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Blacktail Mountain Watermelon, Organic $3.75 $3.95
The Seed Savers Exchange - Gorgeous green-black round fruits weigh 6-12 pounds. Deep scarlet flesh is super sweet, juicy, and crunchy. Perfect for short-season areas; also does well in hot humid climates. Bred by SSE member Glenn Drowns in the 1970s when he lived in northern Idaho, where summer nights average 43°F. 65-75 days. Organic Round fruits grow to 6-12 pounds Deep scarlet flesh, dark green-black rind Super sweet, juicy, and crunchy Perfect for short-season areas; also does well in hot humid climates 65-75 days This variety will grow well in most regions of the United States. 25 seeds Instructions - Sow seeds outdoors in 12" diameter hills after danger of frost has passed and soil has warmed. Space hills 8' apart in all directions. Seeds will germinate in 4-10 days. Can also be started indoors 4 weeks before transplanting out. Watermelons love heat and prefer sandy or light-textured soils. Plant 1/2" deep Hill 6-8 seeds together Thin to 3-4 plants Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute suppliers based on availability 
Borrie's Yellow Watermelon, Heirloom, Organic $3.75 $3.95
The Seed Savers Exchange - This juicy, flavorful variety ranks first with Seed Savers Exchange’s greenhouse manager, who has sampled dozens of watermelon varieties. Acquired by Joseph Borries about 1970, it so impressed his family that they have grown this heirloom variety faithfully in Illinois since that time. The oblong fruit averages 15-20 pounds, ripens to green with dark-green stripes and produces yellow, sweet flesh. 80 days.  Characteristics:  Organic 80 days 25 seeds  Instructions - Sow seeds outdoors in 12" diameter hills after danger of frost has passed and soil has warmed. Space hills 8' apart in all directions. Seeds will germinate in 4-10 days. Can also be started indoors 4 weeks before transplanting out. Watermelons love heat and prefer sandy or light-textured soils. Plant 1/2" deep Hill 6-8 seeds together Thin to 3-4 plants Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute suppliers based on availability 
Chelsea Watermelon, 1900 Heirloom, Organic $3.75
Not available for the 2024 Season The Seed Savers Exchange - In the early 1900s Chelsea, Iowa was famous for melons grown on the sandy hills north of town. Farmers would fill their horse-drawn “triple box” wagons in the field, haul them to town, and sell the melons right from the wagons. Today SSE member Marvin Kucera is the only person growing this watermelon in Chelsea. Sweet, pink-fleshed, 15-20 pound fruits with white seeds will keep for several weeks once picked. 80-90 days.  Characteristics:  Organic Round fruits grow to 15-20 pounds Pink flesh with white seeds Sweet and keeps well once picked 25 seeds This variety will grow well in most regions of the United States. Instructions - Sow seeds outdoors in 12" diameter hills after danger of frost has passed and soil has warmed. Space hills 8' apart in all directions. Seeds will germinate in 4-10 days. Can also be started indoors 4 weeks before transplanting out. Watermelons love heat and prefer sandy or light-textured soils.  Plant 1/2" deep Hill 6-8 seeds together Thin to 3-4 plants Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute suppliers based on availability   
Chris Cross Watermelon, 1950 Heirloom, Organic $3.75 $3.95
The Seed Savers Exchange - Family heirloom from Montrose, Iowa that was once thought to be lost. The result of a cross between Hawkesbury and Dixie Queen was made by Chris Christensen in 1950. Reliable yields of 15-20 pound nearly round pale green fruits with jagged dark green stripes. Moderately sweet. 85-90 days.  Characteristics:  Organic Round fruits grow to 15-20 pounds Pink flesh and pale green skin with jagged dark green stripes Moderately sweet flavor 25 seeds  Instructions - Sow seeds outdoors in 12" diameter hills after danger of frost has passed and soil has warmed. Space hills 8' apart in all directions. Seeds will germinate in 4-10 days. Can also be started indoors 4 weeks before transplanting out. Watermelons love heat and prefer sandy or light-textured soils.  Plant 1/2" deep Hill 6-8 seeds together Thin to 3-4 plants Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute suppliers based on availability 
Citron Red Seeded Watermelon, Heirloom $3.45 $3.95
