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All Cream Lettuce, Organic $3.75 $3.95
The Seed Savers Exchange - Look no further than the historic John A Salzer Seed Company’s 1901 catalog for a detailed description of this fast-growing butterhead lettuce: “This remarkable lettuce does not head but makes a loose bunch of leaves of superlatively fine quality. ...It forms a beautiful plant; the leaves grow upright, the upper part of the outer leaves turning outward very gracefully. The edges of the outer leaves are of a glossy, reddish bronze, very ornamental and fresh in appearance; within, the leaves are almost white and wonderfully crisp and tender.” 40-50 days. Characteristics:  From the Collection for 2023  Organic Historic variety originating in 1901  Crisphead lettuce  Instructions - Sow continuously for a constant supply of lettuce. Best grown in cooler weather. Plant in full sun or partial shade.  Direct Seed: 1" apart  Seed Depth: 1/4"  Germination: 7-14 days  Thin: 6-8" apart   Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute seed vendors from time to time because of the availability
Amerikanischer Braun Lettuce, Organic $3.75 $3.95
The Seed Savers Exchange - What’s not to like? The leaves of this boldly colored looseleaf lettuce are flavorful, sweet, crisp, and tender. Large, abundant leaves have frilly edges and grow on plants that reached 9-11" tall and 1′ wide at Seed Savers Exchange’s Heritage Farm in 2018. Plants do well in the summer heat and bear leaves that are light yellow-green in the center and dark red/purple toward the edges. SSE member Louis Van Deven received this variety in 1988 from a gardener in Neubrandenburg, Germany. 35-42 days.  Characteristics:  From the Collection for 2023  Organic  Fairly heat tolerant  Looseleaf lettuce  Instructions - Sow continuously for a constant supply of lettuce. Best grown in cooler weather. Plant in full sun or partial shade. Direct Seed: 1" apart  Seed Depth: 1/4"  Germination: 7-14 days  Thin: 6-8" apart   Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute seed vendors from time to time because of the availability
Amish Deer Tongue Lettuce, organic $3.75 $3.95
The Seed Savers Exchange - Amish Deer Tongue produces bright and crisp green leaves in abundance.  harvest by the leaves or take the whole head.  They are able to withstand warm temperature a bit longer.  50 days Organic Looseleaf lettuce Heat-tolerant Instructions - Sow continuously for a constant supply of lettuce. Best grown in cooler weather. Plant in full sun or partial shade. Direct Seed 1" apart Plant 1/4" deep Germinate 7-14 days Thin: 6-8" Apart Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute suppliers based on availability.
Anuenue Lettuce, organic $3.75 $3.95
The Seed Savers Exchange - Its mellifluous Hawaiian name may mean “rainbow,” but this lettuce is a beautiful, uniform bright green. A slow grower and bolter, ‘Anuenue’ matures as the days get shorter and the heat gets stronger. This University of Hawaii introduction bears crisp, sweet, succulent leaves and remains compact as it grows, surrounding its round, tightly packed heart with crisp outer leaves. Unlike the seed of most lettuce varieties, its seed will germinate at 80 degrees; this variety also has some cool- season hardiness when protected. Characteristics 50 days Organic Crisphead lettuce Heat-tolerant Instructions - Sow continuously for a constant supply of lettuce. Best grown in cooler weather. Plant in full sun or partial shade. Direct Seed 1" apart Plant 1/4" deep Germinate 7-14 days Thin: 6-8" Apart Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute suppliers based on availability.
