All products All All Lilies (Lillium family) Alliums (Ornamental) Amaranth (Flowering) Amaryllis Amazing Lesser Known Fall Bulbs Anemone Annuals and Tender Perennials AOA Hybrid Lily Arugula Asian Greens Asiatic Lilies Asparagus Asters Autumn Flowering Crocus Bachelor Buttons Bare Root Perennials Basil Beans Bearded Iris - Fall Bearded Iris - Spring Beets Begonias Black is always Trendy Bonnie’s Favorites Botanical Tulips Broccoli Brussels Sprouts Bulbs for Containers Bunch Flowering Daffodils Bunch Flowering Tulips Bush Beans Butterfly Daffodils Cabbage Calendula Calla Lillies Canna Carrot Cauliflower Celery Celosia Chamomile Chard Chionodoxa Chives Cilantro Cleomes Cold Hardy Plants Zone 1, 2, 3, or 4 Collards and Mustards Columbine Corn Cosmos Cotton Cowpea Cress Crocosmia Crocus Cucumber Cumin Daffodils & Narcissus Dahlia Seeds Dahlias Daisy Darwin Hybrid Tulips Daylily - Hemerocallis Deer, Rabbit and Rodent Resistant Dianthus Dill Double Daffodils Double Early Tulips Double Late Tulips Driftless Artisans Dutch & Specie Iris Dwarf Iris Collection Echinacea Edibles - Bare Roots, Garlic, and more Eggplant or Aubergine Emperor Tulips Endive Fall Flowering Crocus Fall Peonies (Bare root) Fall Planted Specialty Fall Planting Garden Bulbs Fava Beans Fennel Film Supplies & Vintage Film Firefly Farm & Mercantile Packed Seeds Flower Mixes Four-O-Clocks Foxglove Freesias Fringed Tulips Garden Bulbs for Containers! Garden Peony (lacftiflora) Garden Special Order Garden Tools, Accessories and Gifts Giant Allium Gift Boxes Gifts - Holidays, Birthdays and everything else Gladiolus Gourds Grains Green Tulips Gregii Tulip Ground Cherries Hardy Perennial Plant Starts and Plugs Hardy Perennials Hibiscus Hollyhocks Hot Peppers Hyacinth Hyssop Imperial Fritillaria Indigenous American Seeds Inside Winter Bulbs Itoh Peonies Jonquilla Daffodils Kale Kohlrabi LA Hybrid Lily Large Cupped Daffodils Large Flowering Crocus Larkspur Latest Arrivals - Flowers Latest Arrivals - Vegetables Lavender Leek Lettuce Lilies for Fall Lily - OT Hybrids Lily Flowering Tulips Lima Beans Lupine Marigolds Martagons Medicinals - Popular Herbs with Medicinal Properties Melon Microgreens Miniature Allium Miniature Daffodils Miniature Tulips Mint Mixed Collection Mixed Collection Mixed Daffodils Mixed Tulips Moon Gardens Morning Glory Muscari Mustard Mystery Seed Options Nasturtium Native Bulbs & Plants Native Flowers Native Grass Mixes Native Grasses Native Pollinator Flower Mixes Nature’s Nitrogen Fixers! Nicotiana (Flowering Tobacco) Nigella Often Overlooked Fall Favorites Okra Onions Orach Oriental Lilies Other Flower Seeds Other Unique Lilies Other Vegetable Seeds Overlooked Hardy Perennials Pansy & Viola Paperwhites Parrot Tulips Parsley Parsnips Pastured-Raised Poultry & Meat Patio Peonies Peas Peonies Peony (All) Peppers Pole Beans Pollinator Flower Mixes Poppy Popular Culinary Herbs Popular Spring Bulbs for Warm Climates (Zones 7-11) Pumpkins and Squash Radish Ranunculus Reblooming Bearded Iris Rose Lilies Roses (Local Pick up Only) Runner Beans Rutabagas Sage Salvia Scabiosa Seed Collections Gift Packs Seeds - Flowers Seeds - Herbs Seeds - Native Flowers and Grasses Seeds - Vegetables Sensory Garden Collection Shallots Single Early Tulips Single Late Tulips Small Cupped Daffodils Snapdragon Snowdrops Something Green.... in honor of Carson Dyke Sorghum Sorrel Southern Favorites (Fall Planting) Soybean Species Crocus Spinach Spring Planting Bulbs Spring Planting Specialty Bulbs Sprouts Squash and Pumpkins Standard Bearded Iris Stock Strawberries, Alpine Sunflowers Surprise Lilies Sweet Pea Flowers Sweet Peppers Tall Allium Tea Herbs Thyme Tiger Lily Tomatillo Tomato Tree Peony Triumph Tulips Trumpet Daffodils Trumpet Lily Tulips Tulsi Turnip Vegetable Seed Collections Vegetable Starts (Pick Up Only or Pre Orders for Special Event Verbenas or Vervains (all) Vervain (Native) Vining Annuals Watermelon Zinnias Zucchini
