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Cherokee Purple Tomato, Heirloom, Organic $3.85 $4.25
 The Seed Savers Exchange - Introduced by North Carolina SSE member Craig LeHoullier in 1991 from seed obtained from J. D. Green of Tennessee. Uniquely colored dusty rose-brown fruits weigh up to 12 ounces. Delicious sweet flesh. Indeterminate, 75-90 days from transplant. Characteristics:  Dusty rose-brown fruits grow to 12 ounces Sweet flavor Organic, Heirloom, Non-GMO Indeterminate - Fruit ripens throughout the season 75-90 days from transplant 25 Seeds Instructions - Sow seeds indoors ¼" deep. Tomatoes are sensitive to freezing temperatures, so wait to transplant outdoors until the soil is warm. Plant in full sun. Sow indoors 6-8 weeks before the last frost Germination 7-14 days Plant apart 24-36"  Plants need trellising or staking Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute suppliers based on availability such as High Mowing Organic
Cherry Chadwicks Cherries Tomato, Heirloom, Organic $3.50 $4.25
Renee's Garden - Climbing, heavily laden vines produce large-sized cherries with really rich, full tomato flavor. Heirloom favorite of Alan Chadwick, a true Grand Master of sustainable, organic techniques in the US. Characteristics:  Organic  Heirloom Ruby-red color  Full and sweet flavor  70 days  Approx 45 seeds   Instructions - Start indoors about 6 to 8 weeks before outdoor night temperatures are reliably in the 55° (13°C) range. Sow seeds 1/4 inch deep and 1 inch apart in a container of seed starting mix. Keep moist but not soggy and very warm, 80°F (27°C). Provide a strong light source until seedlings are ready to plant outside. When they are 2 inches tall, transplant into 4-inch pots, burying stems up to the base of leaves. Maintain around 70°F (21°C). Feed with half-strength fertilizer every 2 weeks until the weather is warm enough to gradually acclimate seedlings to outdoor conditions. Transplant these vigorous indeterminate climbers 3 feet apart into rich soil in full sun.  Sow seeds indoors: February - March  Transplant outdoors in full sun: May - June  Mature Height: 5-7 feet  7-14 days to germinate  Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute suppliers due to availability. 
Cherry Roma Tomato, Organic $3.75 $3.95
The Seed Savers Exchange - Winner of SSE’s 2013 Tomato Tasting. Introduced to SSE by Meilie Moy-Hodnett of Maryland in 1999. An incredibly heavy set of 1" long plum-shaped fruits. Addictive sweet-spicy flavor, great fresh or dried. Fruits hold well for extended periods. Indeterminate, 75-80 days from transplant. ±23,000 seeds/oz.  Characteristics:  Organic Winner of SSE’s 2013 Tomato Tasting Red, plum-shaped fruits grow to 1 inch Addictive sweet-spicy flavor Great fresh or dried Very productive Fruits hold well for extended periods Indeterminate - Fruit ripens throughout the season 75-80 days from transplant 25 Seeds in Packet Instructions - Sow seeds indoors ¼" deep. Tomatoes are sensitive to freezing temperatures, so wait to transplant outdoors until the soil is warm. Plant in full sun. Sow indoors 6 weeks before the last frost Germination 7-14 days Plant Outdoors: 24-36” Apart Support: Cage, stake, or trellis Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute suppliers based on availability
Chianti Rose Tomato, Organic, pre-1890 Heirloom $3.75 $4.39
Renee's Garden - EXCLUSIVE - This big, beautiful beefsteak tomato with fabulous flavor is a cross between the famous pink Brandywine and a treasured family variety from Italy. Juicy, flavorful and heavy in the hand, Chianti Rose tomatoes are thin skinned with smooth, creamy flesh and glowing rosy-red color. The strong vigorous vines with potato leaf foliage tolerate cooler summers and are more crack-resistant and uniform than other large fruited heirlooms. Huge harvests of these scrumptious tomatoes are a highlight of our summers! Characteristics:  Heirloom from the 1800's Warm Pink to Chocolate color  Thin Skinned and a good short season variety Resists Cracking   Instructions - In early spring, start indoors about 6 to 8 weeks before outdoor night temperatures are reliably 50-55°F. Sow seeds 1/4 inch deep and 1 inch apart in a container of seed starting mix. Keep moist but not soggy, and very warm, 80°F. Provide a strong light source until seedlings are ready to plant outside. When seedlings are 2 inches tall, transplant them into individual 4-inch pots. Maintain at 70°F. Feed with half-strength fertilizer every 2 weeks until ready to plant. When nights reach 55°F, gradually acclimate to outdoor conditions. Plant these vigorous indeterminate climbers 3 feet apart into rich soil in full sun. Prepare the soil well with aged manure or compost. Plant several inches deeper than seedlings were growing in containers. Provide strong stakes or tall wire cages at planting time. Mulch to provide even moisture retention; don't overwater once fruit begins to ripen. For the best flavor, pick fully ripe and don’t store in the refrigerator.   Sow seeds indoors from February-March  7-14 days to germinate  Transplant outdoors in full sun from May-June  Mature height: 5-7 feet  80 days to harvest  Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute suppliers due to availability. 
