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Aji Chinchi Amarillo Pepper, 1500's Peruvian Heirloom Update, Organic $3.60
Rooted in history, A heavy yielder and a favorite in our 2016 pepper taste test. Aji Amarillo peppers are a key ingredient in Peruvian cuisine. This rare “Chinchi” strain bears smaller peppers, about 3 × ½ in., much earlier in the season than the standard Aji Amarillo. Thanks to Chris Watson for providing seedstock to Southern Exposure, SESE introduced this in 2018. Fruity, flavorful, with medium-high heat. Characteristics:  Organic, non-GMO, and open-pollinated  3" fruits 59 days for green peppers, longer to ripe toyellow .3 grams of ~40 seeds  Instructions - Peppers prefer light, well-drained, moderately fertile soil with pH 6.5-6.8. Use a high phosphorus starter fertilizer when transplanting to give young peppers a good start. Keep nitrogen levels in moderation, as high amounts can reduce yields. Start transplants 6-8 weeks before the planting date. Sow seeds into flat ~4 seeds/inch and then pot up into 2” or larger cells after the first set of true leaves appear. The optimal soil temperature for germination is 85°F.  For growing transplants, maintain the temperature at around 75°F during the day and 65°F at night. Harden off plants by slightly reducing the temperature to 60-65°F and reducing water for 2-3 days before transplanting. Plant 1/4" deep  Plant Spacing: 12-18"  Row Spacing: 18-36" or double rows 18" apart on 5-6' centers  Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute seed vendors from time to time because of the availability
Aji Cristal Pepper (Hot) $3.75 $3.95
Seed Savers Exchange - Pepper species are native to the Americas and have been cultivated for thousands of years. The Spanish and Portuguese brought them back to Europe and to their colonies in Africa and Asia. From there peppers continued to spread and develop. The chemical in hot peppers that causes a burning sensation is known as capsaicin and can be found in the highest concentration in the white pith around the seeds. Characteristics  Fruits ripen from light green to reddish-orange Waxy fruits grow to 3-4 inches Plants grow to 3 feet Hot pepper 50 Seeds per packet Instructions - Sow seeds indoors ¼” deep. Peppers germinate best in warm soil, so gentle bottom heat may be helpful until seedlings emerge. Wait to transplant outdoors until the soil is warm. Sow indoors 8 weeks before the last frost Plant Rows 12-24” Apart Germinates in 14 days Full Sun  Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute based on supplier availability
Aji Dulce Pepper, Heirloom, Organic $3.60 $3.75
Venezuelan and Caribbean heirloom -  Has the same shape, size, color and aroma as Habanero, but is sweet, spicy, and delicious, with only a trace of heat. Highly aromatic fruits; their flavor is unusual and complex, with overtones of black pepper and coriander, and undertones of other spicy flavors. An excellent choice for sautéed vegetables, rice and bean dishes, paprika, or herbal vinegars. The thin-walled pendant fruits are 1 x 2 in., tapering at both the stem and blossom end. Plants have good foliage cover and bear at 18 in. high. Seedlings grow slowly at first, but grow rapidly later in the season to 48 in. or more. Donna Hudson donated the orginal seedstock for Southern Exposure.  Characteristics:  Organic, non-GMO, and open-pollinated  Aji Dulce are from Souther America and the Caribbean islands Haberno like fruits 99 days .2 grams of ~50 seeds  Instructions - Peppers prefer light, well-drained, moderately fertile soil with pH 6.5-6.8. Use a high phosphorus starter fertilizer when transplanting to give young peppers a good start. Keep nitrogen levels in moderation, as high amounts can reduce yields. Start transplants 6-8 weeks before the planting date. Sow seeds into flat ~4 seeds/inch and then pot up into 2” or larger cells after the first set of true leaves appear. The optimal soil temperature for germination is 85°F.  For growing transplants, maintain the temperature at around 75°F during the day and 65°F at night. Harden off plants by slightly reducing the temperature to 60-65°F and reducing water for 2-3 days before transplanting. Plant 1/4" deep  Plant Spacing: 12-18"  Row Spacing: 18-36" or double rows 18" apart on 5-6' centers  Harvest & Storage - Harvest first peppers promptly to stimulate further fruit production. Peppers can be harvested and eaten at either the unripe (green) or ripe (colored) stage.  Colored peppers generally require 2 – 4 weeks longer. Store peppers at 50° - 54°F and 95% percent relative humidity. Chilling injury occurs at temperatures below 45°F.    Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute seed vendors from time to time because of the availability