Nasturtium Phoenix Climbing, 1800's Heirloom (Climbing) $3.25 $3.29
Renee's Garden - These split-petal vining nasturtiums date from the 19th century. Their unique petals, shaped like little flames, stand out in a kaleidoscope of colors against ivy-shaped leaves. Carefree Phoenix blooms absolutely nonstop, covering the foliage with both bright and pastel blossoms in crimson-red, rich gold, fiery orange, warm cream and soft peach, many brushed with burnished copper at the petal base. Phoenix flowers are edible and especially gorgeous scattered on salads or used as edible garnishes for savory dishes.   Characteristics:  Heirloom Selective  Hummingbird favorites  Pollinators & Beneficials  Great in containers  Annual Spring/summer/fall bloom  Frost tender    Instructions - To start outdoors, sow seeds in spring once all danger of frost is over in full sun (or part shade in hot climates). Nasturtiums need no added fertilizer in most soils. Poke seeds into well-worked soil about 1 inch deep and 3 to 4 inches apart. Press the soil firmly over the seeds and keep them moist. When seedlings are large enough to handle, thin to stand 10 inches apart, or 6 to 8 inches apart if training seedlings up vertical supports. To start early indoors, sow 2 seeds each in individual 4-inch pots of well-drained seed starting mix 3 weeks before the last expected frost date. Cover 1 inch deep. Provide a strong light source. When seedlings have several sets of leaves, pinch out the weaker seedling leaving 1 seedling per pot. When the weather is evenly in the 50°F (10°C) range, gradually acclimate to outdoor conditions. Transplant as above in full sun. Climbing nasturtiums are easy to grow in any well-drained soil. You’ll need to train young plants onto their supports with loose ties, then they’ll climb easily and bloom non-stop. Do not let plants dry out during the blooming season. If aphids become a problem, wash them off with a strong spray of water or spray with a non-toxic Safer’s Soap solution. Phoenix’s bright confetti-like blossoms are true summer beacons for hungry hummingbirds.  Plant in April-June for cold winters; March-July for mild winters Full sun or partial shade  Sow seeds 3-4" apart; 1" deep  10-12 days to germinate  Mature height: 4-6 feet Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute suppliers due to availability. 
Amazon Jewel Nasturtium (Climbing) $3.25 $3.45
Renee's Garden - This spellbinding nasturtium offers unusual variegated, vining foliage and brilliant, spurred blossoms in exotic and unusual shades of pumpkin, painted peachy-rose, ruby, gold, and pale lemon. The single scented flowers shine out from among lily-pad-shaped leaves splashed with patterns of emerald green and creamy white. The effect is a trailing jungle of gemstones as Amazon Jewel meanders gracefully to cover bare spots, adorn fences, or cascade from containers, filling the garden with vibrant color.  Characteristics:  Renee's Garden Exclusive  Annual  Gemstone colors  Approx 35-40 seeds   Instructions - Sow seeds in spring once all danger of frost is over in full sun (or part shade in hot climates). Nasturtiums need no added fertilizer in most soils. Poke seeds into well-worked soil about 1 inch deep and 3 to 4 inches apart. Press soil firmly over the seeds and keep moist. When seedlings are large enough to handle, thin 10 inches apart so plants will have ample room to grow.  Plant in: April - June for cold winters or March - July for mild winters  Full sun or partial shade  Plant 1/4 inch deep  Plant 3-4 inches apart  9-12 inches days to germinate  Mature Height: 4-6 feet  Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute suppliers due to availability. 
