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Bearded Iris 'Breakers' ,German Iris (Reblooming)
from $12.95
New Addition!
'Breakers' is a wonderful rebloomer. It's pastel blue purple blossoms are stunning when paired with yellows or pinks. Schreiner hybrided this vareity and has been gracing gardens since 1986.
Bearded Irises are wonderful. They are easy to grow and give you wonderful results. Bearded Irises are hardy from Zone 3 all the way to Zone 10. They do not need a chilling period so they can grow almost anywhere in the United States. It’s not uncommon to hear stories how immigrants would bring these flower with them from their home countries throughout Europe. If you walk through suburbs and cities, you will start to be able to see the diversity of these species.
USDA Zones 4 – 10
Flowers May to June depending on your zone
Bloom Duration: 3-4 weeks
Cold Hardy
Full Sun
Additional Information
Deer, Rabbit, & Rodent Resistant
Great for Naturalizing, Borders, Mass Plantings, and Rock Gardens
35” tall
Drought tolerant
Key Planting Tips
Plant in full sun with 1/3 of the rhizome exposed above the soil. We like to plant ours 18”-30” apart. They fill in pretty fast. Do NOT mulch over the rhizome as they like to remain dry and extra mulch increases chances of rot. We recommended cutting the flower once it blooms to put energy back into the rhizome and the new blooms that will happen later in the summer.
Ships mid September to mid October.
Photo Credit: Flickr Handle JeriSisco
Bearded Iris 'Brown Lasso' , German Iris, (Rebloomer)
from $9.95
‘Brown Lasso' is a fun and complex re- bloomer. The colors yellow, orchid, and brown all come together and will mezmorize you. It has earned numerious awards over the years. Hybridized by E. Buckles by O. D. Niswonger in 1972.
Bearded Irises are wonderful. They are easy to grow and give you wonderful results. Bearded Irises are hardy from Zone 3 all the way to Zone 10. They do not need a chilling period so they can grow almost anywhere in the United States. It’s not uncommon to hear stories how immigrants would bring these flower with them from their home countries throughout Europe. If you walk through suburbs and cities, you will start to be able to see the diversity of these species.
USDA Zones 4 – 10
Flowers May to June depending on your zone
Bloom Duration: 3-4 weeks
Cold Hardy
Full Sun
Additional Information
Deer, Rabbit, & Rodent Resistant
Great for Naturalizing, Borders, Mass Plantings, and Rock Gardens
35” tall
Drought tolerant
Key Planting Tips
Plant in full sun with 1/3 of the rhizome exposed above the soil. We like to plant ours 18”-30” apart. They fill in pretty fast. Do NOT mulch over the rhizome as they like to remain dry and extra mulch increases chances of rot. We recommended cutting the flower once it blooms to put energy back into the rhizome and the new blooms that will happen later in the summer.
Ships mid September to mid October.
Photo Credit: JBGoodwin, Adobe
Bearded Iris 'Cantina' ,German Iris
from $12.95
'Cantina' - A wonderful rebloomer for any garden. Deep purple to almost blck blooms will grace your garden twice a year. This is a popular variety but can be hard to find. Monty Byers released this in 1989. If you have room for one more, this is it.
Bearded Irises are wonderful. They are easy to grow and give you wonderful results. Bearded Irises are hardy from Zone 3 all the way to Zone 10. They do not need a chilling period so they can grow almost anywhere in the United States. It’s not uncommon to hear stories how immigrants would bring these flower with them from their home countries throughout Europe. If you walk through suburbs and cities, you will start to be able to see the diversity of these species.
USDA Zones 4 – 10
Flowers May to June depending on your zone
Bloom Duration: 3-4 weeks
Cold Hardy
Full Sun
Additional Information
Deer, Rabbit, & Rodent Resistant
Great for Naturalizing, Borders, Mass Plantings, and Rock Gardens
35” tall
Drought tolerant
Key Planting Tips
Plant in full sun with 1/3 of the rhizome exposed above the soil. We like to plant ours 18”-30” apart. They fill in pretty fast. Do NOT mulch over the rhizome as they like to remain dry and extra mulch increases chances of rot. We recommended cutting the flower once it blooms to put energy back into the rhizome and the new blooms that will happen later in the summer.