Aji Limon Pepper, Heirloom $3.95 $4.25
We expect more of this delicious pepper 1/12 and will ship any back orders at that time. Aji Limon by The Living Seed Company This flavorful, bright yellow pepper will catch your eye and delight your palate. The ají limón pepper will offer a bountiful harvest and is an easy going grower. With a bright citrusy flavor and aroma, this spicy pepper is perfect for a beautiful and delicious yellow hot sauce or salsa! Originally from Peru, this tangy pepper is also known as a Lemon Drop pepper and will be strong heat to any dish.  Organic & Open-Pollinated Mildly Hot pepper, 15,000 to 30,000 Scoville Units 80-100 days from transplant 15 Seeds   Instructions - Sow seeds indoors ¼” deep. Peppers germinate best in warm soil, so gentle bottom heat may be helpful until seedlings emerge. Wait to transplant outdoors until soil is warm. Sow indoors 6-8 weeks before the last frost Plant 1/4" deep Germinates in 14 days Plant Rows 12-24" apart Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute based on supplier availability    
Alma Paprika Pepper (Sweet), Organic $3.75
Seed Savers Exchange - Highly productive plants are loaded with thick-walled cherry-type peppers. One of the best varieties for drying and grinding for paprika, or for fresh eating. Ripens from cream-white to orange to red. 70-80 days from transplant. Mildly peppery and very sweet. ±4,100 seeds/oz. Characteristics  Organic Cherry type fruits ripen from cream-white to orange to red Fruits are thick-walled The sweet, mildly peppery flavor Highly productive 70-80 days from transplant 25 Seeds per packet Instructions - Sow seeds indoors ¼” deep. Peppers germinate best in warm soil, so gentle bottom heat may be helpful until seedlings emerge. Wait to transplant outdoors until the soil is warm. Sow indoors 8 weeks before the last frost Plant Rows 12-24” Apart Germinates in 14 days Full Sun  Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute based on supplier availability
Anaheim Pepper, 1894 Heirloom, Organic $3.35
Southwestern style traditional Anaheim harvested green for stuffing, grilling, roasting, or processing. Peppers average 8" long and have thick, crisp flesh with mild heat and excellent flavor. The very productive strain quickly changes from green to red. In 1894 Emilio Ortega started farming ths chili in Anaheim, California. The name Anaheim Chili stuck with this chile he brought from New Mexico. He would not only grow these for sale but developed a process to have it canned as fire-roasted chilis. This chili, like all chilis, vary in heat and flavor based on the soild it is grown.  Characteristics:  Organic, non-GMO, and open-pollinated  Anaheim, California is where it was cultivated 8" fruits .3 grams of ~40 seeds  Instructions - Peppers prefer light, well-drained, moderately fertile soil with pH 6.5-6.8. Use a high phosphorus starter fertilizer when transplanting to give young peppers a good start. Keep nitrogen levels in moderation, as high amounts can reduce yields. Start transplants 6-8 weeks before the planting date. Sow seeds into flat ~4 seeds/inch and then pot up into 2” or larger cells after the first set of true leaves appear. The optimal soil temperature for germination is 85°F.  For growing transplants, maintain the temperature at around 75°F during the day and 65°F at night. Harden off plants by slightly reducing the temperature to 60-65°F and reducing water for 2-3 days before transplanting. Plant 1/4" deep  Plant Spacing: 12-18"  Row Spacing: 18-36" or double rows 18" apart on 5-6' centers  Harvest & Storage - Harvest first peppers promptly to stimulate further fruit production. Peppers can be harvested and eaten at either the unripe (green) or ripe (colored) stage.  Colored peppers generally require 2 – 4 weeks longer. Store peppers at 50° - 54°F and 95% percent relative humidity. Chilling injury occurs at temperatures below 45°F.    Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute seed vendors from time to time because of the availability
Ancho Gigantea Pepper (Hot) $3.75
