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Ashworth Sweet Corn, Organic $3.75 $4.29
Southern Exposure Seed Exchange - An early maturing, widely adapted sweet corn with good flavor and dependability. Stalks average 5 ft. with 1-2 ears (6-7 in. long) containing 12 rows of yellow kernels per ear.    Certified Organic  Heirloom  Especially well-suited to the South-East  50 Seeds average Open-pollinated  Instructions - Sweet corn seed requires a soil temperature of 65 degrees F to germinate well, otherwise seed may rot easily due to its high sugar content. Don’t rush your first planting; wait until after the first average frost-free date. An old saying is to plant corn when oak leaves are the size of squirrel ears. For good pollination and well-filled ears, plant in blocks at least 5 rows wide. After silk has dried and turned brown, puncture the skin of a kernel with your thumbnail. If a sweet, milky juice is released (milk stage) the corn is ready for harvest. Prepare corn for eating quickly after harvest. At room temperature, harvested ears lose 50% of their sugar in 24 hours. Sow seeds 1 in. deep  Rows: 36 in. apart  Thin: 6-12 in. apart within rows    Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute seed vendors from time to time because of the availability
Aunt Mary's Corn, 1800's Heirloom $3.75 $3.95
Seed Exchange - Once promoted as “the best white sweet corn in the world,” this hardy mid-season variety bears one to two ears on stalks that reach 7-8"" long. Plants grow 6-8' tall and produce ears with large kernels that, when cooked, have a creamy consistency and range in sweetness by ear. Named for Mary Atkinson of London, Ohio, this variety is believed to have been stewarded by the Atkinson family since before 1850; it was donated to Seed Savers Exchange in the early 1980s by W.W. Williams Organic & Open-Pollinated Plants grow 6 - 8 feet tall and bears ears reaching 7 - 8 inches long Ideal for freezing and fresh eating Sweet corn 70-85 days New for 2021 100 Seeds per pack   Instructions - Sow seeds outdoors 1" deep after danger of frost has passed. For good pollination and full ears, plant in blocks of 3-6 rows instead of one long row. Thin seedlings to 8" apart. Corn is a heavy feeder and does best in well-drained fertile soil with plenty of water. Start Indoors: 8-10 weeks before planting out Germination: 10-15 Days Plant Outdoors: 12-24” Apart Light: Full Sun Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute suppliers based on availability We are always adding new varieties so please check back often at Seeds - Vegetables (
Bear Paw Corn, 1950 Heirloom, Organic $3.75
Not available for 2024 Seed Savers Exchange  - Developed by Glenn Thompson of VT, who grew and distributed this popcorn in New England from the 1930s until the mid-1960s. Served in movie theaters and featured at the World’s Fair. Plants 4-5' tall. Pearly off-white kernels. The 4-5" ears are often flattened and split at the silk end, giving them the appearance of a bear’s paw. 70-80 days. ±250 seeds/oz. Organic & Open-Pollinated Grows 4-5 feet tall Ears grow to 4-5 inches Ears have the appearance of a bear's paw Popcorn 70-80 days 50 Seeds per packet   Instructions - Sow seeds outdoors 1" deep after danger of frost has passed. For good pollination and full ears, plant in blocks of 3-6 rows instead of one long row. Thin seedlings to 8" apart. Corn is a heavy feeder and does best in well-drained fertile soil with plenty of water. Direct Seed: 4" Apart Germination: 4-21 Days Rows Apart: 36-48" Light: Full Sun Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute suppliers based on availability We are always adding new varieties so please check back often at Seeds - Vegetables (
Black Aztec Corn $3.25 $3.75
Not available for 2024   Seed Exchange - Vigorous 6' plants produce 8" ears. Kernels will turn jet black when mature. Makes an excellent blue cornmeal. 70-90 days. Open-Pollinated Plants grow to 6 feet White kernels turn to black when mature Ears grow to 8 inches Produces blue cornmeal 70-90 days 50 Seeds   Instructions - Sow seeds outdoors 1" deep after danger of frost has passed. For good pollination and full ears, plant in blocks of 3-6 rows instead of one long row. Thin seedlings to 8" apart. Corn is a heavy feeder and does best in well-drained fertile soil with plenty of water. Direct Seed: 4" Apart Germination: 4-21 Days Rows Apart: 36-48" Light: Full Sun Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute suppliers based on availability We are always adding new varieties so please check back often at Seeds - Vegetables (
