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All Lilies (Lillium family)
Alliums (Ornamental)
Amaranth (Flowering)
Amazing Lesser Known Fall Bulbs
Annuals and Tender Perennials
AOA Hybrid Lily
Asian Greens
Asiatic Lilies
Autumn Flowering Crocus
Bachelor Buttons
Bare Root Perennials
Bearded Iris - Fall
Bearded Iris - Spring
Black is always Trendy
Bonnie’s Favorites
Botanical Tulips
Brussels Sprouts
Bulbs for Containers
Bunch Flowering Daffodils
Bunch Flowering Tulips
Bush Beans
Butterfly Daffodils
Calla Lillies
Cold Hardy Plants Zone 1, 2, 3, or 4
Collards and Mustards
Daffodils & Narcissus
Dahlia Seeds
Darwin Hybrid Tulips
Daylily - Hemerocallis
Deer, Rabbit and Rodent Resistant
Double Daffodils
Double Early Tulips
Double Late Tulips
Driftless Artisans
Dutch & Specie Iris
Dwarf Iris Collection
Edibles - Bare Roots, Garlic, and more
Eggplant or Aubergine
Emperor Tulips
Fall Flowering Crocus
Fall Peonies (Bare root)
Fall Planted Specialty
Fall Planting Garden Bulbs
Fava Beans
Film Supplies & Vintage Film
Firefly Farm & Mercantile Packed Seeds
Flower Mixes
Fringed Tulips
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Garden Peony (lacftiflora)
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Giant Allium
Gift Boxes
Gifts - Holidays, Birthdays and everything else
Green Tulips
Gregii Tulip
Ground Cherries
Hardy Perennial Plant Starts and Plugs
Hardy Perennials
Hot Peppers
Imperial Fritillaria
Indigenous American Seeds
Inside Winter Bulbs
Itoh Peonies
Jonquilla Daffodils
LA Hybrid Lily
Large Cupped Daffodils
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Lilies for Fall
Lily - OT Hybrids
Lily Flowering Tulips
Lima Beans
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Miniature Daffodils
Miniature Tulips
Mixed Collection
Mixed Collection
Mixed Daffodils
Mixed Tulips
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Native Grass Mixes
Native Grasses
Native Pollinator Flower Mixes
Nature’s Nitrogen Fixers!
Nicotiana (Flowering Tobacco)
Often Overlooked Fall Favorites
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Other Flower Seeds
Other Unique Lilies
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Peony (All)
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Popular Culinary Herbs
Popular Spring Bulbs for Warm Climates (Zones 7-11)
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Reblooming Bearded Iris
Rose Lilies
Roses (Local Pick up Only)
Runner Beans
Seed Collections Gift Packs
Seeds - Flowers
Seeds - Herbs
Seeds - Native Flowers and Grasses
Seeds - Vegetables
Sensory Garden Collection
Single Early Tulips
Single Late Tulips
Small Cupped Daffodils
Something Green.... in honor of Carson Dyke
Southern Favorites (Fall Planting)
Species Crocus
Spring Planting Bulbs
Spring Planting Specialty Bulbs
Squash and Pumpkins
Standard Bearded Iris
Strawberries, Alpine
Surprise Lilies
Sweet Pea Flowers
Sweet Peppers
Tall Allium
Tea Herbs
Tiger Lily
Tree Peony
Triumph Tulips
Trumpet Daffodils
Trumpet Lily
Vegetable Seed Collections
Vegetable Starts (Pick Up Only or Pre Orders for Special Event
Verbenas or Vervains (all)
Vervain (Native)
Vining Annuals
Black Beauty Eggplant, Organic
High Mowing Organic Seeds - Classic Italian eggplant with high yields.
Blocky, nearly black bell-shaped fruits have a slight signature ribbing. Medium to thick skin is deep purple and glossy when mature. Compact plants benefit from staking to support heavy yields of large fruit.
Organic, non-GMO, and open-pollinated
Classic shape
5-6" fruit
Instructions - Deep well-drained sandy loam with pH 6.5-6.8 is best. Eggplants are heavy feeders. Plants are sensitive to nitrogen; if over-fertilized, they will grow excessive foliage and produce less fruit. Use a high-phosphorous starter. Sow seeds indoors 8-12 weeks before the last frost date. The optimal soil temperature for germination is 85°F. Seeds can be sown thickly into flats and then planted into cell trays or containers after true leaves appear. Plant outdoors when daytime temperatures are at least 65°F and nighttime temperatures are above 50°F. Plastic mulch and floating row cover may be used to increase soil and air temperatures and ward off insects.
