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Bunker Hill- Peony, 1906 introduction, Massachusetts, lactiflora from $13.00
Bunker Hill- Gorgeous Double Pink Blossoms sit on top of very strong stems making it popuar for the last century for the garden and for your floral bouquets. Some flowers are simply timeless and this is one of those.  Check out all of our peonies - Peonies ( Double Pink Blossoms 34" tall, great cut flowers, foliage is very dark Blooms late spring to early summer Peonies are safe from deer and rabbits.  USDA Zones 3-8 Moderately fragrant Origin: 1906, Breeder is Hollis, Massachusetts Botanical Name: Paeonia lactiflora 3-5 Eye Rootstock - We try to only provide the largest rootstock for peonies for stronger roots that lead to better blooms.  2-3 eye roostock is the most common size offered and occassionally it is what we have to use, but 3-5 eyes per root is our goal. Eyes are the buds of the leaves and stems that will grow this season for you.  Shipping - See options to select from - All peonies are packed in spagnum moss or other media to ensure they make it to your garden in pristine condition. We do adjust for shipping charges as every year is slighly different in weights and sizes.  Planting Care - Bare roots should be kept cool and in the dark until ready to plant.  Peonies do not like to be planted deep and eyes should be kept no deeper than 1" below the soil surface. When possible, it is a great idea to mound your peonies above your existing garden grade to accommodate mulch.  Plant no deeper than 1-2". The roots will quickly develop and anchor into the ground.  Full Sun or Partial Sun is best Prefers loamy soil, can be planted in sandy or clay soils with compost amendments Give them room to grow as they don't like to be moved once established Some blooms may occur first year when planting in the spring, fall planted peonies will yield spring blooms most of the time
Big Ben- Peony, 1943 introduction, Illinois, lactiflora from $14.00
Big Ben - Medium Red Double Bomb Blossoms, The blooms are large and on strong stems. Highly recommended for those in the south as it handles heat very well and has a minimal chill time. It is hardy in the North too.  Check out all of our peonies - Peonies ( Two-tone pink and fuschia Blossoms 36" tall, great cut flowers Blooms late spring to early summer Peonies are safe from deer and rabbits.  USDA Zones 3-8 Moderately fragrant Origin: 1943, Breeder is Edward Auten, Illinois Botanical Name: Paeonia lactiflora 3-5 Eye Rootstock - We try to only provide the largest rootstock for peonies for stronger roots that lead to better blooms.  2-3 eye roostock is the most common size offered and occassionally it is what we have to use, but 3-5 eyes per root is our goal. Eyes are the buds of the leaves and stems that will grow this season for you.  Shipping - See options to select from - All peonies are packed in spagnum moss or other media to ensure they make it to your garden in pristine condition. We do adjust for shipping charges as every year is slighly different in weights and sizes.  Planting Care - Bare roots should be kept cool and in the dark until ready to plant.  Peonies do not like to be planted deep and eyes should be kept no deeper than 1" below the soil surface. When possible, it is a great idea to mound your peonies above your existing garden grade to accommodate mulch.  Plant no deeper than 1-2". The roots will quickly develop and anchor into the ground.  Full Sun or Partial Sun is best Prefers loamy soil, can be planted in sandy or clay soils with compost amendments Give them room to grow as they don't like to be moved once established Some blooms may occur first year when planting in the spring, fall planted peonies will yield spring blooms most of the time
Pink Pompadour- Peony lactiflora from $14.00
Pink Pompadour - Beautiful two-toned pink and fuschia blossoms. The stems are reliably strong and makes great cut flowers.  Check out all of our peonies - Peonies ( Two-tone pink and fuschia Blossoms 36" tall, great cut flowers Blooms late spring to early summer Peonies are safe from deer and rabbits.  USDA Zones 3-8 Very fragrant Botanical Name: Paeonia lactiflora 3-5 Eye Rootstock - We try to only provide the largest rootstock for peonies for stronger roots that lead to better blooms.  2-3 eye roostock is the most common size offered and occassionally it is what we have to use, but 3-5 eyes per root is our goal. Eyes are the buds of the leaves and stems that will grow this season for you.  