All products All All Lilies (Lillium family) Alliums (Ornamental) Amaranth (Flowering) Amaryllis Amazing Lesser Known Fall Bulbs Anemone Annuals and Tender Perennials AOA Hybrid Lily Arugula Asian Greens Asiatic Lilies Asparagus Asters Autumn Flowering Crocus Bachelor Buttons Bare Root Perennials Basil Beans Bearded Iris - Fall Bearded Iris - Spring Beets Begonias Black is always Trendy Bonnie’s Favorites Botanical Tulips Broccoli Brussels Sprouts Bulbs for Containers Bunch Flowering Daffodils Bunch Flowering Tulips Bush Beans Butterfly Daffodils Cabbage Calendula Calla Lillies Canna Carrot Cauliflower Celery Celosia Chamomile Chard Chionodoxa Chives Cilantro Cleomes Cold Hardy Plants Zone 1, 2, 3, or 4 Collards and Mustards Columbine Corn Cosmos Cotton Cowpea Cress Crocosmia Crocus Cucumber Cumin Daffodils & Narcissus Dahlia Seeds Dahlias Daisy Darwin Hybrid Tulips Daylily - Hemerocallis Deer, Rabbit and Rodent Resistant Dianthus Dill Double Daffodils Double Early Tulips Double Late Tulips Driftless Artisans Dutch & Specie Iris Dwarf Iris Collection Echinacea Edibles - Bare Roots, Garlic, and more Eggplant or Aubergine Emperor Tulips Endive Fall Flowering Crocus Fall Peonies (Bare root) Fall Planted Specialty Fall Planting Garden Bulbs Fava Beans Fennel Film Supplies & Vintage Film Firefly Farm & Mercantile Packed Seeds Flower Mixes Four-O-Clocks Foxglove Freesias Fringed Tulips Garden Bulbs for Containers! Garden Peony (lacftiflora) Garden Special Order Garden Tools, Accessories and Gifts Giant Allium Gift Boxes Gifts - Holidays, Birthdays and everything else Gladiolus Gourds Grains Green Tulips Gregii Tulip Ground Cherries Hardy Perennial Plant Starts and Plugs Hardy Perennials Hibiscus Hollyhocks Hot Peppers Hyacinth Hyssop Imperial Fritillaria Indigenous American Seeds Inside Winter Bulbs Itoh Peonies Jonquilla Daffodils Kale Kohlrabi LA Hybrid Lily Large Cupped Daffodils Large Flowering Crocus Larkspur Latest Arrivals - Flowers Latest Arrivals - Vegetables Lavender Leek Lettuce Lilies for Fall Lily - OT Hybrids Lily Flowering Tulips Lima Beans Lupine Marigolds Martagons Medicinals - Popular Herbs with Medicinal Properties Melon Microgreens Miniature Allium Miniature Daffodils Miniature Tulips Mint Mixed Collection Mixed Collection Mixed Daffodils Mixed Tulips Moon Gardens Morning Glory Muscari Mustard Mystery Seed Options Nasturtium Native Bulbs & Plants Native Flowers Native Grass Mixes Native Grasses Native Pollinator Flower Mixes Nature’s Nitrogen Fixers! Nicotiana (Flowering Tobacco) Nigella Often Overlooked Fall Favorites Okra Onions Orach Oriental Lilies Other Flower Seeds Other Unique Lilies Other Vegetable Seeds Overlooked Hardy Perennials Pansy & Viola Paperwhites Parrot Tulips Parsley Parsnips Pastured-Raised Poultry & Meat Patio Peonies Peas Peonies Peony (All) Peppers Pole Beans Pollinator Flower Mixes Poppy Popular Culinary Herbs Popular Spring Bulbs for Warm Climates (Zones 7-11) Pumpkins and Squash Radish Ranunculus Reblooming Bearded Iris Rose Lilies Roses (Local Pick up Only) Runner Beans Rutabagas Sage Salvia Scabiosa Seed Collections Gift Packs Seeds - Flowers Seeds - Herbs Seeds - Native Flowers and Grasses Seeds - Vegetables Sensory Garden Collection Shallots Single Early Tulips Single Late Tulips Small Cupped Daffodils Snapdragon Snowdrops Something Green.... in honor of Carson Dyke Sorghum Sorrel Southern Favorites (Fall Planting) Soybean Species Crocus Spinach Spring Planting Bulbs Spring Planting Specialty Bulbs Sprouts Squash and Pumpkins Standard Bearded Iris Stock Strawberries, Alpine Sunflowers Surprise Lilies Sweet Pea Flowers Sweet Peppers Tall Allium Tea Herbs Thyme Tiger Lily Tomatillo Tomato Tree Peony Triumph Tulips Trumpet Daffodils Trumpet Lily Tulips Tulsi Turnip Vegetable Seed Collections Vegetable Starts (Pick Up Only or Pre Orders for Special Event Verbenas or Vervains (all) Vervain (Native) Vining Annuals Watermelon Zinnias Zucchini