Ships mid September to mid October.
Bearded Iris 'Champagne Elegance' , 1981 origin German Iris, (Rebloomer)
from $12.95
Champagne Elegance soft colors add warmth to your garden and a touch of elegance. Just like the name evokes, the lower petals are soft and champagne in color, while the upper blossoms ae pure white, similiar to that bubble rising to the top of your champagne glass. The fragrance will remind you or orange blossoms.
Bearded Irises are wonderful. They are easy to grow and give you wonderful results. Bearded Irises are hardy from Zone 3 all the way to Zone 10. They do not need a chilling period so they can grow almost anywhere in the United States. It’s not uncommon to hear stories how immigrants would bring these flower with them from their home countries throughout Europe. If you walk through suburbs and cities, you will start to be able to see the diversity of these species.
USDA Zones 4 – 10
Flowers May to June depending on your zone
Bloom Duration: 3-4 weeks
Cold Hardy
Full Sun
Additional Information
Deer, Rabbit, & Rodent Resistant
Great for Naturalizing, Borders, Mass Plantings, and Rock Gardens
34" tall
Drought tolerant
Fragrance - Orange Blossoms
HYbridizer: O.D. Niswonger, 1981
Key Planting Tips
Plant in full sun with 1/3 of the rhizome exposed above the soil. We like to plant ours 18”-30” apart. They fill in pretty fast. Do NOT mulch over the rhizome as they like to remain dry and extra mulch increases chances of rot. We recommended cutting the flower once it blooms to put energy back into the rhizome and the new blooms that will happen later in the summer.
Ships mid September to mid October.
Bearded Iris 'Clarence' (Rebloomer)
from $12.95
Clarence Bearded Iris - The color blue in gardens calms a soul and invokes a sense of peace. 'Clarence' Bearded Irises, will bring that feeling to you.
Reblooming Bearded Irises are a gardener’s delight. They produce gorgeous blooms twice a year! Bearded Irises are hardy from Zone 3 all the way to Zone 10. They do not need a chilling period so they can grow almost anywhere in the United States. Bearded Irises are extremely easy and forgiving. It’s not uncommon to hear stories how immigrants would bring these flower with them from their home countries throughout Europe. If you walk through suburbs and cities, you will start to be able to see the diversity of these species.
USDA Zones 3 – 10
Flowers May to June depending on your zone and then again in August to September
Bloom Duration: 3-4 weeks
Cold Hardy
Full Sun
Additional Information
Deer, Rabbit, & Rodent Resistant
Great for Naturalizing, Borders, Mass Plantings, and Rock Gardens
33” tall
Drought tolerant
Key Planting Tips
Plant in full sun with 1/3 of the rhizome exposed above the soil. We like to plant ours 18”-30” apart. They fill in pretty fast. Do NOT mulch over the rhizome as they like to remain dry and extra mulch increases chances of rot. We recommended cutting the flower once it blooms to put energy back into the rhizome and the new blooms that will happen later in the summer.
Ships mid September to mid October.
Bearded Iris 'Feedback' (Rebloomer)
from $12.95
Feedback Bearded Iris - Blues and Purple in gardens calms a soul and invokes a sense of peace. A mix of peaceful blue and purple tones is sure to please you while enjoying your gardens. This is one of the most vigorous irises I have encountered. it produces so many blooms and fills an area quickly with rhizomes.
Reblooming Bearded Irises are a gardener’s delight. They produce gorgeous blooms twice a year! Bearded Irises are hardy from Zone 3 all the way to Zone 10. They do not need a chilling period so they can grow almost anywhere in the United States. Bearded Irises are extremely easy and forgiving. It’s not uncommon to hear stories how immigrants would bring these flower with them from their home countries throughout Europe. If you walk through suburbs and cities, you will start to be able to see the diversity of these species.
