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Asiatic Lilies
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Bearded Iris - Spring
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Bunch Flowering Tulips
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Butterfly Daffodils
Calla Lillies
Cold Hardy Plants Zone 1, 2, 3, or 4
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Daffodils & Narcissus
Dahlia Seeds
Darwin Hybrid Tulips
Daylily - Hemerocallis
Deer, Rabbit and Rodent Resistant
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Double Early Tulips
Double Late Tulips
Driftless Artisans
Dutch & Specie Iris
Dwarf Iris Collection
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Fall Flowering Crocus
Fall Peonies (Bare root)
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Gregii Tulip
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Hardy Perennials
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Mixed Collection
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Roses (Local Pick up Only)
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Single Early Tulips
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Something Green.... in honor of Carson Dyke
Southern Favorites (Fall Planting)
Species Crocus
Spring Planting Bulbs
Spring Planting Specialty Bulbs
Squash and Pumpkins
Standard Bearded Iris
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Sweet Peppers
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Tea Herbs
Tiger Lily
Tree Peony
Triumph Tulips
Trumpet Daffodils
Trumpet Lily
Vegetable Seed Collections
Vegetable Starts (Pick Up Only or Pre Orders for Special Event
Verbenas or Vervains (all)
Vervain (Native)
Vining Annuals
Fernleaf Lavender
Renee's Garden - Fernleaf looks distinctively different than other garden lavenders. It has deeply lobed fern-like, silvery leaves that give the foliage a handsome lacy appearance and long stems topped with graceful blue-violet trident-form flowers. Easily grown from seed, this first-year flowering perennial has a bushy habit and blooms all summer long. Fernleaf foliage is highly aromatic with a hint of oregano and highly attractive to butterflies. Great for borders, beds, and containers.
Renee's Garden Exclusive
Butterfly Herbs
Violent and blue flowers
Approx 45 seeds
Instructions - In early spring, sow lavender seeds 1 inch apart in a container of seed starting mix. Cover very lightly and keep at 60 to 70°F (16-21°C). Keep evenly moist but not soggy until seedlings slowly emerge over 14 days, providing a good light source. When seedlings have several sets of leaves, transplant 2 inches apart into deeper containers. Plant outside in a well-drained sunny spot when plants are 2 to 3 inches tall after gradually acclimating to outdoor conditions. Because perennial lavender’s small seeds germinate slowly and unevenly, we strongly recommend starting them indoors so you can tend them carefully.
Plant in: February - May or August - October
Sun or partial shade
Plant 1 inch apart
7-14 days to germinate
Mature Height: 1.5 - 2 feet
Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute suppliers due to availability.
Spanish Purple Ribbons Lavender
Renee's Garden - Purple Ribbon's silvery-gray, drought-tolerant foliage is crowned with plump oblong purple flower bracts with a bright top knot of lavender petals. Both the foliage and flowers of these tough plants from the Mediterranean have a spicy pine fragrance. Purple Ribbons take unrelenting sun and heat. It performs well in both dry, hot landscapes and milder-climate cottage gardens. In cold winter areas, use Purple Ribbons as a handsome, aromatic container plant.
Heirloom Herb
Weather tolerant
Silvery foliage
Purple flower
Spicy scent
Approx 40 seeds
Instructions - In early spring, sow lavender seeds 1 inch apart in a container of seed starting mix, cover very lightly and keep at 65°F (18°C). Keep the container moist but not soggy until seedlings slowly emerge over 14 to 25 days, providing a good light source. When seedlings have several sets of leaves, transplant 2 inches apart into deeper containers. Plant outside in a well-drained sunny spot when plants are 2 to 3 inches tall after gradually acclimating to outdoor conditions.
Plant in: February - May
Full sun
Cover lightly
Plant 1/2 - 1 inch apart
14-25 days to germinate
Mature Height: 1.5 - 2 feet
Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute suppliers due to availability.
White Ice Lavender
Renee's Garden - No lavender lover should be without White Ice, our award-winning hardy white Lavender, bred by our most respected Dutch seed producers. These compact, softly vase-shaped plants grow 12 to 14 inches tall and, if started early, they reliably begin flowering the first season from seed. The fragrant white flower bracts have an especially sweet, clear lavender scent. Long blooming White Ice shows off beautifully in patio pots and is particularly striking at the front of garden borders.
Renee's Garden Exclusive
Compact and graceful plants
Sweetly fragrant
White flower
Attracts pollinators
Approx 25 seeds
Instructions - In early spring, sow seeds about 1 inch apart in a container of seed starting mix, cover very lightly and keep at 60-70°F (16-21°C) in a spot with good air circulation. Keep evenly moist but not soggy. Seedlings emerge slowly and unevenly over 18 to 28 days. Provide a good light source. When seedlings have several sets of leaves, transplant into 4-inch plastic pots. Provide consistent water, but let the soil dry out on top between waterings. Feed every few weeks. Plant outside when plants are 2 to 3 inches tall after gradually acclimating to outdoors.