Chocolate Cherry Tomato, organic $3.75 $3.95
Seedsaver Exchange - Highly productive plants produce delightfully flavorful cherry tomatoes continuously throughout the summer. Round fruits are borne on trusses of 6-8 and measure 1" in diameter; fruits hold well on the stem and resist cracking but can be picked several days before reaching maturity without sacrificing quality. Dark purple in color, sweet and delicious in taste, this cherry tomato will dress up any salad. Indeterminate. 70-75 days from transplant. ant. Characteristics:  Organic Dusky purple-black fruits grow to 1 inch Complex and sweet flavor Indeterminate - Fruit ripens throughout the season 65-75 days from transplant 25 Seeds Instructions - Sow seeds indoors ¼" deep. Tomatoes are sensitive to freezing temperatures, so wait to transplant outdoors until the soil is warm. Plant in full sun. Sow indoors 6-8 weeks before last frost Germination 7-14 days Plant apart 24-36"  Plants need trellising or staking Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute suppliers based on availability
Copia Tomato, organic $3.50
Unique large gold fruits with a blend of orange/red and green/red striping. High Mowing Organic Seeds - Sweet, juicy flesh is swirled with color throughout. Eye-catching variety for farmers markets. Stabilized by Jeff Dawson, this Green Zebra, and Marvel Stripe cross is named for COPIA, the American Center of Food, Wine, and the Arts in Napa, CA. Characteristics:  Organic, non-GMO, and open-pollinated Indeterminate 12-16 oz fruit 85 days  1/10 gram  Instructions - Tomatoes are warm-season tender annuals. Tomatoes yield best in clay or loam soils that are well-drained and high in organic matter. They can tolerate acid soil as low as 5.5, but they prefer to grow in the 6.0-6.8 range. Days to maturity are from transplants. Start seeds 6-8 weeks before the planting date.  Planting depth: 1/8-1/4"  Plant spacing: for determinate varieties 12-18", for indeterminate 24-36" Row Spacing: 4-6’ centers"  Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute suppliers based on availability
Costoluto Genovese Tomato, Organic, 1700's Heirloom $3.79 $4.39
Renee's Garden - We’ve specially imported this traditional Italian favorite with plump, delicious fruits that have pretty pleated shoulders, beautiful color & absolutely scrumptious flavor. Costoluto's strong indeterminate vines grow tall and heavy with big crops of tender, juicy, rich red tomatoes.  Characteristics:  Organic Classic Italian heirloom  Pleated shoulders and beautiful color  Delicious flavor    Instructions - In early spring, start indoors about 6 to 8 weeks before outdoor night temperatures are reliably in the 50-55°F.  Sow seeds 1/4 inch deep and 1 inch apart in a container of seed starting mix. Keep moist but not soggy, and very warm, 80°F. Provide a strong light source until seedlings are ready to plant outside. When 2 inches tall, transplant into individual 4-inch pots, burying stems up to the base of leaves. Maintain at 70-75°F.  Feed with half-strength fertilizer every 2 weeks until ready to plant, then gradually acclimate seedlings to outdoor conditions. When nights reach 55°F,  transplant 3 feet apart into rich soil in full sun. Prepare the soil well with aged manure or compost. Plant several inches deeper than seedlings were growing in containers. Provide strong stakes or tall wire cages at planting time. Mulch to provide even moisture retention; don’t overwater once fruit begins to ripen. For the best flavor, pick red-ripe, and don’t store in the refrigerator.   Sow seeds indoors from February-March  7-10 days to germinate  Transplant outdoors in full sun from April-June  Mature height: 6-7 feet  75 days to harvest  Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute suppliers due to availability. 