Blue Jade Corn, Organic $3.75
Not available for 2024  Seed Savers Exchange - One of the only sweet corns that can be grown in containers, the 3-foot-tall plants of this variety bear 3-6 ears. The peak time for eating is when kernels are just turning blue, but can be eaten when white or steel blue. This variety is from Dutch seedsman and Seed Savers Exchange member Kees Sahin. 70-80 days. ±185 seeds/oz Organic & Open Pollinated Sweet corn Plants grow up to 3 feet 3-6 ears per stalk White kernels mature to steel blue color Can be grown in containers 70-80 days 50 Seeds per packet   Instructions - Sow seeds outdoors 1" deep after danger of frost has passed. For good pollination and full ears, plant in blocks of 3-6 rows instead of one long row. Thin seedlings to 8" apart. Corn is a heavy feeder and does best in well-drained fertile soil with plenty of water. Direct Seed: 4" Apart Germination: 4-21 Days Rows Apart: 36-48" Light: Full Sun Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute suppliers based on availability We are always adding new varieties so please check back often at Seeds - Vegetables (
Cherokee Long Ear Small Popcorn, Organic $3.50 $3.75
Southern Exposure Seed Exchange - Seedstock from Merlyn Niedens, combining several strains of long-ear Cherokee popcorn sent by Carl Barnes of Turpin, OK. Carl has helped save many of the Cherokee corn that came west over the Trail of Tears. Small kernelled variety makes surprisingly large pops, yielding for a low hull/ corn ratio. Great flavor. Highly ornamental, 5-7 in. ears have many shiny colors including red, blue, orange, white, and yellow. 6-8 ft. plants. Certified Organic  Heirloom  Especially well-suited to the South-East  120 seeds on average, 14g Instructions - Requires a soil temperature of 65 degrees F to germinate well. Succession plantings can then be made 2-3 weeks apart. Harvest and dry popcorn down as you would grinding corn. Thorough drying is important in getting kernels that will pop. Popcorns are resistant to ear damage by birds.  Sow seed 1" in deep  Rows: 36 in" apart  Thin: 6-12 in. apart    Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute seed vendors from time to time because of the availability
Country Gentleman Corn, 1890 Heirloom, Organic $3.45 $3.95
Seed Exchange - A home garden variety grown for fresh eating or canning, this standard, late-season white corn has narrow “shoepeg” (non-rowed) kernels. Tapered 7-8" ears grow on 7-8' stalks that often produce two ears. This historic variety was introduced in 1890 by S. D. Woodruff & Sons of Orange, Connecticut. 88-92 days.   Organic Sweet corn Plants grow 7-8 feet tall 7-8 inch ears, often 2 per stalk "Shoe-peg" kernels (non-rowed) 88-92 days 100 Seeds Instructions - Sow seeds outdoors 1" deep after danger of frost has passed. For good pollination and full ears, plant in blocks of 3-6 rows instead of one long row. Thin seedlings to 8" apart. Corn is a heavy feeder and does best in well-drained fertile soil with plenty of water. Plant 4" apart Plant 1/2" Deep Plant Rows 36-48" apart  Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute suppliers based on availability We are always adding new varieties so please check back often at Seeds - Vegetables (
Dakota Black Popcorn, Organic $3.25 $3.50
Southern Exposure Seed Exchange - Beautiful 4½ in. ears, great flavor. 15 rows per ear. 6 ft. stalks, 1 ear per stalk, above-average pest resistance.  Certified Organic  Heirloom  Especially well-suited to the South-East  ~100 Seeds, 14 grams Open Source Seed Initiative (OSSI) Variety  Instructions - Requires a soil temperature of 65 degrees F to germinate well. Succession plantings can then be made 2-3 weeks apart. Harvest and dry popcorn down as you would grinding corn. Thorough drying is important in getting kernels that will pop. Popcorns are resistant to ear damage by birds.  Sow seed 1" in deep  Rows: 36 in" apart  Thin: 6-12 in. apart    Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute seed vendors from time to time because of the availability
Double Red Corn, Organic $3.75 $3.95
