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Amish Melon, Heirloom, Organic $3.75 $3.95
The Seed Savers Exchange - Amish melon was first offered in the SSE Yearbook in 1983. Oval fruits are 9" long and weigh 4-7 pounds. The sweet orange flesh is very juicy with full muskmelon flavor and a rather thick rind. Produces good crops under almost any conditions at Heritage Farm headquarters in northeast Iowa. 80-90 days. ±1,100 seeds/oz.  Characteristics:  Best Seller Organic Fruits grow to 9 inches and 4-7 pounds Juicy, orange flesh Good muskmelon flavor 80-90 days 25 Seeds per packet   Instructions - Melons love the heat. Sow seeds outdoors in 12" diameter hills after danger of frost has passed and soil has warmed. Space hills 6' apart in all directions. Seeds will germinate in 4-10 days. Can also be started indoors 2-3 weeks before the last frost. Plant 1" deep Plant hills, 6-8 seed Germinate 7-14 days Thin: To 3-4 Plants Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute suppliers based on availability 
Boule d'Or Melon, 1885 Heirloom $3.75 $3.95
The Seed Savers Exchange - (aka Golden Perfection) Famous French melon listed by Vilmorin in 1885. Sweet smooth winter melon with a hard rind. Pale green flesh is an absolute delight. Fruits will keep for several weeks if kept cool and dry. Very hard to find. 95-110 days. ±500 seeds/oz.  Characteristics:  Stores well Smooth, hard rind Flavorful, pale green flesh 95-110 days 25 Seeds per packet  Instructions - Melons love the heat. Sow seeds outdoors in 12" diameter hills after danger of frost has passed and soil has warmed. Space hills 6' apart in all directions. Seeds will germinate in 4-10 days. Can also be started indoors 2-3 weeks before the last frost. Plant 1" deep Plant hills, 6-8 seed Germinate 7-14 days Thin: To 3-4 Plants Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute suppliers based on availability 
Charentais Melon, 1920 Heirloom $3.75 $3.95
The Seed Savers Exchange - A true French cantaloupe that originated in the Poitou-Charentes region circa 1920. Considered by many to be the most divine and flavorful melon in the world. Smooth round melons mature to a creamy gray with faint ribs. Sweet, juicy, orange flesh with a heavenly fragrance. Typically the size of a grapefruit and weighing 2 pounds—perfect for two people. 75-90 days Characteristics:  Organic Fruits grow to grapefruit size and weigh up to 2 pounds Fragrant, juicy, orange flesh Sweet flavor 75-90 days 25 Seeds   Instructions - Melons love the heat. Sow seeds outdoors in 12" diameter hills after danger of frost has passed and soil has warmed. Space hills 6' apart in all directions. Seeds will germinate in 4-10 days. Can also be started indoors 2-3 weeks before the last frost. Plant 1" deep Plant hills, 6-8 seed Germinate 7-14 days Thin 3-4 plants Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute suppliers based on availability 
Collective Farm Woman Melon, Heirloom $3.25 $3.75
The Seed Savers Exchange - Marina Danilenko of Moscow, Russia helped Seed Savers Exchange obtain the seed of this Ukrainian heirloom melon. The original source of the seed was a woman from a collective farm. It was introduced to American gardeners in 1993. Melons were developed and domesticated in Africa and Asia. Europeans settling in the Americas are recorded growing honeydew and casaba melons in the 17th century. Characteristics:  Fruits have green skin that ripens to gold The crunchy, sweet flesh Winter melon, stores well 25 Seeds per packet  This variety will grow well in most regions of the United States Instructions - Melons love the heat. Sow seeds outdoors in 12" diameter hills after danger of frost has passed and soil has warmed. Space hills 6' apart in all directions. Seeds will germinate in 4-10 days. Can also be started indoors 2-3 weeks before the last frost. Plant 1" deep Plant hills, 6-8 seed Thin: To 3-4 Plants Light: Full Sun Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute suppliers based on availability 