USDA Zones 3 – 10
Flowers May to June depending on your zone and then again in August to September
Bloom Duration: 3-4 weeks
Cold Hardy
Full Sun
Additional Information
Deer, Rabbit, & Rodent Resistant
Great for Naturalizing, Borders, Mass Plantings, and Rock Gardens
35” tall
Drought tolerant
Key Planting Tips
Plant in full sun with 1/3 of the rhizome exposed above the soil. We like to plant ours 18”-30” apart. They fill in pretty fast. Do NOT mulch over the rhizome as they like to remain dry and extra mulch increases chances of rot. We recommended cutting the flower once it blooms to put energy back into the rhizome and the new blooms that will happen later in the summer.
Ships September to mid October.
Bearded Iris 'Immortality' (Rebloomer)
from $9.99
‘Immortality’ Bearded Iris
Reblooming Bearded Irises are a gardener’s delight. They produce gorgeous blooms twice a year! Bearded Irises are hardy from Zone 3 all the way to Zone 10. They do not need a chilling period so they can grow almost anywhere in the United States. Bearded Irises are extremely easy and forgiving. It’s not uncommon to hear stories how immigrants would bring these flower with them from their home countries throughout Europe. If you walk through suburbs and cities, you will start to be able to see the diversity of these species.
USDA Zones 3 – 10
Flowers May to June depending on your zone and then again in August to September
Bloom Duration: 3-4 weeks
Cold Hardy
Full Sun
Additional Information
Deer, Rabbit, & Rodent Resistant
Great for Naturalizing, Borders, Mass Plantings, and Rock Gardens
29” tall
Drought tolerant
Key Planting Tips
Plant in full sun with 1/3 of the rhizome exposed above the soil. We like to plant ours 18”-30” apart. They fill in pretty fast. Do NOT mulch over the rhizome as they like to remain dry and extra mulch increases chances of rot. We recommended cutting the flower once it blooms to put energy back into the rhizome and the new blooms that will happen later in the summer.
Ships mid September to mid October.
Bearded Iris 'Mariposa Autumn' ,German Iris
from $12.95
New Addition!
'Mariposa Autumn’ Bright Purple edges surround a creamy white blossoms. It can rebloom again in late summer to early fall which is just double the delight. Richard Tasco hybridzed this and it was released in 1999.
Bearded Irises are wonderful. They are easy to grow and give you wonderful results. Bearded Irises are hardy from Zone 3 all the way to Zone 10. They do not need a chilling period so they can grow almost anywhere in the United States. It’s not uncommon to hear stories how immigrants would bring these flower with them from their home countries throughout Europe. If you walk through suburbs and cities, you will start to be able to see the diversity of these species.
USDA Zones 4 – 10
Flowers May to June depending on your zone
Bloom Duration: 3-4 weeks
Cold Hardy
Full Sun
Additional Information
Deer, Rabbit, & Rodent Resistant
Great for Naturalizing, Borders, Mass Plantings, and Rock Gardens
35” tall
Drought tolerant
Key Planting Tips
Plant in full sun with 1/3 of the rhizome exposed above the soil. We like to plant ours 18”-30” apart. They fill in pretty fast. Do NOT mulch over the rhizome as they like to remain dry and extra mulch increases chances of rot. We recommended cutting the flower once it blooms to put energy back into the rhizome and the new blooms that will happen later in the summer.
Ships mid September to mid October.
Photo Credit: Hanna Aibetova, Adobe
Bearded Iris 'Pagan Dance' (Rebloomer)
from $12.95
Pagan Dance Bearded Iris - For those who love Sharp Dressed Man, this one if for you. It has a similar color palette and blooms more than once in a season. That is a reason if nothing else!
Reblooming Bearded Irises are a gardener’s delight. They produce gorgeous blooms twice a year! Bearded Irises are hardy from Zone 3 all the way to Zone 10. They do not need a chilling period so they can grow almost anywhere in the United States. Bearded Irises are extremely easy and forgiving. It’s not uncommon to hear stories how immigrants would bring these flower with them from their home countries throughout Europe. If you walk through suburbs and cities, you will start to be able to see the diversity of these species.