Council Bluffs Heirloom Tomato, 1800's Heirloom, Organic $3.75 $3.95
The Seed Savers Exchange - Participants in Seed Savers Exchange’s ADAPT trials gave this pink beefsteak tomato top marks! It has a delicious, well-balanced, sweet flavor and moderate acidity. Thin-skinned fruit grows 2-3" long and 3-4" wide, weighs 5-13 ounces, and matures mid-season. J. Orris Murphy received this variety circa 1989 from the Dwayne Bushman family of Council Bluffs, Iowa, and donated it to SSE in the mid- 1990s. The Bushmans had maintained it for more than 100 years. Indeterminate. 67 days from transplant.  Characteristics:  From the Collection for 2023  25 Seeds Heirloom  Well-balanced, sweet flavor  Thing-skinned fruit weighing 5-13 oz  Fruit ripens throughout the season  67 days from transplant  Instructions - Sow seeds indoors ¼" deep. Tomatoes are sensitive to freezing temperatures, so wait to transplant outdoors until the soil is warm. Plant in full sun.  Start Indoors: 6 weeks before the last frost  Germination: 7-14 days  Plant Outdoors: 24-36" apart  Support: cage, stake, or trellis   Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute seed vendors from time to time because of the availability
Cream Sausage Tomato, Introduced in 2004 $3.75 $3.95
Sold Out The Seed Savers Exchange - A uniquely colored variety bred by SSE member Thomas Wagner and named Banana Cream. Introduced by Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds in 2004 as Cream Sausage. Yellow elongated plum-shaped fruits with meaty flesh and a pleasantly mild flavor. Great for salsa and salads. Productive bushy plants do not require staking, excellent for containers. Determinate, 80 days from transplant. ±11,300 seeds/oz.  Characteristics:  Elongated yellow plum-shaped fruits Meaty flesh with a mild flavor Very productive Excellent for containers Determinate - Fruit ripens over a 2 week period 80 days from transplant 50 seeds in packet Instructions - Sow seeds indoors ¼" deep. Tomatoes are sensitive to freezing temperatures, so wait to transplant outdoors until the soil is warm. Plant in full sun.  Sow indoors 6 weeks before the last frost Germination 7-14 days Plant Outdoors: 24-36” Apart Support: Cage, stake, or trellis Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute suppliers based on availability
Crnkovic Yugoslavian Tomato $3.75 $3.95
The Seed Savers Exchange - Brought into the U.S. by Yasha Crnkovic, a colleague of SSE member Carolyn Male. Heavy yields of pink beefsteak fruits that weigh up to a pound each. Fruits have near-perfect shoulders that rarely crack. Delicious full tomato flavor. Indeterminate, 70-90 days from transplant. ±11,300 seeds/oz.  Characteristics:  Pink beefsteak fruits grow up to 1 pound Delicious full tomato flavor Fruits have near-perfect shoulders that rarely crack Highly productive Indeterminate - Fruit ripens throughout the season 70-90 days from transplant 50 seeds in packet Instructions - Sow seeds indoors ¼" deep. Tomatoes are sensitive to freezing temperatures, so wait to transplant outdoors until the soil is warm. Plant in full sun. Sow indoors 6 weeks before the last frost Germination 7-14 days Plant Outdoors: 24-36” Apart Support: Cage, stake, or trellis Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute suppliers based on availability
Currant Gold Rush Tomato, Organic $3.75 $3.95
The Seed Savers Exchange - (Solanum pimpinellifolium) Very early maturing variety with a heavy set of ¼" fruits borne in trusses of 10-12. Excellent tomato flavor. Sprawling growth habit. Indeterminate, 75-80 days from transplant.  Characteristics:  Organic Bright yellow, ¼ inch fruits Excellent tomato flavor Fruits are borne in trusses of 10-12 Hundreds of fruits per plant Indeterminate - Fruit ripens throughout the season 75-80 days from transplant 25 Seeds in Packet Instructions - Sow seeds indoors ¼" deep. Tomatoes are sensitive to freezing temperatures, so wait to transplant outdoors until the soil is warm. Plant in full sun. Sow indoors 6 weeks before the last frost Germination 7-14 days Plant apart 24-36"  Support: Cage, stake, or trellis Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute suppliers based on availability
Currant Sweet Pea Tomato, organic $3.75
