Full sun  Plant 1/2" deep  Space seeds 6" apart  7-10 days to germinate  Mature height: 8-10 feet  Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute suppliers due to availability. 
Gibsonii Castor Bean Flower, 16th Century Heirloom $3.75 $3.95
The Seed Savers Exchange - (Ricinus communis) Introduced into English gardens in the 16th century. Stately quick-growing ornamental plant with tropical appearance. Large red-tinged foliage and brightly colored seedpods, a real head-turner. Listed in 1896 catalog of R. & J. Farquhars. Seeds and seedpods are poisonous—please use caution! Annual, 6-8' tall. Characteristics Annual plants grow to 6-8 feet tall Red-tinged leaves and bright red seedpods Quick growing Great for ornamental plantings 25 Seeds per packet  Key Planting Tips
Lorenzo Trussoni Safflower, 1889 Heirloom, Organic $3.75 $4.25
The Seed Savers Exchange -(Carthamus tinctorius) Lorenzo Trussoni definitely knew best when he brought this safflower from Italy to Genoa, Wisconsin, in 1889. Not only do its dried petals make an excellent saffron substitute when harvested fresh and dried inside, but the flowers also add a splash of vivid (yellow and orange-red) color to the garden. Plants reach about 2' tall and form flowering branches along their main stems. Today this safflower is grown by many in the Italian-American community in Genoa, including Lorenzo’s descendants. 75-80 days from seeding to first blossoms. Organic. Organic Annual plants grow to 2 foot Yellow to Orange-Red flower heads Petals can be dried for a saffron substitute Striking cut flower 50 Seeds per Packet Instructions: Instructions - Sow seeds indoors just beneath the surface of the soil. Plant out into average well-drained soil after the danger of frost has passed. Good cutting flower. Start Indoors: 6-8 weeks before the last frost Germination:  7-10 Days Plant Outdoors: 12-18” Apart Light: Full Sun   Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute suppliers based on availability
Painted Tongue Flower, 1824 Heirloom $3.75 $3.95
The Seed Savers Exchange -  Spectacular Chilean relative of the petunia, introduced in 1824. Branching 12-24" stems with 2" striped trumpet-shaped flowers in a wide range of almost metallic colors. Salpiglossis comes from two Greek words meaning trumpet and tongue, referring to the velvet-like blossoms. Annual. (Salpiglossis sinuata) Characteristics: Annual plants grow to 12-24 inches Velvety, striped flowers grow to 2 inches Blossoms in a wide range of colors 250 Seeds Instructions - Sow seeds indoors just beneath the surface of the soil. Seeds do best when allowed to germinate in darkness. Plant out when the danger of frost has passed in late spring. Plants do well in average soil. May require staking. Sow 10-12 Weeks before the last frost Plant 12-15" Apart Germination 7-14 days Full Sun to Partial Sun Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute seed vendors from time to time because of the availability
Pelargonium 'Fancy Pants Flower, Ivy Geranium, Cottage Classic $3.79 $4.39
Renee's Garden Exclusive - Depending where you live, these charming plants are known as Pelargoniums, Ivy Leaf Geraniums or Trailing Geraniums. Whichever name you use, these lovely 12-18 inch cascading plants have softly draping, ivy-shaped green leaves and abundant, dainty, five-petaled flower clusters that bloom in soft cherry, sweet lavender and creamy white. Fancy Pants plants spill perfectly from window boxes, hanging baskets and containers, and their pretty foliage and abundant flowers will delight you all summer long.! Botanical Name: Pelargonium peltatum racteristics:  Annual in zones 3-9, perennial in zones 9 & 10 Plants grow to 2-3 feet Various Shades of Pinks, Roses, Corals, Purples and Whites 115mg, ~25 Seeds per packet Instructions -As early in spring as ground can be worked, sow seeds 1 inch apart into a finely textured garden bed in full sun. In climates where the ground doesn’t freeze, sow seed in late fall for bloom the following spring. Cover very lightly, about 1/8 inch deep and keep soil moist as seedlings emerge. Weed and water carefully and thin before they get too crowded Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute seed vendors from time to time because of availability
Pride of Gibraltar Cerinthe Flower, Heirloom $3.59 $3.99
Renee's Garden Seeds- Cerinthe, featured at Sissinghurst Castle in England, is actually a native of the Greek Islands. This hard to find annual is decidedly a favorite in plant lovers’ circles. These fascinating and unusually-colored plants have indigo-violet bells rimmed in white that dangle gracefully from bronzy-blue bracts above rounded gray-green leaves. They make a show-stopping color accent in the garden or as cut flowers for indoor arrangements.Botanical Name: Cerinthe major atropurpurea racteristics:  Hardy Annual Plants grow to 2-3 feet Lovely shades of blue and purple Pollinator-friendly; extremely attractive to bees, hummingbirds, moths, and butterflies 1.25g, ~25 Seeds per packet Instructions -In spring, once all danger of frost is past, sow seed directly where plants are to grow in ordinary well-drained soil in full sun. In mild climates, Cerinthe can also be sown in fall for spring blooms. Poke the large seeds into the soil about 3⁄4 inch deep and 4 to 6 inches apart and firm soil gently over them Alternatvely, Start seeds indoors in 4 inch pots about 4 to 6 weeks before last frost date. Keep moist, but not soggy and provide a strong light source. Once seedlings are 4 to 6 inches tall, acclimate to outdoor conditions and transplant into a sunny spot, in well-drained garden soil. Thin or transplant seedlings 8 to 12 inches apart. Avoid disturbing seedling roots Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute seed vendors from time to time because of availability