USDA Zones 3 – 10
Flowers May to June depending on your zone and then again in August to September
Bloom Duration: 3-4 weeks
Cold Hardy
Full Sun
Additional Information
Deer, Rabbit, & Rodent Resistant
Great for Naturalizing, Borders, Mass Plantings, and Rock Gardens
31” tall
Drought tolerant
Key Planting Tips
Plant in full sun with 1/3 of the rhizome exposed above the soil. We like to plant ours 18”-30” apart. They fill in pretty fast. Do NOT mulch over the rhizome as they like to remain dry and extra mulch increases chances of rot. We recommended cutting the flower once it blooms to put energy back into the rhizome and the new blooms that will happen later in the summer.
Ships September to mid October.
Bearded Iris 'Peggy Sue' (Rebloomer)
from $12.95
New Addition!
'Peggy Sue' with its pink blossoms provide you twice the show each year. First it blooms in late spring and then again in late summer. It is one of the few pink reblooming bearded iris and is a reliable performer.
Bearded Irises are wonderful. They are easy to grow and give you wonderful results. Bearded Irises are hardy from Zone 3 all the way to Zone 10. They do not need a chilling period so they can grow almost anywhere in the United States. It’s not uncommon to hear stories how immigrants would bring these flower with them from their home countries throughout Europe. If you walk through suburbs and cities, you will start to be able to see the diversity of these species.
USDA Zones 4 – 10
Flowers May to June depending on your zone
Bloom Duration: 3-4 weeks
Cold Hardy
Full Sun
Additional Information
Deer, Rabbit, & Rodent Resistant
Great for Naturalizing, Borders, Mass Plantings, and Rock Gardens
35” tall
Drought tolerant
Key Planting Tips
Plant in full sun with 1/3 of the rhizome exposed above the soil. We like to plant ours 18”-30” apart. They fill in pretty fast. Do NOT mulch over the rhizome as they like to remain dry and extra mulch increases chances of rot. We recommended cutting the flower once it blooms to put energy back into the rhizome and the new blooms that will happen later in the summer.
Ships mid September to mid October.
Bearded Iris 'Petalpalooza' (Rebloomer)
from $12.95
New Offering for this season
‘Petalpalooza' Bearded Iris color combination of deep purples and light pinks are fantastic. They produce a mutlitude of blossoms and habitually rebloom. They are a wonderful addition to any garden.
Reblooming Bearded Irises are a gardener’s delight. They produce gorgeous blooms twice a year! Bearded Irises are hardy from Zone 3 all the way to Zone 10. They do not need a chilling period so they can grow almost anywhere in the United States.
Bearded Irises are extremely easy and forgiving. It’s not uncommon to hear stories how immigrants would bring these flower with them from their home countries throughout Europe. If you walk through suburbs and cities, you will start to be able to see the diversity of these species.
USDA Zones 3 – 10
Flowers May to June depending on your zone and then again in August to September
Bloom Duration: 3-4 weeks
Cold Hardy
Full Sun
Additional Information
Deer, Rabbit, & Rodent Resistant
Great for Naturalizing, Borders, Mass Plantings, and Rock Gardens
40” tall
Drought tolerant
Key Planting Tips
Plant in full sun with 1/3 of the rhizome exposed above the soil. We like to plant ours 18”-30” apart. They fill in pretty fast. Do NOT mulch over the rhizome as they like to remain dry and extra mulch increases chances of rot. We recommended cutting the flower once it blooms to put energy back into the rhizome and the new blooms that will happen later in the summer.
Ships mid September to mid October.
Bearded Iris 'Pink Attraction' (Rebloomer)
from $12.95
‘Pink Attraction' Bearded Iris
Subtle pinks are classic colors for any garden and 'Pink Attraction' Bearded Irises can transform any garden or setting with its simply butterflies timeless form. Sometimes its the subtle colors grown in mass that can have an incredible impact.
Reblooming Bearded Irises are a gardener’s delight. They produce gorgeous blooms twice a year! Bearded Irises are hardy from Zone 3 all the way to Zone 10. They do not need a chilling period so they can grow almost anywhere in the United States. Bearded Irises are extremely easy and forgiving. It’s not uncommon to hear stories how immigrants would bring these flower with them from their home countries throughout Europe. If you walk through suburbs and cities, you will start to be able to see the diversity of these species.