Apollo Arugula, Excellent Arugula Variety $3.75 $3.95
The Seed Savers Exchange - This improved Dutch strain of garden arugula (also known as rocket) is noted for its lack of bitterness and its spicy, large, rounded leaves, which are high in vitamin C. This variety can be harvested three to five times per sowing, functioning like a cut-and-come-again crop. 40-45 days.  Excellent flavor High in vitamin C Produces 3-5 cuttings Open-Pollinated 500 Seeds Instructions - Sow seeds outdoors as soon as soil can be worked and the danger of hard frost has passed. For a continuous supply of arugula, sow every three weeks throughout the summer. Best grown in cooler weather. Plant in full sun or partial shade. Direct Seed 1" apart Planting Depth: 1/4" Germination 5-7 days Thin 1-6" apart Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute suppliers based on availability We are always adding new varieties so please check back often at Seeds - Vegetables (
Arugula 'Sylvetta', Organic $3.75 $3.95
Preorder yours today Seed Savers Exchange - Arugula is a wonderful salad addition to other greens or a salad by itself.  Sylvetta is less a wild variety that has wonderful traits and will be loved for being easy to grow and thrive. Organic Tasty, small, serrated leaves Slow to bolt Wild variety 45 days Instructions - Sow seeds outdoors as soon as soil can be worked and danger of hard frost has passed. For a continuous supply of arugula, sow every three weeks throughout the summer. Best grown in cooler weather. Plant in full sun or partial shade. Direct Seed 1" apart Planting Depth 1/4" Germination 5-7 days Thin 1-6" apart Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute based on availability.
Arugula Wasabi $3.25 $3.29
Renee's Garden - A unique wild arugula, Wasabi’s leaves taste just like the complex, spicy flavor of freshly made wasabi paste. These delicious little plants grow quickly and easily, forming pretty leafy rosettes. More weather tolerant than other varieties, you can harvest whole plants or pick individual piquant leaves for zesty accents to everyday meals. When plants send up flower stalks, the little white blossoms are edible; use both leaves and flowers in salads, sandwiches, sushi, pasta, and barbecue. Characteristics:  Renee's Garden Exclusive  Annual  Frost hardy  Delicious and spicy flavor  Weather tolerant  Approx 1000 seeds   Instructions - Plant in spring (or late summer for a fall crop) directly into the garden in well-worked soil in full sun, or a spot that receives partial afternoon shade. Sow 1 inch apart and barely cover. Keep the seed bed evenly moist until seedlings emerge in 10 to 12 days. Begin harvesting individual young leaves in 4 to 5 weeks. In hot summer areas, wait to sow again in late summer for fall use, as extreme heat makes leaves extra pungent. Plant in: April - May for cold winters or Spring-Fall for mild winters  Full sun / Part-day shade  Sow seeds 1 inch apart  10-12 days to germinate  Mature Height: 4-5 inches  Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute suppliers due to availability. 
Arugula, One of the truest varieties, Organic $3.75 $3.95
The Seed Savers Exchange - (Eruca sativa) (aka Roquette or Rocket) This fast-growing, cool-season green of Mediterranean origin is ideal for salads, sandwiches, frittatas, and pizzas, and can be grown in partial shade. Its sharp, distinctive, nutty flavor is best when picked young. Self-sowing and relatively cold-tolerant. 40-45 days. ±11,000 seeds/oz Organic Also known as Roquette or Rocket Open Pollinated Sharp, distinctive nutty flavor Best when picked young 40-45 days 500 seeds per packet Instructions - Sow seeds outdoors as soon as soil can be worked and the danger of hard frost has passed. For a continuous supply of arugula, sow every three weeks throughout the summer. Best grown in cooler weather. Plant in full sun, or partial shade. Direct Seed 1" apart Planting Depth: 1/4" Germination 5-7 days Thin 1-6" apart Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute suppliers based on availability We are always adding new varieties so please check back often at Seeds - Vegetables (
Arugula, Organic $3.75 $4.00
The New Living Seed Company - This prolific Mediterranean green enjoys cooler weather while exhibiting delicious mild spicy flavors. Known to be hardy and fast growing, this green is quick to offer you accents in your salad, on your sandwich or even alone. Organic Tasty, spicy leaves Slow to bolt 21 days for baby greens, 45 days for full size  Instructions - Sow seeds outdoors as soon as soil can be worked and danger of hard frost has passed. For a continuous supply of arugula, sow every three weeks throughout the summer. Best grown in cooler weather. Plant in full sun or partial shade. Direct Seed 1" apart Planting Depth 1/4" Germination 5-7 days Thin 1-6" apart
Astro Arugula, Organic $3.50 $3.55
The commercial standard with long green leaves and a characteristic mildly spicy flavor. High Mowing Organic Seed - Germinates quickly and tolerates cold and hot temperatures well. Our strain has a mix of "cut" and "strap" leaf shapes when grown as a baby leaf. Performs well as a cut-and-come-again crop. Characteristics:  Organic, non-GMO, and open-pollinated  Heat and cold tolerant Instructions - Sow seeds outdoors as soon as soil can be worked and the danger of hard frost has passed. For a continuous supply of arugula, sow every three weeks throughout the summer. Best grown in cooler weather. Plant in full sun or partial shade. Direct Seed 1" apart Planting Depth 1/4" Germination 5-7 days Thin 1-6" apart
Aunt Mae's Bibb Lettuce, pre 1937 Heirloom, Organic $3.75 $3.95
A Firefly Farm & Mercantile favorite for us to grow.  It does well in our summers and we have it growing in the middle of our deep compost and woodchip beds every year.  The Seed Savers Exchange - A butterhead lettuce bursting with bright green leaves that tolerates both cold and heat. This variety was donated to Seed Savers Exchange by Nestor Keen, who received seeds from his Aunt Mae in 1937. Butterhead, 50-60 days. Characteristics:  Organic Cold- and heat-tolerant Butterhead lettuce 500 Seeds   Instructions - Sow continuously for a constant supply of lettuce. Best grown in cooler weather. Plant in full sun or partial shade. Direct Seed 1" apart Plant 1/4" deep Germinate 7-14 days Thin 6-8" apart Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute suppliers based on availability.
