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Amarant Cabbage, Organic
Strikingly beautiful red coloration on compact heads with good crunch, sweet flavor and juicy texture.
High Mowing Organic Seeds - Short stems and highly flattened outermost leaves make heads visible and easy to harvest. Tolerance to heat allows for early and main season growing. Darker purple interior than Red Express. This open pollinated variety is bred by Kultursaat biodynamic seed initiative in Germany
Organic, Non-GMO and Open-Pollinated
Fresh market
Heat tolerant
1.25-2.5 lb heads
25 Seeds
Instructions - Sow seeds indoors or in cold frames 4-6 weeks
Plant 1/2" deep
Plant Spacing for fresh market 10-18”; for storage and processing 18-24”
Row Spacing for fresh market 12-18", for storage and processing 18-34”
Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute suppliers based on availability
Caraflex Cabbage, F1, Organic
Caraflex Cabbage by High Mowing Organic Seeds - Green sweetheart for fresh and gourmet markets.
Prized for its unusual cone-shaped heads and thin, sweet leaves that are delicious eaten raw or in stir-fries, slaws or egg rolls. Extremely uniform with good wrapper leaves for insect and sun protection. Sara Schlosser of Sandiwood Farm loves how perfectly Caraflex packs a box!
Fresh market
Stores 10 weeks
1.5-2 lb heads
10 Seeds
68 days from transplants
Instructions -
Cabbages prefer well-drained fertile soil that is within the range of 6.0-7.5 pH. A general guideline is 2-3 lbs of 8-16-16 fertilizer over 100 sq ft of the garden area two weeks before planting. If boron is not present in your soils, consider adding 1 Tbs per 100 sq ft.
Direct sow when daytime soil temps warm to 75°F. Start seeds indoors or in cold frames 4-6 weeks before the planting date. The optimal soil temperature for germination is 75°F but seeds will germinate in soils as cool as 50°F.
Cabbage is mature when the tight outer leaf of the head begins to fold back on itself. Cut heads flat on the underside. Cabbage is best stored at 32°F, with high humidity and good air circulation.
Loose, well-drained fertile soils
Plant 1/2" deep
Space 10-18" apart for fresh market; 18-24" for storage and processing
Row Spacing: 12-18" for fresh market; 18-34" for storage and processing
Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute seed vendors from time to time because of the availability
Chinese Celery Cabbage, Organic
Seed Exchange -
Solid, tightly folded heads
Heads weigh 3-4 pounds
Up to 15" long by 7" wide
Short season
60-75 days from transplant
100 seeds
Instructions - Sow seeds outdoors after 2-3 weeks of last frost.
Sow indoors 4-6 weeks before last frost
Germination 7-12 days
Plant apart 24-36"
Copenhagen Market Cabbage, 1909 Heirloom
The Seed Savers Exchange - This Danish historic variety was introduced by H. Hartmann & Company in 1909. Its solid heads reach 6-8" in diameter, weigh 3-4 pounds, and rarely burst. Medium-sized plants are ideal for small gardens. 63-100 days from transplant. ±8,500 seeds/oz
Good for small gardens
Heads reach 6-8 inch diameter
Heads weigh 3-4 pounds
Heads rarely burst
100 Seeds per pack
Instructions -
Instructions- Sow seeds indoors ¼" deep. Plant out just before the last frost. Make sure cabbage has a regular supply of water.
Start Indoors: 6-8 weeks before the last frost
Germination: 7-12 Days
Plant Outdoors: 24-36” Apart
Full Sun
Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute suppliers based on availability
We are always adding new varieties so please check back often at Seeds - Vegetables (
Early Jersey Wakefield Cabbage, pre 1840 heirloom, Organic
Seed Exchange - This early-maturing variety is delicious eaten fresh. The conical, solid, tightly held heads grow up to 15" long by 7" wide and weigh 3-4 pounds each. An historic variety, this cabbage was first grown in the United States by Francis Brill of Jersey City, New Jersey, in 1840. 60-75 days from transplant.
Solid, tightly folded heads
Heads weigh 3-4 pounds
Up to 15" long by 7" wide
Short season
60-75 days from transplant
±100 seeds
Instructions - Sow seeds outdoors after 2-3 weeks of last frost.