USDA Zones 3 – 10
Flowers May to June depending on your zone and then again in August to September
Bloom Duration: 3-4 weeks
Cold Hardy
Full Sun
Additional Information
Deer, Rabbit, & Rodent Resistant
Great for Naturalizing, Borders, Mass Plantings, and Rock Gardens
33” tall
Drought tolerant
Key Planting Tips
Plant in full sun with 1/3 of the rhizome exposed above the soil. We like to plant ours 18”-30” apart. They fill in pretty fast. Do NOT mulch over the rhizome as they like to remain dry and extra mulch increases chances of rot. We recommended cutting the flower once it blooms to put energy back into the rhizome and the new blooms that will happen later in the summer.
Ships mid September to mid October.
Bearded Iris 'Pure As Gold' (Rebloomer)
from $12.95
‘Pure As Gold’ Bearded Iris
When you plant 'Pure As Gold' Bearded Irises, you are bringing the warmth and the joys to your garden.
Reblooming Bearded Irises are a gardener’s delight. They produce gorgeous blooms twice a year! Bearded Irises are hardy from Zone 3 all the way to Zone 10. They do not need a chilling period so they can grow almost anywhere in the United States. Bearded Irises are extremely easy and forgiving. It’s not uncommon to hear stories how immigrants would bring these flower with them from their home countries throughout Europe. If you walk through suburbs and cities, you will start to be able to see the diversity of these species.
USDA Zones 3 – 10
Flowers May to June depending on your zone and then again in August to September
Bloom Duration: 3-4 weeks
Cold Hardy
Full Sun
Additional Information
Deer, Rabbit, & Rodent Resistant
Great for Naturalizing, Borders, Mass Plantings, and Rock Gardens
33” tall
Drought tolerant
Key Planting Tips
Plant in full sun with 1/3 of the rhizome exposed above the soil. We like to plant ours 18”-30” apart. They fill in pretty fast. Do NOT mulch over the rhizome as they like to remain dry and extra mulch increases chances of rot. We recommended cutting the flower once it blooms to put energy back into the rhizome and the new blooms that will happen later in the summer.
Ships mid September to mid October.
Bearded Iris 'Rosalie Figge' (Rebloomer)
from $12.95
‘Rosalie Figge' Bearded Iris
Reblooming Bearded Irises are a gardener’s delight. Rosalie Figge is one of our tallest Bearded or German Iris. They produce gorgeous blooms twice a year! Bearded Irises are hardy from Zone 3 all the way to Zone 10. They do not need a chilling period so they can grow almost anywhere in the United States. Bearded Irises are extremely easy and forgiving. It’s not uncommon to hear stories how immigrants would bring these flower with them from their home countries throughout Europe. If you walk through suburbs and cities, you will start to be able to see the diversity of these species.
USDA Zones 3 – 10
Flowers May to June depending on your zone and then again in August to September
Bloom Duration: 3-4 weeks
Cold Hardy
Full Sun
Additional Information
Deer, Rabbit, & Rodent Resistant
Great for Naturalizing, Borders, Mass Plantings, and Rock Gardens
40” tall
Drought tolerant
Key Planting Tips
Plant in full sun with 1/3 of the rhizome exposed above the soil. We like to plant ours 18”-30” apart. They fill in pretty fast. Do NOT mulch over the rhizome as they like to remain dry and extra mulch increases chances of rot. We recommended cutting the flower once it blooms to put energy back into the rhizome and the new blooms that will happen later in the summer.
Ships mid September to mid October.
Bearded Iris 'Savannah Sunset' (Rebloomer)
from $12.95
‘Savannah Sunset' Bearded Iris
Similar to Orange Harvest, this variety will enchant you with blooms in late spring and then again in early fall.