Shipping - See options to select from - All peonies are packed in spagnum moss or other media to ensure they make it to your garden in pristine condition. We do adjust for shipping charges as every year is slighly different in weights and sizes.  Planting Care - Bare roots should be kept cool and in the dark until ready to plant.  Peonies do not like to be planted deep and eyes should be kept no deeper than 1" below the soil surface. When possible, it is a great idea to mound your peonies above your existing garden grade to accommodate mulch.  Plant no deeper than 1-2". The roots will quickly develop and anchor into the ground.  Full Sun or Partial Sun is best Prefers loamy soil, can be planted in sandy or clay soils with compost amendments Give them room to grow as they don't like to be moved once established Some blooms may occur first year when planting in the spring, fall planted peonies will yield spring blooms most of the time
Mons. Jules Elie - Peony, 1888 introduction, France, lactiflora from $17.25
Mons. Jules Elie- Timeless Double Light Pink Blossoms are grown for arrangements. French peonies are noteworthy for thier appeal through the ages and Mons. Jules Elie is no exception. The stems are not the strongest so they will need to be staked once they start to open, hence why they are grown for cut flowers. The foliage is beautiful as well.   Check out all of our peonies - Peonies ( Double Pink Blossoms 36" tall, great cut flowers Blooms late spring to early summer Peonies are safe from deer and rabbits.  USDA Zones 3-8 Moderately fragrant Origin: 1888, Breeder is Crousse, France Botanical Name: Paeonia lactiflora 3-5 Eye Rootstock - We try to only provide the largest rootstock for peonies for stronger roots that lead to better blooms.  2-3 eye roostock is the most common size offered and occassionally it is what we have to use, but 3-5 eyes per root is our goal. Eyes are the buds of the leaves and stems that will grow this season for you.  Shipping - See options to select from - All peonies are packed in spagnum moss or other media to ensure they make it to your garden in pristine condition. We do adjust for shipping charges as every year is slighly different in weights and sizes.  Planting Care - Bare roots should be kept cool and in the dark until ready to plant.  Peonies do not like to be planted deep and eyes should be kept no deeper than 1" below the soil surface. When possible, it is a great idea to mound your peonies above your existing garden grade to accommodate mulch.  Plant no deeper than 1-2". The roots will quickly develop and anchor into the ground.  Full Sun or Partial Sun is best Prefers loamy soil, can be planted in sandy or clay soils with compost amendments Give them room to grow as they don't like to be moved once established Some blooms may occur first year when planting in the spring, fall planted peonies will yield spring blooms most of the time
Kansas - Peony, 1940 introduction, Kansas, lactiflora from $15.50
Kansas Peony - Red blossoms on strong stems and never fade. The red is very bright and has no blue hues which is common in many red peonies.  Blossom are double form. Check out all of our peonies - Peonies ( Vibrant Red Double Blossoms 30" tall, great cut flowers Blooms late spring to early summer Peonies are safe from deer and rabbits.  USDA Zones 3-8 Not fragrant Botanical Name: Paeonia lactiflora Origin: Bigger, 1940, Kansas 3-5 Eye Rootstock - We try to only provide the largest rootstock for peonies for stronger roots that lead to better blooms.  2-3 eye roostock is the most common size offered and occassionally it is what we have to use, but 3-5 eyes per root is our goal. Eyes are the buds of the leaves and stems that will grow this season for you.  Shipping - Ships first two weeks of May- All peonies are packed in spagnum moss or other media to ensure they make it to your garden in pristine condition. We do adjust for shipping charges as every year is slighly different in weights and sizes. We also ship the last 2 weeks of September as well.  Planting Care - Bare roots should be kept cool and in the dark until ready to plant.  Peonies do not like to be planted deep and eyes should be kept no deeper than 1" below the soil surface. When possible, it is a great idea to mound your peonies above your existing garden grade to accommodate mulch.  Plant no deeper than 1-2". The roots will quickly develop and anchor into the ground.  Full Sun or Partial Sun is best Prefers loamy soil, can be planted in sandy or clay soils with compost amendments Give them room to grow as they don't like to be moved once established Some blooms may occur first year when planting in the spring, fall planted peonies will yield spring blooms most of the time    