Delice de la Table Melon $3.45 $3.95
The Seed Savers Exchange - A true French cantaloupe whose name translates as “Delight of the Table.” Ribbed dessert melons have sweet orange flesh and weigh about 1-2 pounds. Very hard to find, but alive and well in France. 85-90 days. ±900 seeds/oz. Characteristics: Fruits grow to 1-2 pounds Ribbed rinds Sweet orange flesh 85-90 days ±900 seeds/oz 25 Seeds per packet  Instructions - Melons love the heat. Sow seeds outdoors in 12" diameter hills after danger of frost has passed and soil has warmed. Space hills 6' apart in all directions. Seeds will germinate in 4-10 days. Can also be started indoors 2-3 weeks before the last frost. Plant 1" deep Plant hills, 6-8 seed Thin: To 3-4 Plants Light: Full Sun Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute suppliers based on availability 
Delicious 51 Melon, Organic $3.25 $3.75
Southern Exposure Seed Exchange - Superb disease resistance and these very sweet melons are excellent for areas with hot, humid, areas.  The fruit ripens in the last 2 weeks so its good to check daily in the very last part of its ripening. 88 days. Characteristics: Organic Fruits 6-7" fruits Netted Round Oval Sweet orange flesh 88 days 50 Seeds per packet, 2g Instructions - Melons love the heat. Sow seeds outdoors in 12" diameter hills after danger of frost has passed and soil has warmed. Space hills 6' apart in all directions. Seeds will germinate in 4-10 days. Can also be started indoors 2-3 weeks before the last frost. Plant 1" deep Plant hills, 6-8 seed Thin: To 3-4 Plants Light: Full Sun Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute suppliers based on availability 
Early Hanover Melon, 1895 Heirloom $3.45 $3.95
The Seed Savers Exchange - This variety is also known as 'Extra Early Hanover' melon. It was first introduced in 1895 by T.W. Woods & Sons of Richmond, Virginia. Some say that it has attained immense popularity in that region. Melons were developed and domesticated in Africa and Asia. Europeans settling in the Americas are recorded growing honeydew and casaba melons in the 17th century. Characteristics: Fruits grow to 6 inches and 2-3 pounds Soft, green flesh Muskmelon flavor 25 Seeds per packet  This variety will grow well in most regions of the United States. Instructions - Melons love the heat. Sow seeds outdoors in 12" diameter hills after danger of frost has passed and soil has warmed. Space hills 6' apart in all directions. Seeds will germinate in 4-10 days. Can also be started indoors 2-3 weeks before the last frost. Plant 1" deep Plant hills, 6-8 seed Thin: To 3-4 Plants Light: Full Sun Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute suppliers based on availability 
Early Silver Line Melon, pre 1900 Heirloom, Organic $3.45 $3.95
The Seed Savers Exchange - This is an older melon, classified as an heirloom from Korea but there is not much history on it.  It has seeds in the middle like a cantaloupe and its flavors range from pear in the middle to cucumber on its edges. It is very productive and fruit weigh 1-2 lbs.  Melons were developed and domesticated in Africa and Asia. Europeans settling in the Americas are recorded growing honeydew and casaba melons in the 17th century.  Characteristics: Organic Fruits grow to 1-2 pounds Crisp, refreshing flesh Lightly sweet flavor 25 Seeds per packet  This variety will grow well in most regions of the United States. Instructions - Melons love the heat. Sow seeds outdoors in 12" diameter hills after danger of frost has passed and soil has warmed. Space hills 6' apart in all directions. Seeds will germinate in 4-10 days. Can also be started indoors 2-3 weeks before the last frost. Plant 1" deep Plant hills, 6-8 seed Thin: To 3-4 Plants Light: Full Sun Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute suppliers based on availability 
Eden's Gem Melon, 1905 Heirloom, Organic $3.45 $3.95