Back for 2024!  Seed Savers Exchange - This distinctively rich Mexican poblano sets the standard for sauces and stuffing; it is also excellent used fresh for Chile Rellenos. Can be harvested when green-black heart-shaped fruits measure 4" long, or it can be allowed to ripen to red and be dried as an ancho chile. 90 days from transplant. Medium hot Characteristics  Fruits ripen from green to red Rich flavor Medium hot pepper 50 Seeds Instructions - Sow seeds indoors ¼” deep. Peppers germinate best in warm soil, so gentle bottom heat may be helpful until seedlings emerge. Wait to transplant outdoors until the soil is warm. Sow indoors 8 weeks before the last frost Plant 1/4" deep Germinates in 14 days Plant Rows 12-24" apart Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute based on supplier availability
Ancho Poblano Pepper, Heirloom, Organic $3.45 $3.75
The Ancho Pepper originated in the Pueblo state of Mexico and has been grown for centuries. This pepper is on the lower end of the Scoville index and is commonly used for Chili Relleno for fresh eating.  When dried this pepper is referred to as Ancho. This is a wonderfully versatile pepper in the garden and the kitchen.  Open-Pollinated & Non GMO (like all of our seeds) Mildly Hot pepper at 1,000-2,000 Scoville Units 65-90 days from transplant Minumum 25 Seeds, average is 40    Instructions - Sow seeds indoors ¼” deep. Peppers germinate best in warm soil, so gentle bottom heat may be helpful until seedlings emerge. Wait to transplant outdoors until soil is warm. Sow indoors 6-8 weeks before the last frost Plant 1/4" deep Germinates in 14 days Plant Rows 12-24" apart Firefly Farm & Mercantile sources this from 
Apple Pepper (Sweet), Organic $3.75
Seed Savers Exchange - The broad-shouldered, conical, wildly sweet peppers of this prolific variety reach 3" in length and ripen to all red on sturdy 24" plants. Seed Savers Exchange member Ron Thuma has grown it faithfully since 1993, when he obtained the pepper from Johnny’s Selected Seeds for trial. 80 days from transplant. Sweet. Characteristics  Organic Sweet pepper 80 days from transplant 25 Seeds per packet Instructions - Sow seeds indoors ¼” deep. Peppers germinate best in warm soil, so gentle bottom heat may be helpful until seedlings emerge. Wait to transplant outdoors until the soil is warm. Sow indoors 8 weeks before the last frost Plant Rows 12-24” Apart Germinates in 14 days Full Sun  Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute based on supplier availability
Ashe County Pimento Sweet Pepper, pre 1900 Heirloom, Organic $3.50
Southern Exposure Seed Exchange - Revived by North Carolina seed saver Rob Danford. One of the few peppers that reliably produces well in the short Smoky Mountain growing season (150 days or less). An incredibly sweet, bright red, thick-fleshed pimento pepper, 4 x 1½ in. Great raw, as well as for cooking, roasting, and canning. Small (24-30 in.) plants may be closely spaced (18 in. apart). These peppers are from Ashe County, town of West Jefferson in the Smoky Mountains. These peppers are small in size but big in flavor.  They have a concentrated sweetness and mild pepperiness.  Organic & Open-Pollinated 52 days from transplant for green .3 grams of seeds, ~50 seeds    Instructions - Sow seeds indoors ¼” deep. Peppers germinate best in warm soil, so gentle bottom heat may be helpful until seedlings emerge. Wait to transplant outdoors until soil is warm. Sow indoors 6-8 weeks before the last frost Plant 1/4" deep Germinates in 14 days Plant Rows 12-24" apart Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute based on supplier availability
Aurora Pepper (Hot), Organic $3.75 $3.95
Seed Exchange - Stunning 1½" long fruits borne on foot-high ornamental plants, perfect for container growing. Fruits ripen from lavender to deep purple to orange and finally to red. 60-75 days from transplant. Medium hot. Organic Colorful fruits grow to 1-2 inches Plants grow to 12 inches Medium hot pepper 60-75 days from transplant 25 Seeds   Instructions - Sow seeds indoors ¼” deep. Peppers germinate best in warm soil, so gentle bottom heat may be helpful until seedlings emerge. Wait to transplant outdoors until soil is warm. Sow indoors 8 weeks before the last frost Plant 1/4" deep Germinates in 14 days Plant Rows 12-24" apart Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute based on supplier availability    
Ausilio Thin Skin Italian Pepper, early 1900's Heirloom (Hot), Organic $3.75 $3.95
