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Abundant Bloomsdale Spinach, Organic $3.50 $3.95
Southern Exposure Seed Exchange -Abundant Bloomsdale Spinach is a very quick spinach to harvest at 47 days. Sweet, tender, bolt resistant, and bred for organic farmers. Savoyed, dark green leaves are held on upright stems. Bred by the Organic Seed Alliance (OSA) in partnership with organic farmers. Named after the Abundant Life Farm where this breeding project started in 2002. Each purchase helps support their breeding efforts.  Characteristics:  Organic & Open-Pollinated Dark green, glossy, savoyed leaves Tender leaves with excellent flavor Quick growing and productive Slow to bolt 47 days 3g or ~270 Seeds   Instructions - Spinach grows best in cool weather and should be planted in early spring or late summer to produce a fall crop. For best yields, harvest continually and make successive plantings every ten days. Plant 1" apart Plant 1/2" deep Thin 6" apart Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute suppliers based on availability 
America Spinach, 1952 Heirloom $3.75 $4.25
The Seed Savers Exchange - This high-quality, heat- and drought-tolerant spinach is well-suited for spring sowing in long-day areas. Growing 8" tall with thick, deep-green, savoyed leaves, the acclaimed variety is slow to bolt. A 1952 All-America Selections winner, it was developed by the Dutch Seedhouse Sluis & Groot. It is a long-standing, compact Bloomsdale type and can be frozen, canned, or used fresh. 43-55 days. ±2,300 seeds/oz  Characteristics:  The plant grows to 8 inches tall Thick, deep green, savoyed leaves For freezing, canning, and fresh eating Slow to bolt and drought resistant 250 seeds per packet  Instructions - Spinach grows best in cool weather and should be planted in early spring or late summer to produce a fall crop. For best yields, harvest continually and make successive plantings every ten days.  Plant 1" apart Plant 1/2" deep Germination: 7-14 Days Thin 6-8" apart Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute suppliers based on availability 
Beaujolais Spinach, Organic, Heirloom $3.45 $3.95
Southern Exposure Seed Exchange -Beaujolais Spinach - Beautiful and unique red-veined spinach, lovely in salads. Smooth, tender leaves. Bolts sooner in spring than Bloomsdale types. Good survival of winter freezes. Characteristics:  Organic & Open-Pollinated Bright green, savoyed leaves with red veins Tender leaves with excellent flavor Quick growing and productive 40 days 5g or ~270 Seeds   Instructions - Spinach grows best in cool weather and should be planted in early spring or late summer to produce a fall crop. For best yields, harvest continually and make successive plantings every ten days. Plant 1" apart Plant 1/2" deep Thin 6" apart Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute suppliers based on availability 
Bloomsdale Spinach, 1874 Heirloom, Organic $3.75 $4.25
The Seed Savers Exchange -Developed in 1874 by D. Landreth & Sons seed company of Philadelphia. Vigorous upright plants with dark green, glossy, savoyed leaves. Fine quality, very tender, excellent flavor. Quick growing variety with heavy yields. Well adapted for late spring or summer plantings, slow to bolt. 39-60 days Characteristics:  Organic Dark green, glossy, savoyed leaves Tender leaves with excellent flavor Quick growing and productive Slow to bolt 39-60 days 250 Seeds   Instructions - Spinach grows best in cool weather and should be planted in early spring or late summer to produce a fall crop. For best yields, harvest continually and make successive plantings every ten days. Plant 1" apart Plant 1/2" deep Thin 6" apart Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute suppliers based on availability 
Butterflay Spinach, Organic $3.50 $3.75
Productive variety sporting very large, glossy dark green leaves with rich flavor. High Mowing Organic Seeds - Butterflay stole the show among the hybrid and open-pollinated spinach varieties in our fall trials, exhibiting better vigor and emergence than any other variety, as well as unmatched intense green color. Characteristics:  Organic, non-GMO, and open-pollinated Field variety Spring/fall 40 days  1/4 oz approx.   Instructions - Spinach is a cool-season hardy annual. Like all leafy greens, spinach thrives in fertile and moist soil. Spinach is sensitive to soil pH, preferring a range of 6.5-7. Magnesium deficiency manifests in yellowing leaves similar to nitrogen deficiency. Because spinach will carry excess nitrates if over-fertilized, try correcting Magnesium first. Direct seed as soon as soil can be worked in the spring, and again in the late summer-early fall. Plant 1/8-1/4" deep  Plant Spacing: For babyleaf ~40seeds/ft” in 2-4” bands, for bunching 2” Row Spacing: For babyleaf space bands 1-2” apart, for bunching 12-18” Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute suppliers based on availability