Black-Eyed Susan Vine Flower, Heirloom $3.75 $4.25
The Seed Savers Exchange - (Thunbergia alata) Also known as Clockvine. Native to tropical Africa. The formula mix of colors includes pure white, golden-orange, golden-orange with black centers, pure yellow, and yellow with contrasting black eyes. Great for hanging baskets, containers, or garden trellises. Very easy to start from seed, fast-growing, and quick to bloom. Grown as an annual in the North. Easy to start from seed Fast-growing and quick to bloom White, yellow, and golden-orange blossoms A great container or trellised flower Annual plants in northern climates 25 Seeds per packet Instructions: Sow seeds indoors just beneath the surface of the soil. Plant out after the danger of frost has passed and when nighttime temperatures are above 50°F. Start Indoors: 6-8 weeks before the last frost Germination: 10-20 Days Plant Outdoors: 12-18” Apart Light: Sun/Partial Shade Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute suppliers based on availability
Bling Bling Zinnia, Heirloom Mix $3.09 $3.39
Renee's Garden - Our own custom blend of the best cutting zinnias in a totally fabulous, sexy, fun trio of hot colors. Bling Bling offers double blossoms in bright rich orange, intense sunny yellow and a sultry violet/purple. When you cut a big bunch of these long stemmed flowers, they create their own instant bouquet in an eye-catching collage of color. These florist-quality 3 1/2 foot tall multi-branching beauties will yield armfuls of sensational flowers to celebrate summer all season long.  Characteristics:  Heirloom Mix Butterfly & Hummingbird favorites  Pollinators & Beneficials  Annual   Summer/fall bloom  Frost tender   500mg, 55-60 Seeds Instructions - To start in the garden, sow seeds in well-worked soil in full sun when the danger of frost is past and the weather is warm and above 50°F (10°C) both day and night. Space seeds 3 inches apart in rows 12 inches apart, cover about 1/2 inch deep, and gently firm the soil. Keep soil evenly moist while awaiting germination. To start early indoors, four weeks before the last frost date, sow seeds 1/2 inch deep and 3 inches apart in a container of seed starting mix. Keep warm and moist and provide a strong light source until seedlings are ready to plant outside when temperatures rise above 50°F (10°C) day and night. Space seedlings 12 inches apart when large enough to handle to give plants room to mature and provide good air circulation. Zinnias grow readily in ordinary garden soil in full sun. For large and abundant flowers, thin before seedlings get crowded; adequate spacing and regular, even watering help keep zinnias productive and discourage mildew. Pick when flower blossoms first open and petals are tight for the longest vase life. Cut long stems well back into the plant to keep plants branching low and producing the best blooms for summer-long bouquets.  Plant in April-June Full sun  Plant 1/2" deep  Space seeds 2-3" apart  Days to germinate: 5-10 days  Mature Height: 3-3.5 feet  Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute suppliers due to availability. 