Pink Hawaiian Coral - Peony, 1981 introduction, Illinois, lactiflora from $19.75
Pink Hawaiian Coral Peony - Corals are the rage in peonies as they bring an unexpected color to your gardens.  Pink Hawaiian is sure to please.   Check out all of our peonies - Peonies ( Semi Double Coral Blossoms 36" tall, great cut flowers Blooms late spring to early summer Peonies are safe from deer and rabbits.  USDA Zones 3-8 Moderately fragrant Origin: 1981, Breeder is Klehm, Illinois Botanical Name: Paeonia lactiflora 3-5 Eye Rootstock - We try to only provide the largest rootstock for peonies for stronger roots that lead to better blooms.  2-3 eye roostock is the most common size offered and occassionally it is what we have to use, but 3-5 eyes per root is our goal. Eyes are the buds of the leaves and stems that will grow this season for you.  Shipping - See options to select from - All peonies are packed in spagnum moss or other media to ensure they make it to your garden in pristine condition. We do adjust for shipping charges as every year is slighly different in weights and sizes.  Planting Care - Bare roots should be kept cool and in the dark until ready to plant.  Peonies do not like to be planted deep and eyes should be kept no deeper than 1" below the soil surface. When possible, it is a great idea to mound your peonies above your existing garden grade to accommodate mulch.  Plant no deeper than 1-2". The roots will quickly develop and anchor into the ground.  Full Sun or Partial Sun is best Prefers loamy soil, can be planted in sandy or clay soils with compost amendments Give them room to grow as they don't like to be moved once established Some blooms may occur first year when planting in the spring, fall planted peonies will yield spring blooms most of the time
Peter Brand- Peony, 1937 introduction, lactiflora from $24.95
Peter Brand Peony - Dark Red Double Blossoms, to almost burgandy for some depending on your soil. If you are looking for a red peony this is one to put on your list.  Check out all of our peonies - Peonies ( Dark Red Double Blossoms 34-36" tall, great cut flowers Blooms late spring to early summer Peonies are safe from deer and rabbits.  USDA Zones 3-8 Very fragrant  Botanical Name: Paeonia lactiflora Origin: Abram Brand, pre-1937 3-5 Eye Rootstock - We try to only provide the largest rootstock for peonies for stronger roots that lead to better blooms.  2-3 eye roostock is the most common size offered and occassionally it is what we have to use, but 3-5 eyes per root is our goal. Eyes are the buds of the leaves and stems that will grow this season for you.  Shipping - See options to select from - All peonies are packed in spagnum moss or other media to ensure they make it to your garden in pristine condition. We do adjust for shipping charges as every year is slighly different in weights and sizes.  Planting Care - Bare roots should be kept cool and in the dark until ready to plant.  Peonies do not like to be planted deep and eyes should be kept no deeper than 1" below the soil surface. When possible, it is a great idea to mound your peonies above your existing garden grade to accommodate mulch.  Plant no deeper than 1-2". The roots will quickly develop and anchor into the ground.  Full Sun or Partial Sun is best Prefers loamy soil, can be planted in sandy or clay soils with compost amendments Give them room to grow as they don't like to be moved once established Some blooms may occur first year when planting in the spring, fall planted peonies will yield spring blooms most of the time
Duchesse de Nemours - Peony, 1856 introduction, France, lactiflora from $19.75
Duchess de Nemours- Medium white cupped outher petals carefully wrap around yellow centers. This timeless peony has strong stems and looks beautiful in the gardens. The color combination is highly sought out as yellow in a peony blossoms is simply stunning and elegant. This one is sure to bring smiles as its blooms open and revreal the yellow cented blossoms. Check out all of our peonies - Peonies ( White and Yellow Double Blossoms 34" tall, great cut flowers Blooms late spring to early summer Peonies are safe from deer and rabbits.  USDA Zones 3-8 Very fragrant Origin: 1856, Breeder is Calot, France Botanical Name: Paeonia lactiflora 3-5 Eye Rootstock - We try to only provide the largest rootstock for peonies for stronger roots that lead to better blooms.  2-3 eye roostock is the most common size offered and occassionally it is what we have to use, but 3-5 eyes per root is our goal. Eyes are the buds of the leaves and stems that will grow this season for you.  