Seed Exchange - Lustrous kernels ranging from dark-red to deep-purple stand out on the plate and in the field. Sweet and flavorful, this variety is delicious eaten fresh from the cob but also works quite well dried and ground into cornmeal. Equally gorgeous dark-red stalks grow 5-7′ tall and produce 1-2 ears per stalk. This versatile variety was bred by Alan Kapuler, Ph.D., Seed Savers Exchange lifetime member and founder of Peace Seeds in Corvallis, Oregon. 85 days. Organic & Open-Pollinated Sweet Corn Dark-red to deep-purple 1-2 ears per stalk Plants 5-7' tall 85 days 100 Seeds per pack   Instructions - Sow seeds outdoors 1" deep after danger of frost has passed. For good pollination and full ears, plant in blocks of 3-6 rows instead of one long row. Thin seedlings to 8" apart. Corn is a heavy feeder and does best in well-drained, fertile soil with plenty of water. Direct Seed: 4" Apart Germination: 4-21 Days Rows Apart: 36-48" Light: Full Sun Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute suppliers based on availability We are always adding new varieties so please check back often at Seeds - Vegetables (
Double Standard Corn, Sweet Bi-Color Corn, Organic $3.75 $4.00
The Living Seed Company - This bi-colored sweet corn, hearkens back to a delicious yellow corn from the early 1900’s called Burnell and an early white kerneled heirloom from the Saint Lawrence Valley in New York state .  Known for its vigor, sweetness and easy pollination.  Organic Tender, sweet kernels Ideal for freezing and fresh eating Sweet corn 75-90 days   Instructions - Sow seeds outdoors 3/4” deep after danger of frost has passed. Plant in blocks of 3-6 rows instead of one long row. Thin seedlings to 8-12" apart. Corn is a heavy feeder and does best in well-drained, fertile soil with plenty of water. Plant 4" apart Plant 1" Deep Germinates in 5-10 days Plant Rows 36-48" apart  Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute suppliers based on availability
Fisher's Earliest Sweet Corn, 1950's Heirloom, Organic $3.50 $3.75
High Mowing Organic Seeds - 'Fisher's Earliest' was cultivated by Ken Fisher of Belgrade, Montana who worked for 60+ years selecting for the short growing season there. Vigorous, multi-colored 5-6' stalks with one ear per plant sitting 18" high. Ears grow 10-12 rows of kernels; excellent tip fill and husk cover. All ears should be picked and eaten quickly as ears lose sweetness rapidly post-harvest. Characteristics:  Organic, non-GMO, and open-pollinated  Tender, sweet kernels Ideal for freezing and fresh eating Sweet corn 70 days   Instructions - Sow seeds outdoors 1” deep after danger of frost has passed. For good pollination and full ears, plant in blocks of 3-6 rows instead of one long row. Thin seedlings to 8” apart. Corn is a heavy feeder and does best in well-drained, fertile soil with plenty of water. Plant 4" apart Plant 1" Deep Germinates in 4-21 days Plant Rows 36-48" apart  Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute suppliers based on availability
Floriani Red Flint Corn, Organic from $3.25 $3.75
We found this popular one again! It arrives in early January 2024! Southern Exposure Seed Exchange -  Family heirloom from the Valsugana valley of Italy near Trento, via William Rubel. Originally brought to Italy from America, it evolved over hundreds of years to become the staple polenta corn of the valley. Introduced by SESE and Fedco Seeds 2009. Beautiful medium- to deep-red kernels are slightly pointed. Cornmeal has a pink cast, and makes a polenta with a remarkably rich, complex flavor. Plants grow 7-10 ft. tall - slightly smaller and faster maturing than other varieties we offer. Some tendency to lodge. Certified Organic  Heirloom  Especially well-suited to the South-East  28g, ~100 seeds  Instructions - Plant these grains (field) when the soil is at least 55 degrees, or when dogwood leaves are the size of squirrel’s ears.  Flint corns tend to do well in wet and cold climates, they are especially common in the Northeast. They have pointed kernels in which the hard part of the kernel predominates, and they are especially good for cooking methods that involve boiling, such as polenta and johnnycakes.  Harvest for roasting when ears have just reached full size, or for dry corn when husks have fully yellowed. Space plants at 12"-24" depending on variety height in 36" rows.    Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute seed vendors from time to time because of the availability
Glass Gem Corn, Organic $3.75 $3.90