Not available for the 2024 Season The Seed Savers Exchange -  (Lycopersicon pimpinellifolium) The best red currant tomato we offer to gardeners. Hundreds of fruits per plant. Excellent tomato flavor with a hint of wine. Fruits are borne in trusses of 10-12 on plants with a spreading habit. Great for use as a garnish. Introduced by SSE in 2004. Indeterminate, 75-80 days from transplant. Characteristics:  Organic Bright red, ¼ inch fruits Excellent tomato flavor Fruits are borne in trusses of 10-12 Hundreds of fruits per plant Indeterminate - Fruit ripens throughout the season 75-80 days from transplant 25 Seeds in Packet Instructions - Sow seeds indoors ¼" deep. Tomatoes are sensitive to freezing temperatures, so wait to transplant outdoors until the soil is warm. Plant in full sun.  Sow indoors 6 weeks before the last frost Germination 7-14 days Plant Outdoors: 24-36” Apart Support: Cage, stake, or trellis Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute suppliers based on availability
David Davidson's Tomato, organic $3.75 $3.95
The Seed Savers Exchange - Given to SSE by member Robert Bell, who indicated the variety is a Tennessee heirloom from David Davidson. Mid-size orange globe tomatoes grow in clusters of up to 7 fruits. Variable shape with some ribbing and pointed tips. Great flavor with hints of citrus. Keeps well. Indeterminate, 90 days from transplant.  Characteristics:  Organic Fruits are variable in shape with some ribbing and pointed tips Clusters of up to 7 fruits Great flavor with hints of citrus Indeterminate - Fruit ripens throughout the season 90 days from transplant Instructions - Sow seeds indoors ¼" deep. Tomatoes are sensitive to freezing temperatures, so wait to transplant outdoors until the soil is warm. Plant in full sun. Sow indoors 6 weeks before the last frost Germination 7-14 days Plant apart 24-36"  Support: Cage, stake, or trellis Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute suppliers based on availability
Dester Tomato, Organic $3.75 $3.95
The Seed Savers Exchange - Winner of SSE’s 2011 Tomato Tasting and runner-up in 2012. Donated to SSE by Missouri farmer Larry Pierce, who received his seeds from an Amish woman in Seymour, Missouri. She originally got her seeds from a doctor she worked for whose family had brought the seeds with them from Germany. Luscious pink beefsteaks weighing up to one pound. Indeterminate, 70-80 days from transplant.   Characteristics:  Organic Winner of SSE’s 2011 Tomato Tasting and runner-up in 2012 Pink fruits grow up to 1 pound Excellent flavor Beefsteak tomato Indeterminate - Fruit ripens throughout the season 70-80 days from transplant  25 Seeds in Packet Instructions - Sow seeds indoors ¼" deep. Tomatoes are sensitive to freezing temperatures, so wait to transplant outdoors until the soil is warm. Plant in full sun. Sow indoors 6 weeks before the last frost Germination 7-14 days Plant Outdoors: 24-36” Apart Support: Cage, stake, or trellis Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute suppliers based on availability
Dr. Wyche's Yellow Tomato, Organic $3.75 $3.95
Seedsaver Exchange - Given to Seed Savers Exchange by the late Dr. John Wyche, one of Seed Savers Exchange’s earliest members. Dr. Wyche’s friend used to own Carson & Barnes Circus which overwintered in Hugo, OK. He fertilized his terraced mountaintop gardens with the elephant manure and scattered lion and tiger waste to keep out deer and rabbits. Heavy yields of one pound golden-yellow tomatoes. Meaty flesh and rich flavor. Characteristics:  75-85 days from transplant Conventional Indeterminate - Fruit ripens throughout the season Golden yellow fruits grow up to 1 pound Meaty flesh with good flavor 50 Seeds Instructions - Sow seeds indoors ¼" deep. Tomatoes are sensitive to freezing temperatures, so wait to transplant outdoors until the soil is warm. Plant in full sun. Sow indoors 6-8 weeks before last frost Germination 7-14 days Plant apart 24-36"  Plants need trellising or staking Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute suppliers based on availability
Earliana Tomato, organic $3.75