Sow indoors 4-6 weeks before last frost
Germination 7-12 days
Plant apart 24-36"
Emiko Napa Cabbage, F1, Organic and Conventional Available
from $3.35
We love this cabbage as its a top performer in all types of climates. We carry this from mutliple seed companies based on availability. We strive to stock organic and lead with that so when it comes available organically we do jump at the chance for that.
Renee's Garden Seed - Big, dense, full-sized 12 inch heads with tightly wrapped, blemish-free outer leaves and light green to creamy white interiors. These crisp, juicy, heavy heads have a delicious mild, sweet flavor.
High Mowing Seeds - Emiko Napa Cabbage - Very consistent, broad Napa cabbage with mild, tender leaves.
Disease and bolt-resistant
10-12" heads
62 days to harvest
Disease Resistance DetailsHigh Resistance: Clubroot, Fusarium YellowsIntermediate Resistance: Tip Burn
Cabbages prefer well-drained fertile soil that is within the range of 6.0-7.5 pH. A general guideline is 2-3 lbs of 8-16-16 fertilizer over 100 sq ft of the garden area two weeks before planting. If boron is not present in your soils, consider adding 1 Tbs per 100 sq ft.
Direct sow when daytime soil temps warm to 75°F. Start seeds indoors or in cold frames 4-6 weeks before the planting date. The optimal soil temperature for germination is 75°F but seeds will germinate in soils as cool as 50°F.
Cabbage is mature when the tight outer leaf of the head begins to fold back on itself. Cut heads flat on the underside. Cabbage is best stored at 32°F, with high humidity and good air circulation.
Loose, well-drained fertile soils
Plant 1/2" deep
Space 10-18" apart for fresh market; 18-24" for storage and processing
Row Spacing: 12-18" for fresh market; 18-34" for storage and processing
Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute seed vendors from time to time because of the availability
Farao Cabbage, F1, Organic
Farao Cabbage by High Mowing Organic Seeds - Delicious, early heads are sweet and tender!
Leaves are thin and juicy with a slight peppery bite, perfect for stir-fries and egg rolls. Small, uniform heads with attractive rosebud wrappers are great for smaller households and pack nicely in boxes. Round heads with a short core hold well in summer heat; habit suitable for dense plantings.
Early fresh market
3-4 lb heads
25 Seeds
63 days from transplants
Disease Resistance DetailsIntermediate Resistance: Tip Burn
Instructions -
Cabbages prefer well-drained fertile soil that is within the range of 6.0-7.5 pH. A general guideline is 2-3 lbs of 8-16-16 fertilizer over 100 sq ft of the garden area two weeks before planting. If boron is not present in your soils, consider adding 1 Tbs per 100 sq ft.
Direct sow when daytime soil temps warm to 75°F. Start seeds indoors or in cold frames 4-6 weeks before the planting date. The optimal soil temperature for germination is 75°F but seeds will germinate in soils as cool as 50°F.
Cabbage is mature when the tight outer leaf of the head begins to fold back on itself. Cut heads flat on the underside. Cabbage is best stored at 32°F, with high humidity and good air circulation.
Loose, well-drained fertile soils
Plant 1/2" deep
Space 10-18" apart for fresh market; 18-24" for storage and processing
Row Spacing: 12-18" for fresh market; 18-34" for storage and processing
Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute seed vendors from time to time because of the availability
Golden Acre Cabbage, 1920's Heirloom, Organic
Super early, adorable green heads on compact plants; perfect for smaller households!
High Mowing Organic Seeds - This cute OP impressed us in our trials with its small stature and a high percentage of marketable heads. Round and solid, with a delicate but crunchy texture and sweet, spicy flavor with buttery undertones when cooked. Few outer wrapper leaves; short harvest window. Habit suitable for dense plantings.
Organic, non-GMO, and open-pollinated
Early fresh market
Compact habit
3-4 lb heads
62 days
1/32 oz approx. 225 seeds
Instructions - Sow seeds indoors or in cold frames 4-6 weeks
Plant 1/2" deep
Plant Spacing for fresh market 10-18”; for storage and processing 18-24”
Row Spacing for fresh market 12-18", for storage and processing 18-34”
Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute suppliers based on availability
Little Jade Napa Cabbage, F1 Seed
Renee's Garden Seeds - Little Jade Cabbage - Our top-quality mini Napa or "Chinese" cabbage has juicy, tangy-sweet flesh and a delicious cool and crispy texture. Extremely vigorous, with excellent disease resistance, Little Jade plants form dense, vase-shaped 8 to 10 inch heads. Enjoy the versatile and nutritious crunchy stalks as a snack, with dips or in coleslaw. Stirfry for everyday meals; sauté quickly with garlic and ginger and add a handful of toasted peanuts or cashews and a splash of hot sauce. Or consider making your own kimchi!