Reblooming Bearded Irises are a gardener’s delight. They produce gorgeous blooms twice a year! Bearded Irises are hardy from Zone 3 all the way to Zone 10. They do not need a chilling period so they can grow almost anywhere in the United States. Bearded Irises are extremely easy and forgiving. It’s not uncommon to hear stories how immigrants would bring these flower with them from their home countries throughout Europe. If you walk through suburbs and cities, you will start to be able to see the diversity of these species.
USDA Zones 3 – 10
Flowers May to June depending on your zone and then again in August to September
Bloom Duration: 3-4 weeks
Cold Hardy
Full Sun
Additional Information
Deer, Rabbit, & Rodent Resistant
Great for Naturalizing, Borders, Mass Plantings, and Rock Gardens
33” tall
Drought tolerant
Key Planting Tips
Plant in full sun with 1/3 of the rhizome exposed above the soil. We like to plant ours 18”-30” apart. They fill in pretty fast. Do NOT mulch over the rhizome as they like to remain dry and extra mulch increases chances of rot. We recommended cutting the flower once it blooms to put energy back into the rhizome and the new blooms that will happen later in the summer.
Ships mid September to mid October.
Bearded Iris 'Struck Twice' (Rebloomer)
from $12.95
Struck Twice Bearded Iris - Tones of creamy whites over antique salmon is the best way I can describe it. It’s a wonderfully subtle blend of colors that demands attention for its grace.
Reblooming Bearded Irises are a gardener’s delight. They produce gorgeous blooms twice a year! Bearded Irises are hardy from Zone 3 all the way to Zone 10. They do not need a chilling period so they can grow almost anywhere in the United States. Bearded Irises are extremely easy and forgiving. It’s not uncommon to hear stories how immigrants would bring these flower with them from their home countries throughout Europe. If you walk through suburbs and cities, you will start to be able to see the diversity of these species.
USDA Zones 3 – 10
Flowers May to June depending on your zone and then again in August to September
Bloom Duration: 3-4 weeks
Cold Hardy
Full Sun
Additional Information
Deer, Rabbit, & Rodent Resistant
Great for Naturalizing, Borders, Mass Plantings, and Rock Gardens
37” tall
Drought tolerant
Key Planting Tips
Plant in full sun with 1/3 of the rhizome exposed above the soil. We like to plant ours 18”-30” apart. They fill in pretty fast. Do NOT mulch over the rhizome as they like to remain dry and extra mulch increases chances of rot. We recommended cutting the flower once it blooms to put energy back into the rhizome and the new blooms that will happen later in the summer.
Ships September to mid October.
Bearded Iris 'Sun Devil' , German Iris, (Rebloomer)
from $12.95
Sun Devil Bearded Iris reblooms in the early fall. It is dependable with blooms and is a showstopper that will dazzle passing visitors in your garden. The color combination of deep burgandy to a black sitting underneath a gold hood of color looks like the sun over a dark place. It is a wonderful specimen for any garden.
Bearded Irises are wonderful. They are easy to grow and give you wonderful results. Bearded Irises are hardy from Zone 3 all the way to Zone 10. They do not need a chilling period so they can grow almost anywhere in the United States. It’s not uncommon to hear stories how immigrants would bring these flower with them from their home countries throughout Europe. If you walk through suburbs and cities, you will start to be able to see the diversity of these species.
USDA Zones 4 – 10
Flowers May to June depending on your zone
Bloom Duration: 3-4 weeks
Cold Hardy
Full Sun
Additional Information
Deer, Rabbit, & Rodent Resistant
Great for Naturalizing, Borders, Mass Plantings, and Rock Gardens
40" tall
Drought tolerant
Key Planting Tips
Plant in full sun with 1/3 of the rhizome exposed above the soil. We like to plant ours 18”-30” apart. They fill in pretty fast. Do NOT mulch over the rhizome as they like to remain dry and extra mulch increases chances of rot. We recommended cutting the flower once it blooms to put energy back into the rhizome and the new blooms that will happen later in the summer.
Ships mid September to mid October.