Seed Exchange - This gorgeous, versatile, and delicious blocky pepper originates from Italy and is ideal for stuffing, frying, and canning, with a heat level that ranges from mild to hot. Pendant fruits measure 4 to 5 inches long by 2 to 2.5 inches wide. Its medium-thick flesh matures from green to red, and plants measure 18 to 24 inches tall. (70-80 days). This Italian family heirloom pepper was donated to Seed Savers Exchange in 2015 by Chad and Michele Ogle-Riccelli of Des Moines, Iowa. Chad's great-grandparents, Giovanni "John" Ausilio and Rachel P. Scarcello, immigrated from Italy in the early 1900s. Their daughter Theresa continues to grow the pepper, which today is at the center of the family's culinary traditions. It is used for drying, frying, stuffing, canning and making sardas (savory rolls flavored with dried peppers and sardines). ±4,200 seeds/oz When asked why the family chose to preserve this pepper and save seeds form year to year, Chad says, "As Grandma (Theresa Ausilio Riccelli) would tell you, they are her family seeds. Something that special, you love and pass on for generations to come...These peppers are part of our heritage." Organic Italian-style thin skin frying pepper Red fruits grow to 5 inches long Moderate to high heat 25 Seeds   Instructions - Sow seeds indoors ¼” deep. Peppers germinate best in warm soil, so gentle bottom heat may be helpful until seedlings emerge. Wait to transplant outdoors until soil is warm. Sow indoors 8 weeks before the last frost Plant 1/4" deep Germinates in 14 days Plant Rows 12-24" apart Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute based on supplier availability
Beaver Dam Pepper (Hot) $3.75
Seed Savers Exchange - Hungarian heirloom brought to Beaver Dam, WI in 1912 by the Joe Hussli family. Florence Hussli recommends adding crisp sliced rings to a cheese and bologna sandwich or using for stuffed peppers. Fruits are mildly hot when seeded. 80 days from transplant. Medium. ±4,600 seeds/oz. Characteristics  Fruits ripen from green to red Medium hot fruits are mildly hot when seeded 80 days from transplant 50 Seeds per packet Instructions - Sow seeds indoors ¼” deep. Peppers germinate best in warm soil, so gentle bottom heat may be helpful until seedlings emerge. Wait to transplant outdoors until the soil is warm. Sow indoors 8 weeks before the last frost Plant Rows 12-24” Apart Germinates in 14 days Full Sun  Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute based on supplier availability
Black Hungarian Pepper (Hot), Organic $3.75 $3.95
Seed Savers Exchange - Highly ornamental and useful in the kitchen, the 4" long fiery fruits of this early-to-mature pepper resemble jalapeños, but are shiny black and eventually ripen to red. The prolific plants grow to 3' tall and produce green foliage highlighted by dark-purple veins alongside beautiful purple flowers. A good substitute for jalapeños. 70-80 days from transplant. Medium hot. ±4,200 seeds/oz Characteristics  Spicy fruits ripen from black to red A good substitute for jalapeños Fruits grow to 4 inches Medium hot pepper 25 Seeds per packet   Instructions - Sow seeds indoors ¼” deep. Peppers germinate best in warm soil, so gentle bottom heat may be helpful until seedlings emerge. Wait to transplant outdoors until the soil is warm. Sow indoors 8 weeks before the last frost Plant Rows 12-24” Apart Germinates in 14 days Full Sun  Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute based on supplier availability
Black Hungarian Pepper Rare Heirloom (Mildly Hot Pepper), Organic $3.75 $4.00
The Living Seed Company - This pepper is a real beauty!  And tasty too!  Mildly hot jalapeño shaped shaped peppers ripen green to black and finally deep red.   Delicious flavor.  Wonderful purple flowers and dark green foliage with purple veins make this a wonderful edible ornamental.  Relatively rare. Orange fruits grow to 4 inches Excellent flavor Highly productive Heavy yields 60-70 days from transplant 2500 Scoville Heat Level (Mildy Hot) 25 Seeds   Instructions - Sow seeds indoors ¼” deep. Peppers germinate best in warm soil, so gentle bottom heat may be helpful until seedlings emerge. Wait to transplant outdoors until soil is warm. Harvest with scissors! Sow indoors 8 weeks before the last frost Plant 1/4" deep Germinates in 14 days Plant Rows 12-24" apart Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute based on supplier availability
Bulgarian Carrot Pepper, pre-1850 Heirloom from $3.25 $3.95