Blue Boy Bachelor's Button Flower pre-1600 Heirloom $3.75 $4.25
Seed Exchange - This easy-to-grow, self-sowing annual bears consistently true-blue flowers that bloom throughout the growing season and are ideal for cutting and drying. This popular cottage garden plant grows 2-3' tall and was brought to America from Europe in the 17th century. Easy-to-grow Hardy annual plants grow to 2-3 feet Bright blue flowers bloom throughout the season Self-seeding 500 Seeds Instructions - Sow seeds outdoors in the early spring when the soil is still cool and light frost is possible. Can also be sown in the fall just before the ground freezes. Plants will tolerate poor soil. Good cutting flower. Sow 1/8" Deep Germination 7-15 days Plant 6-12" apart Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute seed vendors from time to time because of availability
Blue Celeste Sweet Pea, Exhibition Sweet Pea $3.39 $3.69
Renee's Garden -  The delicate soft shade of Celeste’s silky ruffled blooms reminds me most of the wonderful pale blue of my favorite spring iris. Blue Celeste’s alluring pastel blossoms are very perfumed and bloom abundantly, 4 to 5 to a stem. They make entrancing vase flowers with lovely luminous color, fragrance and form. You’ll have lots to cut as this British-bred specialty sweet pea offers a strong performance in the garden. These sweet blue flowers hold the eye and heart. Characteristics:  Early Blooming Sweet Peas  Large ruffled blooms Annual Climbing Vine  Soft watercolor shades  Lasting cut flowers  Approx 45-50 seeds   Instructions - Sweet peas must have well-drained soil, so dig deeply and enrich with aged manure or compost before sowing seeds. Erect a well-anchored trellis, vertical netting or other support for vines before planting. Sow seeds in full sun in cool early spring weather as early as the ground can be worked. In mild winter areas, where the ground does not freeze, plant in fall; seeds will germinate and form strong root systems, then overwinter to bloom strongly in spring. Plant sweet pea seeds 1 inch deep and 2 to 3 inches apart. When seedlings are 2 inches tall, thin them 4 to 5 inches apart, to allow plants room to mature.  Plant in: February - April  Full sun  Plant 1 inch deep  Plant 2-3 inches apart  12-20 days to germinate  Mature Height: 6-8 feet Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute suppliers due to availability. 
Blue Ensign Morning Glory Flower (Bush) $3.19 $3.39
EXCLUSIVE - Free-flowering Glacier Star is a reselected, antique cultivar whose dazzling blossoms are translucent baby blue overlaid with dark cerulean blue starred throats. This enchanting blue bicolor opens new flared 4-inch trumpet flowers each morning starting from midsummer. Glacier Star’s strong and sturdy vines of heart-shaped leaves twine effortlessly to cloak a gate, fence or trellis where they unfurl their skirts of beautiful blooms, creating a tranquil and old-fashioned ambiance. Self-seeding hardy annual plants grow vines of over 15 feet long Blue Bi-Color flowers Climbs trellises and support structures 1 gram or ~100 Seeds Instructions - Plant seeds outdoors after the last frost. Seeds can be slightly chipped and soaked in warm water for 24 hours before planting for better results. Prefers full sun and moist average soil. Sow 1/2" Deep Germination 5-21 days Thin 4-6" apart Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute seed vendors from time to time because of availability Please note: The Arizona Department of Agriculture prohibits the sale of any plant in the genus of Ipomoea, which includes Morning Glory.