Giant Winter Spinach, Organic $3.50 $3.75
Dark green, glossy leaves are deeply savoyed and selected for cold hardiness. High Mowing Organic Seeds - High-yielding variety recommended for fall crops, winter greenhouse production, or overwintering outdoors under mulch. Incredibly cold hardy; specifically developed for overwintering for a spring crop. Characteristics:  Organic, non-GMO, and open-pollinated Fall/overwinter Baby or full-size leaves 50 days  1/4 oz  Instructions - Spinach is a cool-season hardy annual. Like all leafy greens, spinach thrives in fertile and moist soil. Spinach is sensitive to soil pH, preferring a range of 6.5-7. Magnesium deficiency manifests in yellowing leaves similar to nitrogen deficiency. Because spinach will carry excess nitrates if over-fertilized, try correcting Magnesium first. Direct seed as soon as soil can be worked in the spring, and again in the late summer-early fall. Plant 1/8-1/4" deep  Plant Spacing: For babyleaf ~40seeds/ft” in 2-4” bands, for bunching 2” Row Spacing: For babyleaf space bands 1-2” apart, for bunching 12-18” Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute suppliers based on availability
Green Malabar Spinach $3.45 $3.95
The Seed Savers Exchange - Big, thick, glossy dark-green leaves have a slightly peppery, slightly citrusy flavor that make them a great substitute for true spinach when the summer heat hits. Malabar spinach works well in any recipe that calls for true spinach—including in green salads or stir-fries—but, because of its slightly gelatinous texture, is most frequently used to thicken soups and stews. Slow-bolting plants grow fast, tolerate heat well, and produce new leaves throughout the season. ‘Green Malabar’ also makes a mark as an ornamental, producing lush foliage on vines that can grow up to 10' long. 50-60 days. Characteristics:  Conventional  Not a true spinach, but similar in flavor and usage Soft, rounded leaves Green leaf veins and stems Fast growing vines Dark green glossy heart shaped leave Heat tolerant 50-70 days 50 seeds per packet  Instructions - Sow seeds outdoors when the danger of frost has passed. Can also be sown indoors. Transplant outdoors after air temperatures are consistently between 70 and 80°F. For best yields, harvest continually. Plant in full sun or partial shade. Plant 1" apart Plant 1/2" deep Thin 6" apart Support: Trellis Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute suppliers based on availability 
New Zealand Spinach, 1768 Heirloom $3.75 $3.95
The Seed Savers Exchange - (Tetragonia expansa) Discovered in Queen Charlotte Sound, New Zealand, by British botanist Sir Joseph Banks who sailed with Captain Cook's first voyage to the South Pacific (1768-1771). Not a true spinach, but similar in flavor and usage. Strong spreading plants branch freely. Fleshy leaves are great for fresh summer greens. Thrives in hot weather, resists bolting. Best when picked all summer and fall. Seeds are slow to germinate, so be patient. Good source of vitamin C. 50-70 days.   Characteristics:  Not a true spinach, but similar in flavor and usage Spreading plants Thick, fleshy leaves Slow to bolt and thrives in hot weather Best when picked all summer and fall Good source of vitamin C 50-70 days 50 seeds per packet  Instructions - Sow seeds outdoors when the danger of frost has passed. Do not plant before air temperatures are consistently between 70-80°F. Soak seed for 24 hours before planting to speed germination. For best yields, harvest continually.  Plant 1" apart Plant 1/2" deep Germination: 7-14 Days Thin 6-8" apart Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute suppliers based on availability 
Nobel Spinach, 1926 Heirloom $3.75 $3.95