This pepper has several names, Shipka Bulgarian, Carrot Pepper, Bulgarian Carrot Pepper or Hot Carrot Pepper.  They are soemtimes just called Shipka peppers.  A true heirloom from Bulgaria. Choose from two of our great seed labels. This one tends to sell out fast so we decided to offer it from multiple companies. If you have not grown this hot pepper, then now is your chance.  Eighteen-inch plants produce abundant crops of 3" long fruits that ripen to yellow-orange, quite hot yet fruity. Crunchy flesh adds color and sizzle to chutneys and salsas. Excellent when roasted. 70-80 days from transplant. Hot.  Characteristics  Orange fruits grow to 3 inches Excellent when roasted Plants grow to 18 inches Hot pepper 70-80 days from transplant Instructions - Sow seeds indoors ¼” deep. Peppers germinate best in warm soil, so gentle bottom heat may be helpful until seedlings emerge. Wait to transplant outdoors until the soil is warm. Sow indoors 8 weeks before the last frost Plant Rows 12-24” Apart Germinates in 14 days Full Sun  Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute based on supplier availability
Bull Nose Bell Pepper (Sweet) $3.75 $3.95
Seed Savers Exchange - Likely introduced to North America in the 1700s. In 1812, Thomas Jefferson recorded Bull Nose peppers in his garden calendar at Monticello. Crisp fruits ripen from green to red with an excellent flavor. Productive, sturdy plants. 55-80 days from transplant. Sweet. ±3,600 seeds/oz. Characteristics  Fruits ripen to red Excellent flavor Productive, sturdy plants Sweet pepper 55-80 days from transplant 50 Seeds per packet Instructions - Sow seeds indoors ¼” deep. Peppers germinate best in warm soil, so gentle bottom heat may be helpful until seedlings emerge. Wait to transplant outdoors until the soil is warm. Sow indoors 8 weeks before the last frost Plant Rows 12-24” Apart Germinates in 14 days Full Sun  Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute based on supplier availability
Buran Pepper (Sweet) $3.75 $3.95
Seed Savers Exchange - Sweet and productive Polish pepper. Two-foot tall plants produce 4" long bell fruits with 3 lobes. Sweet even when green, sure to be a favorite. Does well in dry areas. 90 days from transplant. Sweet. ±4,500 seeds/oz. Characteristics  Fruits are sweet, even when green Fruits grow to 3-lobed, 4 inch long bells Plants grow to 2 feet Sweet pepper 90 days from transplant 50 Seeds per packet Instructions - Sow seeds indoors ¼” deep. Peppers germinate best in warm soil, so gentle bottom heat may be helpful until seedlings emerge. Wait to transplant outdoors until the soil is warm. Sow indoors 8 weeks before the last frost Plant Rows 12-24” Apart Germinates in 14 days Full Sun  Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute based on supplier availability
California Wonder Pepper, 1928 Heirloom, Organic $3.75 $4.00
The Living Seed Company - This heirloom bell pepper has the traditional characteristics in shape and color a traditional bell, yet this one remains being the largest open-pollinated pepper you can grow!  An excellent and hearty variety that does well in long season climates and evolves from a green flesh fruit to crimson red upon maturity. This high-yielding crop grows great in container gardens and produces fruit that is 3" x  4" and 4-lobed.  The sweetness of this pepper makes it ideal for eating raw or cooked, tossed in salads, stir-fry, salsa, pickling and great for stuffing, too! Organic & Open-Pollinated Strong resistance to TMV Sweet pepper 70-75 days from transplant 25 Seeds   Instructions - Sow seeds indoors ¼” deep. Peppers germinate best in warm soil, so gentle bottom heat may be helpful until seedlings emerge. Wait to transplant outdoors until soil is warm. Sow indoors 6-8 weeks before the last frost Plant 1/4" deep Germinates in 14 days Plant Rows 12-24" apart Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute based on supplier availability
Carolina Cayenne Pepper, Organic $3.50
Southern Exposure Seed Exchange - Prolific yields of flavorful blunt fruits with distinctive jalapeno flavor. Developed at Clemson University in 1986.  It is 2-3 times more hot than regular Cayennes! Heavy yields of 5 in. fruits, larger than most Cayenne peppers. Excellent nematode resistance. 3 ft. plants, 70 days. (green > red).  Organic & Open-Pollinated Excellent nematoda resistant Mildly Hot pepper 100,000 - 125,000 Scoville Units 70 days from transplant for green .2 grams of seeds, ~40-65 seeds    Instructions - Sow seeds indoors ¼” deep. Peppers germinate best in warm soil, so gentle bottom heat may be helpful until seedlings emerge. Wait to transplant outdoors until soil is warm. Sow indoors 6-8 weeks before the last frost Plant 1/4" deep Germinates in 14 days Plant Rows 12-24" apart Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute based on supplier availability
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