Milkmaid Nasturtium Flower (Climbing) $3.75 $3.95
The Seed Savers Exchange - This is the closest to white of any nasturtium available to gardeners, unique within the genus. Many years of selection have gone into producing this pale-cream to yellowish-white variety. A great conversation piece in any garden. Plants climb 6' or more with proper support. Hardy annual. Characteristics:  Hardy annual plants grow to 10-14 inches tall Yellow-white blossoms Flowers are edible Grows well in containers 25 Seeds Instructions - Sow seeds outdoors one week after last frost. Plants prefer average moist soil. Water during dry spells, but do not fertilize, as this will promote more foliage than flowers. Sow 1/4" Deep Germination 5-21 days Thin 6-12" apart Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute seed vendors from time to time because of availability
Moonlight Climbing Nasturtium (Climbing) $3.39 $3.69
Renee's Garden - These lovely climbing nasturtiums have charming soft primrose yellow flowers and bright green foliage, much different from the usual bold and brassy color mix. They grow easily in any well-drained soil and will gracefully disguise neglected areas or twine along a fence, trellis, or wall, providing a summer arbor of pretty lily-pad-shaped leaves and long-spurred flowers. As a wonderful bonus, both the bright flowers and leaves are deliciously edible with a spicy watercress flavor.   Characteristics:  Heirloom Selective  Hummingbird favorites  Pollinators & Beneficials  Annual vine  Spring/summer/fall bloom  Frost tender    Instructions - To start outdoors, sow seeds in spring once all danger of frost is over in full sun (or part shade in hot climates). Nasturtiums need no added fertilizer in most soils. Poke seeds into well-worked soil about 1 inch deep and 3 to 4 inches apart. Press the soil firmly over the seeds and keep them moist. When seedlings are large enough to handle, thin 10 inches apart so plants will have ample room to grow. To start early indoors, sow 2 seeds each in individual 4-inch pots of well-drained seed starting mix 3 weeks before the last expected frost date. Cover 1 inch deep. Provide a strong light source. When seedlings have several sets of leaves, pinch out the weaker seedling leaving 1 per pot. After outdoor temperatures are evenly above 50°F (10°C) gradually acclimate to outdoor conditions. Transplant seedlings into the garden 10 to 12 inches apart in full sun. Climbing nasturtiums are very reliable and easy to grow in any well-drained soil. Help them to twine up their supports, then they’ll climb easily and bloom nonstop. Do not let plants dry out during the blooming season. You can also plant Moonlight to tumble along the ground.  Plant in April-June for cold winters; March-July for mild winters Full sun or partial shade  Sow seeds 3-4" apart; 1" deep  7-14 days to germinate  Mature height: 4-6 feet Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute suppliers due to availability. 
Cardinal Climber Flower, 1800's Heirloom $2.99
Renee’s Seeds - The bright cardinal-red flowers of this vine bloom from early summer until frost and are handsomely contrasted by finely cut emerald-green leaves. While this climber is loved by gardeners, it is also irresistible to hummingbirds and has been cultivated since the 1800s. The vigorous vines will climb 10-15' if given room on trellises and arbors and are well-suited to being grown in containers. Half-hardy annual.  Half-hardy annual plants Bright red blooms and emerald foliage Vines will grow to 10-15 feet on trellises or arbors Will grow in containers Irresistible to hummingbirds 2.5gm ~100 Seeds per Pack   Instructions: Plant seeds outdoors after the last frost. Seeds can be slightly chipped and soaked in warm water for 24 hours before planting for better results. Prefers full sun and moist average soil.  Direct Seed: 1/2" Deep Germination: 15-21 Days Thin: 4-6" Apart Support: Trellis or Arbor Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute suppliers based on availability
Electric Blue Sweet Pea $3.19 $3.29
Renee's Garden - We are proud to make this rare and unusual species of sweet pea available for home gardeners. The dainty little flowers are an exquisite glowing blue color, some with rose-touched throats. The abundant singly born blossoms shine out like jewels against lushly tangled grassy foliage and gently curling tendrils. This long-blooming vining beauty reaches 3-4 feet tall and makes a wonderful garden accent in big pots with a short trellis, tumbling over a low wall or scrambling enticingly up a fence.  Characteristics:  Heirloom  Great in containers  Pollinators & Beneficials  Annual climbing vine  Spring/summer bloom  Frost tolerant     Instructions - Sweet peas need well-drained soil. Dig deeply and enrich with aged manure or compost. Sow seeds 1 inch deep and 3 inches apart in full sun as soon as the ground can be worked in early spring. Erect sturdy support for the short vines before planting. In mild winter areas, where the ground doesn’t freeze, plant in fall; seeds will germinate and form strong root systems, then overwinter to bloom strongly in spring. For container planting, use containers at least 12 inches in diameter filled with well-moistened potting soil. Plant seeds 1 inch deep and 3 inches apart. In the summer heat, container sweet peas do best in a spot with afternoon shade. When plants have 3 or 4 sets of leaves pinch them back so just 2 sets remain. This encourages full, bushy growth. Sweet peas bloom best before the weather gets too hot, so if spring planting, sow as soon as the ground can be worked. Be sure to protect seedlings from their most common predators: birds, slugs, and snails, especially if fall planting. Mulch, keep well watered, and feed plants regularly. Container-grown sweet peas should be fertilized every 2 weeks for the best bloom. Plant in: March-April for cold winters; September-March for mild winters  Full sun or part-day shade  Sow seeds 3" apart; 1" deep Days to germinate: 12-28 days  Mature Height: 3-4 feet  Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute suppliers due to availability. 