Napa style cabbage
250mg or ~65 Seeds
62 days to harvest
Cabbages prefer well-drained fertile soil that is within the range of 6.0-7.5 pH. A general guideline is 2-3 lbs of 8-16-16 fertilizer over 100 sq ft of the garden area two weeks before planting. If boron is not present in your soils, consider adding 1 Tbs per 100 sq ft.
Direct sow when daytime soil temps warm to 75°F. Start seeds indoors or in cold frames 4-6 weeks before the planting date. The optimal soil temperature for germination is 75°F but seeds will germinate in soils as cool as 50°F.
Cabbage is mature when the tight outer leaf of the head begins to fold back on itself. Cut heads flat on the underside. Cabbage is best stored at 32°F, with high humidity and good air circulation.
Loose, well-drained fertile soils
Plant 1/2" deep
Space 10-18" apart for fresh market; 18-24" for storage and processing
Row Spacing: 12-18" for fresh market; 18-34" for storage and processing
Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute seed vendors from time to time because of the availability
Mammoth Red Rock Cabbage
from $1.75
Mammoth Red Rock Cabbage by The Living Seed Company
This heirloom cabbage was introduced in 1889. Known for its deep reddish-purple solid round head, about 8 – 10” diameter and weighing in at 6-8 lbs. Within its leathery, blue-purple sleeves, lie layers of thin tightly wrapped leaves offering a robust peppery flavor to any dish. This is an easy to grow sure cropper.
Perfect for slaws and salads
Heads weigh 6-8 pounds
Good keeper
95 days from transplant
60 Seeds per pack
This ancient vegetable was used throughout ancient Greece and Rome. Revered by the Grecians of early times as being sacred and commonly used medicinally by the Romans. Recognized for being exceedingly high in Vitamin C, Vitamin K, folic acid, potassium. This large cabbage keeps well, although flavor has a tendency to taper off with heat and is enhanced with cooler weather.
Has the capacity to be grown as a winter vegetable in warmer climates. Cabbage heads have a tendency to split if not harvested at the right time. A delicious vegetable shaved thin for sauerkraut, in salads or cooked in a stir-fry, steamed or in soup.
Instructions - Sow seed indoors ¼" deep 4-6 weeks before the last frost. Plant out just before the last frost. Take care not to disrupt the shallow root system while transplanting and weeding. Make sure cabbage has a regular supply of water. Mulching cabbage will reduce weeds and keep moderate temperatures and even moisture in the soil. Cabbage is a heavy feeder and consequently needs an even supply of nutrients.
Start Indoors: 6-8 weeks before the last frost
Germination: 7-12 Days
Plant Outdoors: 24-36” Apart
Light: Full Sun
Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute suppliers based on availability
We are always adding new varieties so please check back often at Seeds - Vegetables (
Premium Late Flat Dutch Cabbage, 1940 Heirloom
The Seed Savers Exchange - (aka Drumhead, Surehead) Introduced to the U.S. by German immigrants around 1840; listed in the 1924 catalog of D. M. Ferry & Co. Solid blue-green flat heads with white interior weigh 10-15 pounds. Excellent for late fall or winter use. 100 days from transplant. ±9,000 seeds/oz.
Blue-green flat heads
White interior
Heads weigh 10-15 pounds
Excellent for late fall or winter use
100 days from transplant
100 Seeds per pack
Instructions - Sow seeds indoors ¼" deep. Plant out just before the last frost. Make sure cabbage has a regular supply of water.
Start Indoors: 6-8 weeks before the last frost
Germination: 7-12 Days
Plant Outdoors: 24-36” Apart
Light: Full Sun
Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute suppliers based on availability
We are always adding new varieties so please check back often at Seeds - Vegetables (
Red Acre Cabbage, 1900's Heirloom Organic
1900's Heirloom Variety - Perfect for home gardeners as they produce tight 7" heads.
