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Bachelor Buttons
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Bearded Iris - Spring
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Brussels Sprouts
Bulbs for Containers
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Bunch Flowering Tulips
Bush Beans
Butterfly Daffodils
Calla Lillies
Cold Hardy Plants Zone 1, 2, 3, or 4
Collards and Mustards
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Dahlia Seeds
Darwin Hybrid Tulips
Daylily - Hemerocallis
Deer, Rabbit and Rodent Resistant
Double Daffodils
Double Early Tulips
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Driftless Artisans
Dutch & Specie Iris
Dwarf Iris Collection
Edibles - Bare Roots, Garlic, and more
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Emperor Tulips
Fall Flowering Crocus
Fall Peonies (Bare root)
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Gregii Tulip
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Hardy Perennials
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Seed Collections Gift Packs
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Single Early Tulips
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Something Green.... in honor of Carson Dyke
Southern Favorites (Fall Planting)
Species Crocus
Spring Planting Bulbs
Spring Planting Specialty Bulbs
Squash and Pumpkins
Standard Bearded Iris
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Sweet Peppers
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Trumpet Lily
Vegetable Seed Collections
Vegetable Starts (Pick Up Only or Pre Orders for Special Event
Verbenas or Vervains (all)
Vervain (Native)
Vining Annuals
Alabama Blue Collards, Organic
Southern Exposure Seed Exchange - Alabama heirloom, original seedstock from Jean Mills. Introduced 2015 by SESE. Landrace with wide variation in beautiful leaf colors. Green, blue-green, and purple leaves with white, pale green, and plum-colored veins. Smaller leaves than most collards; plants can be more closely spaced. The leaves are more tender and faster to cook, and the plants hold their sweetness longer in hot weather. Blue-leaved collards have become rare, we hope to get more folks growing these again!
Certified Organic
Especially well-suited to the Southeast
From Small Farms
High in iron and in vitamins A and C
Instructions - Grow best on a rich, moist, well-drained loam of high fertility. Needs a steady supply of water and full sun throughout the growing season. A thick layer of organic mulch will conserve moisture and reduce the tendency to bolt in hot weather. Tendency to bolt is affected more by root temperature than air temperature. Clip individual leaves before they are 12 in. long.
Winter-hardy from Virginia southward
Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute seed vendors from time to time because of the availability
Byrd Mustard, 1839 Heirloom, Organic
The Seed Savers Exchange - This heirloom variety’s leaves have the classic spice and sharpness of good mustard green and are more substantial in texture than other leafy greens. The glossy highly toothed leaves gently cascade downward, making them an attractive addition to the vegetable garden. Jim Tjepkema received the variety from fellow Seed Savers Exchange member Dorothy Jones in 1990 and later donated it to our collection. The variety’s lineage can be traced to Georgia in 1839, through Dorothy’s husband’s ancestors.
From the Collection
Spicy and sharp
Substantial texture
250 seeds per packet
Instructions - You can directly seed your mustards into the ground, placing 3 seeds every 8 inches. Plant them 3 months before your first frost in rows 18-30 inches apart. The seeds should be planted 1/4-1/2 inches deep. As they grow, thin them to 1 plant every 8-10 inches. Mustards may bolt early if planted in the spring.
Start Indoors: 6 weeks before the last frost
Direct Seed: 1/2" Deep
Thin: 1-6" Apart
Plant Outdoors: 6-8” Apart
Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute suppliers based on availability
Carolina Broadleaf Mustard Greens, Organic, 2015
Southern Exposure Seed Company - Carolina Broadleaf Mustard Greens, 2015 42 days. Old favorite "Florida Broadleaf" mustard is now having big problems with a new bacterial blight, so Carolina breeders have come to the rescue and added needed resistance! 16-24 in. tall plants, green leaves, pick 'em small for salads, or larger for cooking. Bred by Mark Farnham & Pat Wechter, ARS/USDA in 2015.
Botanical Name - B. juncea Characteristics:
Mild flavor
42 days to harvest
Plants reach 16-24" tall
2 grams or ~1000 seeds per packet
You can directly seed your mustards into the ground, placing 3 seeds every 8 inches. Plant them 3 months before your first frost in rows 18-30 inches apart. The seeds should be planted 1/4-1/2 inches deep. As they grow, thin them to 1 plant every 8-10 inches. Mustards may bolt early if planted in the spring.
Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute suppliers based on availability
Champion Collards, Organic
Selected to hold in the field up to two weeks longer than other varieties for an extended harvest.
High Mowing Organic Seeds - Rich blue-green cabbage-like leaves. Plants are bolt-resistant, productive, and hardy. Waxy leaf surface provides natural protection from cabbage worms.
Organic, non-GMO, and open-pollinated
Improved Vates-type
24-36" tall
Compact habit
70 days
1/32 oz approx.
Instructions - Days to maturity are from direct seeding. Sow fall plantings two months before first expected frost for full size and up until frost for baby leaf.
Plant 1/4-1/2" Deep
Plant Rows 18-30" apart
Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute suppliers based on availability
Ellen Felton Dark Collard, pre-1935 heirloom, Organic
Seed Exchange - A favorite of Seed Savers Exchange staff! This heirloom collard dates to at least 1935 and produces green, elliptical, tender leaves with a sweet, slightly fruity taste. The plants measure 15-22" tall by 22-35" wide and fare well in low temperatures. It was originally grown by Ellen Felton of Beaufort County, North Carolina, and acquired by SSE from the USDA in 2016. 60-80 days.
From the Seed Savers Exchange Collection
150 seeds
On a Mission This heirloom collard dates back to at least 1935 in Beaufort County, North Carolina where it was grown by Ellen Felton. Ellen’s son, Harrell, continued to grow and save seed of this variety every year. In 2003, Harrell shared seeds of his mother’s variety with the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA). Recognizing that this seed-saving tradition was in decline, the USDA embarked on a collard seed search in the Carolinas. Researchers drove many hundreds of miles and met several dozen home gardeners, like Harrell, who shared treasured, family heirloom varieties.
Seed Savers Exchange is honored to bring this variety out of our bank and into the hands of gardeners.
Instructions - Sow seeds outdoors in spring after the last frost
Plant 4" apart
Plant 1/2" Deep
Plant Rows 20-24" apart
Thin 12" Apart
Feaster Family Heirloom Mustard
The Seed Savers Exchange - This heirloom variety has been stewarded and preserved by members of the Feaster family of rural Shiloh, Florida (Marion County), since the Civil War. This green-leaved mustard is mild and slightly sweet when cooked and was donated to Seed Savers Exchange by Jerome Feaster in 2014. Bearing long, broad, smooth, upright leaves with a toothed margin, these plants reach 20-25" tall and 16-18" wide.
Mild flavor
Plants reach 20-25" tall and 16-18" wide
A family favorite since the Civil War
250 seeds per packet
Instructions - You can directly seed your mustards into the ground, placing 3 seeds every 8 inches. Plant them 3 months before your first frost in rows 18-30 inches apart. The seeds should be planted 1/4-1/2 inches deep. As they grow, thin them to 1 plant every 8-10 inches. Mustards may bolt early if planted in the spring.
Start Indoors: 6 weeks before the last frost
Direct Seed: 1/2" Deep
Thin: 1-6" Apart
Plant Outdoors: 6-8” Apart
Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute suppliers based on availability
Garnet Giant Mustard Greens, Organic
High Mowing Organic Seeds - Stunning, vibrant maroon leaves with bright lime green stems.
A must-have for any baby mustard mix. Color fades under row cover (or any low-light condition), but returns within a few days of plants being uncovered. Flowers are tender and sweet in stir-fries! An ancient variety was first cultivated for seed in northwest Asia and brought to us by the Kitazawa Seed Company in California.
Organic, non-GMO, and open-pollinated
Essential salad leaf
Spicy mustard flavor
Instructions - Direct seed as soon as soil can be worked. Sow every 3 weeks into fall for a continuous harvest. Harvest leaves as desired. Use floating row cover when planting to protect from flea beetles.
For baby leaf: plant 1/4" deep
For baby leaf: row spacing: 2/3" between bands
For full size: thin to 6"
For full size: row spacing: 18"
Harvest & Storage - Harvest when leaves are ~3” tall by cutting 1” from the ground or pick individual leaves for cut and come again.
Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute seed vendors from time to time because of the availability
Georgia Green Collards Greens, pre-1880 Heirloom, Organic
Southern Exposure Seed Exchange - Georgia Green Collards, pre-1880 variety.