Blue Point Bouquet Zinnia $2.79 $2.89
Blue Point Bouquet Zinnia has been renamed as Blue Ribbon Zinnia.  Renee's Garden - These lovely dahlia-flowered zinnias are wonderful cut flowers for summer-long bouquets, and bees and butterflies of all kinds love to visit them. Blooming nonstop with long-stemmed, densely petaled fully double flowers, they will stand up to summer rain and heat. Their radiant clear colors delight the eye in warm scarlet, bright orange, sunny yellow, pure white, rose pink and rich magenta. Plants bloom early and last all season until frost.  Characteristics:  Renee's Garden Exclusive  Annual  Attracts butterflies and bees  Radiant colors  Approx 110-115 seeds   Instructions - Sow seeds in a well-worked seedbed in full sun when the danger of frost is past and the weather is warm and above 50° both day and night. Space seeds 3 inches apart in rows 12 inches apart, cover about 1/2 inch deep, and gently firm soil. Keep soil evenly moist while awaiting germination.  Plant in: May - June  Full sun  Plant 1 inch deep  Plant 2-3 inches apart  7-10 days to germinate  Mature Height: 3 - 3.5 feet  Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute suppliers due to availability. 
Bridal Veil White Nigella, Heirloom, Cottage Classic $3.39 $3.69
Renee's Garden - This hard-to-find nigella has multifaceted 2-inch blossoms with pure white petals and deeply contrasting, striking black centers. These enticing flowers float above ferny green foliage and make good cut flowers for indoor bouquets. When the plentiful white blossoms fade, they are followed by very decorative spidery seedpods that are simple to air dry for handsome everlasting dried flower arrangements. Reliable Nigella is carefree and easy to grow in all climates. Heirloom  Cottage Classic Heirloom Self-seeding annual Instructions - Annual. Germination: 60°F, 21 days. Full sun. Direct sow once the days are in the 50's and 60's. Space 9 in. apart. 75 days. Self-sows readily. Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute seed vendors from time to time because of the availability
Bright Lights Blend Cosmos Flower, Organic $3.25 $3.55
Multitudes of flame-colored flowers on bushy plants. Golden-yellow, burnt orange and fiery-red petals cover these 2.5" wide fully double flowers. Excellent eye-catching border plant, and in pots and bouquets. Cosmos require little fertility or care, making them great for beginning gardeners. NOTE: This species is considered invasive in some states in the southeastern U.S. Check your region's invasive species list for full information.  Open-Pollinated Easy to grow Attracts bees 2-3' tall Annual Instructions - Sow seeds outdoors after the last frost. Cosmos prefer poor soil. They will thrive with very little attention and do not need a lot of water. Excellent cut flower. Remove spent blossoms regularly to prolong blooming. May require staking. Sow 1/" Deep Germination 3-10 days Scatter seeds and thin to 18" apart Full Sun to Partial Shade Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute seed vendors from time to time because of availability
Bunny Tails Flower $3.75 $3.95
The Seed Savers Exchange - (Lagurus ovatus) It is difficult, for gardeners of all ages, to resist touching this flower’s fluffy head, which is as soft as a bunny’s tail! Compact but showy, this annual ornamental grass is easily grown in a border, for use as a cut flower, or in a container. Drought-tolerant once established with a dwarf habit. Annual, 6-12" tall. Characteristics:  Annual plants grow to 6-12 inches tall Soft, tufted flower heads Tolerant of drought and dry conditions Good for ornamental plantings and container growing 250 Seeds per packet Instructions:  Sow seed indoors 1/4" deep. Plant out after the danger of frost has passed in late spring. Can also be directly sown outdoors 3 weeks before the last frost. Prefers light well-drained soil and will tolerate dry conditions. Start Indoors: 6-8 weeks before the last frost Germination: 15-21 Days Plant Outdoors: 4-6” Apart Light: Full Sun   Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute suppliers based on availability
Buttercream California Poppy $3.25