Carl Barnes, a Seedsavers Exchange member, worked to develop this strain of glass colored kernals.  They are used in crafts, decor, cornmeal and popcorn.  The work on improving the corn continues with Greg Schoen.  1-2 ears per stalk, ears are 6-8 long and plants grow to 8' tall.  Late maturing 110 days. We source this from a variety of places depending on availability.  Organic & Open Pollinated Flint/Popcorn 1-2 ears per stalk, each 6-8" long Plants 8-10' tall 110 days ~50 Seeds per pack Instructions -Sow seeds outdoors 1" deep after danger of frost has passed. For good pollination and full ears, plant in blocks of 3-6 rows instead of one long row. Thin seedlings to 8" apart. Corn is a heavy feeder and does best in well-drained fertile soil with plenty of water. Direct Seed: 4" Apart Germination: 4-21 Days Rows Apart: 36-48" Light: Full Sun Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute suppliers based on availability We are always adding new varieties so please check back often at Seeds - Vegetables (
Golden Bantam Improved Corn, 1902 Heirloom, Organic $3.45 $3.95
Seed Exchange - Producing an early crop for home gardeners and market growers, this historic variety has an excellent sweet flavor and is ideal for freezing and fresh eating. The original strain of Golden Bantam was introduced by W. Atlee Burpee in 1902, and this improved strain was selected for even longer ears and greater tenderness. 70-85 days. Organic Tender, sweet kernels Ideal for freezing and fresh eating Sweet corn 70-85 days 100 Seeds  Instructions - Sow seeds outdoors 1” deep after danger of frost has passed. For good pollination and full ears, plant in blocks of 3-6 rows instead of one long row. Thin seedlings to 8” apart. Corn is a heavy feeder and does best in well-drained, fertile soil with plenty of water. Plant 4" apart Plant 1" Deep Germinates in 4-21 days Plant Rows 36-48" apart  Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute suppliers based on availability
Hjerleid Blue Corn, Organic $3.75 $3.95
The Seed Savers Exchange - This mid-season-maturing corn topped the list when Seed Savers Exchange staff ranked a dozen corn varieties for flavor in 2018! The ears of this white sweet corn turn a striking dark blue at maturity but are most flavorful (and have tender kernels) when just slightly blue in color. SSE received this variety from Marvin Gonitzke, who in turn received it from Eugene Hjerleid, a coworker at Johnson Printing in Eau Claire, Wisconsin. This corn was grown since at least the early 1940s in Blair, Wisconsin, by Eugene’s grandfather, Ludwig Hjerleid. 100 days.  Characteristics:  Organic  Historic Variety  Plants grow 4-6 feet tall and ears reaching 4-6 inches long  Ideal for freezing and fresh eating  Sweet corn  100 days  New for 2023  From the collection  Instructions - Sow seeds outdoors 1” deep after the danger of frost has passed. For good pollination and full ears, plant in blocks of 3-6 rows instead of one long row. Thin seedlings to 8” apart. Corn is a heavy feeder and does best in well-drained, fertile soil with plenty of water.  Direct Seed: 4" Apart  Germination: 4-21 Days  Row Aparts: 36-48"  Light: Full Sun   Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute seed vendors from time to time because of the availability
Japonica Striped Maize Corn, 1890 Heirloom, Organic $3.25 $3.75
Seed Exchange - Magnificent ornamental flint corn from Japan; known in the 1890s as Striped-Leafed Japanese Maize. Variegated leaves striped with green, white, yellow, and pink. Tassels are dark purple, kernels are burgundy. Beautiful when planted as a border. Color develops better when plants are widely spaced. Can be ground for cornmeal. 85 days. ±3,100 seeds/lb. Organic & Open-Pollinated Variegated leaves Green, white, yellow, and pink stripes Dark purple tassels and burgundy kernels 85 days 50 Seeds per packet   Instructions - Sow seeds outdoors 1" deep after danger of frost has passed. For good pollination and full ears, plant in blocks of 3-6 rows instead of one long row. Thin seedlings to 8" apart. Corn is a heavy feeder and does best in well-drained fertile soil with plenty of water. Direct Seed: 4" Apart Germination: 4-21 Days Rows Apart: 36-48" Light: Full Sun Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute suppliers based on availability We are always adding new varieties so please check back often at Seeds - Vegetables (
Mandan Bride Corn, Heirloom, Organic $3.75 $3.95