Especially valuable variety for the sandy soil of the Atlantic coast and in places where it is difficult to grow cabbage successfully. It is resistant to heat and frost, and grows well on poor soil. The open, loose heads are best harvested after frost when they are sweet and tender. 36 in. tall plants.. Brassica oleracea
Certified Organic
Especially well-suited to the Southern and coastal states
From Small Farms
High in iron and in vitamins A and C
Instructions - Grow best on a rich, moist, well-drained loam of high fertility. Needs a steady supply of water and full sun throughout the growing season.
A thick layer of organic mulch will conserve moisture and reduce the tendency to bolt in hot weather. Tendency to bolt is affected more by root temperature than air temperature. Clip individual leaves before they are 12 in. long.
Winter-hardy from Virginia southward
Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute seed vendors from time to time because of the availability
Georgia Southern Collard, 1880 heirloom
Seed Exchange - Historic collard first released around 1880. Slow to bolt and tolerant of heat, cold, and poor soil. Non-heading plants grow 2-3 feet tall with large cabbage-like blue-green leaves that are tender, mild, and juicy. 60-80 days. ±8,400 seeds/oz. (Brassica oleracea) (aka Georgia, Creole, Southern)
Tender, mild, and juicy
Grows 2-3 feet tall
Slow to bolt
Tolerates heat, cold, and poor soil
80 days
Instructions - Sow seeds outdoors 3 months before the last frost or sown inside for an early summer harvest. If sowing indoors, start 6-8 weeks before the last frost and plant right before the last frost.
Plant 4" apart
Plant 1/2" Deep
Plant Rows 20-24" apart
Thin 12" Apart
Golden Purslane, Organic
Southern Exposure Seed Exchange - Upright plants with orange stems and large smooth succulent leaves. Cut-and-come-again edible for salads. Medicinal: Wild purslane is a source of omega-3 fatty acids. Hypotensive and diuretic properties reported. Pkt (0.15 g, 360 seeds), Portulaca oleracea sativa
Certified Organic
Drought tolerant
High in omegas
Instructions - Grow best on a rich, moist, well-drained soil.
Thin once 2” ta
Harvest with 2” of growth left and they will keep growing for more harvests
Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute seed vendors from time to time because of the availability
Green Glaze Collards, 1820 Heirloom, Organic
Southern Exposure Seed Exchange - 79 days. Introduced 1820 by David Landreth. Old-fashioned and unique variety with smooth, bright green leaves. Heat- and frost-resistant, slow-bolting and non-heading. 30-34 in. tall. Excellent resistance to cabbage worm and cabbage looper. Recommended especially for Southern and warm coastal states. Thin out any dull-leaved off-type plants. Brassica oleracea
Certified Organic
Especially well-suited to the Southern and coastal states
From Small Farms
High in iron and in vitamins A and C
Instructions - Grow best on a rich, moist, well-drained loam of high fertility. Needs a steady supply of water and full sun throughout the growing season.
A thick layer of organic mulch will conserve moisture and reduce the tendency to bolt in hot weather. Tendency to bolt is affected more by root temperature than air temperature. Clip individual leaves before they are 12 in. long.
Winter-hardy from Virginia southward
Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute seed vendors from time to time because of the availability
Green Wave Mustard Greens, Organic
This one is amazing! It wasn’t available to us this year in a packet so we brought it in bulk. Its very bright green leaves are amazing mixed into fresh dishes. It is still High Mowing and is organic seed but we are working on our organic handling license so it cannot be labeled organic.
High Mowing Organic Seeds - Bright lime green, ruffled leaves add great contrast to salad mixes.
A reliable workhorse mustard, with beautiful color and spicy flavor that mellows when cooked. At the baby stage, leaves are flat with softly serrated edges. At full size, leaf margins become heavily serrated and frilly.
Organic, non-GMO, and open-pollinated
High yielding
Extremely slow to bolt
Medium spicy flavor
1/32 of an ounce
Instructions -
Direct seed as soon as soil can be worked. Sow every 3 weeks into fall for a continuous harvest. Harvest leaves as desired. Use floating row cover when planting to protect from flea beetles.
For baby leaf: plant 1/4" deep
For baby leaf: row spacing: 2/3" between bands
For full size: thin to 6"
For full size: row spacing: 18"
Harvest & Storage -
Harvest when leaves are ~3” tall by cutting 1” from the ground or pick individual leaves for cut and come again.
Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute seed vendors from time to time because of the availability
Hotshot Spicy Mustard Blend, Organic
High Mowing Organic Seeds - Spice up your greens with this flavorful mix!
A variety of spicy mustard flavors, colors, and shapes. Includes our favorite spicy mustards and some secret ingredients for a signature mix with extreme diversity. Can be marketed and used as a braising mix if grown to full size.
Organic, non-GMO, and open-pollinated
A spicy blend of mustards and other favorites
HMOs Exclusive
Instructions - Direct seed as soon as soil can be worked. Sow every 3 weeks into fall for a continuous harvest. Harvest leaves as desired. Use floating row cover when planting to protect from flea beetles.
For baby leaf: plant 1/4" deep
For baby leaf: row spacing: 2/3" between bands
For full size: thin to 6"
For full size: row spacing: 18"
Harvest & Storage - Harvest when leaves are ~3” tall by cutting 1” from the ground or pick individual leaves for cut and come again.
Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute seed vendors from time to time because of the availability
Kaleidoscope Mix Salad Mix, Organic
High Mowing Organic Seeds - Bright and colorful mix of mild greens featuring a dynamic combination of textures and flavors.
This beautiful selection of Asian greens and mustards is something to be seen. Chosen for colors that truly pop, the light spice of the mustards blended with the deep, savory flavors of the Asian greens create a flavor profile that's just as exciting. Excellent for babyleaf production and can be grown to full size as a braising mix.
Vibrant colors
Mildly spicy
Open-Pollinated & Organic
1/32 ounce (~375 seeds)
Instructions - Sow continuously for a constant supply of lettuce. Best grown in cooler weather. Plant in full sun or partial shade.
Direct Seed 1" apart
Plant 1/4" deep
Germinate 7-14 days
Thin: 10-12" Apart
Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute suppliers based on availability.
Mild Mustard Blend, Organic
One of our most popular mixes, with a variety of mild mustards and other greens.
High Mowing Organic Seeds - Includes some of our favorite kales, mild-flavored mustards, and Asian greens for a tasty, diverse assortment. An attractive mix with contrasting leaf shapes, colors, and textures. Can be marketed and used as a braising mix if grown to full size.
Organic, non-GMO, and open-pollinated
High Mowing Organic Seeds Exclusive
Our favorite mild brassicas, mustards, and Asian greens
21 days
1/32 oz approx.
Instructions - Most Brassica greens are moderately hardy annuals that can be sown from early spring through midsummer. Commonly grown as a baby leaf for salad mixes in the US, and also traditionally grown for full-size leaves in ethnic cuisine or stir-fry and pickled. Light cooking dispels mustard heat to reveal a very sweet and full flavor. Direct seed as soon as soil can be worked. Sow every 3 weeks into fall for a continuous harvest. Harvest leaves as desired. Use floating row cover when planting to protect from flea beetles.
Plant 1/4" deep
Plant rows apart 18"
Plant thin to 6"
Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute suppliers based on availability.
Miss Annie Pearl Counselman Collard, pre-1950's heirloom, Organic
Seed Exchange - This storied collard checks all the boxes! Its uniform, green leaves boast a sweet flavor without a sharp brassica taste. Its leaves grow upright to moderately spreading, reaching up to 2' long and 1' wide; plants average 2' tall and 2.5-3' in diameter. Longtime steward Miss Annie Pearl Counselman received this variety in the early 1950s. In 2012, at age 94, she shared it with Tom Lambard, who donated the variety to Seed Savers Exchange in 2015. 60-80 days.
From the Seed Savers Exchange Collection
Plants grow to 2 feet tall
Leaves grow upright to moderately spreading
Very good eating qualities
60-80 days
100 seeds
On a Mission This heirloom collard dates back to at least 1935 in Beaufort County, North Carolina where it was grown by Ellen Felton. Ellen’s son, Harrell, continued to grow and save seed of this variety every year. In 2003, Harrell shared seeds of his mother’s variety with the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA). Recognizing that this seed-saving tradition was in decline, the USDA embarked on a collard seed search in the Carolinas. Researchers drove many hundreds of miles and met several dozen home gardeners, like Harrell, who shared treasured, family heirloom varieties.
Seed Savers Exchange is honored to bring this variety out of our bank and into the hands of gardeners.