Buttercream California Poppy Seeds - This lovely and unusual California poppy has silky soft, buttercream colored blossoms. Easy to grow, the abundant paper-thin blossoms nod the in the wind and shine for weeks above mounded plants with feathery gray-green foliage. Like all California poppies, Buttercream is carefree and very forgiving of poor soil. Perfect for a neglected area or hard to cultivate slope or simply grow them for a joyful garden display with a natural ambience. Eschscholzia californica Characteristics:  Buttercream Yellow Blossoms Re-seeding annual  Tolerates poor soil  3-4' tall 78 days  2 grams (~1200 seeds) Instructions - This poppy is a hardy annual preferring full sun, well-drained sandy soil. It will do well in poor soils so do not fertilize.  Direct seed in fall for early summer blooms in zones 7-10, plant in spring for late summer blooms in all zones. The plant will be reseeded, but it is also helpful to gather some seeds to replant next year. Poppies can be started indoors as transplants but direct seeding is best and HIGHLY Recommended Direct Seed 1/4" deep Germination 10-15 days Thin 8-10" apart Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute seed vendors from time to time because of the availability
Buttercream Nasturtium (Mounding) $3.25 $3.45
Renee's Seeds - The lovely semi-double blossoms of this tropical-looking pastel variety seem to float over the pretty rounded green leaves that remind us of water lilies. Buttercream nasturtiums grow into a softly mounding form that drapes gracefully to fill in garden beds and borders. They are especially lush looking in window boxes and containers. The abundant creamy blossoms and deep green leaves make tasty edible garnishes. A customer favorite for many decades.   Characteristics:  Renee's Garden Exclusive  Annual  Creamy white  Approx 40 seeds   Instructions - Sow seeds in spring once all danger of frost is over in full sun (or part shade in hot climates). Nasturtiums need no added fertilizer in most soils. Poke seeds into well-worked soil about 1 inch deep and 3 to 4 inches apart. Press soil firmly over the seeds and keep moist. When seedlings are large enough to handle, thin to 10 inches apart so plants will have ample room to grow.  Plant in: April - June for cold winters or March - July for mild winters  Full sun or partial shade  Plant 1/4 inch deep  Plant 3-4 inches apart  9-12 days to germinate  Mature Height: 10-12 inches  Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute suppliers due to availability. 
Calendula Mixture Flower $3.75 $4.25
The Seed Savers Exchange - (Calendula officinalis) The spectacular colors and the array of petal formations in this flower mix make it a great choice for borders and mass plantings. This annual’s edible flowers—the petals are tangy and sweet—are also good for cutting and arranging. This European native has been used for thousands of years in creams to soothe irritated skin and resolve other inflammatory problems. Self-sowing hardy annual, 20-24" tall. Spectacular mix of colors and petal formations Self-sowing, hardy annual Plants grow to 20-24 inches tall Blossoms are edible Great for container gardens 250 Seeds  Instructions: Sow seeds indoors 1/4" deep. Transplant outdoors after the last frost. Can also be directly sown outdoors after the last frost. Prefers light well-drained soil and will tolerate dry conditions. Good cut flower. Calendula petals are edible and have a tangy slightly sweet flavor. Start Indoors: 6-8 weeks before the last frost Germination: 5-15 Days Plant Outdoors: 6-18” Apart Light: Sun/Partial Shade   Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute suppliers based on availability
California Bluebells, Native Flower to Western US from $3.00
Firefly Farm & Mercantile - California Bluebells are gems in the drought resistant gardens. They love the heat and provide masses of color in late spring through mid summer.  They are native to California and Arizona for drier desert climates. Once established they will reseed so you have blooms for years to come.   Botanical name: Phacelia campanularia Annual Full sun to partial shade is optimal Instructions: Sow seeds outdoors when the soil can be worked through early summer. Sow 1/4 deep to slightly cover them. They germinate in about 10-20 days.  Start Indoors: 4-6 weeks before the last frost Plant Outdoors: 8-10” Apart Light: Full Sun