Australian Yellowleaf Lettuce $3.75 $3.95
The Seed Savers Exchange - an Australian variety from our friends at Digger’s Club near Melbourne. A very tender texture. Unique chartreuse color. Slow to bolt, large plants. Looseleaf, 50 days Characteristics:  Australian heirloom Chartreuse leaves Slow to bolt Looseleaf and cut-and-come-again 50 days 250 seeds   Instructions - Sow continuously for a constant supply of lettuce. Best grown in cooler weather. Plant in full sun or partial shade. Direct Seed 1" apart Plant 1/4" deep Germinate 7-14 days Thin 6-8" apart Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute suppliers based on availability.
Baby Oakleaf Lettuce $3.75 $3.95
The Seed Savers Exchange - A dwarf, compact version of Green Oakleaf. Tasty and tender medium green leaves are oakleaf-shaped with rounded lobes. Holds for an extended period. Looseleaf, 50 days. ±31,000 seeds/oz.  Characteristics:  Compact growth Medium green, oakleaf leaves Slow to bolt Looseleaf and cut-and-come-again 50 days 250 seeds per packet  Instructions - Sow continuously for a constant supply of lettuce. Best grown in cooler weather. Plant in full sun or partial shade. Direct Seed 1" apart Plant 1/4" deep Germinate 7-14 days Thin 6-8" apart Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute suppliers based on availability.
Baquieu Lettuce, Organic $3.75 $3.95
The Seed Savers Exchange - French head lettuce with wavy green leaves tinged with maroon. Best grown either as an early or late crop. Butterhead, 50-60 days.  Characteristics:  Organic French head lettuce Wavy green leaves tinged with maroon Grow in early spring or late fall Butterhead lettuce 50-60 days 250 seeds per packet  Instructions - Sow continuously for a constant supply of lettuce. Best grown in cooler weather. Plant in full sun or partial shade. Direct Seed 1" apart Plant 1/4" deep Germinate 7-14 days Thin: 10-12" Apart Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute suppliers based on availability.