Shipping - See options to select from - All peonies are packed in spagnum moss or other media to ensure they make it to your garden in pristine condition. We do adjust for shipping charges as every year is slighly different in weights and sizes.  Planting Care - Bare roots should be kept cool and in the dark until ready to plant.  Peonies do not like to be planted deep and eyes should be kept no deeper than 1" below the soil surface. When possible, it is a great idea to mound your peonies above your existing garden grade to accommodate mulch.  Plant no deeper than 1-2". The roots will quickly develop and anchor into the ground.  Full Sun or Partial Sun is best Prefers loamy soil, can be planted in sandy or clay soils with compost amendments Give them room to grow as they don't like to be moved once established Some blooms may occur first year when planting in the spring, fall planted peonies will yield spring blooms most of the time
Karl Rosenfield - Peony, 1908 introduction, lactiflora from $15.50
Karl Rosenfield Peony - Red blossoms on strong stems,  Blossom are double form. Check out all of our peonies - Peonies ( Red Double Blossoms 24-36" tall Blooms late spring to early summer Peonies are safe from deer and rabbits.  USDA Zones 3-8 Not fragrant Botanical Name: Paeonia lactiflora Origin: Karl Rosenfield, 1908 3-5 Eye Rootstock - We try to only provide the largest rootstock for peonies for stronger roots that lead to better blooms.  2-3 eye roostock is the most common size offered and occassionally it is what we have to use, but 3-5 eyes per root is our goal. Eyes are the buds of the leaves and stems that will grow this season for you.  Shipping - Ships first two weeks of May- All peonies are packed in spagnum moss or other media to ensure they make it to your garden in pristine condition. We do adjust for shipping charges as every year is slighly different in weights and sizes. We also ship the last 2 weeks of September as well.  Planting Care - Bare roots should be kept cool and in the dark until ready to plant.  Peonies do not like to be planted deep and eyes should be kept no deeper than 1" below the soil surface. When possible, it is a great idea to mound your peonies above your existing garden grade to accommodate mulch.  Plant no deeper than 1-2". The roots will quickly develop and anchor into the ground.  Full Sun or Partial Sun is best Prefers loamy soil, can be planted in sandy or clay soils with compost amendments Give them room to grow as they don't like to be moved once established Some blooms may occur first year when planting in the spring, fall planted peonies will yield spring blooms most of the time    
Dr. Alexander Fleming - Peony, 1950 introduction, Netherlands, lactiflora from $22.00
Dr. Alexander Fleming- Gorgeous Double Light Pink Blossoms sit on top of very strong stems. Its parentage inlcudes Sara Bernhardt which is one of the most popular peonies for us.  Check out all of our peonies - Peonies ( Double Pink Blossoms 36" tall, great cut flowers Blooms late spring to early summer Peonies are safe from deer and rabbits.  USDA Zones 3-8 Moderately fragrant Origin: 1950, Breeder is Blonk, Netherlands Botanical Name: Paeonia lactiflora 3-5 Eye Rootstock - We try to only provide the largest rootstock for peonies for stronger roots that lead to better blooms.  2-3 eye roostock is the most common size offered and occassionally it is what we have to use, but 3-5 eyes per root is our goal. Eyes are the buds of the leaves and stems that will grow this season for you.  Shipping - See options to select from - All peonies are packed in spagnum moss or other media to ensure they make it to your garden in pristine condition. We do adjust for shipping charges as every year is slighly different in weights and sizes.  Planting Care - Bare roots should be kept cool and in the dark until ready to plant.  Peonies do not like to be planted deep and eyes should be kept no deeper than 1" below the soil surface. When possible, it is a great idea to mound your peonies above your existing garden grade to accommodate mulch.  Plant no deeper than 1-2". The roots will quickly develop and anchor into the ground.  Full Sun or Partial Sun is best Prefers loamy soil, can be planted in sandy or clay soils with compost amendments Give them room to grow as they don't like to be moved once established Some blooms may occur first year when planting in the spring, fall planted peonies will yield spring blooms most of the time
Shirley Temple Peony- pre 1953 origin, Holland, lactiflora from $15.00