The Seed Savers Exchange - aka Eden Gem, Rocky Ford Eden Gem, Early maturing variety developed in 1905 at Rocky Ford, Colorado as a “crate melon.” Amy Goldman, author of Melons for the Passionate Grower, claims this is one of her all-time favorites and “may cause drooling.” Softball-sized netted fruits weigh in at about 1 pound. Complex spicy flavor. 65-80 days. ±1,100 seeds/oz. Characteristics:  Organic Fruits grow to softball size Flesh is green and skin is netted Complex, spicy flavor 65-80 days 25 Seeds per packet    Instructions - Melons love heat. Sow seeds outdoors in 12" diameter hills after danger of frost has passed and soil has warmed. Space hills 6' apart in all directions. Seeds will germinate in 4-10 days. Can also be started indoors 2-3 weeks before last frost. Plant 1" deep Plant hills, 6-8 seed Germinate 7-14 days Thin 3-4 plants Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute suppliers based on availability 
Edisto 47 Melon, Organic $3.25 $3.75
Southern Exposure Seed Exchange - Superb disease resistance and these very sweet melons are excellent for areas with hot, humid, areas.  The fruit ripens in the last 2 weeks so its good to check daily in the very last part of its ripening. 88 days. Characteristics: Organic Fruits 6-7" fruits Netted Round Oval Sweet orange flesh 88 days 50 Seeds per packet, 2g Instructions - Melons love the heat. Sow seeds outdoors in 12" diameter hills after danger of frost has passed and soil has warmed. Space hills 6' apart in all directions. Seeds will germinate in 4-10 days. Can also be started indoors 2-3 weeks before the last frost. Plant 1" deep Plant hills, 6-8 seed Thin: To 3-4 Plants Light: Full Sun Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute suppliers based on availability 
Emerald Gem Melon, 1886 Heirloom, Organic $3.45 $3.95
The Seed Savers Exchange - Introduced by W. Atlee Burpee in 1886 from seed sent by William Voorhees of Benzie County, Michigan. The most popular melon of that period, hailed as “altogether unapproached in delicious flavor and luscious beyond description.”  Characteristics:  Organic Fruits grow to 2-3 pounds Pale orange, juicy flesh Sweet and somewhat spicy flavor 70-90 days 25 Seeds per packet    Instructions - Melons love heat. Sow seeds outdoors in 12" diameter hills after danger of frost has passed and soil has warmed. Space hills 6' apart in all directions. Seeds will germinate in 4-10 days. Can also be started indoors 2-3 weeks before last frost. Plant 1" deep Plant hills, 6-8 seed Germinate 7-14 days Thin 3-4 plants Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute suppliers based on availability 
Fordhook Gem Melon, 1967 Heirloom, Organic $3.45 $3.95
The Seed Savers Exchange - An outstanding variety! This green-fleshed, nutmeg-type melon matures early, produces prolifically, and packs a sweet, sublime flavor. Fruits are tapered at both ends with a lacy netting throughout, measure 6" long by 5" wide, and weigh two pounds. Rind blushes yellow when ripe, while green flesh has a salmon patina and a juicy, melting texture. Introduced by Burpee in 1967, ‘Fordhook Gem’ is derived from two historic varieties, ‘Netted Gem’ and ‘Extra Early Knight.’ Amy Goldman, author and Seed Savers Exchange member, and advisor shared this variety with SSE in 2018. Organic. Characteristics: Organic Fruits grow to 2 lbs The flesh is green with netted skin Sweet flavor and highly productive 65-80 days New for 2021 From the Collection 25 Seeds per packet  Instructions - Melons love the heat. Sow seeds outdoors in 12" diameter hills after danger of frost has passed and soil has warmed. Space hills 6' apart in all directions. Seeds will germinate in 4-10 days. Can also be started indoors 2-3 weeks before the last frost. Plant 1" deep Plant hills, 6-8 seed Thin: To 3-4 Plants Light: Full Sun Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute suppliers based on availability 
Green Nutmeg Melon, 1863 Heirloom, Organic $3.45 $3.95