Plant 1/4" deep
Plant Spacing: 18-24"
Row Spacing: 30-36" or 24" double rows on beds with 4-6' centers
Harvest & Storage - Harvest eggplants when the skin is glossy and a thumbprint will not leave an impression, if the seeds are brown fruit is over-ripe. Regular harvest increases the production of fruit. Store at 50-55ºF and 90% relative humidity. Will keep quality for up to one week.
Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute seed vendors from time to time because of the availability
Casper Eggplant
The Seed Savers Exchange - Our favorite white variety for fresh eating in the early summer. Compact plants produce snow-white 6" by 2" diameter fruits with mild flesh. Peeling is not necessary if eaten when small. 70 days from transplant. ±6,500 seeds/oz.
Compact plants
Fruits have snow-white skin and flesh
Best if eaten when the fruit is small
70 days from transplant
50 Seeds per packet
Instructions - Sow seeds indoors ¼" deep. Transplant outdoors once the danger of frost has passed and soil is warm. Using landscape fabric or black plastic can accelerate growth and productivity in cooler climates.
Start Indoors: 8 weeks before the last frost
Germinate for 14 Days
Plant Outdoors: 18-24” Apart
Light: Full Sun
Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute suppliers based on availability
We are always adding new varieties so please check back often at Seeds - Vegetables (
Diamond Eggplant, Organic
The Seed Savers Exchange - Known for excellent texture and flavor, this variety bears dark-purple eggplants with green-tinted flesh that are 9" long and 3" in diameter. The fruits are borne in clusters of four to six on 2'-tall plants, disease-resistant, and rarely bitter. Seed Savers Exchange collected the variety from Ukraine in 1993. 70 days from transplant. ±6,500 seeds/oz.
Organic & Open-Pollinated
Excellent texture and flavor, rarely bitter
Disease resistant
Fruits grow up to 9 inches long in clusters of 4-6
Dark purple skin and pale green flesh
70 days from transplant
50 Seeds per packet
Instructions - Start eggplant indoors 6-9 weeks before the average last frost. Soak seeds first to encourage germination and then sow ¼" deep. Using bottom heat for a week to 10 days will help with sprouting. Transplant when the soil has warmed in a location that gets 8-10 hours of direct sun. If growing eggplant in raised beds or containers, keep the plants well-watered.
Start Indoors: 8 weeks before the last frost
Germinate for 14 Days
Plant Outdoors: 18-24” Apart
Light: Full Sun
Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute suppliers based on availability
We are always adding new varieties so please check back often at Seeds - Vegetables (
Florida High Bush Eggplant, 1900 Heirloom
The Seed Savers Exchange - This prolific eggplant was a standard market variety bred in Florida in the early 1900s for the commercial trade. Vigorous, upright, well-branched plants bear high-quality fruits continuously throughout the season, and their large purple-black pear-shaped eggplants are held high off the ground. Disease- and drought-resistant. 75-85 days from transplant. ±6,700 seeds/oz.
Well-branched plants bear fruit high off the ground
Pear-shaped fruit with purple-black skin
Disease and drought resistant
75-85 days from transplant
25 Seeds per packet
Instructions - Sow seeds indoors ¼" deep. Transplant outdoors once the danger of frost has passed and soil is warm. Using landscape fabric or black plastic can accelerate growth and productivity in cooler climates.
Start Indoors: 8 weeks before the last frost
Germinate for 14 Days
Plant Outdoors: 18-24” Apart
Light: Full Sun
Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute suppliers based on availability
We are always adding new varieties so please check back often at Seeds - Vegetables (
Lao Green Stripe Eggplant, Ancient Heirloom
The Seed Savers Exchange -This heirloom eggplant is from Laos and is also known as "Green Tiger Stripe" eggplant. The eggplant is a member of the nightshade family and, as such, is related to both tomatoes and potatoes. It has been cultivated in southern and eastern Asia for thousands of years. The first written record of it is from a Chinese agricultural paper from the year 544 and it was noted in the Mediterranean region in the Middle Ages. The name "eggplant" most likely comes from European varieties of the 18th century that were yellow or white and did, in fact, resemble the egg of a goose. In British English it is known as an aubergine.