Shirley Temple Peony - Incredibly crisp and clean double white blossoms with a bit of deep pink when opened. Named for the actress Shirley Temple!  Check out all of our peonies - Peonies ( White Double Bomb with Deep Pink Highlight 36" tall, great cut flowers Blooms late spring to early summer Peonies are safe from deer and rabbits.  USDA Zones 3-8 Very fragrant Origin: Pre-1953, Holland origin and breeder is unknown  Botanical Name: Paeonia lactiflora 3-5 Eye Rootstock - We try to only provide the largest rootstock for peonies for stronger roots that lead to better blooms.  2-3 eye roostock is the most common size offered and occassionally it is what we have to use, but 3-5 eyes per root is our goal. Eyes are the buds of the leaves and stems that will grow this season for you.  Shipping - See options to select from - All peonies are packed in spagnum moss or other media to ensure they make it to your garden in pristine condition. We do adjust for shipping charges as every year is slighly different in weights and sizes.  Planting Care - Bare roots should be kept cool and in the dark until ready to plant.  Peonies do not like to be planted deep and eyes should be kept no deeper than 1" below the soil surface. When possible, it is a great idea to mound your peonies above your existing garden grade to accommodate mulch.  Plant no deeper than 1-2". The roots will quickly develop and anchor into the ground.  Full Sun or Partial Sun is best Prefers loamy soil, can be planted in sandy or clay soils with compost amendments Give them room to grow as they don't like to be moved once established Some blooms may occur first year when planting in the spring, fall planted peonies will yield spring blooms most of the time
Blaze- Peony, 1973 introduction, Illinois, lactiflora from $14.00
Blaze - Firery Red Blossoms will light up your garden and bouquets. Single reds are amazing in your landscape for very blod colors and almost always stay upright no matter the weather. Their neat and tidy apperance is highly favored for those who want a peony that requires little attention but commands a lot of attention.  Check out all of our peonies - Peonies ( Fire Engine Single Red Blossoms 32" tall, great cut flowers, foliage is very dark Blooms late spring to early summer Peonies are safe from deer and rabbits.  USDA Zones 3-8 Moderately fragrant Origin: 1973, Breeders are Fay & Wreath, Illinois Botanical Name: Paeonia lactiflora 3-5 Eye Rootstock - We try to only provide the largest rootstock for peonies for stronger roots that lead to better blooms.  2-3 eye roostock is the most common size offered and occassionally it is what we have to use, but 3-5 eyes per root is our goal. Eyes are the buds of the leaves and stems that will grow this season for you.  Shipping - See options to select from - All peonies are packed in spagnum moss or other media to ensure they make it to your garden in pristine condition. We do adjust for shipping charges as every year is slighly different in weights and sizes.  Planting Care - Bare roots should be kept cool and in the dark until ready to plant.  Peonies do not like to be planted deep and eyes should be kept no deeper than 1" below the soil surface. When possible, it is a great idea to mound your peonies above your existing garden grade to accommodate mulch.  Plant no deeper than 1-2". The roots will quickly develop and anchor into the ground.  Full Sun or Partial Sun is best Prefers loamy soil, can be planted in sandy or clay soils with compost amendments Give them room to grow as they don't like to be moved once established Some blooms may occur first year when planting in the spring, fall planted peonies will yield spring blooms most of the time
Paul M. Wild - Peony, 1964 introduction, Kansas, lactiflora from $22.95
Paul M. Wild Peony - Red blossoms on strong stems and never fade. The red is very bright and has no blue hues which is common in many red peonies.  Blossom are double form. Check out all of our peonies - Peonies ( Vibrant Red Double Blossoms 30" tall Blooms late spring to early summer Peonies are safe from deer and rabbits.  USDA Zones 3-8 Not fragrant Botanical Name: Paeonia lactiflora Origin: Wild, 1964 3-5 Eye Rootstock - We try to only provide the largest rootstock for peonies for stronger roots that lead to better blooms.  2-3 eye roostock is the most common size offered and occassionally it is what we have to use, but 3-5 eyes per root is our goal. Eyes are the buds of the leaves and stems that will grow this season for you.  