The Seed Savers Exchange - Belongs to a class of muskmelons known as “nutmeg” due to its shape, netting, and aroma; one of the oldest types grown in America. In 1863 Fearing Burr, Jr. described Green Nutmeg as one of 12 varieties suitable for the garden.  Characteristics:  Organic Fruits grow to 2-3 pounds Reliable producer Sweet flavor and wonderful aroma 80 days 25 Seeds per packet    Instructions - Melons love heat. Sow seeds outdoors in 12" diameter hills after danger of frost has passed and soil has warmed. Space hills 6' apart in all directions. Seeds will germinate in 4-10 days. Can also be started indoors 2-3 weeks before last frost. Plant 1" deep Plant hills, 6-8 seed Germinate 7-14 days Thin 3-4 plants Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute suppliers based on availability 
Ha'Ogen Melon, pre-1950 variety, Organic $3.45 $3.95
The Seed Savers Exchange - Although this variety is most likely of Hungarian descent, this melon is generally identified with Kibbutz Ha'Ogen in Israel. Ha'Ogen is Hebrew for "the anchor." Melons were developed and domesticated in Africa and Asia. Europeans settling in the Americas are recorded growing honeydew and casaba melons in the 17th century. Characteristics: Organic Fruits grow to 3-4 pounds Sweet, spicy green flesh Yellow-orange rind with green sutures 25 Seeds per packet  This variety will grow well in most regions of the United States. Instructions - Melons love the heat. Sow seeds outdoors in 12" diameter hills after danger of frost has passed and soil has warmed. Space hills 6' apart in all directions. Seeds will germinate in 4-10 days. Can also be started indoors 2-3 weeks before the last frost. Plant 1" deep Plant hills, 6-8 seed Thin: To 3-4 Plants Light: Full Sun Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute suppliers based on availability 
Hales Best Muskmelon, Heirloom, Organic $3.25 $3.75
Southern Exposure Seed Exchange - Great resistance for powder mildew, sweet orange flesh. Plants are drought tolerant and fruits are 4-5 pounds, heavily netted and lightly ribbed. 86 days. Characteristics: Organic Heirloom Lightly 4-5 pound fruits Netted Round Oval Resists Powdery Mildew Drought Tolerant 86 days 50-90 Seeds per packet, 2g Instructions - Melons love the heat. Sow seeds outdoors in 12" diameter hills after danger of frost has passed and soil has warmed. Space hills 6' apart in all directions. Seeds will germinate in 4-10 days. Can also be started indoors 2-3 weeks before the last frost. Plant 1" deep Plant hills, 6-8 seed Thin: To 3-4 Plants Light: Full Sun Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute suppliers based on availability 
Healy's Pride Melon $3.45 $3.95
The Seed Savers Exchange - This heirloom melon was donated to Seed Savers Exchange in 1997 by a Minnesota family. It is named after the donor's mother and has been grown by three generations of the family since about 1914. Melons were developed and domesticated in Africa and Asia. Europeans settling in the Americas are recorded growing honeydew and casaba melons in the 17th century. Characteristics: Highly productive The small, yellow fruit is round and uniform Early maturing 25 Seeds per packet  This variety will grow well in most regions of the United States. Instructions - Melons love the heat. Sow seeds outdoors in 12" diameter hills after danger of frost has passed and soil has warmed. Space hills 6' apart in all directions. Seeds will germinate in 4-10 days. Can also be started indoors 2-3 weeks before the last frost. Plant 1" deep Plant hills, 6-8 seed Thin: To 3-4 Plants Light: Full Sun Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute suppliers based on availability 
Ice Cream or Green Machine Muskmelon, Organic $3.25 $3.75