Grandpa Ott's Morning Glory Flower $3.75 $4.25
The Seed Savers Exchange - One of two plants that inspired the creation of Seed Savers Exchange, this morning glory bears beautiful deep-purple flowers with red stars at their center. This self-sowing annual—given to SSE co-founder Diane Ott Whealy by her Grandpa Ott who lived on a 40-acre farm in St. Lucas, Iowa—can climb to 15 feet tall, if given support to grow on. One of two seeds that started it all for the founders of Seed Exchange Self-seeding hardy annual plants grow vines of over 15 feet long Deep purple flowers with a red star on the throat Climbs trellises and support structures 100 Seeds Instructions - Plant seeds outdoors after the last frost. Seeds can be slightly chipped and soaked in warm water for 24 hours before planting for better results. Prefers full sun and moist average soil. Sow 1/2" Deep Germination 5-21 days Thin 4-6" apart Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute seed vendors from time to time because of availability Please note: The Arizona Department of Agriculture prohibits the sale of any plant in the genus of Ipomoea, which includes Morning Glory.
Perfume Delight Sweet Pea, Heirloom $2.99 $3.39
Renee's Garden - EXCLUSIVE - The best sweet pea choice for hot summer areas, Perfume Delight is a lovely color mix of intensely fragrant and heat tolerant antique sweet pea varieties. The seductively scented winged flowers bloom abundantly on tall climbing vines in a rich blend of rose, pale pink, lavender, deep purple, crimson and white with many unique bicolors. Their color and fragrance will fill your garden each spring, and a bouquet of their nostalgic orange and honeyed sweetness softly perfumes any room.  Characteristics:  Heirloom  Pollinators & Beneficials  Annual climbing vine  Spring/summer bloom  Frost tolerant   40-50 Seeds   Instructions - Sweet peas must have well-drained soil, so dig deeply and enrich with aged manure or compost before sowing seeds. Erect a well-anchored trellis, vertical netting, or other support for vines before planting. Sow seeds in full sun in cool early spring weather as early as the ground can be worked. In mild winter areas, where the ground does not freeze, seeds can also be planted in fall to form strong root systems, then overwinter to bloom strongly in spring. Plant sweet pea seeds 1 inch deep and 2 to 3 inches apart. When seedlings are 2 inches tall, thin them 4 to 5 inches apart, to allow plants room to mature.  Sweet peas bloom best before the weather gets too hot, so if spring planting, sow as soon as the ground can be worked. Where summer heat comes on fast, they’ll appreciate a spot with afternoon shade. Anchor supports well as vines will grow heavy with bloom. Protect seedlings from birds, slugs, and snails. Mulch and keep well watered. For the longest bloom, pick flowers often and keep faded blossoms cut. Plant in: March-May for cold winters; September-March for mild winters  Full sun or part-day shade  Sow seeds 2-3" apart; 1" deep Days to germinate: 12-28 days  Mature Height: 6-8 feet  Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute suppliers due to availability. 
Chiffon Elegance Sweet Pea, Early Blooming $2.95 $3.25
Renee's Garden - Day-length neutral Elegance sweet peas are specially bred to reliably bloom several weeks earlier than any other sweet pea. Our Chiffon Elegance is a silky watercolor quartet of softly colored blossoms in pure white, deepest magenta-rose, soft shell pink, and gorgeous lavender. These large and beautifully formed ruffled flowers bloom on vigorous long stems for many weeks. The tall climbing vines produce a very long season of lightly fragrant enchanting blooms to enjoy in the garden and for endless lavish bouquets.  Characteristics:  Early Blooming Sweet Peas  Large ruffled blooms Annual Climbing Vine  Soft watercolor shades  Lasting cut flowers  Approx 45-50 seeds   Instructions - Sweet peas must have well-drained soil, so dig deeply and enrich with aged manure or compost before sowing seeds. Erect a well-anchored trellis, vertical netting or other support for vines before planting. Sow seeds in full sun in cool early spring weather as early as the ground can be worked. In mild winter areas, where the ground does not freeze, plant in fall; seeds will germinate and form strong root systems, then overwinter to bloom strongly in spring. Plant sweet pea seeds 1 inch deep and 2 to 3 inches apart. When seedlings are 2 inches tall, thin them 4 to 5 inches apart, to allow plants room to mature.  Plant in: February - April  Full sun  Plant 1 inch deep  Plant 2-3 inches apart  12-20 days to germinate  Mature Height: 6-8 feet Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute suppliers due to availability. 