Shipping - Ships first two weeks of May- All peonies are packed in spagnum moss or other media to ensure they make it to your garden in pristine condition. We do adjust for shipping charges as every year is slighly different in weights and sizes. We also ship the last 2 weeks of September as well.  Planting Care - Bare roots should be kept cool and in the dark until ready to plant.  Peonies do not like to be planted deep and eyes should be kept no deeper than 1" below the soil surface. When possible, it is a great idea to mound your peonies above your existing garden grade to accommodate mulch.  Plant no deeper than 1-2". The roots will quickly develop and anchor into the ground.  Full Sun or Partial Sun is best Prefers loamy soil, can be planted in sandy or clay soils with compost amendments Give them room to grow as they don't like to be moved once established Some blooms may occur first year when planting in the spring, fall planted peonies will yield spring blooms most of the time    
Buckeye Belle - Peony, 1956 origin, lactiflora $18.00
Buckeye Belle Peony - Beautiful deep and dark crimson blossoms on strong stems. Blossom are semi-double form, early blooming. it is an American Peony Society Gold Medal winner. Check out all of our peonies - Peonies ( Crimson Red Blossoms 30-32" tall Blooms late spring Peonies are safe from deer and rabbits.  Botanical Name: Paeonia lactiflora Buckeye Belle's orgin - Breeder Walter Mainz, registered in 1956. 3-5 Eye Rootstock - We try to only provide the largest rootstock for peonies for stronger roots that lead to better blooms.  2-3 eye roostock is the most common size offered and occassionally it is what we have to use, but 3-5 eyes per root is our goal. Eyes are the buds of the leaves and stems that will grow this season for you.  Shipping - Ships first two weeks of May- All peonies are packed in spagnum moss or other media to ensure they make it to your garden in pristine condition. We do adjust for shipping charges as every year is slighly different in weights and sizes.  We also ship the last 2 weeks of September into the 1st week of October Planting Care - Bare roots should be kept cool and in the dark until ready to plant.  Peonies do not like to be planted deep and eyes should be kept no deeper than 1" below the soil surface. When possible, it is a great idea to mound your peonies above your existing garden grade to accommodate mulch.  Plant no deeper than 1-2". The roots will quickly develop and anchor into the ground.  Full Sun or Partial Sun is best Prefers loamy soil, can be planted in sandy or clay soils with compost amendments Give them room to grow as they don't like to be moved once established Some blooms may occur first year when planting in the spring, fall planted peonies will yield spring blooms most of the time    
Nippon Beauty- Peony, 1927 introduction, Illinois, lactiflora from $22.95
Nippon Beauty Peony - Deep Red blossoms, Japanese style bloom, The intricate blossom pattern is lovely to look at. They can create dozens of blooms in such small spaces it makes them ideal for urban and smaller gardens.  Check out all of our peonies - Peonies ( Vibrant Red Japanese Blossoms 32" tall, great cut flowers Blooms late spring to early summer Peonies are safe from deer and rabbits.  USDA Zones 3-8 Not fragrant Botanical Name: Paeonia lactiflora Origin: Auten, 1927, Illinois 3-5 Eye Rootstock - We try to only provide the largest rootstock for peonies for stronger roots that lead to better blooms.  2-3 eye roostock is the most common size offered and occassionally it is what we have to use, but 3-5 eyes per root is our goal. Eyes are the buds of the leaves and stems that will grow this season for you.  Shipping - See options to select from - All peonies are packed in spagnum moss or other media to ensure they make it to your garden in pristine condition. We do adjust for shipping charges as every year is slighly different in weights and sizes.  Planting Care - Bare roots should be kept cool and in the dark until ready to plant.  Peonies do not like to be planted deep and eyes should be kept no deeper than 1" below the soil surface. When possible, it is a great idea to mound your peonies above your existing garden grade to accommodate mulch.  Plant no deeper than 1-2". The roots will quickly develop and anchor into the ground.  Full Sun or Partial Sun is best Prefers loamy soil, can be planted in sandy or clay soils with compost amendments Give them room to grow as they don't like to be moved once established Some blooms may occur first year when planting in the spring, fall planted peonies will yield spring blooms most of the time    
The Fawn- Peony, recent origin, lactiflora from $24.25