Productive variety
Fruits grow to 2 inches and are round
Fruits have cream skin with green stripes and shoulders
Best if eaten when fruit is small
This variety will grow well in most regions of the United States
30 Seeds per packet
Instructions - Start eggplant indoors 6-9 weeks before the average last frost. Soak seeds first to encourage germination and then sow ¼" deep. Using bottom heat for a week to 10 days will help with sprouting. Transplant in warm soil in a location that gets 8-10 hours of direct sun each day. If growing eggplant in raised beds or containers, keep the plants well-watered.
Start Indoors: 8 weeks before the last frost
Germinate for 14 Days
Plant Outdoors: 18-24” Apart
Light: Full Sun
Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute suppliers based on availability
We are always adding new varieties so please check back often at Seeds - Vegetables (
Listada de Gandia Eggplant, Organic
The Seed Savers Exchange - Listada de Gandia is a treasure. This prized variety bears sweet, tender, thin-skinned, stunning eggplant. It likely originated in Spain (its name translates as “Grown in Spain”), where it is still revered today. The small 14" plants produce heavy yields of high-quality, 8" oval white fruits with purple stripes and mild white flesh. The variety thrives in very hot weather. 80-90 days from transplant. ±5,600 seeds/oz.
Small plants grow to 14 inches
Oval 8 inch fruit
Thin-skinned fruit
Heavy yields
Thrives in hot weather
80-90 days from transplant
50 Seeds per packet
Instructions - Start eggplant indoors 6-9 weeks before the average last frost. Soak seeds first to encourage germination and then sow ¼" deep. Using bottom heat for a week to 10 days will help with sprouting. Transplant in warm soil in a location that gets 8-10 hours of direct sun each day. If growing eggplant in raised beds or containers, keep the plants well-watered.
Start Indoors: 8 weeks before the last frost
Germinate for 14 Days
Plant Outdoors: 18-24” Apart
Light: Full Sun
Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute suppliers based on availability
We are always adding new varieties so please check back often at Seeds - Vegetables (
Little Finger Eggplant, Organic
High Mowing Organic Seeds - Slender, petite eggplants fantastic for grilling.
Dark purple skin is thin and tender. The flesh has a silky texture with few seeds and a mildly sweet flavor needing very little cooking time. Harvest when the fruit is young and glossy.
Organic, non-GMO, and open-pollinated
Great for containers
3-6" fruit
Instructions - Deep well-drained sandy loam with pH 6.5-6.8 is best. Eggplants are heavy feeders. Plants are sensitive to nitrogen; if over-fertilized, they will grow excessive foliage and produce less fruit. Use a high-phosphorous starter. Sow seeds indoors 8-12 weeks before the last frost date. The optimal soil temperature for germination is 85°F. Seeds can be sown thickly into flats and then planted into cell trays or containers after true leaves appear. Plant outdoors when daytime temperatures are at least 65°F and nighttime temperatures are above 50°F. Plastic mulch and floating row cover may be used to increase soil and air temperatures and ward off insects.
Plant 1/4" deep
Plant Spacing: 18-24"
Row Spacing: 30-36" or 24" double rows on beds with 4-6' centers
Harvest & Storage - Harvest eggplants when the skin is glossy and a thumbprint will not leave an impression, if the seeds are brown fruit is over-ripe. Regular harvest increases the production of fruit. Store at 50-55ºF and 90% relative humidity. Will keep quality for up to one week.
Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute seed vendors from time to time because of the availability
Long Purple Eggplant, Organic
Southern Exposure Seed Exchange - Long, slender fruits (2 x 10 in.) are slightly bulbous on the blossom end. Best harvested when 1 in. in diameter. The dark-purple fruits can be sliced like a cucumber. Pkt.
Certified Organic
Especially well-suited to the South-East
75 Days
.25g, ~50-80 seeds
Instructions - Start seeds 8-10 weeks before setting outside, and set out 1-2 weeks after your last frost-free date. Don’t rush the season because cold-shock can stunt the seedlings. Flowers may not set fruit during exceptionally hot weather. Mature plants have good vigor in fall, so cover plants on frosty nights for 1-2 weeks to extend the harvest season. Keep well picked to keep plants producing. Small fruits have the best eating quality. Fruits are ripe when the skin appears glossy and the fruit is resilient to thumb pressure.