The Seed Savers Exchange - Standard early variety developed by George Sparks of Salem, New Jersey, and introduced in 1900 by Johnson and Stokes. Clusters of 4-5 ounce fruits. Very good flavor. Indeterminate, 80 days from transplant.  Characteristics:  Organic Clusters of 4-5 ounce fruits Very good flavor Indeterminate - Fruit ripens throughout the season 80 days from transplant 25 Seeds per packet Instructions - Sow seeds indoors ¼" deep. Tomatoes are sensitive to freezing temperatures, so wait to transplant outdoors until the soil is warm. Plant in full sun. Sow indoors 6 weeks before the last frost Germination 7-14 days Plant Outdoors: 24-36” Apart Support: Cage, stake, or trellis Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute suppliers based on availability
Early Abraham Lincoln Tomato Heirloom, Organic, 1975 $3.50 $3.75
Early Abraham Lincoln - This is the 1975 release of what is supposedly from the 1923 introduction of Abraham Lincoln by the Buckbee Seed Company. The Buckbee Seed Company stated their tomato is large and round, very productive and delicious. Another text has Abraham Lincoln having bronze foliage but Buckbee Seed never mentioned that. So who knows but we do know that this seed released in 1973 is delicious!  Organic & Open-Pollinated Indeterminate 16 oz fruit 76 Days 40-50 Seeds per Packet Instructions - Sow seeds indoors ¼" deep. Tomatoes are sensitive to freezing temperatures, so wait to transplant outdoors until the soil is warm. Plant in full sun. Sow indoors 6-8 weeks before last frost Germination 7-14 days Plant apart 24-36"  Plants need trellising or staking Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute suppliers based on availability
Eva Purple Ball Tomato, 1800's Heirloom $3.75
The Seed Savers Exchange - Brought from Germany in the late 1800s by the family of Joseph J. Bratka of Elmwood Park, New Jersey. Smooth, round 4-5 ounce blemish-free fruits with cherry red flesh. Very good flavor. Healthy plants and foliage does well in humid areas. Indeterminate, 75 days from transplant. ±11,100 seeds/oz. Characteristics:  Smooth, round fruits are blemish-free Fruits grow to 4-5 ounces Cherry red flesh Very good flavor Does well in humid areas Indeterminate - Fruit ripens throughout the season 75 days from transplant ±11,100 seeds/oz Instructions - Sow seeds indoors ¼" deep. Tomatoes are sensitive to freezing temperatures, so wait to transplant outdoors until the soil is warm. Plant in full sun. Sow indoors 6 weeks before the last frost Germination 7-14 days Plant Outdoors: 24-36” Apart Support: Cage, stake, or trellis Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute suppliers based on availability
Federle Tomato (Paste Tomato) from $3.75
The Seed Savers Exchange - Introduced to SSE in 1991 by R. W. Richardson of New York. Original seed obtained through a swap with a West Virginia gardener. Productive plants loaded with 7" long red paste tomatoes. Rich full flavor and few seeds. Excellent for processing, especially good for salsa. Indeterminate, 85 days from transplant. ±10,700 seeds/oz.  Characteristics:  Bright red fruits grow to 7 inches long Flavorful flesh with few seeds Excellent for processing, especially good for salsa Very productive Indeterminate - Fruit ripens throughout the season 85 days from transplant 35 seeds in packet Instructions - Sow seeds indoors ¼" deep. Tomatoes are sensitive to freezing temperatures, so wait to transplant outdoors until the soil is warm. Plant in full sun. Sow indoors 6 weeks before the last frost Germination 7-14 days Plant apart 24-36"  Support: Cage, stake, or trellis Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute suppliers based on availability
Garden Peach Tomato, Organic $3.50 $3.75
At Firefly Farm & Mercantile, this tomato doesn’t make it into the house too often and it sells out super fast every year!  Southern Exposure Seed Exchange- Garden Peach - This tomato truly resembles a peach. 2-3 oz fruits have a peach-like fuzz and are yellow, often with a hint of pink blush when fully ripe. Outstanding flavor. A good storage tomato if picked light green right before frost. Highly split-resistant. Vigorous vines bear until frost. Good Short Season Climates Organic & Open-Pollinated Indeterminate 73 Days .16grams or ~40-50 Seeds per Packet Instructions - Sow seeds indoors ¼" deep. Tomatoes are sensitive to freezing temperatures, so wait to transplant outdoors until the soil is warm. Plant in full sun. Sow indoors 6-8 weeks before last frost Germination 7-14 days Plant apart 24-36"  Plants need trellising or staking Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute suppliers based on availability
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