The Fawn Peony - Full double blossoms, deep shades of pink with dots that remind you of freckles on its blossoms. Its large and full blossoms are coveted by florists.  Check out all of our peonies - Peonies ( Intense Pink Blossoms 30-32" tall Blooms late spring Peonies are safe from deer and rabbits.  Botanical Name: Paeonia lactiflora Sorbet orgin - B.B. Wright, date is unknown when it was bred, but it was very recent.  3-5 Eye Rootstock - We try to only provide the largest rootstock for peonies for stronger roots that lead to better blooms.  2-3 eye roostock is the most common size offered and occassionally it is what we have to use, but 3-5 eyes per root is our goal. Eyes are the buds of the leaves and stems that will grow this season for you.  Shipping - Ships first two weeks of May- All peonies are packed in spagnum moss or other media to ensure they make it to your garden in pristine condition. We do adjust for shipping charges as every year is slighly different in weights and sizes.  We also ship the last 2 weeks of September into the 1st week of October Planting Care - Bare roots should be kept cool and in the dark until ready to plant.  Peonies do not like to be planted deep and eyes should be kept no deeper than 1" below the soil surface. When possible, it is a great idea to mound your peonies above your existing garden grade to accommodate mulch.  Plant no deeper than 1-2". The roots will quickly develop and anchor into the ground.  Full Sun or Partial Sun is best Prefers loamy soil, can be planted in sandy or clay soils with compost amendments Give them room to grow as they don't like to be moved once established Some blooms may occur first year when planting in the spring, fall planted peonies will yield spring blooms most of the time    
Top Brass - Peony, 1968 origin, Illinois origin, lactiflora $17.50
Top Brass Peony - White and yellow blossoms on strudy stems for beautiful arrangements,  Blossom are bomb form.  Check out all of our peonies - Peonies ( Bomb form Blossoms that are white and yellow centers.  24-36" tall Blooms later than most peonies Peonies are safe from deer and rabbits.  USDA Zones 3-8 Slighly Fragrant Botanical Name: Paeonia lactiflora Origin: Carl Klehm, observed in1968 3-5 Eye Rootstock - We try to only provide the largest rootstock for peonies for stronger roots that lead to better blooms.  2-3 eye roostock is the most common size offered and occassionally it is what we have to use, but 3-5 eyes per root is our goal. Eyes are the buds of the leaves and stems that will grow this season for you.  Shipping - Ships first two weeks of May- All peonies are packed in spagnum moss or other media to ensure they make it to your garden in pristine condition. We do adjust for shipping charges as every year is slighly different in weights and sizes. We also ship the last 2 weeks of September as well.  Planting Care - Bare roots should be kept cool and in the dark until ready to plant.  Peonies do not like to be planted deep and eyes should be kept no deeper than 1" below the soil surface. When possible, it is a great idea to mound your peonies above your existing garden grade to accommodate mulch.  Plant no deeper than 1-2". The roots will quickly develop and anchor into the ground.  Full Sun or Partial Sun is best Prefers loamy soil, can be planted in sandy or clay soils with compost amendments Give them room to grow as they don't like to be moved once established Some blooms may occur first year when planting in the spring, fall planted peonies will yield spring blooms most of the time    
Sorbet - Peony, 1987 origin, South Korea, lactiflora $16.50
Sorbet Peony - If you are looking for the unique, Sorbet Peonys 2-3 color tones per blossom is sure to please you. They are layered in pink, white and cream blooms. The blossoms are of bomb form. The are adored by florists for their full and unique tones.  Check out all of our peonies - Peonies ( Pink, White and Cream Blossoms 30-32" tall Blooms late spring USDA Zones 3-7 Peonies are safe from deer and rabbits.  Botanical Name: Paeonia lactiflora Sorbet orgin - Luc Klinkhamerdiscovered in 1987 in a South Korea orchard 3-5 Eye Rootstock - We try to only provide the largest rootstock for peonies for stronger roots that lead to better blooms.  2-3 eye roostock is the most common size offered and occassionally it is what we have to use, but 3-5 eyes per root is our goal. Eyes are the buds of the leaves and stems that will grow this season for you.  Shipping - Ships first two weeks of May- All peonies are packed in spagnum moss or other media to ensure they make it to your garden in pristine condition. We do adjust for shipping charges as every year is slighly different in weights and sizes.  