Purple Top Vervain or Purple Top Verbena Flower, 1725 Heirloom from $3.00 $3.95
Excellent pollinator and butterfly flower. Each packet will contain around 500 seeds.   Brought to England from South America around 1725. Endless purple flowers sit above strong stems with dark green leaves all summer and into early fall.  Thrives in warm dry soil, very easy to grow. Great for borders where height is needed. Tender perennial, typically grown as an annual, 3-4' tall.  Botanical name: Verbena bonariensis or aka Purple Top Characteristics:  Self-seeding annual plants grow to 3-4 feet tall Purple flowers are tolerant of light frosts Easy to grow, thrive in dry soil Great for use in border plantings or as a cut flower This variety will grow well in most regions of the United States and can be grown as a tender perennial in warm climates. 1/10th gram or about 500 seeds per packet  Instructions: Sow seeds indoors just beneath the surface of the soil. Seed is slow to germinate and sensitive to excess moisture. Plant out after the danger of frost has passed in late spring. Makes an excellent cut flower. Start Indoors: 8-12 weeks before the last frost Germination: 14-28 Days Plant Outdoors: 18-24” Apart Light: Full Sun       Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute suppliers based on availability
Roggli Riesen Strawflower Mixture Flower, Organic $3.70 $3.95
High Mowing Organics brings us Roggli Riesen Strawflower - Bright and varied colorful flowers on tall plants are excellent for drying. A popular dried flower for bouquets and arrangements, strawflowers offer texture and color for many months after harvest. The Roggli Riesen cultivar offers a range of bloom colors including red, yellow, light pink, orange and magenta. Flowers are best cut when they are in bud. Start plants indoors 7 weeks before last frost. From our partners at the Swiss biodynamic seed company Sativa.  Strawflower Fresh or dried 30-36” tall Annual Open-Pollinated Instructions - Sow seeds indoors just beneath the surface of the soil. Seeds do best when allowed to germinate in darkness. Plant out when the danger of frost has passed in late spring. Plants do well in average soil. May require staking. Sow 6-8 Weeks before the last frost Plant 8-10" Apart Germination 5-20 days Full Sun to Partial Sun Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute seed vendors from time to time because of the availability
Ruby Moon Hyacinth Flower $5.75
The Seed Savers Exchange - (Dolichos lablab) Striking dark-violet stems, leaf veins, and pods with beautiful lilac-colored blossoms extend above the foliage on long, straight stems. We do not recommend growing for food, but rather as an ornamental for its flowers. Seed pods and beans are poisonous at certain stages. In Asia and Africa, hyacinth beans are grown for food and can be eaten if prepared properly. Vines grow 10-15' if given proper support. Half-hardy annual. Characteristics:  Half-hardy annual vining plants grow up to 15 feet Violet stems, leaf veins, and pods Lilac colored blossoms Ornamental and grows on trellises 25 Seeds per packet Instructions: Sow seeds indoors in pots 1" deep. Transplant outdoors after the danger of frost has passed. Can also be direct-seeded after the last frost in warmer areas. Prefers full sun and rich moist soil.  Start Indoors: 4-6 weeks before the last frost Germination: 15-20 Days Plant Outdoors: 24-36” Apart Support: Trellis, tepee, or fencing Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute suppliers based on availability
Strawflower Mixture Flower, 16th Century Heirloom $3.75 $3.95
The Seed Savers Exchange - Australian native that was introduced to Europe in 1799. Large papery flowers are used extensively in dried arrangements and as long-lasting cut flowers. Cutting promotes bud formation, so cut often. A mix of 8-10 colors. Annual, 30-36" tall. (Helichrysum bracteatum) Characteristics:  Annual plants grow up to 3 feet tall Papery flowers in a mix of 8-10 colors Great as a cut flower or dried flower Cutting promotes bud formation 250 Seeds Instructions - Sow seeds indoors just beneath the surface of the soil. Seeds do best when allowed to germinate in darkness. Plant out when the danger of frost has passed in late spring. Plants do well in average soil. May require staking. Sow 6-8 Weeks before the last frost Plant 8-10" Apart Germination 5-20 days Full Sun to Partial Sun Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute seed vendors from time to time because of the availability
Sunball Craspedia Flower, Organic $3.50 $3.90
Sunball Craspedia, High Mowing Seeds - Etheric, golden balls atop silvery foliage that can be harvested and dried, maintaining their vibrant color and upright shape. A favorite of our trials manager, this variety is a stunning garden plant that can be cut fresh with a long vase life and easily dried for long term enjoyment. The golden yellow color is striking and the unique shape brings something magical to the garden, to bouquets, and to dried floral arrangements. Craspedia Cut or dried flowers 24-30" tall Annual Open-Pollinated 50 Seeds Instructions - Sow seeds indoors 1/8" deep. Transplant outdoors after the last frost. Can also be sown outdoors 6 weeks before the last frost. Sow seed indoors 6-8 weeks before the last frost Germination 10-30 days Plant 12"-18" apart Full Sun/Partial Sun Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute seed vendors from time to time because of the availability
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