Plant in: May - June in cold winters and February - May
Full sun
Plant 1/2 - 1 inch apart
Cover Lightly
21-28 days to germinate
Mature Height: 12-14 inches
Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute suppliers due to availability.
Hidcote Lavender
Renee's Garden - Our wonderful Hidcote has the loveliest perfume of all the English lavenders. The long-blooming plants with their soft narrow silvery foliage and vivid, deep purple velvety calyxes make beautiful landscape plants. Cut and hang the richly scented flower spikes upside down in a cool place for fragrant long lasting bouquets and sachets, or leave the blooms to charm your senses and attract a flotilla of summer butterflies.
English lavender
Perfumed flowers
Deep purple flower
Approx 205 seeds
Instructions - In early spring, sow lavender seeds 1 inch apart in a container of seed starting mix, cover very lightly and keep at 65°F (18°C). Keep the container moist but not soggy until seedlings slowly emerge over 14 to 25 days, providing a good light source. When seedlings have several sets of leaves, transplant 2 inches apart into deeper containers. Plant outside in a well-drained sunny spot when plants are 2 to 3 inches tall after gradually acclimating to outdoor conditions.
Plant in: February - May
Full sun
Cover lightly
Plant 1/2 - 1 inch apart
14-25 days to germinate
Mature Height: 1.5 - 2 feet
Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute suppliers due to availability.
Lavender Hyssop Flower, Native Flower
from $3.00
Lavender Hyssop - A native commonly found in the north central United States. It prefers dry woodlands and prairies and readily adapts to garden environments without standing water. The leaves are scented like licorice and it is often referred to Anise Hyssop because of this. Butterlfies and other pollinators will stay busy gathering pollen and nectar. It is used by a variety of beneficial insects as well. It is often used in boquets
Botanical Name: Agastche foeniculum
Biennial/perennial that self seeds easily
Hardy to zone 4
Plants grow up to 3 feet
Purple flowers and leaves that smell of licorice
.75g or 250 Seeds per packet
Instructions - Sow seeds indoors just beneath surface of soil. Seeds can also be directly sown outdoors as soon as soil can be worked in spring. Does best in well-drained soil.
Sow seed indoors 6-8 weeks before the last frost
Germination 30-90 days
Plant 12" apart
Full Sun to Partial Shade
Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute seed vendors from time to time because of the availability
Lavender Double Poppy, Organic
The Seed Savers Exchange - Jan Suchomel of Van Horne, Iowa, discovered this poppy growing in the backyard garden when she moved to Van Horne from Cedar Rapids in 1967 and proceeded, over the next three decades, to give its seeds to all her family members. She was so taken with the flower that she even planted some of its seeds at the senior complex she moved to in 2003 so that she could continue to enjoy its colorful blooms. All plant parts except the seeds are toxic. 91 days.
From the Collection for 2023
Self-seedling annual
Beautiful double lavender blooms
Grows 2 to 3 feet tall
Blooms June - July
Instructions - Direct seeding is preferable, as poppies do not like to have their roots disturbed. Sow seeds outdoors in the early spring when the soil is still cool and light frost is possible. Can also be sown in the fall just before the ground freezes. Plants will tolerate poor soil.
Direct Seed: 1/4" Deep
Germination: 10-15 days
Thin: 8-10" Apart
Light: Fall Sun
Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute seed vendors from time to time because of the availability
English True Lavender, Heirloom
The Seed Savers Exchange - This essential herb bears fragrant grey-green, needlelike foliage and spikes of violet-blue flowers. Also known as True lavender, this Mediterranean native is highly valued for cutting and drying, as well as the aromatic fragrance and essential oils it produces. Plants grow 12-20" tall. Perennial in zones 5-9.
A perennial plant in zones 5-9
Plants grow to 12-20 inches
Short spikes of violet-blue flowers
Good for cutting, drying, and essential oils
Instructions - Sow seeds indoors just beneath the surface of the soil. Success is greatly improved if seeds are placed with soil into a plastic bag and refrigerated for 4-6 weeks. Once removed from refrigeration, place in an area that is between 55- 65°F. Plant out after the danger of frost has passed in late spring. Prefers well-drained, somewhat poor soil and is tolerant of drought.
Sow indoors 6-8 weeks before planting
Germination 15-45 days
Plant 18-24" apart
Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute seed vendors from time to time because of availability. Lettuce leaf basil is shown in the picture
Munstead English Lavender
Renee's Garden - Our easy-to-grow Munstead has the perfume of authentic English lavender – a clear, sweet fragrance without medicinal overtones. The semi-dwarf plants grow into 1 1/2 to 2 foot, silvery-green mounds with plump lavender-blue flower spikes. Use these plants in landscape borders for a wave of soft color in early summer. Their grey-green foliage and aromatic blooms will charm your senses and attract a flotilla of summer butterflies.