Instructions - Sow seeds outdoors in spring after the last frost
Plant 4" apart
Plant 1/2" Deep
Plant Rows 20-24" apart
Thin 12" Apart
Ole Timey Blue Collard, pre-1890 heirloom, Organic
Seed Exchange - Donated to SSE in 1989 by Ralph Blackwell of Alabama. Ralph's family grew this variety for over a hundred years and his mother used it to make a dish similar to sauerkraut. Plants grow to 2' tall with blue-green leaves and purple stems/veins. Very good eating qualities. 60-80 days.
Plants grow to 2 feet tall
Blue-green leaves with purple stems & veins
Very good eating qualities
60-80 days
Instructions - Sow seeds outdoors 3 months before the last frost or sown inside for an early summer harvest. If sowing indoors, start 6-8 weeks before the last frost and plant right before the last frost. All collards are the most tender after a frost and can be harvested in snow.
Plant 4" apart
Plant 1/2" Deep
Plant Rows 20-24" apart
Thin 12" Apart
Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute suppliers based on availability
We are always adding new varieties so please check back often at Seeds - Vegetables (
Red Giant Mustard Greens, Organic
Red Giant Mustard Greens - After tasting there wonderful greens, I just had to keep adding them to our gardens for early spring and fall. The purple jeweled colors are always so amazing. We stock these throughout the year from High Mowing Seeds and Southern Exposure - both are organic. Sometimes we have both and try to keep up with the inventory but I assure they both are amazing companies.
Full-size plants are incredibly beautiful with a full whorl of burgundy leaves. Mild when baby; spicy flavor increases with maturity. Use full-sized leaves for stir-frying, soups, and pickling.
Organic, non-GMO, and open-pollinated
Adds color to salads
Spicy flavor
Versatile for growing as a baby green or a full leaf.
Instructions: Direct seed as soon as soil can be worked. Sow every 3 weeks into fall for a continuous harvest. Harvest leaves as desired. Use floating row cover when planting to protect from flea beetles.
For baby leaf: plant 1/4" deep
For baby leaf: row spacing: 2/3" between bands
For full size: thin to 6"
For full size: row spacing: 18"
Harvest & Storage:
Harvest when leaves are ~3” tall by cutting 1” from the ground or pick individual leaves for cut and come again.
Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute seed vendors from time to time because of the availability
Ruby Streaks Mustard Greens, Organic
High Mowing Organic Seeds - Deeply-lobed, lacy baby leaves with deep purple highlights.
Green leaves with purple veining add loft, spice, and rosy elegance to any salad plate or stir-fry. Color is darkest when sown from summer through fall. Mix with Golden Frill for a gorgeous display.
Organic, non-GMO, and open-pollinated
Essential salad leaf
Spicy flavor
Instructions - Direct seed as soon as soil can be worked. Sow every 3 weeks into fall for a continuous harvest. Harvest leaves as desired. Use floating row cover when planting to protect from flea beetles.
For baby leaf: plant 1/4" deep
For baby leaf: row spacing: 2/3" between bands
For full size: thin to 6"
For full size: row spacing: 18"
Harvest & Storage - Harvest when leaves are ~3” tall by cutting 1” from the ground or pick individual leaves for cut and come again.
Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute seed vendors from time to time because of the availability
Southern Giant Curled Mustard Greens, Heirloom, pre-1880 origin, Organic
Southern Giant Curled Mustard Greens - This mustard is a workhorse - it grows fast, has a full hot flavor mustard is known for without being overbearing. It puts out tall fronds that reach 2.5’ high. You can harvest small or large. Either way it will be tasting. Mustard also makes a great covercrop as it helps to keep the soil covered during interim times of your garden. It may say Southern but it is awesome in our Zone 4 Firefly Farm & Mercantile Gardens. Characteristics:
Organic, Open-Pollinated and Non-GMO
Mild flavor when picked young, hotter when left to mature
Plants reach 20-25" tall and 16-18" wide
2 grams or ~1000 seeds per packet
Instructions - You can directly seed your mustards into the ground, placing 3 seeds every 8 inches. Plant them 3 months before your first frost in rows 18-30 inches apart. The seeds should be planted 1/4-1/2 inches deep. As they grow, thin them to 1 plant every 8-10 inches. Mustards may bolt early if planted in the spring.
Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute suppliers based on availability