Space plants at 24" in equidistant spacing or 20" apart in rows 36" apart.
Avoid growing on soil that has previously grown tomatoes, potatoes, peppers, or especially eggplants for the past three years.
Days to maturity are from the transplant date
Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute seed vendors from time to time because of the availability
Louisiana Green Oval Eggplant, Organic
SOLD OUT - The Seed Savers Exchange - This productive variety bears large, green, and oval-shaped fruit with an excellent, sweet flavor. Fruits are borne singly, have faint purple stripes, and mature in color from green to yellow. Mature plants reach 1.5-2' tall and bear fruits that grow 5-7" long and 3-4" wide and weigh 11-15 ounces. Long popular on the Exchange, this variety was acquired by Seed Savers Exchange in the 1980s from Gleckler’s Seedsmen of Ohio. 90-100 days.
From the Collection
Plants will grow to 1.5-2 feet tall
Oval shaped fruit 5-7 inches long
Sweet flavor
Productive variety
Thrives in hot weather
90-100 days from transplant
50 Seeds per packet
Instructions -
Start eggplant indoors 6-9 weeks before the average last frost. Soak seeds first to encourage germination and then sow ¼" deep. Using bottom heat for a week to 10 days will help with sprouting. Transplant in warm soil in a location that gets 8-10 hours of direct sun each day. If growing eggplant in raised beds or containers, keep the plants well-watered.
Start Indoors: 8 weeks before the last frost
Germinate for 14 Days
Plant Outdoors: 18-24” Apart
Light: Full Sun
Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute suppliers based on availability
We are always adding new varieties so please check back often at Seeds - Vegetables (
Louisiana Long Green (Green Banana) Eggplant, Organic Heirloom
Southern Exposure Seed Exchange -Louisiana Long Green or Green Banana Eggplant.
Attractive 6-12 in. light green, banana-shaped fruits. Spineless plants average 4 ft. tall. The skin is not bitter and is easily eaten when harvested young about 5-6" in length. This plant is very prolific so be rady to add support.
Certified Organic
Especially well-suited to the South-East
.25g, ~55 seeds
Instructions -
Start seeds 8-10 weeks before setting outside, and set out 1-2 weeks after your last frost-free date. Don’t rush the season because cold-shock can stunt the seedlings.
Flowers may not set fruit during exceptionally hot weather. Mature plants have good vigor in fall, so cover plants on frosty nights for 1-2 weeks to extend the harvest season.
Keep well picked to keep plants producing. Small fruits have the best eating quality. Fruits are ripe when the skin appears glossy and the fruit is resilient to thumb pressure.
Space plants at 24" in equidistant spacing or 20" apart in rows 36" apart.
Avoid growing on soil that has previously grown tomatoes, potatoes, peppers, or especially eggplants for the past three years.
Days to maturity are from the transplant date
Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute seed vendors from time to time because of the availability
Pingtung Long Eggplant, Organic
The Seed Savers Exchange - This versatile variety matures earlier than most and is a perfect choice to use in an appetizer or side dish. A beautiful eggplant from Pingtung, Taiwan, with slender fruits that grow up to 12" long with shiny, dark-lavender skin. Produces very well, even in very hot weather. Hardy, vigorous, and disease-resistant plants. 65-75 days from transplant. ±8,000 seeds/oz.
Slender fruits grow up to 12 inches
Fruits have dark lavender skin
Disease resistant plants
65-75 days from transplant
50 Seeds per packet
Instructions - Sow seeds indoors ¼" deep. Transplant outdoors once the danger of frost has passed and soil is warm. Using landscape fabric or black plastic can accelerate growth and productivity in cooler climates.
Start Indoors: 8 weeks before the last frost
Germinate for 14 Days
Plant Outdoors: 18-24” Apart
Light: Full Sun
Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute suppliers based on availability
We are always adding new varieties so please check back often at Seeds - Vegetables (
Purple Pickling Eggplant, Organic
The Seed Savers Exchange - Traditional Italian variety used for making eggplant relish or for fresh eating. Pear-shaped fruits (up to 8" long) are borne in abundance on purple-stemmed thornless plants. 90 days from transplant. ±6,000 seeds/oz.
Pear-shaped fruits grow up to 8 inches
Purple stems
90 days from transplant
25 Seeds per packet
Instructions - Sow seeds indoors ¼" deep. Transplant outdoors once the danger of frost has passed and soil is warm. Using landscape fabric or black plastic can accelerate growth and productivity in cooler climates.