Ready to harvest in 76 days, witness the beauty of round, 5-7 inch reddish-purple heads, each weighing approximately 3 lbs. This variety not only adds a festive splash of color to coleslaw but also stands out as an excellent storage option with resistance to cabbage yellows. For optimal results, consider planting during early spring or in the Fall to avoid potential sunburn in hot weather.
Organic, Non-GMO and Open-Pollinated
Fresh market
Heat tolerant
1.25-2.5 lb heads
2 grams or ~200 Seeds
Instructions - Sow seeds indoors or in cold frames 4-6 weeks
Plant 1/2" deep
Plant Spacing for fresh market 10-18”; for storage and processing 18-24”
Row Spacing for fresh market 12-18", for storage and processing 18-34”
Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute suppliers based on availability
Red Kalibos Cabbage
The Seed Savers Exchange - This beautiful Eastern European variety bears elongated, red cabbages framed by greenish-red outer foliage. The leaves of these dense 2-3 pound heads have a sweetness that makes them perfect for slaws and salads, or for use in pickling. A good keeper that adds an ornamental quality to the vegetable garden. 80 days from transplant. ±7,400 seeds/oz.
Perfect for slaws and salads
Heads weigh 2-3 pounds
Good keeper
80 days from transplant
100 Seeds per pack
Instructions - Sow seed indoors ¼" deep 4-6 weeks before the last frost. Plant out just before the last frost. Take care not to disrupt the shallow root system while transplanting and weeding. Make sure cabbage has a regular supply of water. Mulching cabbage will reduce weeds and keep moderate temperatures and even moisture in the soil. Cabbage is a heavy feeder and consequently needs an even supply of nutrients.
Start Indoors: 6-8 weeks before the last frost
Germination: 7-12 Days
Plant Outdoors: 24-36” Apart
Light: Full Sun
Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute suppliers based on availability
We are always adding new varieties so please check back often at Seeds - Vegetables (
Tancook Island Cabbage, 1900's Heirloom, Organic
Seed Exchange - this will not last long as it is seldom offered, this is worth growing and saving your own seed - Tancook Island Cabbage Seeds. The large heads of this rare, late maturing variety have a solid, round, and uniform shape. Raw leaces have a sweet, distinctive mustard flavor. Steamed leaves retain firmness and sweetness. Grown on Tancook Island, Nova Scotia, by four generations of the Langille fmaily, this roubust cabbage stores well and makes great sauerkraut. Theodore Duquay of New Brunswick donated its seeds to Seed Savers Exchange in 1995. 100 days from transplant, Brassica oleracea
Solid, tightly folded heads
Heads weigh 3-4 pounds
Up to 15" long by 7" wide
100 days from transplant
±100 seeds
Instructions Sow indoors 4-6 weeks before last frost and plant out the week of the last frost. Be careful with their roots as they hate being disturbed. Water regularly and mulch to help retain water.
Germination 7-12 days
Plant apart 24-36"
Tiara Cabbage, F1, Organic
Tiara Cabbage by High Mowing Organic Seeds - Early maturing, dense mini cabbage suited for successions and tight planting spaces.
Heads are of exceptional quality, densely packed with sweet, flavorful leaves that are crisp, juicy and perfect for fresh use. Round mini heads with short cores grow on compact plants and are an excellent option for CSA boxes, succession planting and small garden spaces. From our partners at Bejo Seeds.
Mini cabbage
Early fresh market
Highly uniform
2-3 lbs
25 Seeds
57 days from transplants
Instructions -
Cabbages prefer well-drained fertile soil that is within the range of 6.0-7.5 pH. A general guideline is 2-3 lbs of 8-16-16 fertilizer over 100 sq ft of the garden area two weeks before planting. If boron is not present in your soils, consider adding 1 Tbs per 100 sq ft.
Direct sow when daytime soil temps warm to 75°F. Start seeds indoors or in cold frames 4-6 weeks before the planting date. The optimal soil temperature for germination is 75°F but seeds will germinate in soils as cool as 50°F.
Cabbage is mature when the tight outer leaf of the head begins to fold back on itself. Cut heads flat on the underside. Cabbage is best stored at 32°F, with high humidity and good air circulation.
Loose, well-drained fertile soils
Plant 1/2" deep
Space 10-18" apart for fresh market; 18-24" for storage and processing
Row Spacing: 12-18" for fresh market; 18-34" for storage and processing
Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute seed vendors from time to time because of the availability