Belle Isle Cress, Organic $3.50 $3.55
Very dark green, deeply lobed glossy leaves are exceptionally nutritious. High Mowing Organic Seeds - Named for an island on which shipwrecked 17th-century Portuguese sailors survived the winter thanks to this little plant. Rich in Vitamin C, calcium, iron, and especially Vitamin A. Best quality in cooler weather. Belle Isle Cress is a fantastic substitute for watercress.  Characteristics: Organic, non-GMO, and open-pollinated Early spring/late fall crop Upright habit 50 days   1/32 oz approx.  Instructions - Days to maturity are from direct seeding. Specialty greens are a broad category of leafy plants, many of which are cold hardy and fast-growing. Crops in this group are gaining popularity due to their ease of culture and unique flavors and colors.  Plant 1/8" deep  Plant 12-18" apart  Plant thin to 4"  Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute seed vendors from time to time because of the availability
Bellezia Arugula, Organic $3.50
High Mowing Organic Seeds - Elegant leaves with a striking dark green color and favorable uniformity. This beautiful arugula is tender with a lovely spice. The highly serrated leaves give this variety its elevated charm and the outstanding uniformity makes for excellent selling quality. Plants have a strong field tolerance to downy mildew and excellent storage life. From our friends at Vitalis Seeds.  Characteristics:   Organic, non-GMO, and open-pollinated  Striking dark green leaves  UP  Instructions -Specialty greens are cold hardy and fast-growing leafy plants. Days to maturity are from direct seeding, except for chicories (endive, escarole, puntarelle, radicchio,) where days to maturity are from transplant. Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute seed vendors from time to time because of the availability
Black Seeded Simpson Lettuce, 1850's Heirloom, Organic $3.50
Easy, early tender green leaves that withstand heat, drought, and light frost. High Mowing Organic Seeds - A highly adaptable lettuce for plantings throughout the season. Quickly produces a full-sized, bright green open head with distinctively savoyed leaves that hold salad dressing well. Popular baby leaf variety for a bright green contrasting leaf in salad mixes.  Characteristics:  Organic, non-GMO, and open-pollinated  Grand Rapids-type  Baby leaf for salad mix  Highly disease resistance  28 days baby - 45 days full size  1/32 oz approx.  Instructions - Lettuce is cool-season annual in the Compositae family. Choose cool, well-drained, loose soil. Lettuce can be seeded in the spring as soon as the soil can be worked.  Direct Seed 1" apart Planting Depth 1/8" Space 8-12"  Thin 1-6" apart Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute suppliers based on availability
Bronze Arrowhead Lettuce, 1947 Heirloom $3.75 $3.95
The Seed Savers Exchange - Introduced as Bronze Beauty by Germain’s Seed Co. Awarded the bronze medal at the 1947 All-America Selections. Hailed as “the finest, most colorful and most delicious leaf lettuce for the home garden.” Our favorite oakleaf type. Looseleaf, 40-50 days. ±25,000 seeds/oz.  Characteristics:  Green and deep maroon leaves Short season variety Looseleaf and cut-and-come-again 40-50 days 250 seeds per packet  Instructions - Sow continuously for a constant supply of lettuce. Best grown in cooler weather. Plant in full sun or partial shade. Direct Seed 1" apart Plant 1/4" deep Germinate 7-14 days Thin: 6-8" Apart Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute suppliers based on availability.
Brown Goldring Lettuce, pre-1923 Heirloom $3.75 $4.25
The Seed Savers Exchange - The Royal Horticultural Society presented this midseason-maturing romaine heading lettuce with the prestigious award of merit in 1923. Red-green leaves are thick, tender, and sweet, striking all the right notes in the garden and on the salad plate. Plants reach 8-10" tall by 12-16" wide; leaves measure 8-9" long by 4-6" wide at maturity. Donated to Seed Savers Exchange in the early 1980's by member and Exchange lister Stan Heymann, this variety was likely developed by Thomas Goldring and Sons, a pre-World War company of seedsmen, fruiterers, and florists based in Sussex.  Characteristics:  Romaine lettuce Green leaves accented with red hues 8"-10" tall 12-16" wide Leaves are thick, tender and sweet From the Collection, 2025 Instructions - Sow continuously for a constant supply of lettuce. Best grown in cooler weather. Plant in full sun or partial shade.  Direct Seed: 1" apart  Seed Depth: 1/4"  Germination: 7-14 days  Thin: 6-8" apart   Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute seed vendors from time to time because of the availability
Bunte Forellenschluss Lettuce $3.75 $3.95
The Seed Savers Exchange - The butterhead companion to the Forellenschluss romaine. “Bunte” means “colorful” in German. Sweet apple-green leaves splashed with maroon, forms a loose 8-10" head. Butterhead, 40-55 days. ±23,000 seeds/oz.  Characteristics:  Forms loose 8-10 inch heads Apple-green leaves splashed with maroon Butterhead lettuce 40-55 days 250 seeds per packet  Instructions - Sow continuously for a constant supply of lettuce. Best grown in cooler weather. Plant in full sun or partial shade. Direct Seed 1" apart Plant 1/4" deep Germinate 7-14 days Thin: 10" Apart Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute suppliers based on availability.
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