We also ship the last 2 weeks of September into the 1st week of October Planting Care - Bare roots should be kept cool and in the dark until ready to plant.  Peonies do not like to be planted deep and eyes should be kept no deeper than 1" below the soil surface. When possible, it is a great idea to mound your peonies above your existing garden grade to accommodate mulch.  Plant no deeper than 1-2". The roots will quickly develop and anchor into the ground.  Full Sun or Partial Sun is best Prefers loamy soil, can be planted in sandy or clay soils with compost amendments Give them room to grow as they don't like to be moved once established Some blooms may occur first year when planting in the spring, fall planted peonies will yield spring blooms most of the time    
Command Performance - Peony, 1996 introduction, Missouri, lactiflora $18.95
Command Performance - Gorgeous filled red blossoms with no stamens. These peonies demand attention, hence the name!  Check out all of our peonies - Peonies ( Vibrant Red Double Blossoms, 7" wide 30" tall Blooms very late for peonies Peonies are safe from deer and rabbits.  USDA Zones 3-8 Strong fragrant Botanical Name: Paeonia lactiflora Origin: Bigger, 1996, Missouri 2-3 Eye Rootstock - We try to only provide the largest rootstock for peonies for stronger roots that lead to better blooms.  2-3 eye roostock is the most common size offered and occassionally it is what we have to use, but 3-5 eyes per root is our goal. Eyes are the buds of the leaves and stems that will grow this season for you.  Shipping - Ships first two weeks of May- All peonies are packed in spagnum moss or other media to ensure they make it to your garden in pristine condition. We do adjust for shipping charges as every year is slighly different in weights and sizes. We also ship the last 2 weeks of September as well.  Planting Care - Bare roots should be kept cool and in the dark until ready to plant.  Peonies do not like to be planted deep and eyes should be kept no deeper than 1" below the soil surface. When possible, it is a great idea to mound your peonies above your existing garden grade to accommodate mulch.  Plant no deeper than 1-2". The roots will quickly develop and anchor into the ground.  Full Sun or Partial Sun is best Prefers loamy soil, can be planted in sandy or clay soils with compost amendments Give them room to grow as they don't like to be moved once established Some blooms may occur first year when planting in the spring, fall planted peonies will yield spring blooms most of the time    
Coral Sunset - Peony, 1965 introduction, Illinois, lactiflora $18.75
Coral Sunset Peony -Semi-double blossoms that change colors as they mature. The rich tones of pinks, oranges and yellows will have you think of sunsets on a tropical beach. They are very popular as cut flowers and have a wonderful fragrance to them.  Check out all of our peonies - Peonies ( Semi-double Blossoms of pinks, oranges and yellows 24-36" tall Blooms late spring to early summer Peonies are safe from deer and rabbits.  USDA Zones 3-8 Moderate fragrance Botanical Name: Paeonia lactiflora Origin: Wissing, 1965 3-5 Eye Rootstock - We try to only provide the largest rootstock for peonies for stronger roots that lead to better blooms.  2-3 eye roostock is the most common size offered and occassionally it is what we have to use, but 3-5 eyes per root is our goal. Eyes are the buds of the leaves and stems that will grow this season for you.  Shipping - Ships first two weeks of May- All peonies are packed in spagnum moss or other media to ensure they make it to your garden in pristine condition. We do adjust for shipping charges as every year is slighly different in weights and sizes. We also ship the last 2 weeks of September as well.  Planting Care - Bare roots should be kept cool and in the dark until ready to plant.  Peonies do not like to be planted deep and eyes should be kept no deeper than 1" below the soil surface. When possible, it is a great idea to mound your peonies above your existing garden grade to accommodate mulch.  Plant no deeper than 1-2". The roots will quickly develop and anchor into the ground.  Full Sun or Partial Sun is best Prefers loamy soil, can be planted in sandy or clay soils with compost amendments Give them room to grow as they don't like to be moved once established Some blooms may occur first year when planting in the spring, fall planted peonies will yield spring blooms most of the time    
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