The Seed Savers Exchange - This variety has been grown for centuries and used to make preserves, pickles, and "sweetmeats." It is possible that the watermelon originated in Africa and that it was cultivated in the Nile Valley as early as the 2nd millennium BCE and is mentioned in the Bible. Later the watermelon was brought to India and China before being brought to Europe. It was brought to North America by European colonists and African slaves. Characteristics:  Red seeds and striped green rinds Extremely drought tolerant Fruits can be stored for up to 1 year Hard, tasteless white flesh 25 seeds  This variety will grow well in most regions of the United States. Instructions - Sow seeds outdoors in 12" diameter hills after danger of frost has passed and soil has warmed. Space hills 8' apart in all directions. Seeds will germinate in 4-10 days. Can also be started indoors 4 weeks before transplanting out. Watermelons love heat and prefer sandy or light-textured soils.  Plant 1/2" deep Hill 6-8 seeds together Thin to 3-4 plants Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute suppliers based on availability 
Cream of Saskatchewan Watermelon, Heirloom, Organic $3.25 $3.75
Not available for the 2024 Season Seed Exchange - Brought to Saskatchewan by Russian immigrants. Does well in cool northern climates. Round fruits up to 10" in diameter, 4-10 pounds. A rare treat with sweet white flesh, exceptional flavor. Pale green skin with dark stripes. Very thin rind and must be handled with care—strictly garden to table. 80-85 days. Characteristics:  Organic Round fruits grow to 4-10 pounds Sweet white flesh with exceptional flavor Very thin, pale green rind with dark stripes Does well in cool northern climates 80-85 days 25 seeds This variety will grow well in most regions of the United States Instructions - Sow seeds outdoors in 12" diameter hills after danger of frost has passed and soil has warmed. Space hills 8' apart in all directions. Seeds will germinate in 4-10 days. Can also be started indoors 4 weeks before transplanting out. Watermelons love heat and prefer sandy or light-textured soils. Plant 1/2" deep Hill 6-8 seeds together Thin to 3-4 plants Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute suppliers based on availability   
Crimson Sweet Watermelon, Organic $3.50
High Mowing Organic Seeds - Quality and reliability in a classic oblong melon with juicy sweet flesh. An excellent variety for gardeners and growers alike, with vibrant red, firm, fine-textured flesh and silver and dark green striping. Characteristics:  Organic, non-GMO, and open-pollinated  Classic sweet flavor  15-25 lbs  1/16 oz seed count or 35-40 seeds Instructions - Sandy or light-textured soils that warm easily in the spring are desirable. Melons are heavy feeders.  Plant 1/2" deep  Plant Spacing: 12-18"  Row Spacing:  6' row centers  Harvest & Storage: Ripeness is determined by four methods: when the tendril nearest the fruit is dried and brown; when the ground spot has turned from white to yellow; when the blossom end of fruit becomes soft; and the ubiquitous “thump test”— fruit should sound hollow. Cut fruit cleanly from the vine to avoid stem-end rot. Store at 45°F and 85% humidity for up to 3 weeks.   Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute seed vendors from time to time because of the availability
Doll Babies, Icebox, Watermelon, Organic $3.75 $4.39
Renee's Garden - Our mix of small, crispy-sweet, heirloom “ice box” watermelons with either pinky-red or yellow flesh. Vines are strong growers, with tough and crack-resistant rinds.   Characteristics:  Organic Heirloom  Good in containers  Crisp, pink, red, or yellow flesh  45 Seeds   Instructions - Melons need full sun, rich soil, and warm temperatures. Plant only when the weather is warm and nights stay above 50°F. Make slightly rounded hills 2 feet in diameter and 5 feet apart. Sow 5 or 6 seeds 1 inch deep and 4 inches apart in a small circle in top of each hill. When seedlings have several sets of leaves, be sure to thin them out, leaving only the 3 strongest plants to grow and mature in each hill. No more than several weeks before the last frost date, sow seeds in individual pots of seed starting mix. Keep warm and moist, and provide a strong light source until the weather warms enough to transplant outdoors. Pick melons when the tendril closest to the fruit turns brown, and the light patch on the bottom of the melon changes from cream to tan. Watermelons keep well in the refrigerator, even after being cut open.  Growing Notes: Amend soil well with aged manure or compost. If summers are short or cool, put down black plastic to retain heat, then plant it into holes made in plastic. Where insects are a problem, cover seedlings with floating row covers to exclude them, removing them when plants blossom. Keep young vines well watered and fed, tapering off as fruits ripen up for the best sweet flavor. Plant in April-June  Full Sun  Plant 1" deep  Hills: 4" apart 7-10 days to germinate  69-80 days to harvest  Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute suppliers due to availability. 