Start Indoors: 8 weeks before the last frost
Germinate for 14 Days
Plant Outdoors: 18-24” Apart
Light: Full Sun
Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute suppliers based on availability
We are always adding new varieties so please check back often at Seeds - Vegetables (
Rosa Bianca Eggplant, Organic, Heirloom
Southern Exposure Seed Exchange - A beautiful Italian heirloom, somewhat similar to Listada de Gandia with creamy white base color and pink-purple irregular stripes radiating from the top. One of our best-tasting eggplants.
Certified Organic
Especially well-suited to the South-East
From Small Farms
Instructions - Start seeds 8-10 weeks before setting outside, and set out 1-2 weeks after your last frost-free date. Don’t rush the season because cold-shock can stunt the seedlings. Flowers may not set fruit during exceptionally hot weather. Mature plants have good vigor in fall, so cover plants on frosty nights for 1-2 weeks to extend the harvest season. Keep well picked to keep plants producing. Small fruits have the best eating quality. Fruits are ripe when the skin appears glossy and the fruit is resilient to thumb pressure.
Space plants at 24" in equidistant spacing or 20" apart in rows 36" apart.
Avoid growing on soil that has previously grown tomatoes, potatoes, peppers, or especially eggplants for the past three years.
Days to maturity are from the transplant date
Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute seed vendors from time to time because of the availability
Rosita Eggplant, Organic
Southern Exposure Seed Exchange - A heirloom from Puerto Rico. 4 ft. tall plants produce excellent yields of lavender-pink, teardrop-shaped fruits with white shoulders. The skin is tender without a trace of bitterness, and the white flesh is mild and sweet because the seeds are so late to develop in the fruits.
Certified Organic
Especially well-suited to the South-East
.25g, 50-80 seeds
Instructions - Start seeds 8-10 weeks before setting outside, and set out 1-2 weeks after your last frost-free date. Don’t rush the season because cold-shock can stunt the seedlings. Flowers may not set fruit during exceptionally hot weather. Mature plants have good vigor in fall, so cover plants on frosty nights for 1-2 weeks to extend the harvest season. Keep well picked to keep plants producing. Small fruits have the best eating quality. Fruits are ripe when the skin appears glossy and the fruit is resilient to thumb pressure.
Space plants at 24" in equidistant spacing or 20" apart in rows 36" apart.
Avoid growing on soil that has previously grown tomatoes, potatoes, peppers, or especially eggplants for the past three years.
Days to maturity are from the transplant date
Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute seed vendors from time to time because of the availability
Sweet Red Eggplant, Organic (Rare)
Special Release - Order yours today!
The Seed Savers Exchange - Here is the most unique eggplant most of us will ever see. It is super rare and who knows why, the fruits are sweet and delicious. It is smaller than many other eggplants but the flavor makes up for its size.
Fruits are a beautiful red when ripe
Best if eaten when the fruit is small
70 days from transplant
25 Seeds per packet (Still confirming)
Instructions -
Sow seeds indoors ¼" deep. Transplant outdoors once the danger of frost has passed and soil is warm. Using landscape fabric or black plastic can accelerate growth and productivity in cooler climates.
Start Indoors: 8 weeks before the last frost
Germinate for 14 Days
Plant Outdoors: 18-24” Apart
Light: Full Sun
Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute suppliers based on availability
We are always adding new varieties so please check back often at Seeds - Vegetables (
Thai Green Eggplant, Organic
The Seed Savers Exchange - From Thailand; long slender 12" fruits have tender light green skin that does not require peeling. Fine quality mild white flesh absorbs flavors well. Prolific and drought resistant. 70-80 days from transplant.
Slender fruits grow to 12 inches
Tender, green skin
Mild white flesh
Drought resistant
70-80 days from transplant
50 Seeds per pack
Instructions - Sow seeds indoors ¼" deep. Transplant outdoors once the danger of frost has passed and soil is warm. Using landscape fabric or black plastic can accelerate growth and productivity in cooler climates.
Start Indoors: 8 weeks before the last frost
Germinate for 14 Days
Plant Outdoors: 18-24” Apart
Light: Full Sun
Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute suppliers based on availability
We are always adding new varieties so please check back often at Seeds - Vegetables (