Photo Credit: JBGoodwin, Adobe
Bearded Iris 'Victoria Falls' (Rebloomer)
from $12.95
Victoria Falls Bearded Iris - A wonderfully colored choice of blue with some white adding for that perfect touch of elegance. It is a vibrant choice when placed among orange and yellow flowers. It is also one of our tallest bearded iris meaning it will be one of the last ones to bloom and provide an extra week or two of iris blooms.
Reblooming Bearded Irises are a gardener’s delight. They produce gorgeous blooms twice a year! Bearded Irises are hardy from Zone 3 all the way to Zone 10. They do not need a chilling period so they can grow almost anywhere in the United States. Bearded Irises are extremely easy and forgiving. It’s not uncommon to hear stories how immigrants would bring these flower with them from their home countries throughout Europe. If you walk through suburbs and cities, you will start to be able to see the diversity of these species.
USDA Zones 3 – 10
Flowers May to June depending on your zone and then again in August to September
Bloom Duration: 3-4 weeks
Cold Hardy
Full Sun
Additional Information
Deer, Rabbit, & Rodent Resistant
Great for Naturalizing, Borders, Mass Plantings, and Rock Gardens
40” tall
Drought tolerant
Key Planting Tips
Plant in full sun with 1/3 of the rhizome exposed above the soil. We like to plant ours 18”-30” apart. They fill in pretty fast. Do NOT mulch over the rhizome as they like to remain dry and extra mulch increases chances of rot. We recommended cutting the flower once it blooms to put energy back into the rhizome and the new blooms that will happen later in the summer.
Ships September to mid October.
Bearded Iris 'Drifting' (Rebloomer)
from $12.95
‘Drifting’ Bearded Iris
Reblooming Bearded Irises are a gardener’s delight. They produce gorgeous blooms twice a year! Bearded Irises are hardy from Zone 3 all the way to Zone 10. They do not need a chilling period so they can grow almost anywhere in the United States. Bearded Irises are extremely easy and forgiving. It’s not uncommon to hear stories how immigrants would bring these flower with them from their home countries throughout Europe. If you walk through suburbs and cities, you will start to be able to see the diversity of these species.
USDA Zones 3 – 10
Flowers May to June depending on your zone and then again in August to September
Bloom Duration: 3-4 weeks
Cold Hardy
Full Sun
Additional Information
Deer, Rabbit, & Rodent Resistant
Great for Naturalizing, Borders, Mass Plantings, and Rock Gardens
36” tall
Drought tolerant
Key Planting Tips
Plant in full sun with 1/3 of the rhizome exposed above the soil. We like to plant ours 18”-30” apart. They fill in pretty fast. Do NOT mulch over the rhizome as they like to remain dry and extra mulch increases chances of rot. We recommended cutting the flower once it blooms to put energy back into the rhizome and the new blooms that will happen later in the summer.
Ships mid September to mid October.
Photo Credit: Flickr Handle F. D. Richards
Bearded Iris 'Harvest of Memories' (Rebloomer)
from $12.95
‘Harvest of Memories’ Bearded Iris
Reblooming Bearded Irises are a gardener’s delight. They produce gorgeous blooms twice a year! Bearded Irises are hardy from Zone 3 all the way to Zone 10. They do not need a chilling period so they can grow almost anywhere in the United States. Bearded Irises are extremely easy and forgiving. It’s not uncommon to hear stories how immigrants would bring these flower with them from their home countries throughout Europe. If you walk through suburbs and cities, you will start to be able to see the diversity of these species.
USDA Zones 3 – 10
Flowers May to June depending on your zone and then again in August to September
Bloom Duration: 3-4 weeks
Cold Hardy
Full Sun
Additional Information
Deer, Rabbit, & Rodent Resistant
Great for Naturalizing, Borders, Mass Plantings, and Rock Gardens
33” tall
Drought tolerant
Key Planting Tips
Plant in full sun with 1/3 of the rhizome exposed above the soil. We like to plant ours 18”-30” apart. They fill in pretty fast. Do NOT mulch over the rhizome as they like to remain dry and extra mulch increases chances of rot. We recommended cutting the flower once it blooms to put energy back into the rhizome and the new blooms that will happen later in the summer.
Ships mid September to mid October.