Early Moonbeam Watermelon, Organic $3.25 $3.45
Early Moonbeam Watermelon - 76 days. Sweet, crisp yellow icebox melon, 5-8 lbs. Thin, light green rind. Short vines make this a great melon for small gardens. Developed by Alan Kapuler.  Characteristics:  Organic and Open-Pollinated 5-8 lbs Sweet flavor Space Spacing plant with short vines.  76 days to maturity 2grams - 20-60 Seeds per packet This variety will grow well in most regions of the United States. Instructions - Sow seeds outdoors in 12" diameter hills after danger of frost has passed and soil has warmed. Space hills 8' apart in all directions. Seeds will germinate in 4-10 days. Can also be started indoors 4 weeks before transplanting out. Watermelons love heat and prefer sandy or light-textured soils.  Plant 1/2" deep Hill 6-8 seeds together Thin to 3-4 plants Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute suppliers based on availability 
Golden Midget Watermelon $3.45 $3.95
The Seed Savers Exchange - An outstanding little watermelon, with golden-yellow rind and salmon-pink flesh. Pleasantly sweet, about 3 pounds in weight. Bred by Elwyn Meader and Albert Yaeger at UNH in 1959; a cross between New Hampshire Midget and Pumpkin Rind. Has a built-in ripeness indicator: fruits turn yellow when ready. Very early variety, ripening in just 70 days.  Characteristics:  Fruits grow to 3 pounds Salmon-pink flesh, golden yellow rind Fruits turn yellow when ready to harvest Good for short seasons Ripens in 70 days 25 seeds  This variety will grow well in most regions of the United States. Instructions - Sow seeds outdoors in 12" diameter hills after danger of frost has passed and soil has warmed. Space hills 8' apart in all directions. Seeds will germinate in 4-10 days. Can also be started indoors 4 weeks before transplanting out. Watermelons love heat and prefer sandy or light-textured soils.  Plant 1/2" deep Hill 6-8 seeds together Thin to 3-4 plants Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute suppliers based on availability 
Halbert Honey Watermelon, 1902 Heirloom, Organic $3.25 $3.75
Not available for the 2024 Season The Seed Savers Exchange - Developed by Mr. H.A. Halbert of Texas and introduced in 1902 by the W. Atlee Burpee seed house. Thirty years later the Steckler Seed Co. of New Orleans still called it “one of the best tasting melons on the market, a favorite”. Sweet pink flesh with a crisp juicy texture. The dark green elongated fruit has a thin, somewhat delicate rind. 90-100 days Characteristics:  Organic Dark green, elongated fruit with somewhat delicate rind Pink flesh with crisp, juicy texture Sweet flavor Tan-white tipped seeds 85-95 days to maturity 25 Seeds per packet This variety will grow well in most regions of the United States. Instructions - Sow seeds outdoors in 12" diameter hills after danger of frost has passed and soil has warmed. Space hills 8' apart in all directions. Seeds will germinate in 4-10 days. Can also be started indoors 4 weeks before transplanting out. Watermelons love heat and prefer sandy or light-textured soils.  Plant 1/2" deep Hill 6-8 seeds together Thin to 3-4 plants Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute suppliers based on availability 
Moon & Stars (Cherokee) Watermelon, 1924 Heirloom, $3.75 $3.95
The Seed Savers Exchange - Eye-popping and scrumptious with bright pink sweet flesh and black seeds, this variety produces fruits that are about 2' long and weigh 10-16 pounds. Introduced in 1924 as Sun, Moon, and Stars by Peter Henderson & Co of New York. This strain is from Mereel Hales of Oklahoma who feels it is a pure example of the original variety Hales received from a Cherokee man in Mississippi. 95 days. Characteristics:  Organic Elongated fruits grow to 24 inches long Fruits weigh up to 10-16 pounds Sweet pink flesh Speckled rind with "moon" and "star" markings 95 days 25 seeds Instructions - Sow seeds outdoors in 12" diameter hills after danger of frost has passed and soil has warmed. Space hills 8' apart in all directions. Seeds will germinate in 4-10 days. Can also be started indoors 4 weeks before transplanting out. Watermelons love heat and prefer sandy or light-textured soils. Plant 1/2" deep Hill 6-8 seeds together Thin to 3-4 plants Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute suppliers based on availability 
Moon & Stars Van Doren Watermelon, Organic $3.75 $3.95