Royal Wedding Sweet Pea $3.25 $3.29
Renee's Garden - These long-stemmed, softly frilled sweet peas come down the garden aisle decked out in glorious pure white blossoms, four to six on each long stem, all with lovely ruffled petals. We import this premier award-winning variety from England because it has outstanding form and garden performance and carries an enchanting fragrance reminiscent of jasmine and orange blossoms. You will enjoy Royal Wedding’s beauty and enticing perfume indoors and out over a long season of bloom.   Characteristics:  Heirloom  Pollinators & Beneficials  Annual climbing vine  Spring/summer bloom  Frost tolerant     Instructions - Sweet peas must have well-drained soil, so dig deeply and enrich with aged manure or compost before sowing seeds. Erect a well-anchored trellis, vertical netting, or other support for vines before planting. Sow seeds in full sun in cool early spring weather as early as the ground can be worked. In mild winters, where the ground does not freeze, sweet peas can be planted in fall. Seedlings will form strong root systems, then overwinter to bloom vigorously in spring. Plant sweet pea seeds 1 inch deep and 2 to 3 inches apart. When seedlings are 2 inches tall, thin to 4 inches apart to allow plants room to mature.  Sweet peas bloom best before the weather gets too hot, so if spring planting, sow as soon as the ground can be worked. Where summer heat comes on fast, they’ll appreciate a spot with afternoon shade. Anchor supports well as vines will grow heavy with bloom. Protect seedlings from birds, slugs, and snails. Mulch and keep well watered. For the longest bloom, pick flowers often and keep faded blossoms cut.  Plant in: March-April for cold winters; September-March for mild winters  Full sun  Sow seeds 2-3" apart; 1" deep Days to germinate: 12-28 days  Mature Height: 6-8 feet  Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute suppliers due to availability. 
Zinfandel Sweet Pea $3.25 $3.29
Renee's Garden - Zinfandel’s ruffled blossoms are a rich shade of claret/ burgundy that will remind you of fine vintage wine. This beautiful variety begins to bloom very early in the season to cloak a fence or arbor and provides striking bouquets of beautiful flowers with an unrivaled depth of color. As the dark, satiny blossoms unfold along their stems, they release sweet peas’ seductive perfume of orange blossoms and honey, a fragrance no other flower can offer.  Characteristics:  Pollinators & Beneficials  Annual climbing vine  Spring/summer bloom  Frost tolerant     Instructions - Sweet peas must have well-drained soil, so dig deeply and enrich with aged manure or compost before sowing seeds. Erect a well-anchored trellis, vertical netting, or other support for vines before planting. Sow seeds in full sun in cool spring weather as early as the ground can be worked. In mild winter areas, where the ground does not freeze, plant in fall; seeds will germinate and form strong root systems, then overwinter to bloom strongly in spring. Plant seeds 1 inch deep and 2 to 3 inches apart. When seedlings are 2 inches tall, thin them 4 to 5 inches apart, to allow plants room to mature. Sweet peas bloom best before the weather gets too hot, so if spring planting, sow as soon as the ground can be worked. Where summer heat comes on fast, they’ll appreciate a spot with afternoon shade. Anchor supports well as vines will grow heavy with bloom. Protect seedlings from birds, slugs, and snails. Mulch and keep well watered. For the longest bloom, pick flowers often and keep faded blossoms cut. Plant in: March-April for cold winters; September-March for mild winters  Full sun/ partial shade  Sow seeds 2-3" apart; 1" deep Days to germinate: 12-28 days  Mature Height: 6-8 feet  Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute suppliers due to availability. 
Jewels of Albio Sweet Pea, Antique Sweet Pea Blend $3.19 $3.39
Renee's Garden - EXCLUSIVE - Our custom blended color palette of especially fragrant antique varieties offers both beautiful cool shades and plants with significantly more heat tolerance than other sweet pea varieties. You’ll have a succession in bloom with “Flora Norton” (pastel blue), “Lord Nelson” (deep blue), “Mrs. Collier” (creamy-white), “Lady Grisel Hamilton” (pastel lavender) and “Captain of the Blues” (mauve-blue). This lovely perfumed mix blooms on strong climbing vines that easily cover a trellis or fence.. Characteristics:  6-10' Feet Large ruffled blooms Lasting cut flowers  Approx 40-45 seeds   Instructions - Sweet peas must have well-drained soil, so dig deeply and enrich with aged manure or compost before sowing seeds. Erect a well-anchored trellis, vertical netting or other support for vines before planting. Sow seeds in full sun in cool early spring weather as early as the ground can be worked. In mild winter areas, where the ground does not freeze, plant in fall; seeds will germinate and form strong root systems, then overwinter to bloom strongly in spring. Plant sweet pea seeds 1 inch deep and 2 to 3 inches apart. When seedlings are 2 inches tall, thin them 4 to 5 inches apart, to allow plants room to mature.  Plant in: February - April  Full sun  Plant 1 inch deep  Plant 2-3 inches apart  12-20 days to germinate  Mature Height:1-2 feet Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute suppliers due to availability. 