The Seed Savers Exchange - (Spinacia oleracea) A 1933 All-America Selections winner originally introduced in 1926 by Zwaan and Van der Molen of The Netherlands. Slow to bolt variety. Large leaves are tender and tasty for fresh eating. Good choice for canning or freezing. 50-55 days. ±2,500 seeds/oz.  Characteristics:  Spreading plants Thick, very large leaves Good choice for fresh eating, canning, and freezing Slow to bolt Very productive 50-55 days 250 seeds per packet  Instructions - Spinach grows best in cool weather and should be planted in early spring or late summer to produce a fall crop. For best yields, harvest continually and make successive plantings every ten days. Plant 1" apart Plant 1/2" deep Germination: 7-14 Days Thin 6-8" apart Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute suppliers based on availability 
Norfolk Spinach, 1878 Heirloom, Organic $3.75 $3.95
Not Available for the 2024 Season The Seed Savers Exchange - Prized for its excellent taste, this historic variety has traveled from gardener to gardener. Seed Savers Exchange acquired it from the Abundant Life Seed Foundation in the 1980s; the foundation obtained its seed stock in the 1970s from grower and SSE member Peter Ruppell. Believed to be the same variety sold by Peter Henderson as early as 1878, it grows semi-upright plants that are 10" tall and 2" wide and bear dark-green, savoyed leaves that are heart-shaped with long petioles. The variety resists bolting when sown in the spring but may grow larger when planted in the fall. Round seed. Characteristics:  Organic From the Seed Savers Collection Excellent taste Highly savoyed leaves 250 seeds per packet    Instructions - Spinach grows best in cool weather and should be planted in early spring or late summer to produce a fall crop. For best yields, harvest continually and make successive plantings every ten days. Plant 1" apart Plant 1/2" deep Thin 6" apart Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute suppliers based on availability     
Red Malabar Spinach $3.75 $3.95
The Seed Savers Exchange - (Basella Rubra) Tropical heat-loving vine from India. Not a true spinach, but similar in flavor and usage. Free-branching climber with red leaf veins and stems. Will regrow rapidly if sprouts are cut to eat as greens. Pinch tips to encourage branching. Stems can be cut and rooted. 50-70 days.  Characteristics:  Not a true spinach, but similar in flavor and usage Soft, rounded leaves Red leaf veins and stems Sprouts are cut to eat as greens Free-branching climber re-grows rapidly Heat tolerant 50-70 days 50 seeds per packet  Instructions - Sow seeds outdoors when the danger of frost has passed. Can also be sown indoors. Transplant outdoors after air temperatures are consistently between 70 and 80°F. For best yields, harvest continually. Plant in full sun or partial shade. Plant 1" apart Plant 1/2" deep Thin 6" apart Support: Trellis Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute suppliers based on availability 
Strawberry Spinach, 1600's Heirloom $3.75 $3.95
The Seed Savers Exchange - (Chenopodium capitatum) (aka Strawberry Blite) Grown in Europe for centuries. Very showy compact 18" plants are grown for their nutritious triangular toothed leaves and tender shoots, used in salads or steamed. Shiny red mulberry-like fruits are edible and can be added to salads or used to make dyes. Becoming scarce. Self-seeding annual, 90 days.  Characteristics:  The plant grows to 18 inches tall Triangular toothed leaves Tender shoots and leaves are used in salads or steamed Red, mulberry-like fruits are edible Self-seeding annuals 90 days 250 seeds per packet  Instructions - Sow seeds outdoors as soon as the soil can be worked in early spring. Plant in full sun or partial shade.  Direct Seed: 1" Apart Seed Depth: 1/8" Rows Apart: 20-24" Thin: 4-6" Apart Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute suppliers based on availability 
Winter Bloomsdale Spinach, Organic $3.25 $3.45
Southern Exposure Seed Exchange -Winter Bloomsdale Spinach  47 days. Adapted for late summer and early fall plantings and overwintering. The slow-bolting plants are resistant to blue mold, blight, and mosaic. Dark green, well-savoyed leaves.   Characteristics:  Organic & Open-Pollinated Dark green, glossy, savoyed leaves Tender leaves with excellent flavor Quick growing and productive Slow to bolt 47 days 3g or ~180 Seeds   Instructions - Spinach grows best in cool weather and should be planted in early spring or late summer to produce a fall crop. For best yields, harvest continually and make successive plantings every ten days. Plant 1" apart Plant 1/2" deep Thin 6" apart Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute suppliers based on availability 
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