Southern Exposure Seed Exchange - The name is fitting as they can hold 1 scoop of ice cream and are known as Green Machines because of their abilties to product a ton of fruits. Fruits are 2 pounds,  When ripe the melons will fall off the vine so it is easy to tell when ripe!  Characteristics: Organic Heirloom 2 pound fruits 79 days 50-90 Seeds per packet, 2g Instructions - Melons love the heat. Sow seeds outdoors in 12" diameter hills after danger of frost has passed and soil has warmed. Space hills 6' apart in all directions. Seeds will germinate in 4-10 days. Can also be started indoors 2-3 weeks before the last frost. Plant 1" deep Plant hills, 6-8 seed Thin: To 3-4 Plants Light: Full Sun Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute suppliers based on availability 
Jenny Lind Melon, 1850s Heirloom, Organic $3.25 $3.75
The Seed Savers Exchange - This melon is named for Jenny Lind, who was known as "The Swedish Nightingale." She was a coloratura soprano promoted to stardom in the United States during the early 1850s. The variety is also known as 'Shipper's Delight' and 'Jersey Button' melon. There is a distinct "button" that forms on the blossom end of the fruit as it matures. Melons were developed and domesticated in Africa and Asia. Europeans settling in the Americas are recorded growing honeydew and casaba melons in the 17th century. Characteristics: Organic Fruits grow to 2 pounds Mild flavor, juicy flesh Good market variety 25 Seeds per packet  This variety will grow well in most regions of the United States. Instructions - Melons love the heat. Sow seeds outdoors in 12" diameter hills after danger of frost has passed and soil has warmed. Space hills 6' apart in all directions. Seeds will germinate in 4-10 days. Can also be started indoors 2-3 weeks before the last frost. Plant 1" deep Plant hills, 6-8 seed Thin: To 3-4 Plants Light: Full Sun Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute suppliers based on availability 
Kansas Melon, Organic, Heirloom $3.25 $3.75
Southern Exposure Seed Exchange - The Kansas Muskmelon has vibrant orange flesh, maturing in just 90 days. This outstanding variety is celebrated for its remarkable combination of sweet flavor, fine texture, prolific production, and robust hardiness. The fruits, characterized by their ridged, oval shape, typically weigh around 4 lbs. Notably, the Kansas Muskmelon demonstrates commendable resistance to sap beetles, providing a reliable defense against potential fruit destruction—an advantage setting it apart from other varieties. Elevate your gardening experience with this high-quality melon that promises a delightful harvest. Characteristics: Organic Fruits 6-7" fruits Netted Round Oval Sweet orange flesh 88 days 50 Seeds per packet, 2g Instructions - Melons love the heat. Sow seeds outdoors in 12" diameter hills after danger of frost has passed and soil has warmed. Space hills 6' apart in all directions. Seeds will germinate in 4-10 days. Can also be started indoors 2-3 weeks before the last frost. Plant 1" deep Plant hills, 6-8 seed Thin: To 3-4 Plants Light: Full Sun Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute suppliers based on availability 
Melon - Tuscan Retato Degli Ortolani Melon, Organic, Italian Hierloom $3.45 $3.99
The Retato Degli Ortolani Melon is a favorite for us and many of our Firefly customers.  It is so easy to grow and doe swell in a wide range of climates. Renee's Garden - Heirloom Tuscan melons whose wonderful perfume adds to their meltingly sweet flavor. Deeply lobed, orange-fleshed fruits on very productive vines.  Characteristics:  Organic  Deeply-lobed  Orange-fleshed melons  Sweet flavor  Perfumed aroma  85 days  47 seeds Instructions - Melons need full sun, rich soil, and warm temperatures. Plant only when weather is warm and settled and temperatures stay above 50° (10°C). In rows 4 feet apart, sow groups of 2 to 3 seeds every 2 feet. After germination, thin to the strongest seedling per group, so you end up with one plant every 2 feet. Or make slightly mounded hills, 2 feet in diameter and 5 feet apart, sowing 5 or 6 seeds in each hill. Thin to 3 strongest plants. Plant In: April - June Full Sun  Plant rows 2 feet apart  Plant 1" deep 7-10 days to germinate  Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute suppliers due to availability. 
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