Spencer Ruffled Sweet Pea, Heirloom $3.19 $3.39
Renee's Garden - EXCLUSIVE - Imported from the best traditional English sweet pea breeder, we are proud to offer this careful blend made up of clear, rich colors chosen for outstanding quality and garden performance. This lovely mix represents the royalty of classic English Spencer sweet peas, with perfectly formed, big ruffled flowers. The long stems of beautiful blossoms make glorious scented displays both in the garden and as perfumed bouquets.  Characteristics:  Heirloom  Pollinators & Beneficials  Annual climbing vine  Spring/summer bloom  Frost tolerant   35-40 Seeds   Instructions - Sweet peas must have well-drained soil, so dig deeply and enrich with aged manure or compost before sowing seeds. Erect a well-anchored trellis, vertical netting, or other support for vines before planting. Sow seeds in full sun in cool early spring weather as early as the ground can be worked. In mild winter areas, where the ground does not freeze, seeds can also be planted in fall to form strong root systems, then overwinter to bloom strongly in spring. Plant sweet pea seeds 1 inch deep and 2 to 3 inches apart. When seedlings are 2 inches tall, thin them 4 to 5 inches apart, to allow plants room to mature.  Sweet peas bloom best before the weather gets too hot, so if spring planting, sow as soon as the ground can be worked. Where summer heat comes on fast, they’ll appreciate a spot with afternoon shade. Anchor supports well as vines will grow heavy with bloom. Protect seedlings from birds, slugs, and snails. Mulch and keep well watered. For the longest bloom, pick flowers often and keep faded blossoms cut. Plant in: March-May for cold winters; September-March for mild winters  Full sun or part-day shade  Sow seeds 2-3" apart; 1" deep Days to germinate: 12-28 days  Mature Height: 6-8 feet  Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute suppliers due to availability. 
Spitfire Climbing Nasturtium (Climbing) $3.25 $3.39
Renee's Garden - Spitfire’s brilliant, scarlet-red blossoms shine out amongst trailing lily pad shaped green foliage and their nectar is adored by hovering hummingbirds. Train them up short trellises or tripods for a cascade of bright blossoms or use the abundant, fiery-colored spurred flowers and their handsome leaves as a perfect way to disguise neglected areas, soften fences or walls, or tumble from big containers. Both flowers and leaves are edible with a flavor reminiscent of watercress with a pinch of honey.   Characteristics:  Heirloom Selective  Vibrant Red and Orange Hummingbird favorites  Pollinators & Beneficials  Annual vine  Spring/summer/fall bloom  Frost tender    Instructions - To start outdoors, sow seeds in spring once all danger of frost is over in full sun (or part shade in hot climates). Nasturtiums need no added fertilizer in most soils. Poke seeds into well-worked soil about 1 inch deep and 3 to 4 inches apart. Press the soil firmly over the seeds and keep them moist. When seedlings are large enough to handle, thin 10 inches apart so plants will have ample room to grow. To start early indoors, sow 2 seeds each in individual 4-inch pots of well-drained seed starting mix 3 weeks before the last expected frost date. Cover 1 inch deep. Provide a strong light source. When seedlings have several sets of leaves, pinch out the weaker seedling leaving 1 per pot. After outdoor temperatures are evenly above 50°F (10°C) gradually acclimate to outdoor conditions. Transplant seedlings into the garden 10 to 12 inches apart in full sun. Climbing nasturtiums are very reliable and easy to grow in any well-drained soil. Help them to twine up their supports, then they’ll climb easily and bloom nonstop. Do not let plants dry out during the blooming season. You can also plant Moonlight to tumble along the ground.  Plant in April-June for cold winters; March-July for mild winters Full sun or partial shade  Sow seeds 3-4" apart; 1" deep  7-14 days to germinate  Mature height: 4-6 feet Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute suppliers due to availability. 