California Orange Poppy, Organic $3.50
Simple, silky orange flowers accented by wispy blue-green foliage. High Mowing Organic Seeds - Prolific sun-loving blooms are very attractive in flower beds or naturalized in fields. Start transplants 2-3 weeks before last frost or direct sow after last frost 1/4" deep; transplant carefully and thin to a final spacing of 6" apart. Approx. 18,800 seeds/oz. Characteristics:  Organic, non-GMO, and open-pollinated  Naturalizes in poor, dry soil  8-12" tall  Re-seedling annual  60 days  1/64 oz  Instructions - This poppy is a hardy annual preferring full sun, well-drained sandy soil. It will do well in poor soils so do not fertilize.  Direct seed in fall for early summer blooms in zones 7-10, plant in spring for late summer blooms in all zones. The plant will be reseeded, but it is also helpful to gather some seeds to replant next year. Poppies can be started indoors as transplants but direct seeding is best Direct Seed 1/4" deep Germination 10-15 days Thin 8-10" apart Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute seed vendors from time to time because of the availability
California Poppy Mixture, 1815 Heirloom $3.75 $3.95
The Seed Savers Exchange - Producing a spectacular, long-lasting display of lively and colorful flowers, this self-sowing native poppy was documented on the Pacific coast by Dr. Johann Friedrich Eschscholtz, leader of a Russian expedition to the region in 1815. It was officially designated the state flower of California on December 12, 1890. Annual, 12-16" tall.  Self-seeding annuals Plants grow to 12-16 inches tall Mixture of bright colors Great for mass plantings Instructions: Direct seeding is preferable, as poppies do not like to have their roots disturbed. Sow seeds outdoors in the early spring when the soil is still cool and light frost is possible. Can also be sown in the fall just before the ground freezes. Plants will tolerate poor soil. Direct Seed: 1/4" Deep Germination: 10-15 Days Thin: 8-10" Apart Light: Full Sun Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute suppliers based on availability
Cathedral Bells Vine or Cup and Saucer Plant, Heirloom, Climbing $3.59 $3.99
Renee's Garden Seeds- This beautiful climber is also called “Cup and Saucer Vine” because the blossoms look for all the world like slender teacups sitting on dainty saucer-like green calyxes. The spectacular 2-inch bells with softly curving rims turn from creamy pale green to a striking rose-violet. Beginning midsummer, this vigorous flowering vine blooms for weeks when most other vines are on the wane. The beautiful blossoms are beacons for hummingbirds. This old-fashioned favorite was cherished by Victorian gardeners. .Botanical Name: Cobaea scandens racteristics:  Hardy Annual Purple Blossoms 10-20 Climbing Vine 1g, ~17Seeds per packet Instructions -Sow seed indoors in a warm place 6 to 8 weeks before night temperatures are reliably in the 50°F (10°C) range. Plant 2 seeds per individual 4 inch pot of seed starting mix. Maintain at 70-80°F (21-27°C). Keep moist but not soggy. Germination takes 10 to 21 days. Thin to strongest seedling per pot. Provide a strong light source until ready to go outside. When weather has warmed evenly, acclimate to outdoor conditions and carefully transplant 1 foot apart and 3 inches from supports. Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute seed vendors from time to time because of availability
Chater's Double Hollyhock Flower Mix, Old-Fashioned Favorite $3.75 $4.25
We love hollyhocks and this double mix is gorgeous! We offer this in packets and bulk arrives 2/1. The colors range in reds, pinks, yellows, and more. This is an iconic cottage style garden plant that will bring smiles to all your garden visitors. Double Hollyhocks like Chater's make an incredible cutflower as well.  The bright blooms attract polliantors and birds of all types.  Self-seeding biennial grows to 7 feet tall Mixture of colors Single blossoms Good for landscaping and ornamental gardens At least 25 Seeds Instructions - Instructions - Sow seeds outdoors one week before last frost. Give space to allow airflow, and grow in rich moist soil. Stake tall plants. Or Direct Seed 6-8 weeks before the last frost for blooms the same season.  Direct Seed 1/8" Deep Germination 10-14 days Thin 18-36" Apart Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute seed vendors from time to time because of availability