The Seed Savers Exchange - Eye-popping and scrumptious with bright pink sweet flesh and black seeds, this variety produces fruits that are about 2' long and weigh 10-16 pounds. Introduced in 1924 as Sun, Moon, and Stars by Peter Henderson & Co of New York. This strain is from Mereel Hales of Oklahoma who feels it is a pure example of the original variety Hales received from a Cherokee man in Mississippi. 95 days. Characteristics:  Organic Elongated fruits grow to 24 inches long Fruits weigh up to 10-16 pounds Sweet pink flesh Speckled rind with "moon" and "star" markings 95 days 25 seeds Instructions - Sow seeds outdoors in 12" diameter hills after danger of frost has passed and soil has warmed. Space hills 8' apart in all directions. Seeds will germinate in 4-10 days. Can also be started indoors 4 weeks before transplanting out. Watermelons love heat and prefer sandy or light-textured soils. Plant 1/2" deep Hill 6-8 seeds together Thin to 3-4 plants Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute suppliers based on availability 
Moon & Stars Yellow Fleshed Watermelon, Organic, Heirloom $3.75 $3.95
The Yellow-Fleshed Moon & Stars was introduced by Southern Exposure in 1987. It is an heirloom often grown in Georgia in the early 1900's. We started carrying this from Seedsavers Exchange as we carry their entire line and enjoyed planting it our first year with great results. The fruits range from 15-25 pounds. The flesh is a yellow orange color and it was the traditional moon and stars spotted rind while it has white seeds. We carry it from seed labels where we can find it available inlcuding Southern Exposure Seed Exchange when they offer it in retail packets for us.  Characteristics:  Organic Oval fruits grow to 24 inches long and 16 pounds Yellow flesh and white seeds Foliage and fruits are spotted with yellow Some disease and drought tolerance 95 days 25 seeds  This variety will grow well in most regions of the United States. Instructions - Sow seeds outdoors in 12" diameter hills after danger of frost has passed and soil has warmed. Space hills 8' apart in all directions. Seeds will germinate in 4-10 days. Can also be started indoors 4 weeks before transplanting out. Watermelons love heat and prefer sandy or light-textured soils. Plant 1/2" deep Hill 6-8 seeds together Thin to 3-4 plants Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute suppliers based on availability 
Mountain Sweet Yellow Watermelon, Organic $3.75 $3.95
The Seed Savers Exchange - Introduced into the 1991 Yearbook by Dr. Larry Woods from Georgia. His seed source grew this variety since the 1950s. Oblong 20-35 pound fruits with dark and light green stripes. Extra-firm deep yellow flesh and black seeds. Quite productive, very high sugar content. 95-100 days.  Characteristics:  Organic Oblong fruits grow to 20-35 pounds Extra-firm, deep yellow flesh and black seeds Rinds are dark green with light green stripes Very high sugar content 95-100 days 25 seeds Instructions - Sow seeds outdoors in 12" diameter hills after danger of frost has passed and soil has warmed. Space hills 8' apart in all directions. Seeds will germinate in 4-10 days. Can also be started indoors 4 weeks before transplanting out. Watermelons love heat and prefer sandy or light-textured soils. Plant 1/2" deep Hill 6-8 seeds together Thin to 3-4 plants Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute suppliers based on availability 
Oh So Sweet Watermelon, Organic $3.75
Not available for the 2024 Season The Seed Savers Exchange - This watermelon came to SSE from Virdie Smith of Gladewater, Texas. The highly productive plants bear many medium-sized fruits with striped rinds and high sugar content. It is possible that the watermelon originated in Africa and that it was cultivated in the Nile Valley as early as the 2nd millennium BCE and is mentioned in the Bible. Later the watermelon was brought to India and China before being brought to Europe. It was brought to North America by European colonists and African slaves.  Characteristics:  Organic Favorite of SSE staff Light green rind with irregular, dark green stripes from stem to blossom end 25 seeds  Instructions - Watermelon seeds can be sown directly into the ground or planted indoors in soil trays or pots 4 weeks before planting them outside. This is a heat-loving plant, so make sure that all chance of frost has passed and the soil has warmed before planting them outdoors. Watermelon seeds germinate in 4-10 days and can be planted outdoors in hills that are 12 inches across and 8 feet apart. Sow 6-8 seeds per hill at around 1/2 inch deep and thin the hill to 3-4 plants as the vines grow. If you are transplanting your watermelon, plant them in rows that allow ample room for vines to spread. This variety should be mature in 90 days. 25 seeds per packet. Plant 1/2" deep Hill 6-8 seeds together Thin to 3-4 plants Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute suppliers based on availability 