Heirloom Herb
Sweetly perfumed
Plump flower spikes
Attracts butterflies
Approx 145 seeds
Instructions - In early spring, sow lavender seeds in a container of seed starting mix, cover very lightly and keep at 60-70°F (16-21°C). Keep the container moist but not soggy until seedlings slowly emerge over 14 to 28 days, providing a good light source. When seedlings have several sets of leaves, transplant into individual 4-inch pots. Plant outside in a well-drained sunny spot when plants are 2 to 3 inches tall after gradually acclimating to outdoor conditions.
Plant in: February - May
Full sun
Cover lightly
Plant 1/2 - 1 inch apart
14-28 days to germinate
Mature Height: 1.5 - 2 feet
Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute suppliers due to availability.
French Perfume Lavender
Renee's Garden - Award-winning perennial French Perfume is a compact, deliciously fragrant, hardy Lavender, bred by our most respected Dutch seed producers. This new cultivar produces lovely, uniform, softly vase-shaped plants 12 to 18 inches tall that actually begin blooming the first year from seed. Their rich flushes of plump, deep purple, velvety flowers are intensely fragrant with an unusually sweet, clean lavender scent that’s truly memorable and hard to resist. A brand-new garden treasure to enjoy.
Renee's Garden Exclusive
Award-winning Perennial
Deliciously fragrant
Compact plants
Approx 30-35 seeds
Instructions - In early spring, sow seeds about 1 inch apart in a container of seed starting mix, cover very lightly and keep at 60-70°F (16-21°C) in a spot with good air circulation. Keep evenly moist but not soggy. Seedlings emerge slowly and unevenly over 18 to 28 days. Provide a good light source. When seedlings have several sets of leaves, transplant into 4-inch plastic pots. Provide consistent water, but let the soil dry out on top between waterings. Feed every few weeks. Plant outside when plants are 2 to 3 inches tall after gradually acclimating to outdoors.
Plant in: February - May
Full sun
Plant 1/2-1 inches apart
Cover Lightly
18-28 days to germinate
Mature Height: 12-18 inches
Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute suppliers due to availability.
'Alpha' Large Flowering Gladiolus, Lavender Glads
from $9.99
The 'Alpha' gladiolus are always so popular in the store as this shade of purple is always so wonderful in the garden. We provide them in 12/14 cm bulbs (technically corms) so you get the best available. Gladiolus are deer, rabbits, and rodent resistant. For our large flowering glads, we bring in large 12/14 corms so you get bigger blooms. Click here for all of our gladiolus offerings.
48" Tall
Blooms in about 8-9 weeks from planting
USDA Zones 8-10 (Hardy in these zones, lift and store in winter in other zones)
Full Sun
Bloom Color: Purple
Additional Information
Great for Mass Plantings, Borders, and Cutting Gardens.
Great for butterflies and other pollinators
Ships starting in mid to late March
Key Planting Tips
Plant gladiolus 4" deep with an amended soil with 10-10-10 or something similar. Just make sure the first number (nitrogen) is 5 or 10. Or plant with a finished compost.
Stagger your planting every 2 weeks so you can enjoy blooms continuously all summer.
To lift and store for winter, simply go dig up corms after the foliage has faeded to yellow/brown. Separate the mother corm and compost/dispose and most of the time you will have two new corms. We sepearate those usually when we dig them up after we hose them off. Dry in a single layer out of the sun for a 10-14 days then we simply place in netting or crates for winter. They are not stored with any medium - this is partly why Grandma loved them so much.
Daylily 'Lavender Blue Baby' (Hemerocallis)
Lavender Blue Baby - Dual tones of lavender with a green throat. AHS Awards for Stout Silver Medal 2007, Award of Merit 2004 and a 2001 Honorable Mention.
Bloomsize - 5.5"
Flower Height - 28"
Bloom Time - Early Midseason
Foliage Type - Dormant
Reblooming Traits - Yes, Diurnal
Fragrant - Yes
Hybridizer Carpenter (1996)
Shipping starts in late March to early April, we ship based on your zip code's average frost date, please reach out to us if you'd like them early.
Our daylilies come as #1 Divisions harvested in the fall. Some are replanted right away while others are put into the cooler for spring and fall bareroot offerings. Plant outside after all danger of frost. We ship based on the average last frost date. If you'd like your dayliles sooner, please reach out to us as many gardeners will plant in pots for a few weeks to get them stronger and bloom sooner. They typically bloom the first year.
Daylilies tolerate a wide range of soil and are hardy to Zone 4, some protection will allow for zone 3 hardiness. Once established they handle infrequent waterings well and will reward you with what seems to be a neverending cascade of blooms. Daylilies are shipped in moist woodchips or ground spagnum moss depending on shipping time.