Cherries Jubilee Nasturtium (Mounding) $3.25 $3.45
Renee's Garden - These vibrant cherry-rose-colored nasturtiums are a special treat in the garden. Cherries Jubilee's soft, lipstick-colored flowers shade from light to deep rosy-red, a very unique hue for nasturtiums. These delicious blossoms glow in profusion above a sea of highly ornamental blue-green, lily-pad-shaped leaves. The free-flowering plants have a mounding habit, perfect to fill and soften garden beds or corners, cover bare spots, or cascade gracefully from your favorite patio pots or hanging baskets. Hummingbirds adore them.    Characteristics:  Renee's Garden Exclusive  Annual  Cherry-rose shades  Approx 20-25 seeds   Instructions - Sow seeds in spring once all danger of frost is over in full sun (or part shade in hot climates). Nasturtiums need no added fertilizer in most soils. Poke seeds into well-worked soil about 1 inch deep and 3 to 4 inches apart. Press soil firmly over the seeds and keep moist. When seedlings are large enough to handle, thin to 10 inches apart so plants will have ample room to grow.  Plant in: April - June for cold winters or March - July for mild winters  Full sun or partial shade  Plant 1/4 inch deep  Plant 3-4 inches apart  9-12 days to germinate  Mature Height: 10-12 inches  Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute suppliers due to availability. 
Chiffon Elegance Sweet Pea, Early Blooming $2.95 $3.25
Renee's Garden - Day-length neutral Elegance sweet peas are specially bred to reliably bloom several weeks earlier than any other sweet pea. Our Chiffon Elegance is a silky watercolor quartet of softly colored blossoms in pure white, deepest magenta-rose, soft shell pink, and gorgeous lavender. These large and beautifully formed ruffled flowers bloom on vigorous long stems for many weeks. The tall climbing vines produce a very long season of lightly fragrant enchanting blooms to enjoy in the garden and for endless lavish bouquets.  Characteristics:  Early Blooming Sweet Peas  Large ruffled blooms Annual Climbing Vine  Soft watercolor shades  Lasting cut flowers  Approx 45-50 seeds   Instructions - Sweet peas must have well-drained soil, so dig deeply and enrich with aged manure or compost before sowing seeds. Erect a well-anchored trellis, vertical netting or other support for vines before planting. Sow seeds in full sun in cool early spring weather as early as the ground can be worked. In mild winter areas, where the ground does not freeze, plant in fall; seeds will germinate and form strong root systems, then overwinter to bloom strongly in spring. Plant sweet pea seeds 1 inch deep and 2 to 3 inches apart. When seedlings are 2 inches tall, thin them 4 to 5 inches apart, to allow plants room to mature.  Plant in: February - April  Full sun  Plant 1 inch deep  Plant 2-3 inches apart  12-20 days to germinate  Mature Height: 6-8 feet Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute suppliers due to availability. 
Chima Family Heirloom Poppy, Organic $3.75 $3.95
Seed Exchange - The stunning double flowers of this breadseed poppy are coral-pink and reach 2-2 ½' tall. Valeria Dukelow donated this gorgeous poppy to Seed Savers Exchange in 2012 and has grown it in her Pittsburgh garden since the 1960s, when she obtained the seeds from her Romanian-born mother. All plant parts except the seeds are toxic. Botanical Name is Papaver somnifer Organic Stunning double dark pink to red blooms Grows 2 to 2.5 feet tall Blooms late June - July 200 Seeds Instructions - Direct seeding is preferable, as poppies do not like to have their roots disturbed. Sow seeds outdoors in the early spring when the soil is still cool and light frost is possible. Can also be sown in the fall just before the ground freezes. Plants will tolerate poor soil. Direct Seed 1/4" deep Germination 10-15 days Thin 8-10" apart Firefly Farm & Mercantile may substitute seed vendors from time to time because of availability
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