Orangeglo Watermelon Heirloom 1960's, $3.75 $4.25
The Seed Savers Exchange - An extraordinary watermelon offered by the Willhite Seed Company in the early 1960s. The fiery orange flesh is sugary, delicious, and crisp. Large oblong fruits average 25 pounds. A reliable producer and Heritage Farm favorite. 90-100 days.  Characteristics:  Oblong fruits grow to 25 pounds Orange flesh Sugary, sweet, crisp flesh Reliable producer 90-100 days 25 seeds  This variety will grow well in most regions of the United States. Instructions - Sow seeds outdoors in 12" diameter hills after danger of frost has passed and soil has warmed. Space hills 8' apart in all directions. Seeds will germinate in 4-10 days. Can also be started indoors 4 weeks before transplanting out. Watermelons love heat and prefer sandy or light-textured soils.  Plant 1/2" deep Hill 6-8 seeds together Thin to 3-4 plants Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute suppliers based on availability 
Petite Yellow Watermelon, Organic $3.75 $3.95
The Seed Savers Exchange - A deliciously sweet and refreshing small “icebox” watermelon. Ideal for small families—and small refrigerators. Early maturity, adapted to short-season areas. Excellent market variety. 65-80 days.  Characteristics:  Organic Small round fruits are ideal for small families and small refrigerators The pale yellow flesh is sweet and refreshing Excellent for market growers and short-season climates 65-80 days 25 seeds  This variety will grow well in most regions of the United States. Instructions - Sow seeds outdoors in 12" diameter hills after danger of frost has passed and soil has warmed. Space hills 8' apart in all directions. Seeds will germinate in 4-10 days. Can also be started indoors 4 weeks before transplanting out. Watermelons love heat and prefer sandy or light-textured soils.  Plant 1/2" deep Hill 6-8 seeds together Thin to 3-4 plants Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute suppliers based on availability 
Picnic Watermelon, Organic $3.75 $3.95
The Seed Savers Exchange - A midseason variety bred by Asgrow Seed Company and introduced in 1972. Peacock-type with uniform, mildly sweet pink flesh, and hard rind. Resistant to fusarium wilt. Well-suited for shipping. 95 days.  Characteristics:  Organic Oval fruits have a very hard rind Grows well in most regions of the United States Resistant to fusarium wilt Well suited for shipping 25 seeds  Instructions - Sow seeds outdoors in 12" diameter hills after danger of frost has passed and soil has warmed. Space hills 8' apart in all directions. Seeds will germinate in 4-10 days. Can also be started indoors 4 weeks before transplanting out. Watermelons love heat and prefer sandy or light-textured soils.  Plant 1/2" deep Hill 6-8 seeds together Thin to 3-4 plants Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute suppliers based on availability 
Small Shining Light Watermelon $3.75 $3.95
The Seed Savers Exchange - Traditional Russian watermelon introduced to American gardeners by SSE in 1991. Round 10-12" fruits with a very dark green rind and sweet red flesh. The early maturing variety is well suited for northerly gardens and high altitudes. Great little icebox melon, holds for several weeks after picking. 80-90 days.  Characteristics:  Round fruits grow to 10-12 inches Red flesh and dark green-black rind Sweet, holds well in storage Early maturing, good for short seasons 25 seeds  This variety will grow well in most regions of the United States. Instructions - Sow seeds outdoors in 12" diameter hills after danger of frost has passed and soil has warmed. Space hills 8' apart in all directions. Seeds will germinate in 4-10 days. Can also be started indoors 4 weeks before transplanting out. Watermelons love heat and prefer sandy or light-textured soils.  Plant 1/2" deep Hill 6-8 seeds together Thin to 3-4 plants Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute suppliers based on availability 
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