Scented Sunset Pastel Sweet Pea, Heirloom $3.35 $3.69
Renee's Garden - EXCLUSIVE - The soft pastel shades in this enticing sweet pea mixture were chosen to blend and complement each other by our favorite English growers, who have been experts at sweet pea seed cultivation for generations. When grown together, these soft hues create a beautifully textured color melody. Pastel Sunset includes classics like rose-pink “Sylvia More,” creamy “Jilly,” lavender-blue “Chatsworth” and other cultivated varieties in sweetly scented shades of pink, peach and almond.  Characteristics:  Heirloom  Pollinators & Beneficials  Annual climbing vine  Spring/summer bloom  Frost tolerant   35-40 Seeds   Instructions - Sweet peas must have well-drained soil, so dig deeply and enrich with aged manure or compost before sowing seeds. Erect a well-anchored trellis, vertical netting, or other support for vines before planting. Sow seeds in full sun in cool early spring weather as early as the ground can be worked. In mild winter areas, where the ground does not freeze, seeds can also be planted in fall to form strong root systems, then overwinter to bloom strongly in spring. Plant sweet pea seeds 1 inch deep and 2 to 3 inches apart. When seedlings are 2 inches tall, thin them 4 to 5 inches apart, to allow plants room to mature.  Sweet peas bloom best before the weather gets too hot, so if spring planting, sow as soon as the ground can be worked. Where summer heat comes on fast, they’ll appreciate a spot with afternoon shade. Anchor supports well as vines will grow heavy with bloom. Protect seedlings from birds, slugs, and snails. Mulch and keep well watered. For the longest bloom, pick flowers often and keep faded blossoms cut. Plant in: March-May for cold winters; September-March for mild winters  Full sun or part-day shade  Sow seeds 2-3" apart; 1" deep Days to germinate: 12-28 days  Mature Height: 6-8 feet  Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute suppliers due to availability. 
Mailbox Mix Morning Glory Flower $2.99
EXCLUSIVE - Our heirloom blend combines flowers of deep, rich blue and pearly white that open fresh each morning. Although each individual bloom lasts only one day, new flowers unfurl continuously and buds continue opening over a week in a vase. Seeds like these were carried across the prairies by pioneer families, transplanting a bit of home to far-flung homesteads. Traditionally, these old-fashioned climbing vines with heart shaped leaves and glowing blossom trumpets adorned fences or mailboxes. Grow beautiful living history! Self-seeding hardy annual plants grow vines of over 15 feet long Blue and white Flowers Climbs trellises and support structures 4grams or ~100 Seeds Instructions - Plant seeds outdoors after the last frost. Seeds can be slightly chipped and soaked in warm water for 24 hours before planting for better results. Prefers full sun and moist average soil. Sow 1/2" Deep Germination 5-21 days Thin 4-6" apart Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute seed vendors from time to time because of availability Please note: The Arizona Department of Agriculture prohibits the sale of any plant in the genus of Ipomoea, which includes Morning Glory.
Mermaid's Dream Sweet Pea, Heirloom $3.19 $3.39
Renee's Garden - We’ve made up a special color blend of very fragrant Mammoth heirloom sweet peas, selecting true blue, lavender, deep mauve & violet varieties, along with just the right proportion of cream flowers for contrast. All the colors bloom together, with long stemmed, large blossoms richly scented with that special sweet pea fragrance that reminds us of orange blossoms and honey. The rich shades of these lovely flowers make a beautiful garden display and stunning romantic bouquets for indoor enjoyment.  Characteristics:  Heirloom  Pollinators & Beneficials  Annual climbing vine  Spring/summer bloom  Frost tolerant   40-45 Seeds   Instructions - Sweet peas must have well-drained soil, so dig deeply and enrich with aged manure or compost before sowing seeds. Erect a well-anchored trellis, vertical netting, or other support for vines before planting. Sow seeds in full sun in cool early spring weather as early as the ground can be worked. In mild winter areas, where the ground does not freeze, seeds can also be planted in fall to form strong root systems, then overwinter to bloom strongly in spring. Plant sweet pea seeds 1 inch deep and 2 to 3 inches apart. When seedlings are 2 inches tall, thin them 4 to 5 inches apart, to allow plants room to mature.  Sweet peas bloom best before the weather gets too hot, so if spring planting, sow as soon as the ground can be worked. Where summer heat comes on fast, they’ll appreciate a spot with afternoon shade. Anchor supports well as vines will grow heavy with bloom. Protect seedlings from birds, slugs, and snails. Mulch and keep well watered. For the longest bloom, pick flowers often and keep faded blossoms cut. Plant in: March-May for cold winters; September-March for mild winters  Full sun or part-day shade  Sow seeds 2-3" apart; 1" deep Days to germinate: 12-28 days  Mature Height: 6-8 feet  Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute suppliers due to availability. 