Seed Exchange - Attributed to the Mandan tribe of North Dakota; this Native American flour corn was planted by Mandan women along with beans, sunflowers, and squash. This corn with its colorful autumnal kernels, some of which are striped, can be used in fall displays or ground into cornmeal. Plants will produce several 6-8” ears on 6’ plants. 85-90 days. ±2,100 seeds/lb. Organic & Open-Pollinated 6-8 inch long ears Multicolor kernels Plants grow to 6 feet Flint corn 85-90 days 50 Seeds per pack   Instructions - Sow seeds outdoors 1" deep after danger of frost has passed. For good pollination and full ears, plant in blocks of 3-6 rows instead of one long row. Thin seedlings to 8" apart. Corn is a heavy feeder and does best in well-drained fertile soil with plenty of water. Direct Seed: 4" Apart Germination: 4-21 Days Rows Apart: 36-48" Light: Full Sun Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute suppliers based on availability We are always adding new varieties so please check back often at Seeds - Vegetables (
Pennsylvania Butter-Flavored Popcorn, Organic $3.25 $3.75
Southern Exposure Seed Exchange -102 days. Pre-1885 heirloom popcorn maintained by the Pennsylvania Dutch. Introduced 1988 by SESE. Flavor is superior to commercial popcorn. Produces white-kerneled ears, averaging 2 per 8 ft. stalk. 4-6 in. ears with 26-28 rows of kernels, 1½-1¾ in. at the butt, tapering to 1 in. at the tip. Small (14g) packet has about 125 seeds. Organic  and Open-pollinated Heirloom  125 seeds on average, 14g Instructions - Requires a soil temperature of 65 degrees F to germinate well. Succession plantings can then be made 2-3 weeks apart. Harvest and dry popcorn down as you would grinding corn. Thorough drying is important in getting kernels that will pop. Popcorns are resistant to ear damage by birds.  Sow seed 1" in deep  Rows: 36 in" apart  Thin: 6-12 in. apart  Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute seed vendors from time to time because of the availability
Pungo Creek Butcher Dent Corn, Organic, Heirloom pre-1870’s origin Pungo Creek, VA $3.50 $3.75
Southern Exposure Seed Exchange - We are excited about this one. It is always fun sourcing new corns to try.  Corn gets a bad wrap for health but corns like this are filled with minerals and nutrients and part of a well rounded diet, heirloom corns deliver nutrition.  Pungo Creek Butcher Corn - Eastern Shore heirloom from Bill Savage, grown for 165 years by Pungo Creek, VA farmers. Genetic analysis shows it to be descended from Bloody Butcher.  A tall, hardy corn with sturdy stalks up to 11 ft. Ears are a mixed rainbow of red, brown, yellow, and sometimes purple. 9-12 in. ears in tightly wrapped husks. Rough milled this is a nutritious feed for your flock, or the corn can be ground into a meal with rich flavor and unusual color. Pretty enough to grow just for looks, this corn is delicious baked into muffins or cornbread. Certified Organic  Heirloom  Especially well-suited to the South-East  100 seeds on average, 28g Instructions - Requires a soil temperature of 65 degrees F to germinate well. Succession plantings can then be made 2-3 weeks apart.  Harvest and dry popcorn down as you would grinding corn. Thorough drying is important in getting kernels that will pop. Popcorns are resistant to ear damage by birds.  Sow seed 1" in deep  Rows: 36 in" apart  Thin: 6-12 in. apart  Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute seed vendors from time to time because of the availability
Roy's Calais Corn, 1930's Heirloom, Organic $3.25 $3.75
Seed Exchange - Plants grow 7' tall and bear 8-12" gold-yellow or maroon-red ears. Primarily used for cornmeal, posole, or hominy. A flint corn that probably hails from the western Abenaki (Sokoki) indigenous people of Vermont. Passed down to Roy and Ruth Fair of North Calais, Vermont, in the 1930s from Roy’s father, who received it from his own father. 90-95 days. Organic & Open-Pollinated Plants grow 7 feet tall 8-12 inch ears Flint corn 90-95 days 50 Seeds per pack   Instructions - Sow seeds outdoors 1" deep after danger of frost has passed. For good pollination and full ears, plant in blocks of 3-6 rows instead of one long row. Thin seedlings to 8" apart. Corn is a heavy feeder and does best in well-drained fertile soil with plenty of water. Start Indoors: 8-10 weeks before planting out Germination: 10-15 Days Plant Outdoors: 12-24” Apart Light: Full Sun Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute suppliers based on availability We are always adding new varieties so please check back often at Seeds - Vegetables (
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