Blue Celeste Sweet Pea, Exhibition Sweet Pea $3.39 $3.69
Renee's Garden -  The delicate soft shade of Celeste’s silky ruffled blooms reminds me most of the wonderful pale blue of my favorite spring iris. Blue Celeste’s alluring pastel blossoms are very perfumed and bloom abundantly, 4 to 5 to a stem. They make entrancing vase flowers with lovely luminous color, fragrance and form. You’ll have lots to cut as this British-bred specialty sweet pea offers a strong performance in the garden. These sweet blue flowers hold the eye and heart. Characteristics:  Early Blooming Sweet Peas  Large ruffled blooms Annual Climbing Vine  Soft watercolor shades  Lasting cut flowers  Approx 45-50 seeds   Instructions - Sweet peas must have well-drained soil, so dig deeply and enrich with aged manure or compost before sowing seeds. Erect a well-anchored trellis, vertical netting or other support for vines before planting. Sow seeds in full sun in cool early spring weather as early as the ground can be worked. In mild winter areas, where the ground does not freeze, plant in fall; seeds will germinate and form strong root systems, then overwinter to bloom strongly in spring. Plant sweet pea seeds 1 inch deep and 2 to 3 inches apart. When seedlings are 2 inches tall, thin them 4 to 5 inches apart, to allow plants room to mature.  Plant in: February - April  Full sun  Plant 1 inch deep  Plant 2-3 inches apart  12-20 days to germinate  Mature Height: 6-8 feet Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute suppliers due to availability. 
Exotic Love Vine Mina Lobata, Heirloom $3.04 $3.29
Renee's Garden - This lush New World native has intricate fleur-de-Lis-shaped leaves that cascade on strong vigorous vines. From midsummer on, the showy foliage is covered with sprays of graceful tubular flowers that start as orange-red buds and open to shade from crimson to soft coral, lemon yellow, and vanilla, all the shades appearing together on each arching blossom. Cover a fence, gate, or trellis with this fine heirloom whose tropical beauty has graced gardens for over 100 years. (Ipomoea lobata)  Characteristics:  Heirloom Selective  Hummingbird favorites  Summer/Fall bloom  Frost tender    Instructions - To start outdoors, in late spring, once the weather is warm and settled and nights stay above 50°F, plant seeds in a sunny spot in ordinary garden soil 6 inches apart and 1/2 inch deep. Firm soil over seeds. To start early indoors, sow indoors 5 to 6 weeks before the last expected frost in individual pots of seed starting mix. Cover 1/2 inch deep and keep warm and moist. Provide a strong light source until seedlings are ready for outdoor planting. Transplant very carefully once nights stay above 50°F. Thin or transplant seedlings 10 to 12 inches apart. Do not disturb delicate roots. To speed germination, soak seeds for no longer than 8 hours in tepid water. Plant immediately after soaking. Erect well-anchored supports at least 8 feet tall at planting time; strong netting, a wood or wire fence, or a sturdy trellis serve well to hold these vigorous climbers that bloom hard from midsummer.  Plant in April-June  Full sun  Plant 1/2" deep  Space seeds 6" apart  7-10 days to germinate  Mature height: 8-10 feet  Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute suppliers due to availability. 
April in Paris Sweet Pea, Sweet Pea Flowers $3.25 $3.39
Renee's Garden - Developed by world-renowned breeder Dr. Keith Hammett, April in Paris is a perfect match of intoxicating fragrance, lovely form and captivating color with the most intense perfume of any sweet pea I have ever grown. The large ruffled blossoms are a soft primrose cream, tinted at the edges in dark lilac that deepens and increases with age. These strong growing vines produce heavy sets of long-stemmed flowers that beg to be cut for heavenly scented bouquets.  Characteristics:  Heirloom  Pollinators & Beneficials  Annual climbing vine  Spring/summer bloom  Frost tolerant   Instructions - Sweet peas must have well-drained soil, so dig deeply and enrich with aged manure or compost before sowing seeds. Erect a well-anchored trellis, vertical netting, or other support for vines before planting. Sow seeds in full sun in cool early spring weather as early as the ground can be worked. In mild winter areas, where the ground does not freeze, plant in the fall after Labor Day; seeds will germinate and form strong root systems, then overwinter to bloom strongly in spring. Plant sweet pea seeds 1 inch deep and 2 to 3 inches apart. When seedlings are 2 inches tall, thin them 4 to 5 inches apart, to allow plants room to mature.  Sweet peas bloom best before the weather gets too hot, so if spring planting, sow as soon as the ground can be worked. Where summer heat comes on fast, they’ll appreciate a spot with afternoon shade. Anchor supports well as vines will grow heavy with bloom. Protect seedlings from birds, slugs, and snails. Mulch and keep well watered. For the longest bloom, pick flowers often and keep faded blossoms cut.  Plant in: March-April for cold winters; September-March for mild winters  Full sun or part-day shade  Sow seeds 2-3" apart; 1" deep Days to germinate: 12-28 days  Mature Height: 6-8 feet  Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute suppliers due to availability. 
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